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*-------- is the variable that is systematically manipulated by the researcher*

*Ans: Independent variable*

*------------- is interested in determining the effect of another variable is*

*Ans: independent variable*

*--------is a variable that the researcher measures to determine the effect of the independent variable*

*Ans: dependent variable*

*We have -----types of data*

*Ans : 2 types of data*

*We have ------- sources of data*

*Ans : 2*
*Types of data are--------*

*Qualitative data and quantitative data*

*Sources of Data are-------*

*Primary source of data*

*Secondary source of data*

*Quantitative are ------*

*Ans *Numerical*

*Qualitative are --------*

*Ans: Non numerical*

*Qualitative deals with attribute eg beautiful, intelligence, etc*

*Quantitative deals with numbers eg total number of students in the class total number of workers in
my industry*

*Another name for class size is also called --------*

*Ans : Class width* eg 10-20,30-40 size is 10.

*The difference between the upper class and the lower class is what ----*

*Ans: Class interval* eg 10-20 (20-10=10) don't be confuse o

Class interval/class width/class size are the same

*When something occurs corresponding or repeatedly just know that it is frequency*

*------- is the half way between the lower and upper class limits if a class intervals*

*Ans: midpoints*

*1/2 way means*

*( lower class + upper *class divided by 2*

*------- means the upper limit of a class is the same as the same of the lower class of the next class*

*Ans : Exclusive method*

Eg 10-20,20-30,30-40 etc.
*----------- means the upper limits of one class is included in that class itself*

*Ans: inclusive method*

Eg 10-20,21-31 etc

*Just know that the upper limits is not the same as the lower limits of the next class*

*10-20 what is the lower limits class and upper limit class??

*the lower class is -------*

*Ans : 10*

*The upper limits class -----*

*Ans: 20*

*The exclusive method uses -------*

*Ans : Continuous variable*

*The inclusive method uses the*--------

*Ans--- discrete data*

*----- sturge rule is calculated as*

*Ans: 1+3.322Log N*

*N represent the number of class*

*-------are the lowest and the highest values that can be included in the class*

*Ans: Class limits*

*The relative frequencies would always be equal to --------*

*Ans 1*

*The percentage frequency is always gotten by------*

*multiplying the class relative frequencies by 100%*

*Polygon is a -------*
*Shape -- ended shape*

*Study of one variables is called -------*

*Ans: Univariate*

*Study of two variables is called*------

*Ans : Bi-variate*

*A distribution that has three modes is called a -------*

*Ans: Trimodal*

*--------------- is a distribution that have no mode at all*

*Ans: Rectangular distribution*

*Frequencies listed in a table is a called-----*

*Ans : Cumulative frequency curve table*

*----------can take any values within a range of values*

*Ans Continuous variable*

*---------variables can only take certain values*

*Ans: Discrete*

*-----is the frequency graph of a series*

*Ans: Ogive or cumulative frequency

*Two methods of constructing OGIVE they are ----%-----*

*Ans : Less than method (ascending method / rising)*

*The more than method (Declining curve )*

*Range is---------*
*Ans: Difference between the highest and the lowest or largest and the smallest*

*when two values occur twice in a given distribution it is called -----*

*Ans: Binomial distribution* eg2,2,3,3,5

2 and 3 are occurring twice

*Classification of data include--------*

*Ans: time*

*Geographical location*



*Data can be presented in --------- ways*

*Ans: 3 Ways*

*---------- refers to an exhibition or putting up of data in an attractive and useful manner*

*Ans: Presentation*
*------------ is a visual display of data and statistical results*

*Ans: Graphical representation*

*X in the Cartesian plane means what -----*-

*Ans: Abscissa*

*Y in the Cartesian plane means*

*Ans: coordinate*

*Bar charts is spitted into ---------- charts*

*Ans 3 Charts*

We have simple bar chart

*Components bar chart* and *multiple bar chart*

*------------ method is made up of two or more components*

*Ans : Multiple bar charts*

*The component are either shown by different shades or colours*

*Bars are constructed side by side to

represent the set of values for comparison is known as -------------*

*Ans: Multiple bar charts*

*------------- are different patterns or colours with a proper index*

*Ans: Components bar charts*

*Fuoye ICT have not upgraded in displaying pictures*

*Total degree that made up an angle is ----------*

*Ans: 360°*

*--------- uses picture to represent a data*

*Ans: Pictogram*

*Another name for pictogram is called-------*

*Ans: Cartogram*
*----------graph is obtain by joining The midpoints of the bars of the histogram of a frequency

