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Chapter 1065

"I want you to help me collect some herbs!" Yang Kai went straight to the point, not beating around the

"What herbs do you need?" Ha Li Ka smiled, "Herbs may be lacking in other places, but my chamber of
commerce will never lack them."

Lin Mu Feng and the middle-aged woman also nodded, indicating that they would do their best to meet
Yang Kai's requirements.

Yang Kai immediately wrote down a list of herbs needed to refine the Burning Flame Pill. Ha Li Ka took it
and looked at it carefully before saying with an indifferent expression, "The herbs on this list aren't
difficult to find, my branch has a lot of them. Besides the Dragon Turtle Spirit Fruit which is relatively
rare, the others aren't a problem. However, little brother only needs to wait three to five months before
we can transfer the Dragon Turtle Spirit Fruit from another Medicine Star, it's just that …"

"Three to five months isn't a problem, as long as it's not a year or so," Yang Kai shook his head.

"Within four months, I will definitely be able to transfer the Dragon Turtle Spirit Fruit," Ha Li Ka patted
his chest and promised.

Some herbs needed specific environments to grow, and although Rainfall Star was also a Cultivation
Star, there was no suitable environment for the growth of the Dragon Turtle Spirit Fruit. However, there
was a nearby Medicine Star owned by Heng Luo Chamber of Commerce that produced a large number
of these things.

"How many herbs does little brother need?" Lin Mu Feng asked.

"As many as you have!" Yang Kai quickly said.

"As many as you have!?" The three of them were taken aback as they stared at Yang Kai in amazement.

They had thought that Yang Kai only wanted a few sets of materials for refining pills, but Yang Kai had
opened his mouth like a lion with no bottom line.

Yang Kai took the initiative to explain, "Senior Zong Ao's solution is to refine a pill with Pill Clouds. You
should also know how difficult it is to refine a pill with Pill Clouds. It's not something that can be done
once or twice, it requires a lot of trial and error before it is possible to succeed."

Hearing what he said, Ha Li Ka and the others suddenly understood why Yang Kai wanted so many herbs
and couldn't help feeling some respect. Ha Li Ka nodded and said, "So that's how it is, Grandmaster Zong
Ao is worthy of being an Alchemy Grandmaster of his generation, actually having the heart to refine pills
that form Pill Clouds."

"In any case, this is a losing deal for your branch. The pills refined are all the same type. Even if we give
you all the pills afterwards, the sales will still be a problem. You have to be mentally prepared." Yang Kai
reminded them.

"As long as we can awaken Snow Master, these losses are not a problem." Ha Li Ka immediately made
his stance clear. He was truly afraid. If Master Xue really died, Xue Yue Third Young Master would
definitely not let him off. Even if he had to exhaust all of his family's resources, Ha Li Ka would still
gather the herbs he needed.

"That would be for the best!" Yang Kai was very satisfied with their cooperation. There was no need for
him to waste his breath on this matter. These people were all reasonable people and weren't difficult to
talk to, so there was no need for him to analyze the pros and cons for them.
"Little brother …" Ha Li Ka stammered, seemingly wanting to say something but hesitating. After calling
out to Yang Kai, he exchanged a glance with Lin Mu Feng, seemingly wanting to say something but not
wanting to.

Yang Kai observed their expressions and immediately understood what they wanted to say, solemnly
saying, "For me, saving Master Xue is the most important thing, I won't ask about anything else."

As soon as this statement came out, all three of them were overjoyed and the looks they directed at
Yang Kai became more and more friendly.

Although the three of them had obtained the Profound Yin Sunflower Water and were very excited, with
such a big incident happening on Rainfall Star, they didn't know whether they should report it to the
Home Star or not. Normally, they would have the ability to suppress the news of Xue Yue's injuries, but
now it was different. Yang Kai was Xue Yue's guard and although his cultivation was low, what if Yang Kai
suddenly lost his mind and reported it to the Home Star before they did?

At that time, the three of them would face even more serious punishment!

With Yang Kai's assurance, the three of them felt relieved.

Yang Kai chuckled and said, "I don't want to be punished by the Home Star, so for the time being,
Master Xue's injuries should not be leaked. Once Xue Master recovers, she will make her own decision."

"Many thanks, little brother!" Ha Li Ka sincerely cupped his fists.

"However, this Profound Yin Sunflower Water … it's best if you don't touch it for the time being and wait
for Master Xue to decide," Yang Kai added.
"Naturally, even if we had the courage of the Heavens, we wouldn't dare use such a precious cultivation
treasure at will. Naturally, we'll have to wait for Master Xue to wake up and deal with it," Ha Li Ka and
the others nodded repeatedly, thanking Yang Kai for pointing them out the right path.

Moreover, from beginning to end, none of them had any intention of using the Profound Yin Sunflower
Water. Although refining a single drop of this thing would greatly increase their strength, none of them
knew how to do so. Ha Li Ka had personally tested the power of the Profound Yin Sunflower Water and
knew that the price he had paid for it was the loss of an arm. If they were careless, not only would their
strength not increase, they would likely end up in the same state as Xue Master Xue.

Not daring to use it didn't mean it wasn't a merit, so before Yang Kai arrived, the three of them had
gathered around the container and looked at it happily.

"Good, before I asked for your help, I also have a private matter I would like to ask for your help with!"
Yang Kai felt that the time was right and the atmosphere was harmonious, so he was ready to fish for
some benefits from them.

