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Republic of the Philippines

Western Mindanao State University

Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
Zamboanga City

Sustainable House Design

CE 134 – Building System Design

Santos, Jacob Zachary
Bernardo, Gericho Leonel
Zamora, Mardi Adrian
Jayari, Yazid
Caldea, Rio James
Columbres, Mark Ervins
Baddong, Raydin-Nur

Engr. Nurwin Adams Muhammad

CE - 134 Instructor

May 10, 2023


An approach to home construction known as sustainable house design puts occupant

well-being, environmental responsibility, and energy efficiency first. In order to lessen the

environmental impact of residential construction and provide residents with a healthy and

comfortable living environment, this involves the use of sustainable materials, passive solar

design, and energy-efficient technology. The long-term advantages, like as energy savings

and enhanced indoor air quality, outweigh the expenses even though sustainable building

design can initially be more expensive than conventional construction techniques. The lack of

understanding and the price, however, continue to be obstacles to the general adoption of

sustainable housing design. As a result, more research and instruction are required to promote

sustainable house design as a practical and ethical choice for residential construction.



INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................1

Background of the Study .........................................................................................1

Statement of the Problem.........................................................................................2

Objectives of the Study.............................................................................................3

Conceptual Framework...........................................................................................4

Scope and Limitation ...............................................................................................5

Definition of Terms...................................................................................................5

II. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE .......................................................................7


METHODOLOGY ..........................................................................................................12

Planning Phase .......................................................................................................12

Site Evaluation...........................................................................................12

Development of Construction Plans ........................................................15

Analysis Phase ........................................................................................................17

Life Cycle Analysis.....................................................................................17

Flowchart ................................................................................................................20


DISCUSSION ......................................................................................21

V. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ..............................................................30


Appendix A. Site Development Plan.....................................................................31

Appendix B. Floor Plan .........................................................................................32

Appendix C. Elevation...........................................................................................33

Appendix D. Plumbing Elevation ..........................................................................35

Appendix E. Energy Distribution Plan ..................................................................35

Appendix F. Solar Panel System (Plan).................................................................36

Appendix G. Bill of Quantities...............................................................................37

Appendix H. Documentations................................................................................42

Chapter I


Background of the Study

An assessment of the situation of housing today, its effects on the environment, and

the need for sustainable housing solutions are often included in sustainable house design.

This could contain data on the energy use, carbon emissions, and waste generation associated

with conventional housing construction. A discussion of the financial and social advantages

of sustainable housing, such as lower energy costs, better indoor air quality, and greater

tenant health and well-being, may also be included. The context may also emphasize current

developments and trends in sustainable house design, as well as potential difficulties and

adoption hurdles. The overall goal of the study's background is to place the research in its

proper context and to show the importance and relevance of sustainable housing design.

Green buildings offer the same advantages as traditional buildings, while also protecting the

environment, enhancing human health and well-being, and preserving valuable resources like

water and energy. In some instances, green buildings can even revitalize natural systems by

safeguarding habitats, purifying water, or harnessing renewable energy.

Statement of the Problem

Even though sustainable housing has many advantages, there are still obstacles

preventing it from being widely used in residential building. These obstacles include a lack of

awareness, a high initial cost, and a lack of readily accessible sustainable materials and

technologies. In order to suit the demands of both residents and the local community,

sustainable housing design must also strike a balance among its environmental, economic,

and social components. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to address these issues and

pinpoint tactics for advancing sustainable home design.

However, if the proposed location for the small house does not meet the criteria for

sustainable house design, this could be problematic. To avoid this issue, the researchers must

collect data and address the following questions:

1.) Does the suggested location meet the requirements for sustainable house design?

2.) What are the characteristics of a sustainable house design?

3.) How can we integrate sustainable design into the small house?

Objectives of the Study

The objectives of a study on sustainable house design may vary depending on the specific

research questions and scope of the study. However, here are some possible objectives:

 To identify the key principles and features of sustainable housing design.

 To produce a floor plan and elevation drawing of the house.

 To know the quality of life of having a sustainable house.

Conceptual Framework


Enumerate the
Key principles Outline of the
requirement for
and features of proposed Sustainable
designing a
sustainable design of the House
house. house.

Floor plan and

Produce a floor Characteristics
Technical Elevation
plan and of the
Specification drawing of the
elevation sustainable
of the house. Sustainable
drawing. house.