*Ans: Frequency polygon*

*The graph of a cumulative distribution is called --------*

*Ans: cumulative frequency curve or ogive*

*Another name for ogive is called--------*

*Ans: Cumulative frequency curve*

*-------- charts is always used in industry and commerce*

*Ans: Z- Chart*

*Ogives for more than type and less than type distribution

intersects at*--------

*Ans: Median*
*The highest number that occurs most is*-------

*Ans: mode*

*Index number is a-----*

*(a) measure of relative changes*

*(b) a special type of an average*

*(c) a percentage relative*

*(d) all the above*

*The Answer is D*

*--------measures differences in the magnitude of a group of related variables*

*Ans: index number*

*Po means -------*

*Price of the base year*

*P1 means*

*Price of the current year*

*Q0 means -----*

*ANS : quantity of the base year*

*Q1 means --------*

*Quantity of the current year*

*If you didn't see any number (0 or 1 ) just know is price and quantity

*------_ method is used to construct price level when the total of the current year is divided by the base

*Ans : Simple aggregative method*

*----------- method uses base period quantities as weights*

*Laspeyres formula*

*------------ formula uses given period quantities as weights*

*Ans: paasche method*

*The weighted price index is classified into ---------*

*Ans; Laspeyres and paasche*

*2021and 2022what is The base year and the current year -----*

*ANS: 2021is the base year while 2022 is the current year*
*---------- us a tentative statement about two or more variable that permits empirical testing is*

*Ans: Hypothesis*

*The study of hypothesis direct and guide the researcher*

*----------- hypothesis shows no relationship between variables*

*Ans: Null hypothesis*

*-------- shows relationship between variables*

*Ans: alternate hypothesis*

*The relationship of variable talks about directional and non directional*

*Smoking is a bad omen (Non directional )*

*Smokers are liable to die young ( directional) it is showing a relationship*

*Higher level of income will lead to higher levels of unemployment(Directional)*

*Levels of income are related to levels of expenditure ( non directional)*

*Hypothesis is also called ------*

*Ans: Probability*

*H0 means -------*

*: Null hypothesis*

*H1 means ----------*

*Ans Alternate hypothesis*

*Hypothesis is based on -----------*

*Sample evidence and the theory of probability*

*You can carry out an hypothesis by guessing that people who wore glasses are intelligent then select
few portion of people who wear glasses and test them from there you can generalized*

*------ reject a null hypothesis despite it's true*

*Ans: Type 1 error*

*When a researcher accept a null hypothesis despite it's a false it is called*--------

*Ans: Type 2 error*

*Normal distribution is also known as -------*

*Ans: Gaussian or bell-shaped* note that it is symmetrical

*-------- shows the relationship between variables (X and Y)*

*Eg height, weights etc*

*Ans: Correlation*

*Spearman correlation is also called -------*

*Ans : Rank order correlation*

*A correlation coefficient with -1 means -------*

*Ans: it is a negative value which one variable increase will cause the other variable to decreases*

*A correlation coefficient with +1 means-----*

*Ans: means there is a perfect and positive correlation in which an increase will cause the other variable
to increase*

*When the correlation value is zero(0) it means ---*

*Ans: there is no relationship between the variables*

*Chi square is also called ----*

*Ans: Goodness of fit*

*Chi square is also pronounced as------*

*Ans: Khai not sky

*------------ compares the discrepancies that exist between the observed and expected results*

*Ans: Chi square*

*O means : observed*

*E means expected results*

*Chi square is also----*

*Ans : test for independence* not independent ooo🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹

*Chi square is also a degree of freedom*

*-------- a very small chi square test means that*

*Ans : our observed data fit our expected data extremely well*

*a very large Chi square test statistics means-----*

*Ans : the data does not for very well* you can can reject the null hypothesis
*---------- us a tentative statement about two or more variable that permits empirical testing is*