"Little brother, please speak!"

"Do you have any way to quickly improve my strength?" Yang Kai looked at the three of them

"Improve your strength?" Ha Li Ka was surprised, looking him up and down for a moment before
instantly understanding and laughing, "Is little brother trying to improve his strength?"

"Yes, yes, this time, on this trip to the Ancient Ruins, it was because my strength was too low that Senior
Xue didn't take me with her. If my strength had been higher, I may have been able to save Senior Xue at
that critical juncture and prevent her from being harmed by the Profound Yin Sunflower Water. If I could
exchange my life for Senior Xue's safety, even if I died, I wouldn't have implicated the three of you in
such a dangerous situation!" Yang Kai said with a pained expression, seemingly blaming himself for his
Ha Li Ka and the other two had all experienced great storms, so how could they not know that he was
just putting on an act?

However, this little guard seemed to be highly valued by Xue Master, otherwise, she wouldn't have
brought him to Rainfall Star alone, nor would she have taken care of his safety and prevented him from
entering the Ancient Ruins.

After Xue Master woke up, perhaps they would need to rely on him to put in a few good words to
appease Xue Master's anger.

What's more, not only did he not report this matter to the Home Star, he even cooperated with the
three of them to conceal it, which was already a great favour.

Whether it was to curry favour or to repay him, the three of them felt that they should satisfy Yang Kai's
request, which wasn't too excessive. If a Second-Order Saint cultivator wanted to improve his strength,
they should be able to satisfy him.

Quietly exchanging a few glances, the three of them immediately made a decision in their hearts, Ha Li
Ka saying, "If you want to quickly improve your strength, the only way is to cultivate diligently. This kind
of thing can't be rushed, everyone gains their strength bit by bit, but …"

Suddenly changing the topic, he grinned, "I have a way to improve your cultivation efficiency."

Yang Kai's eyes lit up, "What is it?"

The Space Ring on Ha Li Ka's hand flashed and a colourful orchid-like object appeared in his hand. The
petals of this orchid were quite strange, the petals blooming like a baby's head, its facial features clear
and slightly gloomy.
"Heavenly Spirit Ghost Orchid?" On the side, Lin Mu Feng and the middle-aged woman both exclaimed
in shock, seemingly not having expected Ha Li Ka to take out such a precious treasure. For a moment, all
three of them stared towards Yang Kai with thoughtful expressions, as if they had just obtained a great

"What's the use of this?" Yang Kai asked.

Ha Li Ka said proudly, "It's a cultivation aid, if you take it directly, you'll understand its mysteries."

Lin Mu Feng also chimed in, "This kind of thing is quite rare, Old Ha fought with others for it back then,
the scenes from the past are still vivid in his mind. I never expected he would have kept it for nearly a
hundred years but was unwilling to use it, I thought he had already used it up."

Ha Li Ka grinned, "Without a suitable candidate, what use is there for it? This old master is already a
Third-Order Origin Returning Realm cultivator, using this thing won't improve my strength much. I was
hoping to find a suitable Junior, but on this vast Rainfall Star, no one can enter this old master's eyes! "

Yang Kai's eyes were quick and before he could finish speaking, he took the Heavenly Spirit Ghost Orchid
and stuffed it directly into a Space Ring on his hand.

From the conversation between these two, Yang Kai also understood the preciousness of the Heavenly
Spirit Ghost Orchid, so how could he be polite?

Yang Kai then turned to look at Lin Mu Feng.

Lin Mu Feng was just sighing with emotion at Ha Li Ka's generosity when he suddenly met Yang Kai's
gaze and couldn't help his face twitching. Immediately understanding, he patted his head and said, "This
Lin remembers, there is something I can help Little Brother Yang with."
Yang Kai's meaning was already very obvious. Clearly, he wanted to take advantage of this opportunity
to rob him, so how could Lin Mu Feng pretend to be ignorant?

Suppressing his heartache, Lin Mu Feng put on a nonchalant look on his face, his Space Ring flashing as
he took out a bottle, but before he could speak, it was snatched away by Yang Kai.

Lin Mu Feng smiled bitterly and said weakly, "This is Snow Pond Crystal Essence, a product of the Snow
Pond Restricted Area on Ice Snow Star. A single cup of Snow Pond Crystal Essence is condensed every
thousand years, so this is all I have."

"It's useful!" Yang Kai spoke concisely as he observed the jade bottle in his hand. This jade bottle exuded
a cold aura, and through its walls, Yang Kai could see some snow-white substance inside. There wasn't
much of it, only about the size of a fingernail.

"Snow Pond Crystal Essence is most useful for stabilizing one's state of mind. Taking a single drop will
provide endless benefits. Since Little Brother Yang wants to quickly improve his strength, this thing is
indispensable," Lin Mu Feng explained.

Yang Kai's eyes lit up and he grinned widely.

This thing given by Lin Mu Feng was a perfect complement to Ha Li Ka's Heavenly Spirit Ghost Orchid.
One could improve one's cultivation efficiency while the other could stabilize one's state of mind and
prevent the burden and sequelae of rapidly increasing one's strength. It could be said that this thing was
equal in value to the Heavenly Spirit Ghost Orchid.

Yang Kai put it into his Space Ring with satisfaction.

