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Section 5 states that no disabled persons shall be denied access to opportunities for suitable

employment. They are subject to the same terms and conditions of employment, compensation,
privileges, benefits, and/or allowances like that of an able-bodied person. Five percent (5%) of
casual, emergency and contractual positions shall be reserved for PWDs in government agencies,
offices or corporations engaged in social development.

“No disabled persons shall be denied access to opportunities for suitable employment. A
qualified disabled employee shall be subject to the same terms and conditions of employment
and the same compensation, privileges, benefits, fringe benefits, incentives or allowances as a
qualified able-bodied person.”

You have the right to be provided work that accommodates your disability.
In Section 6, it states that if suitable employment for disabled persons cannot be found through
open employment as stated in the preceding section, the State shall work to provide it by means
of sheltered employment. In the placement of disabled persons in sheltered employment, it shall
accord due regard to the individual qualities, vocational goals, and inclinations to ensure a good
working atmosphere and efficient production. Sheltered employment is an arrangement where
those who aren’t capable of working in a competitive setting are provided with work in work
sites or centers exclusive to PWDs. The work usually involves vocational programs. As stated
here, the State is responsible for providing such centers if some PWDs experience a lack of
opportunities and suitable employment. The end goal is to enable them to work in integrated
work spaces.
You have the right to be hired as an apprentice if you are able to perform the job.

From Section 7, as subject to the provision of the Labor Code, disabled persons shall be eligible
as apprentices or learners, if their handicap will not so much hinder the performance of the job
for which they are hired. If after the period of apprenticeship, their performance was found
satisfactory, they shall be eligible for employment.

“Subject to the provision of the Labor Code as amended, disabled persons shall be eligible as
apprentices or learners; Provided, That their handicap is not much as to effectively impede the
performance of job operations in the particular occupation for which they are hired; Provided,
further, That after the lapse of the period of apprenticeship if found satisfactory in the job
performance, they shall be eligible for employment.”

You have the right to be trained in order to develop skills for employment.

Section 9 states that the State shall take appropriate vocational rehabilitation measures for
disabled workers and workers in general to develop their skills, and enable them to compete for
available productive and beneficial employment opportunities in the labor market, including
disabled persons in the rural areas.
“The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) shall design and implement
training programs that will provide disabled persons with vocational skills to enable them to
engage in livelihood activities or obtain gainful employment. The Department of Labor and
Employment shall likewise design and conduct training programs geared towards providing
disabled persons with skills for livelihood.”
You have the right to be trained for advancement in employment.

Section 10 states that the DSWD shall provide evaluating vocational guidance and counselling to
disabled persons in order to secure, retain, and advance them in employment.

“[DSWD] shall ensure the availability and training counsellors and other suitability qualified
staff responsible for the vocational guidance and counselling of disabled persons.”

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