De Luyen Hoc Sinh Gioi - Composed by Fanpage Tai Lieu Tieng Anh Nang Cao

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Part 1. For questions 1-9, listen to a talk by a man called Luke Harris, who is a sports
photographer, and decide whether these statements are True (T), False (F) or Not Given (NG).
Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided.

1. Luke’s interest in sports photography started when he attended a diving competition.

2. One sports photographer Luke met told him that experience was the key thing in becoming
3. On Luke’s first day working for a local newspaper, the type of weather that caused most
difficulty for him was the wind.
4. When covering unfamiliar sports, Luke says that finding out about the personalities of people
involved is the most important thing.
5. Luke tends to focus on taking photographs of players more than on fans.
6. Luke's favourite picture of last year was taken next to the running track at a sporting event.
7. Luke says it is hard to show humour in photographs of big sporting events.
8. Luke doesn't mind if the light isn't perfect when he takes photographs.
9. Luke does not think competition in sports photography is tougher than in other fields.

Your answers
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Part 2. For questions 10-15, listen to an interview with a young woman talking about a job
exchange and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D which fits best according to what you
hear. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided.

10. What was Jessica's main motivation for going on the exchange programme?
A to grow her skill set B to experience a new role
C to develop her position D to fulfil a long-held ambition

11. When Jessica initially joined her new working environment she felt
A surprised by how easily she fit in.
B frustrated by how much she had to learn.
C determined to learn quickly and work hard.
D overwhelmed by the new working practices.

12. What did Jessica see as the main benefit of organising a promotional event?
A It was a welcome change from her usual kind of work.


B Most of the work was not office-based.

C It helped her to build her leadership skills.
D She witnessed first-hand how valuable her efforts were.

13. When asked about having housernates, Jessica reveals that

A she feels spending time with them had a number of benefits.
B it helped her get over her loneliness when first arrived.
C she has been lucky that they can help her in her field of work.
D they are her source of information about the local area.

14. In Jessica's opinion, what has been the most satisfying aspect of her experience?
A improving her language skills B discovering her strengths
C contributing to the solution of problems D experiencing independence for the first time

15. Jessica believes that young people should

A stop worrying about achieving success. B aim to be better than everyone else.
C accept an invitation to spend time abroad. D make the most of life's opportunities.

Your answers
10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Part 3. For questions 16-25, listen to a talk about gender equality and supply the blanks with
the missing information. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS taken from the recording
for each answer in the space provided.
Gender equality is a prerequisite for poverty reduction as well as a 16.______________ society.
However, women often experience 17.______________ compared to men as a consequence of
gender norms. For example, restrictions on women’s 18.______________ ownership prevent
them from having access to financial aid. Opportunities for women are also lessened by
19.______________. In Zambia, women are even not allowed to paddle boats as this is regarded
20.______________. These gender gaps can be removed if a 21.______________ on gender
issues is adopted. Research and development projects should give priority to gender equality,
besides boosting 22.______________. Policies should be aimed at giving women more
opportunities to access 23.______________. The position of women should be strengthened,
thereby fostering their 24.______________. These joint efforts could contribute to poverty
reduction and improve 25.______________ for both sexes.



Part 1. For questions 1-10, choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to each of the following
questions and write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided.

1. The draw took place yesterday but the competition winners ______________.
A. are yet to be announced B. haven't been yet announced
C. yet are to be announced D. haven't announced yet

2. The streets ______________ people celebrating the national team's victory.

A. had crammed by B. were crammed by
C. crammed with D. were crammed with

3. The celebrity ______________ to appear in the new advertising campaign.

A. consented B. permitted C. endorsed D. advocated

4. We attended an in-depth and ______________ presentation on urbanisation and its impacts on

A. wide-ranging B. weather-beaten C. never-ending D. thought-provoking

5. Unless you ______________ yourself to the task, you’re bound to make mistakes.
A. resign B. occupy C. hold D. apply

6. The plan received _______________ support although none of the committee spoke openly in
its favor.
A. silent B. quiet C. mute D. tacit

7. Now I am unemployed, I have too much time _______________ and don’t know what to do
with myself.
A. in my hands B. on my hands C. to hand D. in hand