Chapter 1066
Lin Mu Feng anxiously watched Yang Kai put away the small bottle of Snow Pond Crystal Essence, his
face filled with pain.

Yang Kai pretended not to notice.

Without waiting for Yang Kai to speak again, the middle-aged woman smiled and said, "I don't have as
many treasures as these two, but I do have something that can improve the efficiency of one's
cultivation. If little brother doesn't dislike it, please take it."

Saying so, a small flag-like object suddenly appeared in her hand. These flags were of different colours,
red, orange, yellow, and green. There were a total of seven flags that exuded strong World Energy

[An artifact?] Yang Kai was a little surprised, wondering what use this artifact had that it could actually
improve one's cultivation efficiency.

"This Seven Coloured Spirit Gathering Flag is an Origin Grade Low-Rank artifact. If arranged according to
a certain method, it can gather World Energy. I used it to cultivate before, but as my strength increased,
I put it away and haven't used it for nearly a hundred years. Now, I'll give it to little brother."

Yang Kai's eyes lit up again as he secretly thought that these people were indeed worthy of being the
highest leaders of Heng Luo Chamber of Commerce's branch. The things each of them could casually
take out were not things that could be seen by ordinary people. He wondered just how many more
treasures they had.

This time, Yang Kai wasn't as impatient as the previous two times. Carefully taking the Seven Coloured
Spirit Gathering Flag from the middle-aged woman, Yang Kai politely thanked her.

The middle-aged woman smiled lightly, "Release your Knowledge Sea's defences and I'll teach you how
to arrange it!"
Yang Kai nodded and the middle-aged woman stretched out a jade finger and tapped Yang Kai's
forehead. In an instant, the various functions of this Seven Coloured Spirit Gathering Flag were grasped
by Yang Kai.

After carefully inspecting it, Yang Kai was very satisfied with the Seven Coloured Spirit Gathering Flag.

Although this thing was only an Origin Grade Low-Rank artifact, for the current Yang Kai, it was an
extremely rare treasure. It could be used for a long time, and when Yang Kai no longer needed it, he
could give it to someone close to him.

It wasn't as valuable as the Heavenly Spirit Ghost Orchid or the Snow Pond Crystal Essence, but it was far
more practical.

No matter who it was, the three of them had spent a great deal of effort. Yang Kai cupped his fists and
said, "Many thanks to the three of you for your help. This little one can't thank you enough."

"You're welcome!" Ha Li Ka laughed, "As long as we can awaken Master Xue, what harm is there in
having to go bankrupt?"

He put on a loyal and courageous appearance, but it was hard to tell how much sincerity there was in it.

"Why don't … Little Brother get two more Moon Slaves?" Lin Mu Feng suddenly thought of something
and suggested.

"Moon Slave?" Yang Kai frowned and looked at them suspiciously.

The middle-aged woman's face reddened as she spat, "You scoundrel, little brother is still so young, yet
you don't teach him good things and only teach him some unorthodox tricks. When Master Xue wakes
up, how are you going to explain this?"

Lin Mufeng looked embarrassed. "There's no problem with two Moon Slaves, right? I can see that Little
Brother is a determined person. You won't hold up your future because of two Moon Slaves. "

"En, if it's two, it really won't be a problem," Ha Li Ka also echoed.

"What's a Moon Slave?" Yang Kai asked curiously when he saw them talking back and forth between

Ha Li Ka lightly coughed and explained, "Moon Slaves are a type of woman specially cultivated by our
Chamber of Commerce. They cultivate special Secret Arts and take special pills so that when they reach
a certain age, they can mate with men. Their Primordial Yin contains a very pure energy, so any man
who takes them for the first time can obtain great benefits from it! If Little Brother wants to improve his
strength as quickly as possible, Moon Slaves are the best choice. "

"Plucking Yin to supplement Yang?" Yang Kai's face changed slightly.

"No, no, no!" Lin Mu Feng smiled and waved his hand, "The method developed by my Chamber of
Commerce is not an ordinary method of plucking Yin to supplement Yang. Little Brother should also
know that many cultivator cultivate Evil Secret Arts, plucking Yin to supplement Yang in order to rapidly
improve their strength, but the energy obtained through this method is impure and impure, causing
their combat power to be much lower than a cultivator in the same realm. My Chamber of Commerce
would never do such a thing. Moon Slaves are selected from women with good aptitude and physiques
and are then trained in a special way so that when the energy from their Primordial Yin is transferred to
a man, it won't cause too much of an impact on him. With Little Brother's current cultivation, subduing
two Moon Slaves of the same realm shouldn't be a problem. "

"En, if there was a problem with my Chamber of Commerce's Moon Slaves, there wouldn't be so many
people coming to buy them," Ha Li Ka also nodded.
"You also engage in human trafficking?" Yang Kai was shocked, never having expected that the huge
Heng Luo Chamber of Commerce would actually be so shady.

"It's all consensual. These Moon Slaves are ordinary people from poor families. If it weren't for my
Chamber of Commerce, they would only live a few dozen years before dying of old age. My Chamber of
Commerce provides them with cultivation materials and environments, allowing them to possess
extraordinary skills … Moreover, after a Moon Slave has sex with a man, they can continue to cultivate
and improve their strength. If they can win the favour of their master, glory and wealth are just around
the corner. Many of the Moon Slaves who leave my Chamber of Commerce live quite good lives," Lin Mu
Feng explained, seemingly noticing that Yang Kai was somewhat repulsed by this kind of thing.

