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Relations between Turkey and Mauritania

Turkey and Mauritania share common historical and cultural bonds. Founding
president of Mauritania, Mokhtar Ould
Daddah, carried out an official visit
to Turkey in 1974. A visit at Foreign Ministerial level was paid to
Mauritania from
Turkey on 8-9 March 2008. Afterwards, the official visit of
former President H.E. Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz in 2010
in Turkey and the
reciprocal opening of embassies gave an impetus to bilateral relations.
Since the opening of Turkish Embassy in Nouakchott on April 2011, one visit
on presidential level and two visits of
ministerial level have been carried
out. President H.E. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan paid an official visit to
Mauritania on 28
February 2018 and held bilateral meetings with his
counterpart, former President H.E. Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz of
This was the first ever visit at the level of President from Turkey to
Mauritania and helped to improve the
bilateral relations between the two
Our investors are particularly interested in fishery sector of Mauritania
given its rich fish reserves and advantages
presented to foreign investors.
Turkish investors’ interest in other segments of Mauritanian economy is
increasing as
Starting with a figure of 22 million Dollars in 2008, bilateral trade
volume has been increased to 115 million Dollars in
2012. It has reached to
245 million Dollars in 2019.
Turkish Airlines has 5 flights to Nouakchott.
Through Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TİKA), Turkey is
providing development assistance to
Mauritania in various domains.
Turkish Maarif Foundation is currently running schools in Mauritania.
Since 1992 Turkey grants scholarships to students from Mauritania.

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