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Supported by the Republic Act 707-a or the Journalism Act of 1991, it

states that a person can write any information, entertainment and education. And
with that, campus journalism has began to grow.
Is campus journalism really important? Yes, it is where youth can practice
and improve their writing techniques, the way they think, to become upholders of
freedom of the press even at a young age, and many more. It even helps students to
become promoters of positivism and catalysts of change.

Hence, through campus writing, students can elucidate a school paper about
the current issues, from nation to local and especially the events that is happening
inside the school campus. Through this, parents can read about the activities of the
school where their children are attending. School papers become the mirror and
bridge to strengthen a one community.

Moreover, students who write the school papers can expose or undress a
hidden problems that their community is facing. Once the residence of the
community reads the published news, they’ll take an action to solve the problems
that is exposed by the campus writers. Subsequently the young campus journalist
can help the resident become aware of what is happening inside their community
by their writing skills. To add a little detail, campus newspaper can educate and
give some facts about the current issue or topic in the country.

Conversely, some students refute policies and practices imposed by school

official and may write something that can ruin someone’s reputation. But
numerous students are justifying that these are just some mere myths. As one of
the young journalists, it is true that a writer will only think how to find an issue to
expose to the residents and to empower their community.

Furthermore, former secretary Leonor Magtolis Briones, “Campus

journalism empowers the community and the country to rise above the pandemic,
to share correct and truthful information, to be patient, to be understanding, and to
be aware of vicious attacks of cruel criticism at this time of finger point.” (NSPC
event on August 11-13 2021). Briones said that students in the country learn how
to think critically through programs that strengthen the campus journalism.
Numerous people, especially students, concur on what Briones said, because they
have experience on how can the campus journalism challenge them to think harder
and analyze a problem thoroughly. Even the pandemic started, the NSPC become
more popular around the students who wanted to participate in an online
competition for young journalist.

Meanwhile, Undersecretary for curriculum and instruction Diosdado San

Antonio, “we are very fortunate that as we all share the passion of truth-seeking,
the youngster will be equipped with 21st century skills of critical thinking,
communications skills, and other life skills developed through the journalistic
undertaking that we do”. The program for the young journalists, NSPC, was such a
great idea to help even more students to have confidence and take this challenge
for journalism. This will help them more to have a creativeness when it comes to

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