The middle-aged woman blushed and didn't say a word, but she obviously knew a lot about Moon

"There's no need for Moon Slaves …" Yang Kai pondered for a while before waving his hand and saying
with a bitter face, "I'm afraid Master Xue will go crazy when she wakes up!"

Yang Kai had to admit that listening to them talk about the various benefits of Moon Slaves, especially
their ability to rapidly improve one's strength, Yang Kai was indeed a little tempted. Right now, he
couldn't wait to quickly improve his cultivation.

Although he was tempted, Yang Kai still refused.

He had his own principles, and no matter how Ha Li Ka and the others boasted about the benefits of
Moon Slaves, Yang Kai always felt that there were some problems with harvesting Yin to supplement
Yang, which would be detrimental to his future cultivation.

"If that's the case, then we won't force you." Ha Li Ka looked at Yang Kai with some approval, seemingly
not having expected that a young man like him could refuse such a great temptation.
Moon Slaves could not only help people improve their strength, each of them had been taught many
ways to serve men, each of them possessing boundless charm and were proficient in many ways. They
had always been the bragging rights of young men in the Star territory.

Being able to bring one or two Moon Slaves with them was a great honour.

Heng Luo Chamber of Commerce cultivated a large number of Moon Slaves every year, but the order for
them had been waiting for several years now. Moon Slaves alone were a huge source of income for the
entire Heng Luo Chamber of Commerce, and the price of Moon Slaves was constantly rising, but it still
couldn't stop the enthusiasm of those who came to buy them.

Yang Kai's refusal surprised the three of them, making them feel that this young man was somewhat
unusual. No wonder Master Xue had taken a fancy to him and chosen him as her guard.

After chatting with Ha Li Ka and the others for a while and asking them to send the materials they had
collected to Zong Ao's palace, Yang Kai left.

Once again returning to Zong Ao's palace, Yang Kai was full of energy, as if he had an inexhaustible
supply of energy.

"Tsk tsk, Heavenly Spirit Ghost Orchid, Snow Pond Crystal Essence …" Zong Ao looked at the two things
in front of Yang Kai and muttered, "Ha Li Ka and Lin Mu Feng are really generous, actually giving you
such treasures. It seems that little girl's status in Heng Luo Chamber of Commerce isn't low."

The older the ginger, the spicier it was, Zong Ao recognized the names and uses of these two things at a

Turning his attention to the Seven Coloured Flag, Zong Ao played with it for a while before letting out a
strange laugh, "Boy, with the help of these things, this old master estimates that you can break through
to the Third Order Saint Realm in a very short time. Worthy of Heng Luo Chamber of Commerce, it's
really easy to cultivate someone."
"Old Zong, in a few days, Ha Li Ka and the others will deliver the materials needed to refine the Burning
Flame Pill, I hope Old Zong can help me receive them," Yang Kai said as he took the Seven Coloured
Spirit Gathering Flag back from Zong Ao's hands.

"As long as you don't disturb this old master's Alchemy, it's fine." Zong Ao snorted, squatting in front of
Yang Kai without a care for his image, asking suspiciously, "But this old master has one thing he doesn't
understand, can you explain it to me?"

"Please speak, Old Zong!"

"Didn't you say you wanted to refine a pill to save your woman? Why did you bring these things back? "

"What else can I do, cultivate," Yang Kai grinned.

Zong Ao was stunned, "Are you sure you haven't made a mistake? You only have a year and a half to
refine a Burning Flame Pill that forms Pill Clouds in a year and a half. That's already a bit of a rush, yet
you're still in the mood to cultivate? "

"Ordinary people sharpen their knives before slaughtering pigs, what's wrong with my cultivation?" Yang
Kai spat disdainfully, "On top of that, I'm still missing one of the materials to refine the Burning Flame
Pill. Ha Li Ka said that it will take four months to transfer them from the other Medicine Star, if I don't
cultivate, am I supposed to just sit around and wait?"

"That being said … so what if your strength improves to the Third Order Saint Realm?" Zong Ao couldn't
understand why Yang Kai wasn't worried at all.

"Perhaps this minor breakthrough will allow me to successfully refine Pill Clouds," Yang Kai smiled
Zong Ao glanced at him as if he was looking at an idiot, straightening up and saying, "Do as you wish, this
old master will just wait for the results. Don't bother this old master, this old master is going to perform

Saying so, Zong Ao walked out while muttering to himself about how difficult it was to refine pills.

Yang Kai didn't care and simply put away the things he had brought back.

When he was on the floating continent, he had spent a great deal of effort to refine a Saint King Grade
pill and lift the seal Lu Gui Chen had placed on him. At that time, Yang Kai discovered that the reason his
Alchemy skills couldn't improve was entirely because of the constraints of his realm.

His cultivation was too low, so if he wanted to refine a higher grade pill, he needed to improve his
strength first.

The four months it took Ha Li Ka to transfer the Dragon Turtle Spirit Fruit gave Yang Kai a good buffer
period. The Heavenly Spirit Ghost Orchid, Snow Pond Crystal Essence, and Seven Coloured Spirit
Gathering Flags were all things he relied on to improve his cultivation.

In these four months, Yang Kai had great confidence that he could break through to the Third Order
Saint Realm, at which point refining Burning Flame Pills would become much easier.