*Ans: Hypothesis*

*The study of hypothesis direct and guide the researcher*

*----------- hypothesis shows no relationship between variables*

*Ans: Null hypothesis*

*-------- shows relationship between variables*

*Ans: alternate hypothesis*

*The relationship of variable talks about directional and non directional*

*Smoking is a bad omen (Non directional )*

*Smokers are liable to die young ( directional) it is showing a relationship*

*Higher level of income will lead to higher levels of unemployment(Directional)*

*Levels of income are related to levels of expenditure ( non directional)*

*Hypothesis is also called ------*

*Ans: Probability*

*H0 means -------*

*: Null hypothesis*

*H1 means ----------*

*Ans Alternate hypothesis*

*Hypothesis is based on -----------*

*Sample evidence and the theory of probability*

*You can carry out an hypothesis by guessing that people who wore glasses are intelligent then select
few portion of people who wear glasses and test them from there you can generalized*

*----------- procedures is used to summarise,analyse and interpret information or what we observe in

order to make meaning of our observations*
*Ans: Statistics*

*-----------ensure that data collected in research are analysed,presented and interpreted accurately and
informatively is called*

*Ans: Statistics*

*--------- defined statistics as a science of counting*

*Ans: A.L Bowley*

*Statistics may be defined as the science of collection,presentation analysis and* *interpretation of

numerical data from the logical analysis*

*This definition was made by ------%--------*

*Ans: Croxton and cowden*

*Questions by @Amazingbrain*🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣

*The first stage of Statistics is called*

*Ans: Collection of data*

*According to Croxton we have Four stages of statistics*

*Ans: Collection of data*

*Presenting of data*

*Analysing of data*

*Interpreting of data*

*ANOVA means --------*

*Ans: Analysis of variance*

*Statistics is a --------- word*

*Ans: Latin word*

*Statistics is derives from------*

*Ans: Status meaning political state*

*Descriptive and Inferential Statistics are types of Statistics??True/False*

*Ans: True*

*------------Statistics are numbers that are used to summarise and describe data*

*Ans: Descriptive Statistics*

*Pieces of information are called --------*

*Ans: Data*

*One piece of information is called -----*

*Ans: Datum*

*Descriptive Statistics involve generalization?? TRUE/FALSE*

*Ans: FAlSE*

*it is Inferential that involved generalization or conclusion

*---------statistics allows the researcher to infer or draw conclusions or make decision about the
population from sample data*

*Ans: Inferential Statistics*

*-------- are individuals objects or scores at a geographic area that the researcher is interested in

*Ans: Population*

*---------are raw facts,numbers or measurement used to represent or quantify observations during

research is*
*Ans: Data*

*Census is usually conducted every ------ years*

*Ans: 10 years ooooo*

*-------- examine every person or item in the population we wish to study or decribe*

*Ans: Census*

*We use ---------- when it is not possible to measure every item in the Population*

*Ans: Sampling*

*The measurement that are made on the subjects of an experiment are called*----?

*Ans: Data*

*---------- is originally measured are often referred to as raw or original sources*

*Ans: Data*

*data can be measured and they are raw facts which means it has to be analyses properly and deriving
conclusion just like raw rice you have to cook it before you eat it*
*The total number of units in a population is called*-------

*Ans: Population size*

*Total number of students present class is a type of -------*

*Ans: Finite population*

*Total number of stars in the heaven is an example of ----------*

*Ans: infinite population*

*information on population can be collected in ------ ways*

*Ans: 2 ways*

*i Census method*

*ii Sample method*

*Note census deals with every one or units or person in a population while sample deals with a portion
taken from a population to generalized the states of others*

*The characteristics of a Population is called a --------*

*Ans: parameters*
*The characteristics of a sample is called---*

*Ans: Statistics*

Note : after collecting the (sample) you have to summarise,analyse, interpret that is Statistics

*Population has different geographical area you have to investigate probably Ekiti,Lagos,ondo that is
called parameters*

*The difference between a population parameter and a sample statistics is called -------------*

*Ans : Sampling error*


*When the sample does not match with the entire population it is called sampling error*

*------------ is any property or characteristics of some events,objects,or person that may have different
values at different time*

*Ans : Variable*

*-------- are characteristics that changes or varies*

*Ans: Variables*

*According to the FSS lecturer we have ------- types of variables*

*Ans: 3 types of variables*

*Independent variable*

*Dependent variable*

*Extraneous variable*

*Another name for independent variable is



*Another name for dependent variable is called*

*Ans: Outcome variables* *they are depending on the IV they can me measured oooo*

*Another names for Extraneous variables is confounding oooo*

*The effect of Effective alcohol on poor Test performance ??? Identify the IV and the DV*

*IV means Independent variable while DV means dependent variable*

*The IV here is Effective alcohol because it is independent and the researcher can use it to manipulate
the experiment*

*by taking 4 peoples and sustaining them with alcohol to know their performance on test if they will be
pass or not due to the alcohol, and deriving conclusion if 3/4 people fail the test or otherwise.