8. I was all set to take the job in Tokyo, but at the last minute I _______________ and decided to
stay in Britain.
A. pulled my finger out B. got cold feet
C. held my horses D. called it a day

9. If the rain doesn’t _______________ soon, we shall have to look for a taxi.
A. set about B. let up C. slow down D. go off

10. She is always _______________ her boss, which is quite embarassing.

A. making up to B. looking up to C. doing up for D. running up against

Your answers

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Part 2. For questions 11-15, write the correct form of each bracketed word in the numbered
boxes provided.
Juvenile delinquency refers to 11.____________ (society) or illegal behavior by children or
adolescents and is considered a serious problem all over the world. It is caused by social,
economic and cultural factors. This juvenile 12.___________ (crime) is apparent in marginal
sectors of urban areas where children are exposed to violence in their immediate social
environment, either as observers or as victims. Because delinquent basic education, if they have
any, is poor they have been marginalized from society and destitute of any dignity or self-
esteem. Although most legal systems prescribe specific procedures for dealing with young
criminals, such as juvenile 13.________ (detain) centers and suppression, approaches to prevent
youth from becoming delinquent should also include measures to instill equality and justice,
fight poverty and create an atmosphere of hope and peace among youth. These preventive
policies should be priorities over any coercive measures. Information campaigns should be
planned to 14.___________ (sense) youth to be aware of the detrimental effects of violence on
the family, community and society, to teach them how to communicate without violence. Focus
on the importance of family should become a priority because it is the primary institution of
socialization of youth and continues to play an important role in the prevention of juvenile
delinquency and 15.__________ (age) crime.

Your answers

11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Part 3. For questions 16-20, write the correct form of each bracketed word in the numbered
boxes provided.

16. Children are generally so ___________ (inquire) that travelling with them can be a joy – or a
17. ___________ (active) children often have poor concentration and require very little sleep.
18. We and those of our class act 'rationally' in our fertility regulating behaviour, they act
irrationally, irresponsibly, without ___________ (thought) or knowledge.
19. The ___________ of Monaco is located between the Mediterranean Sea and France along the
Blue Coast. (prince)
20. The investigator said the killings were the result of poor procedure by trigger-happy police
rather than ___________ (meditate) murder.

Your answers

16. 17. 18. 19. 20.


Part 4. For questions 21-30, fill each of the following numbered blanks with ONE suitable
word and write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided.
Commuting – that is, to 21._______________ travelling from one region to another to work
before travelling back to where you live on a regular basis – has been possible since the advent
of the railway. However, in recent times it has become the 22._______________ as opposed to
the exception, as people increasingly move out of the cities and into more suburban settings.

Let’s 23._______________ London as an example. Most people who work in what is considered
to be the central part of the city must commute due to the excessive cost of living in
24._______________ a place. A journey of at least one hour on public transport is by no
25._______________ uncommon, as the use of private cars has been reduced greatly by anti-
pollution and congestion legislation.

On the more extreme 26._______________ of things are stories of business people traveling up
to three hours 27._______________ way every day rather than living in the capital city. You
might expect that these journeys would be made by train, but recently the lower cost of air travel
has made it widely possible for people with relatively normal incomes to travel from the
28._______________ of Barcelona to London or Zurich, for example, thus taking
29._______________ of the higher standard of living and better weather of their home city
30._______________ earning a higher salary obtainable in one of those financial hubs.

Your answers
21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

Part 5. For questions 31-40, choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to each of the following
questions and write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided.
By 31._________ your hand into a freezing cold bucket of water, you can discover how quickly
your body burns calories. This basic experiment is the starting point for a pioneering study into
the effects of brown - or good - fat in the body.
Everyone is born with brown fat around the shoulder 32.________. It is central to keeping a
baby’s body temperature on an even 33.________ by using up this 34.__________ of fat in order
to keep babies warm. Scientists, though, have long believed that this brown fat vanishes as
babies grow out of 35.___________ and it is no longer needed.
However, a few years ago, researchers were carrying out scans 36.________ adults during the
winter and realized there were 37.__________ of fat that seemed to have been 38.________ by
the cold weather. This discovery has encouraged scientists to 39._________ further research in
the hope it is the 40.__________ gun that will help solve weight problems amongst the obese.
They have already determined that the cold, certain foods and exercise can activate this brown
fat to people’s benefit.