Chapter 1067

Inside Zong Ao's palace, in a certain room, Yang Kai sat cross-legged.

Taking out the Heavenly Spirit Ghost Orchid, Yang Kai swallowed it without hesitation.
A cool feeling spread from his throat to his abdomen as Yang Kai silently circulated his Secret Art to
dissolve the medicinal efficacies. Soon, this cool feeling extended to his limbs and bones, relaxing his
hundreds of millions of pores, and his physique seemed to have been greatly nourished.

In order to refine the Burning Flame Pill that could form Pill Clouds, in order to rapidly improve his
cultivation, Yang Kai spared no effort.

Moreover, he didn't regard this incident as a disaster, on the contrary, he felt it was an opportunity.

Now, he was wandering the Star territory alone, without any friends or family, without any support, his
own strength was the foundation for his survival. Xue Yue being unconscious gave Yang Kai an
opportunity to concentrate on his cultivation.

A bad thing, when viewed from another perspective, could often become a good thing.

Yang Kai could take advantage of these few months of painstaking cultivation to raise his strength to the
next level while also improving his Alchemy skills, allowing him to complement his cultivation and
achieve great growth.

The cool feeling made him feel refreshed, as if he had never been so clear-headed before.

Yang Kai suddenly had a good plan and understanding of his future, causing his mood to fluctuate

Xue Yue's even breathing came from the next room. The method Zong Ao had used before could only
maintain her vitality for a year and a half, once that time was up, if she was not treated with a pill, she
would undoubtedly die.

However, Yang Kai wasn't as worried as he was at the beginning. On the contrary, his heart was now as
calm as still water.
The medicinal efficacies of the Heavenly Spirit Ghost Orchid continued to play a role, but Ha Li Ka didn't
clearly tell Yang Kai how such a precious treasure could improve the efficiency of his cultivation. Yang Kai
also felt the changes in his body, wanting to find out.

Suddenly, the cool feeling all over his body converged towards his chest, the medicinal efficacies of the
Heavenly Spirit Ghost Orchid condensing into one spot in a very short time.

Yang Kai suspiciously unbuttoned his robes, revealing his strong body before looking down at his chest.

The shadow of a golden dragon quickly swept past. That was the inheritance of the Dragon Emperor.

The Golden Dragon Tattoo was constantly wandering around like a living creature, sometimes in front of
Yang Kai, sometimes on his back, while the Ice Phoenix Tattoo remained firmly on his back, not moving
at all. This was the Phoenix Empress Inheritance that belonged to Su Yan. Yang Kai's body was only a
temporary residence for it. Once Yang Kai found Su Yan, he could hand it over to her.

At this moment, some black Qi was faintly gathering in his chest. The black Qi was as gloomy as a ghost,
dark and deep. Yang Kai carefully sensed it, but did not find anything wrong. He calmed down and
quietly waited.

Not long after, more and more black Qi gathered on his chest, becoming denser and denser, faintly
forming a vague pattern.

Yang Kai looked at it carefully, but he didn't understand.

After waiting for about half a day, the cold feeling in his chest suddenly disappeared. At the same time,
the fuzzy squirming pattern quickly froze and became clear.
It was actually a pattern of a baby's face with distinct facial features. It was as if Yang Kai had an extra
head on his chest, making him feel uneasy and terrifying.

Yang Kai was dumbfounded, never having expected that consuming the Heavenly Spirit Ghost Orchid
would result in such a situation.

While he was still in shock, he saw the baby's mouth on his chest suddenly open, like a whale sucking in
water, madly swallowing the surrounding World Energy.

* Hu chi chi … *

A gust of wind surged inside the room and an unimaginable amount of World Energy poured into Yang
Kai's body as the baby's mouth began sucking in.

In an instant, Yang Kai felt both physically and mentally comfortable, his body receiving a great deal of
energy. His meridians squirmed, accepting the World Energy and transforming it into his own strength
under the effect of his Secret Art.


Yang Kai was overjoyed and closed his eyes, feeling the benefits brought to him by the Heavenly Spirit
Ghost Orchid.

After swallowing the Heavenly Spirit Ghost Orchid, although the pattern on his chest didn't look very
impressive, its effects were real.
In this way, even if Yang Kai didn't cultivate, under the effect of the Heavenly Spirit Ghost Orchid, he
would be able to constantly absorb World Energy, the speed and efficiency of which would be even
greater than if he were to cultivate diligently.

The baby's pattern would swallow and spit out every thirty breaths, actively absorbing World Energy
into Yang Kai's body, allowing him to grow stronger. Each time it swallowed and spat out an astonishing
amount of World Energy.

Ha Li Ka's gift was really what Yang Kai had hoped for.

Yang Kai spent most of his time on the road, so while he was on the move, he rarely had the opportunity
to cultivate. If this Heavenly Spirit Ghost Orchid continued to play its role, it would be difficult for his
strength not to improve.

In the future, even if he was on the road or fighting, he could maintain a state of cultivation.

Unfortunately, according to Ha Li Ka, the role of the Heavenly Spirit Ghost Orchid would become smaller
and smaller over time and would disappear after two or three years at most.

On top of that, this thing was extremely difficult to find, and if one or two were occasionally found, they
would be snatched away by others. In order to snatch this thing, Ha Li Ka had fought many times with

Two or three years was more than enough!