Know the
Quality of Benefits of
benefits of Quality
Sustainable Sustainable
sustainable Analysis.
House. House
Scope and Limitations

This research is constrained to the development of a sustainable housing design for a

small dwelling, taking into account environmental factors, local zoning ordinances, and

building codes. This entails conducting research on the local climate, sun exposure, and soil

quality, as well as any regulations specific to the area that may affect the house's design and


Definition of Terms

Sustainable Dwelling - A type of residential building that is designed with the goal of

optimizing the use of energy and water, while also ensuring durability and utilizing low-

impact, high-performance materials. The aim of sustainable housing is to achieve a high level

of well-being, including comfort, security, privacy, and health, while leaving the smallest

possible ecological footprint.

Eco-friendly House - A residential structure that is constructed using sustainable materials

and pre-engineered methodology, resulting in a lower carbon footprint. Eco-friendly

buildings are a prime example of construction practices that benefit the community in the

long term.

Green Building - A type of structure that is designed to reduce its impact on the environment

by being resource-efficient and environmentally responsible throughout its life cycle. Green

buildings offer similar benefits to traditional buildings, while also protecting the

environment, improving human health and well-being, and conserving valuable resources like
water and energy. Green buildings can also regenerate natural systems by preserving habitats,

purifying water, or utilizing renewable energy.

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature

The article titled "A Cost-Benefit Analysis of a Green Building: Case Study" presents

a case study of a sustainable house design, analyzing the costs and benefits associated with

constructing a green building. Despite the higher initial cost, the study concludes that

sustainable homes provide benefits such as energy savings, increased comfort, and improved

air quality that outweigh the costs in the long run. Hansen, R. L., & Patnaikuni, I. (2014). A

Cost-Benefit Analysis of a Green Building: Case Study. Procedia Engineering, 77, 113-120.

In the article "Sustainability in Housing: A Review of Literature," the authors review

existing literature on sustainable housing, focusing on the environmental, economic, and

social aspects of sustainable housing design. They suggest that sustainable housing can

contribute to economic prosperity, environmental sustainability, and the well-being of

occupants. Rahman, A. H. M. M., Al-Mamun, M. A., & Sadiqul Islam, M. D. (2018).

Sustainability in Housing: A Review of Literature. Journal of Environmental Science and

Natural Resources, 10(2), 139-145.

The article titled "Sustainable Housing Design: Opportunities and Constraints"

explores the challenges and opportunities of sustainable housing design, emphasizing the

importance of considering occupants' needs, the site-specific context, and the use of

environmentally responsible materials and construction techniques. Lopez, G. (2010).

Sustainable Housing Design: Opportunities and Constraints. Architectural Science Review,

53(2), 81-92.

In "Green Building Practices in Residential Construction," the author examines the

drivers and barriers to the adoption of green building practices in residential construction.

While green building practices are becoming more common, the study finds that barriers such

as lack of awareness and cost still hinder the widespread adoption of sustainable housing

design. Anderson, S. (2016). Green Building Practices in Residential Construction. Journal of

Construction Engineering and Management, 142(5), 1-9.

As per the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Green buildings are

constructed to decrease the negative impact of buildings on both the environment and human

health. According to EPA data, buildings consume a significant amount of resources, such as

68% of total electricity consumption, 39% of total energy consumption, and 12% of total

water consumption. By utilizing sustainable designs and energy-efficient systems and

materials, the carbon footprint can be reduced, and the limited natural resources can be

conserved, which is essential for sustainable small house design. The principles of passive

design, energy efficiency, water conservation, construction materials, greenhouse design,

quality, and healthy design must be thoroughly researched to align with the Sustainable

Development Goals. ( De Villa, 2021)

Finally, "Life Cycle Assessment of Sustainable Housing in Iran" presents a life cycle

assessment of sustainable housing in Iran, evaluating the environmental impact of different

construction materials and techniques. The study concludes that sustainable housing design

can significantly reduce the environmental impact of residential construction, with the use of
sustainable materials and efficient energy systems having the greatest impact. Roufechaei, K.

M., Eftekhari, M., & Moghadam, M. R. (2014). Life Cycle Assessment of Sustainable

Housing in Iran. Energy and Buildings, 82, 441-449.

Chapter III


Research Design
Research Locale
Research Instrument
Data Collection

Process for Designing a Sustainable House:

Data Analysis

Chapter IV

Results and Discussion

Chapter V

Conclusion and Recommendations

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