31. A. prodding B. thrusting C. propelling D. heaving


32. A. blades B. joints C. bones D. sockets

33. A. path B. track C. course D. keel
34. A. store B. storation C. storage D. storing
35. A. development B. infancy C. adolescent D. childhood
36. A. over B. for C. on D. off
37. A. stretches B. areas C. tracts D. pockets
38. A. developed B. formed C. provoked D. triggered
39. A. make B. conduct C. perform D. absorb
40. A. grease B. zip C. smoking D. light

Your answers
31. 32. 33. 34. 35.

36. 37. 38. 39. 40.


Part 1. For questions 1-13, read the following passage and do the tasks that follow.

Single-Gender Education: A Case Made?

A. All modern democracies, instilled as they are with the ethics of freedom and equality of the
sexes, nevertheless offer the option of single-sex education. This separates the genders into their
own classrooms, buildings, and often schools. Traditionally, women had to fight hard and long to
achieve equal opportunities in education, and the single-gender controversy is mostly in relation
to them. The question is whether this educational system advances or retards their cause, and
there are supporters on both sides, each convinced that the case is made.
B. Given that the word ‘segregation’ has such negative connotations, the current interest in
single-gender schooling is somewhat surprising. In the same way that a progressive society
would never consider segregation on the basis of skin colour, income, or age, it seems innately
wrong to do this on gender. Yet in the real world and the society in which we live, segregation of
some sort happens all the time. Clubs inevitably form - for example, of clerical workers, of
lawyers, of the academically gifted, and of those skilled in music or the arts. Exclusionary
cliques, classes, and in-groups, are all part of everyday life. Thus, it may simply be an idealistic
illusion to condemn single-gender settings on that basis alone, as do many co-educational
C. This suggests that single-gender education must necessarily be condemned on other grounds,
yet the issue is complicated, and research often sinks into a morass of conflicting data, and
occasionally, emotional argument. Thus, one study comes out with strong proof of the efficacy
of single-gender schooling, causing a resurgence of interest and positive public sentiment, only
to be later met with a harshly-titled article. 'Single-Sex Schooling: The Myth and the
Pseudoscience', published and endorsed by several respected magazines. Similarly, the
arguments on both sides have apparent validity and often accord, on the surface at least, with
common sense and personal observation. What then can parents do?


D. Proponents of separating the genders often argue that it promotes better educational results,
not only in raw academic scores but also behaviour. The standard support for this is the claim of
innate gender differences in the manner in which boys and girls learn and behave in educational
settings. Separation allows males to be taught in a 'male way' and in accordance with the 'male'
developmental path, which is said to be very different to the female one. Such claims demand
hard evidence, but this is difficult to come by since statistics are notoriously unreliable and
subject to varying interpretations.
E. Of course, one of the key factors that leads to superior performance at single-gender schools is
often the higher quality of the teachers, the better resources at hand, and the more motivated
students, often coming as they do from wealthier or more privileged backgrounds. Single-gender
schools are often the most prestigious in society, demanding the highest entry marks from their
new students, who, in turn, receive more deference and respect from society. When taking these
factors into account, large-scale studies, as well as the latest findings of neuroscientists, do not
support the claims of superior results or persistent gender differences, respectively. Those who
make such claims are accused of emphasising favourable data, and drawing conclusions based
more on anecdotal evidence and gender stereotyping.
F. Yet the single-sex educationalists come out with other positives. One of the most common is
that girls are free from the worry of sexual harassment or negative behaviour originating from
the presence of boys. Girls are said to develop greater self-confidence, and a preparedness to
study subjects, such as engineering and mathematics, which were once the exclusive province of
males. Conversely, boys can express a greater interest in the arts, without the possible jibe,
‘That’s a girls’ subject’. But logically, one senses such stereotyping could equally come in
single-gender settings, since it is the society outside of school, with all its related expectations,
which has the greatest influence.
G. Among this welter of convicting argument, one can, at least, fall back on one certainty - that
the real world is co-gendered, and each side often misunderstands the other. Supporters of
coeducation argue that positive and co-operative interaction between the genders at school
reduces such divisions by de-emphasising gender as a factor of concern. In theory, stereotypes
are broken down, and inclusion is emphasised, providing benefits for society as a whole. But
such sentiments, admittedly, do sound as if we are retreating into self-promotional propaganda.
In other words, these statements are just glib and unreal assertions, rather than a reflection of
what actually happens in the co-educational classroom.
H. The key point is whether the interaction in co-educational settings is indeed positive and
cooperative. Some would say it could equally be the opposite, and surely it must occasionally be
so (if we abandon the rosy picture painted in the previous paragraph). But I would say that that
interaction, whether good or bad, whether academically enhancing or retarding, still constitutes
education, and of a vital nature. It presents exactly the same subset of challenges that students,
male or female, will ultimately have to deal with in the real world. This is the most important
point, and would determine my choice regarding in which educational setting I would place my
Questions 1-8
The reading passage has eight paragraphs, A-H.