After taking the Heavenly Spirit Ghost Orchid, Yang Kai took out the Snow Pond Crystal Essence and
poured a small amount into his mouth.

The Snow Pond Crystal Marrow was a product of the Snow Pond Crystal Marrow, so it was naturally
Yang Kai's spirit shook as he involuntarily felt an ethereal feeling, as if his soul was being purified.

A strange power rippled in his mouth and flowed into his abdomen, where it was absorbed by his body
and quickly gathered in Yang Kai's Knowledge Sea.

Yang Kai's Knowledge Sea, which had been somewhat turbulent due to his excitement and joy, instantly
calmed down, without the slightest ripple.

Yang Kai's Soul also seemed to have been sublimated at this moment, his mood becoming as tranquil as
an ancient well.

When the Snow Pond Crystal Essence took effect, Yang Kai suddenly had a wonderful feeling, as if he
was standing aloof and observing all the changes happening to his body.

The memories contained in Yang Kai's Knowledge Sea, as well as the scenes he had experienced, flashed
through Yang Kai's mind.

Yang Kai reviewed the road he had walked, the people he had experienced, the setbacks he had
encountered, the joys and frustrations he had experienced, all of them again.

Once again, Yang Kai went through the 20-30 year journey of his life.

He saw many details that he had overlooked before, and he saw many regrets. Looking at these details
and regrets, Yang Kai's state of mind began to undergo subtle changes.

Yang Kai became more mature and more experienced.

As his state of mind changed, Yang Kai's Knowledge Sea also seemed to undergo some unique changes.
The water level of the sea gradually rose, a sign that his Spiritual Energy was increasing, while the colour
of the sea became darker and denser, a sign that his Soul was becoming stronger.

On the six-coloured island, the six-coloured radiance illuminated Yang Kai's Knowledge Sea, giving it a
more dazzling lustre than before. Even the Soul Devouring Insects that had been living on the island
became happier than before, devouring the power produced by the six-coloured Soul Warming Lotus.

Soon, the number of Soul Devouring Worms reached a limit. They all attacked their companions in
unison, devouring the bodies of their companions and eliminating the weak. The powerful Soul
Devouring Worms became even more powerful.

Yang Kai knew all of this, but he did not stop them, instead calmly watching.

The Soul Devouring Insects used to be his trump card, able to pose a certain threat to a Saint Realm
cultivator and easily kill a Transcendent cultivator.

However, after reaching the Star territory, the Soul Devouring Insects were no longer of much use.
Inside the Star territory, there were countless Saint Realm cultivators and Saint King Realm cultivators,
so the Soul Devouring Insects could not pose any threat to them.

Yang Kai was looking forward to seeing what kind of changes these tiny Exotic Ancient Insects, which
could only devour Spiritual Energy, would undergo after this time and whether they would be useful

Yang Kai desperately needed strength.

The battle between the Soul Devouring Insects was very fierce, with the tiny insects devoured by their
companions one after another. Those who survived were always the elites, and these insects were far
more powerful than before.
Finally, the internal battle on the six-coloured island came to an end, and the number of Soul Devouring
Insects had been reduced to one in ten thousand!

All of them seemed to have fallen into a deep slumber. Sweeping them with his Divine Sense, Yang Kai
found that each of them was like a silkworm that had formed a cocoon around themselves. Faint traces
of life could be seen coming from these cocoons.

Yang Kai no longer paid any attention and released his Divine Sense.

Arriving outside the palace, Yang Kai took out the Seven Coloured Spirit Gathering Flags and, according
to the method the middle-aged woman had taught him, poured his strength into them and threw them

The small flags suddenly grew in size and arranged themselves in a strange pattern around Yang Kai,
fluttering in the wind.

There was some kind of imperceptible connection between the seven flags, and this connection allowed
the Seven Coloured Spirit Gathering Flags to form a kind of Spirit Array.

The wind blew and the trees in the distance began to sway. A large amount of World Energy seemed to
be drawn towards the seven coloured flags, causing the clouds in the sky to change color.

Yang Kai remained motionless as he took out a few cultivation pills and stuffed them into his mouth
while holding a piece of high-quality Saint Crystal in his hand.

Inside the palace, Zong Ao, who was in the middle of performing Alchemy, noticed something outside
and paused his movements. Releasing his Divine Sense, he soon learned what was going on outside.

"This is unfair, this is unfair …" Zong Ao couldn't help muttering, "When this old master was weak, no
one was able to provide him with such good cultivation conditions. This is unfair."
Zong Ao couldn't help feeling a little jealous.

Heavenly Spirit Ghost Orchid, Snow Pond Crystal Essence, Seven Coloured Spirit Gathering Flags …

What's more, within this three thousand kilometre territory, many Spirit Arrays had been arranged to
gather World Energy.

With these various effects added together, the cultivation speed of the little brat outside had increased
to an incredible degree.

It was comparable to the speed at which a Return to Void Stage cultivator absorbed the Spirit Qi of
Heaven and Earth.

If this momentum continued, it would only take a few months for him to break through his current
realm and step into a higher one.

Zong Ao wondered if this little brat's body could withstand it.

This kind of crazy gathering of World Energy was not something a Saint Realm cultivator could
withstand. If the World Energy gathered too quickly and was unable to digest and absorb it in time, it
would only cause a huge burden to the body. If something went wrong, his meridians would burst and
his foundation would be damaged. At that time, the gains would not make up for the losses.