*The DV means the outcome or result that is the Poor Test performance* *it is depending on the IV
that is to say that the reason why there is poor test performance was because of the effective alcohol*

*-----------sources of Data indicates that the researcher is the first to obtain the data*

*Ans : Primary data*

*------------ sources of data that the researcher obtain which has been collected by other sources are*

*Ans: Secondary data*

*---------- variable influences the relationship between dependent variable and independent variable*

*Ans: intervening (Mediating) variable*

*If you didn't see this there just slap the computer to give you extraneous variable*

*------- refers to the rules that describe the properties of numbers or the rules defining the process of
assigning the value*
*Ans: Scale/Levels of measurement*

*The best level of scales is the -------*

*Ans: Ratio scale*

*---------- scale have absolute zero*

*Ans: Ratio Scale*

*Another name for Nominal Scale is called* ------

*Ans: Categorical variables*

*---------uses numbers to to classifies someone something,persons,or objects into two or more


*Ans : Nominal scale*

*Any of the definitions you see between this two here just blow your computer screen to choose
nominal scale*

*-------- uses numbers or code to identifies purpose but don't have a rank order*

*Ans: Nominal scale*

*How many levels of scale do we have -------- we have ??*

*Ans: we have 4 level of scales*

*The first levels of scale is -------*

*Ans: Nominal scale*

*The second levels of scale is ------*

*Ans: Ordinal scale*

*The third levels of scale is -----*

*Ans : interval scale*

*The last levels of scale is------*

*Ans: Ratio*

Know this oooo hmmmm

*Another name for qualitative data/Variable is -------*

*Categorical data/Variable*

*Another name for quantitative variable /data Is called-----*

*Ans: Number/Numerical*

*Standard deviation*

*Mean deviation*


*Karl Pearson& spearman*

*Chi- square*

*Mean median mode of both grouped and ungrouped data*

*--------measures differences in the magnitude of a group of related variables*

*Ans: index number*

*Po means -------*

*Price of the base year*

*P1 means*
*Price of the current year*

*Q0 means -----*

*ANS : quantity of the base year*

*Q1 means --------*

*Quantity of the current year*

*If you didn't see any number (0 or 1 ) just know is price and quantity

*------_ method is used to construct price level when the total of the current year is divided by the base

*Ans : Simple aggregative method*

*----------- method uses base period quantities as weights*

*Laspeyres formula*

*------------ formula uses given period quantities as weights*

*Ans: paasche method*

*The weighted price index is classified into ---------*

*Ans; Laspeyres and paasche*

*2021and 2022what is The base year and the current year -----*

*ANS: 2021is the base year while 2022 is the current year*

*------ reject a null hypothesis despite it's true*

*Ans: Type 1 error*

*When a researcher accept a null hypothesis despite it's a false it is called*--------

*Ans: Type 2 error*

*Normal distribution is also known as -------*

*Ans: Gaussian or bell-shaped* note that it is symmetrical

*-------- shows the relationship between variables (X and Y)*

*Eg height, weights etc*

*Ans: Correlation*

*Spearman correlation is also called -------*

*Ans : Rank order correlation*

*A correlation coefficient with -1 means -------*

*Ans: it is a negative value which one variable increase will cause the other variable to decreases*

*A correlation coefficient with +1 means-----*

*Ans: means there is a perfect and positive correlation in which an increase will cause the other variable
to increase*

*When the correlation value is zero(0) it means ---*

*Ans: there is no relationship between the variables*

*Chi square is also called ----*

*Ans: Goodness of fit*

*Chi square is also pronounced as------*

*Ans: Khai not sky

*------------ compares the discrepancies that exist between the observed and expected results*

*Ans: Chi square*

*O means : observed*

*E means expected results*

*Chi square is also----*

*Ans : test for independence* not independent ooo🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹

*-------- a very small chi square test means that*

*Ans : our observed data fit our expected data extremely well*

*a very large Chi square test statistics means-----*

*Ans : the data does not for very well* you can can reject the null hypothesis

For more info you can call or chat me on 08163957144

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