Choose the correct heading for Paragraphs A-H from the list of headings
List of Headings
i Another argument in favour
ii Conflicting evidence
iii Negatives are positives
iv An emotional argument
v Does it help or not?
vi Looking at the other side
vii A counter-argument
viii It's happening anyway
ix The problems with genders
x An argument in favour

Write the correct number, i-x, for each answer

1. Paragraph A _______________
2. Paragraph B _______________
3. Paragraph C _______________
4. Paragraph D _______________
5. Paragraph E _______________
6. Paragraph F _______________
7. Paragraph G _______________
8. Paragraph H _______________
Questions 9-13
Complete the sentences with the correct ending, A-E.
Write the correct letter, A-E, for each answer.
A have some strong views
B think boys and girls are similar
C often have idealistic views
D are surprising in some ways


E often receive much respect

9 Neuroscientists _______________
10 The magazines _______________
11 Students from single-gender schools _______________
12 People in society _______________
13 Supporters of co-education _______________
Your answers
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Part 2. You are going to read an article about poetry. Seven sentences have been removed
from the article. For questions 14-20, choose from the sentences A-H the one which fits each
gap. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. Write your answers (A-H) in
the corresponding numbered boxes provided.

Teenager Peter Rayner writes about his new-found love of poetry.
Until about a year ago, if you mentioned the word `poetry' to me, my instant reaction would
always have been the same: 'Boring!' And I'm sure the response would be the same from many
people my age. 14_______________
It's not that I was previously unaware of poetry. I've been lucky enough to grow up in a
household where my parents and older sister love literature, and I've always loved reading,
especially crime novels — I read one a week, on average. 15_______________ They seemed to
have little to say about what I was feeling.
Then one day I came across an anthology of poems for young people. On the first page, the
editor had written an introduction in which he explained that poems are not just there to be
studied in classrooms. 16_______________ He reckoned that poetry often helps people to find
some kind of peace when times get tough. I was really struck by that, and began to think that
maybe poetry did have relevance for me after all.
After I'd read the book, I started to see that poetry is all around us, whether we realise it or not. If
you don't believe me, just think of song lyrics, rap and football chants. There were so many times
I'd been swept away by the lyrics of various rappers and bands. 17_______________
So there it was — I'd actually been listening to poetry all along! This made me start reading
poetry seriously for the first time. 18_______________ That was a great feeling. Poems spoke to
me directly whilst still offering food for thought. I even started to write my own terrible raps!
Poetry was now definitely cool as far as I was concerned.


19_______________ Did you know, for example, that spoken word performances, combined
with music, were the major literary form of the ancient world? They were popular with Greek
storytellers who'd tell their stories while a musician accompanied them on the harp. I suppose the
modern day equivalents would he poetry performed to a reggae soundtrack, poems about social
observations, or poets drawing on influences from the hip hop scene.
Anyway, I started trawling the internet to see if there were any performance poets who were my
age. I found myself googling them and it wasn't long before I discovered some teenage poets
who were performing alone or with musicians. 20_______________ I've seen some of them live
and they're brilliant. I've now been inspired to have a go at writing more serious poetry and
maybe one day I'll try performing it too.