Chapter 1068
Zong Ao's worries were not unwarranted. Even when a great force trained their young disciples, they
would not allow them to grow beyond their limits. Doing so would not do them any good.

But now, what Yang Kai was doing had clearly far exceeded the limits of what a cultivator of his level
could bear.

Even a Saint King First or Second Order cultivator would not be able to bear this for a long time.

Whether Yang Kai died or not, it had nothing to do with Zong Ao. Zong Ao only cared about the bet he
had made with him before, whether or not he could really refine a Burning Flame Pill with Pill Clouds!

Zong Ao did not believe this at all, but he could not help but hold a little bit of hope that Yang Kai could
really do as he said and convince him of his loss!

Pill Veins were his life's pursuit, and for this pursuit, he had given up his lofty status and wealth,
choosing to refine pills here. He had spent a hundred years refining pills, and more than anyone else, he
wanted to find a reliable method to grasp the illusory Pill Veins or Pill Clouds in his hands.

So even if it was just a little bit of hope, Zong Ao could not help but want to see it to the end, so he did
not want Yang Kai to have any accidents.

His worries were all in vain.

After Yang Kai arranged the Seven Coloured Spirit Gathering Flag Spirit Array and began to cultivate,
Zong Ao did not perform Alchemy for an entire month, instead silently observing him from a corner of
the palace. He was shocked to discover that this little brat's body was bursting with vitality beyond his
imagination. He was shocked to discover that this little brat's vitality, which was enough to cause a Saint
King Realm cultivator to explode, was easily absorbed by this little brat without the slightest discomfort.
He was even more shocked to discover that this little brat's strength was actually increasing day by day.
Not only did he not show any expression of discomfort, but he also seemed to be in a good mood every
day, making Zong Ao almost unable to believe his eyes.

As time passed, a faint yellow halo began to quietly light up around Yang Kai's body. At first, the colour
of this halo was not obvious, but as more and more World Energy flowed into it, it became brighter and

A thick World Energy aura, like a thick fog, lingered around him without dissipating.

Zong Ao's several hundred acres of Medicine Field was covered in a thick fog, and the herbs planted in
the Medicine Field were growing faster than usual.

With such a dense concentration of Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi, it would be strange if the herbs didn't
grow quickly.

For a time, this mountain valley became the location with the richest World Energy on Rainfall Star. Even
the mountain palace where the Heng Luo Chamber of Commerce branch was located was far inferior to
this place.

With his own strength, he had changed the flow of World Energy in such a large area, turning this place
into a paradise. Zong Ao had lived for most of his life but had never encountered such a strange

"Who are you?" Zong Ao was puzzled and slowly shook his head, knowing that all his worries had been
fed to a dog's belly. After a month of observation, he no longer paid any attention to Yang Kai, went to
the Alchemy Room, activated several dozen pill furnaces, and began his Alchemy career!

He finally understood that with Yang Kai's monstrous level, it was absolutely impossible for him to have
problems because of cultivation.
Zong Ao clearly saw that Yang Kai was constantly throwing cultivation pills into his mouth, the High-Rank
Saint Crystals in his hand changing one after another …

Regardless of his current strength, he would definitely become a dazzling new star in the territory of the
Star Realm in the future! Zong Ao concluded.


Taking advantage of the opportunity to deliver herbs to Zong Ao once every three months, Lin Mu Feng
personally handed him a few special Space Rings.

These Space Rings were filled with all the herbs Yang Kai needed. In order to treat the unconscious Xue
Yue, Lin Mu Feng and the others had spent a lot of money. These herbs had all been purchased with
their own money and could not be reimbursed to Heng Luo Chamber of Commerce.

After purchasing all these herbs, the wealth of these people had been reduced by almost half.

Zong Ao took the Space Rings and closed the door of the palace, not even allowing Lin Mu Feng to come
in and sit for a while.

Lin Mu Feng didn't dare show any displeasure and simply stood outside, staring at the sea of World
Energy in the Medicine Field, his eyes shining brightly.

Through the layers of World Energy barriers, he discovered something extraordinary about Yang Kai.

Which Saint Realm cultivator could cultivate so crazily? Looking at his posture, it was obvious that he
had been cultivating for a long time, but there was nothing wrong with him. Regardless of anything else,
this boy's physical strength was clearly extraordinary.
After observing for a while, Lin Mu Feng quietly left, not bothering Yang Kai.

As the sun and moon rose, Yang Kai sat in the middle of the Medicine Field, the baby face tattoo on his
chest greedily swallowing the World Energy. The Seven Coloured Spirit Gathering Flags were also
constantly playing their role, gathering a large amount of World Energy towards him.

The effect of the Snow Pond Crystal Essence had not weakened in the slightest, allowing Yang Kai's state
of mind to remain as calm as ever.

After taking one pill after another to assist in his cultivation, the few hundred High-Rank Saint Crystals he
had left were completely used up!

Kai Yang had never been able to cultivate as crazily and continuously as he was now.

As his Second-Order Saint Realm cultivation climbed steadily, the power contained in his body grew
larger and larger, gradually reaching the threshold of the Third-Order Saint Realm.

Finally, one day, a dark Demonic Flame suddenly emerged from his body, tumbling endlessly, as if it
wanted to burn down the entire world.

