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Muhammad Mubashar | 03064589770

Objective: -
 I want to change my carrier to game development previously I have worked in .net technology
as to why I am changing fields because I want to follow my passion as a game developer in
the industry.

Education: -
 BS Computer Science | Superior University Lahore. (CGPA 3.32) - (2022)
 Intermediate | ICS | Superior College Lahore. (65%) - (2018)
 Matric| Computer| Worker Welfare High School Lahore. (75%) - (2016)

Academic Projects: -
 Simple Library Management System |Second Semester |Superior University |Lahore
Built Library Management System with Curd Operations Using File Handling | C++, OOP.
- (March, 2019)

 Quiz Management System |Fourth Semester |Superior University |Lahore

Built quiz management system which can create quiz question and post quiz to student and
generate pdf report. | Swing GUI builder, NetBeans, Java, SQL.
- (March ,2020)

Experience: -
 3 months of internship from HazelSoft (Feb 2022 to May 2022)
 7 months as Associate Software Engineer at NetSol (Aug 2022 to continue)

Skills: -
 React Js
 C#
 .Net Core
 Html, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Ajax
 Listening
 Communication
 Researching
 Reading
 Git & GitHub Desktop
 Unity Basic Concepts

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