A Their stuff has really taken off online and even at music festivals.
B Poems, however, just never appealed to me in the same way.
C And I could understand it without having to he taught what it meant.
D In spite of this, I began writing them myself.
E All of this is nothing new.
F Reading them can provide support for us at any time in our lives.
G I'd simply never, ever thought of them as poetry.
H But then recently I've discovered that by rejecting poetry so completely, I've really been
missing out.

Your answers
14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

Part 3. For questions 21-30, read the following passage and choose the answer A, B, C or D
that fits best according to the text. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes
By charting out the typical cognitive development of children, Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget
has heavily influenced how psychiatrists delineate the progress of juvenile psychological
growth. Beginning in the 1920s and up until his death in 1980, he studied the errors
schoolchildren made on various tests and realised that children of the same age made the same
kinds of reasoning errors. Based on these recurring patterns, he identified stages in a child’s
cognitive development, beginning from infancy and extending through adulthood. Essentially, he


proposed that there was a common timetable by which children initially develop simple
cognitive skills and gradually refine them into more abstract ways of thinking. While more
recent theories on the matter suggest that there is more overlap among these stages and that
different environments affect children’s progress, Piaget’s theory was nonetheless extremely
important to initial studies of cognitive development.
According to Piaget, the first stage that children go through is the sensorimotor stage, an
eventful and complex period that Piaget further divided into six sub-stages. The sensorimotor
stage begins at birth and lasts roughly until the child is two years old. During this time, the child
experiences the world through his senses and motor skills, and he will initially develop and
master the basic reflexes of infants, such as grasping, sucking, looking, and listening. Moreover,
the infant begins to develop the fundamentals of basic cognitive functions. He develops
awareness of himself and of objects as separate entities and begins to manipulate his external
environment, usually by kicking, moving objects, and chewing on toys. The child also learns that
certain actions will have certain effects, and he may perform an action to recreate these effects.
For instance, he may accidentally suck his thumb and find it pleasurable, so he repeatedly sucks
his thumb to experience the pleasure again. The child may also experiment with different actions
to test their effects, like making various sounds to get an adult’s attention. Finally, the child also
shows the basic capacity for understanding symbols, and he develops a rudimentary use of
language toward the end of this stage, most notably by identifying parents with words like
“mama” and “dada.”
In the next stage, the preoperational stage (ages 2–7), the child expands his capacity for
symbolic thinking, and he can envision the environment and manipulate it within his
imagination. Imagination thus develops more fully, as seen in the child’s tendency to role-play
other people (like his parents, firefighters, etc.), and to pretend that objects are other things, like
pretending that a broom is a horse. This stage is marked by two other distinctive characteristics.
The first is egocentrism. While the child’s language develops more fully for the purpose of social
interaction, his thought process is still limited by individual experiences, and these cognitive
limitations exclude any alternative viewpoints. Piaget determined this when he instructed several
children in this age group to look at a three-dimensional model of a mountain from a particular
angle and then pick out a particular scene they saw. All of the subjects correctly fulfilled the
task, but, when asked to pick out what someone else would have seen when looking at a different


angle, they only picked out the respective scenes they saw. Basically, they were oblivious to the
fact that a viewer at a different angle would see a different scene, so they were only able to pick
out only what they saw personally. The other characteristic is that thought occurs in an illogical
and irreversible manner. A child can easily believe that things can magically increase, decrease,
or vanish, as perceptions often dictate their reality. Piaget determined this from an experiment in
which he poured equal amounts of liquid into a short thick glass and a tall thin glass and asked
the children which container had more liquid. The subjects often selected the tall thin glass
because the liquid reached a higher level and made the glass appear fuller. They believed that
liquid magically appeared to fill the taller glass, even though they were told both glasses
contained the same amount.
In the final two stages, the child refines his skills or reasoning and analysis. In the
concrete operational stage (ages 7–11), the child shows evidence for logical thought and
becomes less egocentric in his thinking. He begins to grasp concepts such as mass, length,
volume, time, and other abstract measurements, and he becomes capable of solving basic logical
problems and understanding reversible logic. He can perform simple arithmetic like addition,
subtraction, and multiplication, and his understanding of how these concepts relate to each other
increased. For instance, he understands that ten minus five equals five, so five plus five equals
ten. He is also able to categorize concepts, such as identifying a tiger as a cat, a cat as an animal,
and thus a tiger as an animal. In the fourth and final stage, the formal operational stage (from
puberty to adulthood), the child is finally able to think in completely abstract terms. He is able to
perform algebra, calculus, and other mathematics that utilize symbols, formulas, and logic, and
he is capable of other complex critical and analytical thought. This also allows him to hypotheses
from experiments and using these to predict the effects of certain actions. The extent to which
people achieve this degree of abstract thinking is always different, and some may never fully or
adequately grasp these skills, even as adults.
21. The word “delineate” in the passage is closest in meaning to “ _______ ”.
A. counterbalance B. descry C. embolden D. map
22. In paragraph 1, the author moots Piaget’s dissertations with children in order to .
A. collate his disquisitions with contemporary therapists’
B. denote the glitches in his procedures
C. designate how he augmented his postulations


