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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III-Central Luzon
Division of Bulacan
District of Bustos
Malamig, Bustos, Bulacan



“Successful leaders see the opportunities in every difficulty rather than the difficulty in every
opportunity.” - Reed Markham. Leaders aren’t born overnight, but all great journeys begin with just one
step. If you apply the simple tips from this guide every day, and commit to practice and
reflection, you’ll be making a difference. We believe that leadership is for everyone, no title
necessary. So long as you have the will to lead and an inclination to help others reach their
potentia l, anyone can be a leader. One of the mos t amazing things about working on your
leadership skills is that you’ll get to see yourself transform as a person overall. Leadership is
founded in relationships and developing people (including yourself). It’s a human based role, so
this journey toward betterment as a leader is at once one of personal discovery, understanding and
becoming the best version of yourself. An effective leader is a person with a passion for a cause
that is larger than they are. Someone with a dream and a vision that will better society, or at least, some
portion of it. Also, without passion, a leader will not make the necessary courageous and difficult
decisions and carry them into action. This is not to imply that all decisions are of this nature. But you
can be sure, some of them will be. The leader without a passion for a cause will duck.

In line with the objective which to demonstrate knowledge of the DepEd vision, mission and core
values to foster shared understanding and alignment of school policies, programs, projects and activities,
Malamig Elementary School implements the Citizen’s Charter to ensure utmost service provided for its
clients. The school conducts awareness campaigns to amplify the objectives of the said charter. The school
adheres to make the administration accountable and citizen-friendly to ensure transparency for everyone.

The teachers work hand-in-hand to provide quality service to the citizen. This action is spearheaded
by our School Head. Dr. Blanquita F. Alcantara and collaborated with faculty and staff. The following
services given by the Malamig ES Citizen’s Charter:

1. Issuance of Good Moral

2. Issuance of Certificate of Enrolment/Attendance
3. Issuance of Form 138 – E
4. Issuance of Form 137 – E
5. Enrolment of Kinder, Grade 1-6, and Transferees
6. Recruitment, Evaluation, Selection and Appointment for Teacher I Position
Everyone finds easy in transacting business in the school and the services provided are
delivered with superior quality. Based on the feedback

Malamig ES also commits to provide quality classroom instructions by imparting learning

through competent and adequately trained teachers and staff who demonstrate desirable values and
traits that shale explore all avenues to gain commitment and greater participation of stakeholders to
school programs, projects and activities.

With this mission-vision the school has boosted lots of improvements in both academic and
non-academic competitions. These are the following accomplishments of Malamig ES:

1. Increase of enrolment
2. Adequate number of teachers
3. Increase of stakeholders engagement
4. Sufficient school facilities and equipment
5. Second Best Performing School (Medium Category)

Our school also strives to promote the vision, mission and core values in a way that it is visible to the
entire community. We make sure that all students, parents, stakeholders, and the community are notified
about the recent events held, important steps, upcoming deadlines, activities, and engagements through
school postings. With the help of our ICT coordinator, we also use our school Facebook to promote school
events, post information and engage with stakeholders.

Amidst all the challenges, Malamig Elementary School stands as a growing institution. The legacies
that we engrave to our students may be an instrument of hopes and inspirations that we are one in our quest
to educate the young who are the future leaders of tomorrow. There is no greater calling than to serve. When
we work together, we can achieve great things.



School Head

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