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School España National High School Grade Level 11

GRADE 1 to 12 Teacher John Denver R. De la Cruz Learning Area ORAL

Teaching Dates and Time Daily (January 9-13, 2023) Quarter 2

A. Content Standard The learner realizes the rigors of crafting one’s speech.
B. Performance Standard The learner shall be able to:
1. Proficiently delivers various speeches using the principles of effective speech delivery.

C. Learning Uses principles of effective speech writing focusing on:

Competency/Objectives • Audience Profile
• Logical Organization
• Duration
• Word Choice
• Grammatical Correctness
• Articulation
• Modulation
• Stage Presence
• Facial Expression, Gestures and Movements
• Rapport with the Audience

Principles in Speech Writing: Principles in Speech Writing: Principles in Speech Writing Principles in Speech Writing
Duration and Word of Choice Duration and Word of Choice At the end of the lesson, the At the end of the lesson, the
At the end of the lesson, the At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: students should be able to:
students should be able to: students should be able to: 1. Create a speech that 1. Create a speech that
1. Analyze the 2. Analyze the consider the principles consider the
importance of importance of in writing a speech. principles in writing a
duration and word of grammatical (Performance Task) speech.
choice in writing a correctness in writing a (Performance Task-
speech. speech. Evaluating and

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learners’ materials pages NONE NONE
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource Module Module
B. Other Learning Resource Power point Presentation & Power point Presentation &
Visual aids Visual aids
A. Reviewing previous Review the previous lesson. Review the previous lesson.

lesson or presenting Sharing of what they read Sharing of what they read
present lesson. about the lesson. about the lesson.

B. Establishing a purpose Asking Questions The teacher prepared different

for the lesson sentences and the students
1. What happened to identify if the grammar used is
the audience if the correct.
speech of the Sentences:
speaker is too long? 1. Anna and Pat are
2. Why speaker married; he has been
consider the duration together for 20 years.
in writing his/her 2. I fed all of her fish, then
speech? cleaned its tank.
3. How word of choice 3. When the girls on the
affects the emotions team got to the hotel,
of the audience? they dropped off her
4. Is it necessary that luggage.
the speaker need an
extravagant word in Guide Questions:
writing a speech? 1. What happened if the
sentence of the
speech is

2. Is grammatical
correctness being
important in writing a
speech? Why or why
C. Presenting examples/ Oral Activity Group Activity
instances of the new
lesson Creating an oral story base 1. The students will be
on the given picture. All group into four groups.
students of the class need to 2. The teacher prepared
share to make the story of a wrong grammar
whole class develop. In sentence.
creating a story, they need to 3. In every group they
follow the following rules: need representative to
1. The duration of the give the correct
story is only 3 minutes grammar of the given
maximum. sentences.
2. Use an appropriate 4. Once the 1st
word. representative is done
the next representative
Guide Questions will be the next to
1. What did you answer the next given
observe while sentence.
creating a story by 5. The group who got the
group collaboration? highest score is the
2. Is using of words has winner.
an impact to the
C. Discussing new No matter how long the Using correct grammar when
concepts and speech is, always divide it into you give a speech is important
practicing new five parts: an introduction, to prevent misunderstanding
skills #1 the body (paragraph 2, and misinterpretation between
paragraph 3, and paragraph you and the audience. Good
4) and a conclusion. This command of the language
format is adaptable to a helps listeners understand you
speech of almost any length. quickly. Grammar
By doing this, you can inconsistencies slow down the
actually monitor the time and communication process and
length of your speech or the generate negative impressions
so-called Duration. Most for the audience, as your ideas
experts say that the ideal and thoughts are not clear and
length of speech is up to 20 coherently conveyed.

Introduction: 2 minutes (250

Body: Point 1: 5 minutes (625
Point 2: 5 minutes (625 words)

Point 3: 5 minutes (625 words)

Conclusion: 3 minutes (375
Total word count: 2,500 words
(20 minutes)

E. Discussing new There are a lot of

concepts and practicing vocabularies available to
new skills #2 describe one's idea.
However, the speaker should
carefully use the correct word
in writing the speech. The use
of conversational language
helps put the audience feel
at ease and creates a special
bond between the speaker
and the audience. However,
there are things that you
should consider in choosing
your words.
The following words should
be avoided in a written
speech. (Tandoc, 2016)
a. Jargons or technical
terms specific only for a
group of people
b. Redundancy or excessive
repetition of words
c. Language inappropriate
for the audience
d. Language inappropriate
for the occasion

Jargons are specific words or

phrases used by a certain
individual or
group which are difficult for
others to understand.
For example, the word
idiopathic (which means
unknown cause) and
hyperventilate (rapid
breathing) are jargons
because they are technical
in medical fields. The word
affidavit (sworn) and
circumstantial (specific
details) are heard commonly
in legal aspect or terms in the
field of Law.
These words can be
confusing if you are speaking
in front of a general crowd
or audience.
F. Developing mastery Asking Questions: Asking Question:
(Leads to formative 1. Why duration is very 1. How speaker analyze
assessment 3) important in writing a that his/her written
speech? speech is

2. Why speaker need grammatically

to analyze if the word correct?
of choice the he/she
used in writing a
speech is important?
G. Finding practical If you are a listener or an Video presentation about in
applications of concepts audience and the speech of writing a speech focusing on
and skills in daily living the speaker is too long and grammatical correctness.

you cannot understand what

he/she what saying in his/her
speech because the words
are too deep. What will you
do in that situation?
H. Making generalizations
and abstractions to the Call students to give their 1. What did you learn in
lesson learning for the day. our discussion?
2. What do you felt while
learning this lesson?
I. Evaluating learning Answer the following question Direction: Below is a paragraph Instruction: Instruction:
base on your understanding that is full of errors. There may In 300 to 500 words, write a In 300 to 500 words, write a
to the lesson. be spelling, punctuation, short speech about any of the short speech about any of
capitalization, or grammar topics you want. Make sure you the topics you want. Make
What do you think will possibly errors. Rewrite the paragraph have an introduction, body, sure you have an
happen if the speaker correcting all the errors. and conclusion. Be prepared introduction, body, and
unconsciously put some to deliver your speech in class. conclusion. Be prepared to
jargons and technical terms Paragraph: Before the deliver your speech in class.
in his or her writing speech? At the start of school Dora was speech presentations, find Before the
afrad of her new Teacher. Mrs. a partner speech presentations, find
Davis seamed nice, but she who will evaluate your a partner
had so manny rules for the speech, and vice-versa. Use who will evaluate your
class to folow. Scare someone the rubrics on evaluating the speech, and vice-versa. Use
to pieces. As the school year speech. the rubrics on evaluating the
cotinued, Dora begun to speech.

understan how the Teacher Submit two versions of your

come up with the rules The speech to your teacher: the Submit two versions of your
rules were their so students clean copy and the marked speech to your teacher: the
would be respecful of copy. clean copy and the marked
theyselves and each other. By copy.
the end of the year, Dora Rubrics:
though Mrs. Davis was the best Rubrics:
Teacher she evere had!

J. Additional activities for Assignment: Assignment:

application and
remediation Advance:

Advance: 1. Bring five short bonds

1. Create a Unique Title papers.
for your upcoming
writing a speech.
VI.REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the
students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.

Principal II

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