D. exhibits how Piaget’s hypotheses are pertained

23. According to paragraph 1, what can be inferred about Piaget’s analyses?
A. They have been called into question recently.
B. They are chiefly issued from other therapists’ inquires.
C. They invalidated other schools of psychology.
D. They were never orthodox among psychiatrists.
24. According to paragraph 2, a child’s development in the sensorimotor juncture is typified by
A. an aptitude for discerning reversible notions
B. an sagacity of numerical hypotheses
C. a cognizance of the entity of external objects
D. a significant diminution in egocentrism
25. The word “rudimentary” in the passage is closest in meaning to “ _______”.
A. abortive B. basic C. makeshift D. unsophisticated
26. The phrase “oblivious to” in the passage is closest in meaning to “ _______”.
A. heedless of B. impervious to C. insensible to D. unconscious of
27. According to paragraph 3, most children who executed Piaget’s mountain test
A. were impotent to ruminate on the perspectives of other personages
B. could use their motor prowess to manipulate their surroundings
C. evinced the ability to classify objects into different categories
D. had tribulations assigning symbols to external objects
28. According to paragraph 4, all of the following are true about the formal operational juncture
A. It conventionally institutes at the onset of juvenescence.
B. It is the most abiding episode of development.
C. It makes the same strides with the same ramifications all and sundry.
D. It is when people refine skills mandatory for convoluted mathematics.
29. According to the passage, at which episode would a child distinctly possible commence to
impersonate an astronaut?
A. preoperational B. formal C. concrete D. sensorimotor
30. Based on the information in the passage, what can be inferred about a child in the concrete
operational juncture?


A. He would be adroit to conduct and unravel the elaborate mathematical equations often
wielded in calculus.
B. He would only be able to kick, shriek, and masticate on miscellaneous objects to create
changes in his vicinities.
C. He would most likely flunk Piaget’s test that incorporated a three-dimensional model of
D. He would discern that the containers in the liquids-in-two containers test have the same
Your answers:
21. 22. 23 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

Part 4. The passage below consists of five sections marked A-E. For questions 31-40, read the
passage and do the task that follows. Write your answers (A-E) in the corresponding
numbered boxes provided.

A modern health problem

A. There is growing concern about the way we view food, which goes beyond the ‘do we live to
eat or eat to live?’ debate. More and more children are leading inactive lifestyles and are
suffering from obesity. In the 1990s and early years of this century, tobacco-related diseases
were the main problem, but aggressive anti-smoking campaigns caused the focus of concern to
shift. In this decade, obesity appears to be the major health concern with far-reaching
repercussions. Obese children suffer taunts and bullying from their peers and this, instead of
causing them to rethink their eating habits, may perpetuate the vicious circle; in other words,
these children turn to ‘comfort thinking’ which adds to their weight problem.
Researchers have noted that some children are doing less than one or two minutes of ‘moderate
activity’ in an hour, which is an alarming reduction on the results of previous studies. The
problem seems to be worse in teenage girls than in their male counterparts, with older children
getting much less exercise than younger ones.

B. Many parents realise that their children are overweight, but do not know enough about
nutrition to give their offspring the support they need in order to help them change their
lifestyles. Given time pressures from work and family, a growing number of people rely on pre-
cooked convenience foods or quick fry-ups, thus exacerbating the problem. In general there is
some recognition of the situation. For example, at 'Weight Loss Camps', obese children, along
with their slightly less overweight peers, learn to read food labels and understand the nutritional
content of food, or lack of it, eat healthily and exercise. This experience can also increase their
confidence in themselves, as they are surrounded by youngsters who are in the same boat. But,
by and large, not enough is being done.