Outside the palace, Zong Ao's face was cold as he silently watched Yang Kai's changes from a distance.

The Demonic Flame grew stronger and stronger, and gradually, the Demonic Flame gushing out of Yang
Kai's body seemed to come to life, condensing into the shape of a giant dragon. The Golden Dragon
swimming on the surface of his body also seemed to be stimulated and began moving faster and faster.

A loud dragon roar rang out as the Golden Dragon flew out from Yang Kai's body and merged with the
Demonic Flame, wriggling through the clouds.
From time to time, the ink-black dragon would bloom with a golden light that enveloped the world.

The Golden Dragon opened its mouth wide and began swallowing World Energy. Every time it
swallowed, the mountain valley shrouded in thick fog would become a bit clearer. After a dozen or so
breaths, the originally pitch-black mountain valley was restored to clarity as all the World Energy that
had accumulated here was absorbed and assimilated by the Golden Dragon.

Another dragon roar rang out as the flaming Golden Dragon swooped down and rushed straight into
Yang Kai's body.

Yang Kai's body shook violently as an invisible shockwave suddenly spread out from him. Wherever it
passed, sand and stones were sent flying, trees swayed, and trees were uprooted and blown far away.

Yang Kai slowly opened his eyes, a faint light flashing across them as the light around his body quickly
converged and disappeared.

Third Order Saint!

After a crazy retreat, Yang Kai had finally stepped into the Third Order Saint Realm.

Such a cultivation, when placed in Tong Xuan Realm, was already one of the top existences. Whether it
was Demon Commander Zhang Yuan, his four Demon General subordinates, Meng Wu Ya, Chu Ling Xiao,
Thunder Dragon, Old Ox, or the other Monster Race Great Seniors, all of them had reached the Third
Order Saint Realm.

It was just that there was a slight gap between them in this realm.

Today, Yang Kai truly stood at the same height as these masters.
However, when looking at the entire Tong Xuan Realm territory, such a cultivation was truly shabby. If
one did not have any connections, they would not be able to rely on any great force.

A cultivator with such a cultivation was extremely rare in Tong Xuan Realm territory, and although they
were not at the bottom of the hierarchy, they did not have much status.

"Little brat, congratulations," Zong Ao strode forward. Zong Ao strode over, "It only took you three
months to break through to the Third Order Saint Realm. Although it was with the help of a powerful
artifact, it was still beyond this old master's expectations. I thought it would take you at least five or six
months to accomplish this, it seems your talent is quite good."

"Many thanks, Old Zong." Yang Kai did not get up and simply nodded lightly, not showing much
excitement or frustration, as if everything was a matter of course.

Zong Ao was surprised, knowing that Yang Kai's state of mind had not shown any flaws due to the rapid
increase in his strength, knowing that this was all due to the Snow Pond Crystal Essence and his own

"Old Zong, is there any news from Ha Li Ka?" Yang Kai asked.

"Last time, Lin Mu Feng delivered a few rings of herbs, but the only thing missing is the Dragon Turtle
Spirit Fruit. I heard him say that Ha Li Ka is currently transferring it from another Medicine Star and
should arrive in one or two months," Zong Ao said unhurriedly.

Yang Kai nodded lightly. Although he did not have a deep relationship with Ha Li Ka and the others, he
also knew that the other party did not dare act perfunctorily on this matter, so the arrival of the Dragon
Turtle Spirit Fruit was only a matter of time.

"I'm going to see my Master," Yang Kai said, standing up without putting away the Seven Coloured Spirit
Gathering Flags.
Inside the room, Xue Yue still seemed to be asleep, her expression tranquil, but perhaps because no one
had come to visit her for a long time, a thick layer of dust had settled on her face. Looking at her
enchanting face, Yang Kai found some clean water and cleaned her.

Perhaps because of the influence of the Snow Pond Crystal Essence, Yang Kai did all this indifferently,
without the slightest fluctuation in his mood, as if he was treating her like a stranger.

He had already decided that after saving Xue Yue this time, he would immediately sever all ties with her.
Whether or not she would seek revenge on him, Yang Kai did not want to have anything to do with her.

His closeness to Xue Yue was a forced one, unlike his feelings for Su Yan and Xia Ning Chang, which were
imperceptible and imperceptible.

Yang Kai believed that Xue Yue was the same. With this woman's temper, once she was no longer bound
by the Soul Chains, she would likely immediately kill him to protect her reputation and her secrets.

No matter what the reason was, she would not allow Yang Kai to live in this world. The two of them
were destined to become enemies after this emotional entanglement.

After tidying up everything, Yang Kai went outside the palace again, sat down where he had been
cultivating before, and continued to circulate his Secret Art.

Having just broken through to the Third Order Saint Realm, even with the Snow Pond Crystal Essence to
stabilize his state of mind, Yang Kai didn't need to worry about any flaws in his state of mind, but he still
needed to stabilize his cultivation in the shortest time possible. It would be best if he could build on his
current foundation and break through to the next level.

Yang Kai did not have high hopes as he knew that it would be impossible for him to break through to the
Saint King Realm within a few years. His only hope was that he could advance his cultivation further
without wasting the duration of the Heavenly Spirit Ghost Orchid. This thing could only last for two to
three years, so every day that passed was one day less useful.

Chapter 1069

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