C. Schools are partly to blame, as they have marginalised physical education due to time
limitations. Also, in many cases, they have bowed to financial pressure and sold off playing
fields, often in order to buy more up-to-date computers, which in turn encourage sedentary
lifestyles. The food industry must also shoulder some of the responsibility, as their advertising
campaigns promote foodstuffs which are high in fat and sugar. Advertisements frequently feature
such products as fizzy drinks, king-size chocolate bars and ever larger packets of crisps. These
are attractive to families on low incomes because you now get more for the same price as the
original, smaller portions. However, children who have large bags of crisps or bars of chocolate
in their school lunch-boxes don't save half for the next day; they eat the whole thing. It would
appear that fast-food marketing people have seized upon children as being brand-loyal from
cradle to grave. They therefore target small children with free toys, a worrying trend which,
some believe, warrants government action.

D. Some campaigners want governments to treat the fast-food industry as they do the tobacco
industry, insisting that foods with a high fat or sugar content should carry an official health
warning. They would also like a ban on vending machines in schools, as it is estimated that one
fifth of children get more than 20 percent of their energy from sugar, with 5 percent of that
coming from the consumption of fizzy drinks. Of course, children are not the only ones to suffer
from obesity. In one survey, only 40 per cent of adults claim to regularly sit down for a meal,
which means that the majority are eating on the hoof. Only around 30 per cent say that they cook
all their own meals. It becomes reasonably obvious that this is so when you look around you in
the street or in an underground station. Walking and talking are interspersed with eating and
drinking; people carry a can to swig from, and clutch food to scoff.

E. We live in a culture which actively promotes fast food while simultaneously showing images
of the ultimate in ‘beauty’. The majority of us could never achieve this perfect look, given our
lifestyle and diet. This fact, in turn, gives rise to both overeating and its extreme opposite,
anorexia. It is obviously time for us to take a close look at our relationship to food. The
recommended daily diet, at least according to some experts, consists of at least five portions of
fruit and vegetables, some protein (but not too much) and only a few carbohydrates. No one
would deny, however, that the occasional lapse would be acceptable. Remember the old adage: a
little of what you fancy does you good!

In which section is each of these views expressed?

31. In the past, other public health issues were seen as more significant than obesity.
32. Mistreatment of youngsters who are overweight can often result in the problem becoming
33. Children may have access to fewer areas where they can play sports than they did in the past.
34. More action from the authorities is being demanded to tackle the problem of obesity.
35. Hasty eating routines while being on the move are common among adults.
36. The world is flourishing two polars of physical care that should not coexist.
37. Irregular self-indulgence should not be dissuaded when it comes to diet.
38. Marketing strategies of some companies are wreaking havoc on children's development to
the extent that official intervention is proposed.
39. A lack of information limits the assistance that some people can give to others.


40. The connection of those who have the same health issues has the potential to relieve their
inferiority complex.

Your answers:
31. 32. 33 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.


Part 1. Sentence transformation
1. He has been learning the piano for two years. UP
=> He________________________________________________________________ago.
2. It is a popular belief that too much money is spent on space exploration. WASTE
=> Space exploration is widely_________________________________________________
3. The company’s profits have improved a lot this year. SHOWN
=> The company’s profits_____________________________________________________
4. I’ve been thinking hard to remember the name of the girl I sat next to at primary school.
=> I’ve been ________________________________________________________________
5. There has been a big rise in property taxes in the last year. ROOF
=> Property taxes______________________________________________ in the last year.
Part 2. The bar chart shows the percentage of small, medium, large companies which used
social media for business purposes between 2012 and 2016. Summarise the information by
selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at
least 150 words

































Part 3. In order to study at university students are required to pay expensive tuition fees.
Not all student can afford them so some people think that university education should be
free for everyone. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Write at least 300 words.






Describe a historical building you are interested in

You should say:
Which the building is
How it looks like
What people do there
And explain why you are interested in this building


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