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SO GIAO DUC VA DAO TAO KY THI TUYEN SINH VAO LOP 10 HA TINH TRUONG THPT CHUYEN HA TINH NAM HQC 2022 - 2023 SHARED BY ANGELS OF MON THI: TIENG ANH. Thai gian lim OTTO CHANNEL 150 phat Ho va tén thi sinh: Ngay thang nam sinh: .... SO bao danh: .. Phéng thi sé: ........ Can bd coi thi 86 phach (Ky va ghi 1 ho tén) (Do Ban lam phéch ghi) SO GIAO DUC VA DAO TAO HA TINO DE THI CHINH THUC (Dé thi c6 11 trang) + Thi sink khdng duge ste dung tai lig. KY THI TUYEN SINH VAO LOP 10 TRUONG THPT CHUYEN HA TINT NAM HQC 2022 - 2023 MON THI: TIENG ANH Thoi gian lam bai: 150 phut SHARED BY ANGELS OF OTTO CHANNEL Thi sinh lam bai tre tiép veo dé thi, ghi cdu tra Idi vao ede ché tréng hoge cdc 6 cho san. * — Hwing dan phin thi nghe dwge doc sin trong dia CD. + Giém thi khong gidi thich gi them. im cua ton bai thi Can bo cham thi S6 phich (Bang so) (Bang chit) (Ry va ghi 15 ho tén) (Do Ban fam phich ghi) SECTION I. LISTENING Part 1. You will hear a conversation about the new rail path to Riverdale. For questions 1-10, write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. Write your answers in the numbered boxes. [Weekly ‘Monthly ‘Yearly 1 $74.90 2S. Saver Ticket Prices Man's name: Tony 3. Man's Address: 4. Drive Man's telephone number: 5. ROUTES TO RIVERDALE Via Botton & Fairdon [Via Botton \Via Brentbrook journey time: (3 hours 10 minutes |L hour 45 minutes |Change(s): Fairdon: 25 minutes Botton: 12 minutes Brentbtook: 6 minutes Botton: 6. [rain times: 7. ne at 8. Every 10. | fees Single: $3.80 lExtrafee: Ipenieneseon Trang 1/11 Your answers: iy af=|=|s ele [ale = Part 2. You will hear five different people talking about their first job. For questions I - 5, choose from the list A — F to say what each person says about it. Use the letters only once. There is ONE extra letter which you do not need to use. Write your answers in the numbered boxes. A. the speaker told a Tie Speaker 1 SHARED BY ANGELS DF B. the speaker was injured O775 CHANNEL Speaker 2 7 C. the speaker was sacked Speaker 3 D. the speaker was given a warning E. the speaker did a variety of activities Speaker 4 a. F it required the speaker to choose their career | pers z Your answers: L 13. 4. Part 3, You will hear an introduction about Travelite Travel Agency Information Line. For questions 1- 5, choose the correct letter A, B or C to complete each sentence. Write your answers in the numbered boxes. 1, To find out how much holidays cost, you should press button. ; A. one B. two C. three 2, Travelite currently offers walking holidays, A. all over Europe B, outside Europe C. only in Western Europe 3. The walks offered by Travelite A. cater for a range of walking abilities B. are planned by guides from the local area C. are for people with good fitness levels 4. On Travelite holidays, people holidaying alone pay. A. only a bit less than other clients B. as much as other clients C. extra only if they stay in a large room 5. Entertainment is provided A. most nights B. each night when guests request it Your answers: 1 2, [3 4. 5. Trang 2/11 SHARED BY ANGELS OF SECTION IL_ GRAMMAR AND LEXICAL ITEMS © CHANNEL Part I. Choose the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence. Write your answer A, B,C or Din the numbered boxes. 1. [only he me a chance, I could have told him the truth, A. could give B. has given C. gave D. had given 2. She insisted that the report as his source of information. A.not to mention —_B. not mentioning C. not be mentioned D. not mention 3. Hardly __ can find the answer to this complex situation. no one B. someone C. anyone D. everyone 4, Stop fighting you two, shake hands and your peace with each other! AL set B. do C. bring D. make 5. She seems to be angry with the whole world. She's got a chip ‘A. on her shoulder B. in her bonnet C.underherhat——D. between the ears 6 little we may like it, old age comes to most of us. A. In spite of B. So CAS D. However 7. A number of films were not shown to the public because of goverment A. inhibition B. censorship C. omission D. compensation 8. Is this difficult exercise of the two that the teacher assigned yesterday? more B. the more C. most D. the most 9, John and Mary are talking about burning trash - John: “Burning trash may have negative effects on the environment.” - Mary: It causes air pollution.” A. Thanks, that’s fine B. You're wrong C. There's no doubt about it D. [don't quite agree 10. She is so absent-minded that she her cellphone three times. ‘A. has lost B. loses C. was losing D. had lost 11. Visitors to the local museum are mostly attracted by vase. A. an old European beautiful B. a beautiful old European C. an old beautiful European D. a European old beautiful 12. To be the eldest child, you have to a lot of responsibility. A. get B. make C. bear D. convey 13. We should participate in the movements the natural environment. A. organizing to conserve B. organized conserving C. which organize to conserve D. organized to conserve 14. [can’t believe how cheap this T-shirt was. It was a real . A. bargain B. offer C. discount D. sale 15. An child is forever asking questions. He's incredibly curious. A. acquisitive B. acquitted C. inquisitive D. exquisite 16, The project was a dead from the start due to a lack of funding ‘A. chicken B. duck C. cow D. cat 17. Tom: “What is your greatest phobia?” - Julia: “ Z A.I'matraid not. —-B. Worms, definitely! C. Tove puppies. —_D. Exactly what I thin 18. This school needs It looks so old. A. repainted B. to repaint C. repainting D. to be repainting 19. It’s not a pleasant feeling to discover you've been taken for & by a close friend. A. cheat B. trick C. lift D. ride 20. A good way of ____ food is keeping it in a fridge. A. preserving B. extending C. enduring D. prolonging Your answers: 1 2 3 4 5. | 7. 8 9 10. il. 12, 13. 14 15. 16. 17, 18. 19. 20. Trang 3/11 Part 2. Complete the sentences with suitable prepositions or particles. Write your answers in the numbered boxes. SHARED BY ANGELS OF OTTO CHANNEL 1, I'm so tired of Sophie showing hher engagement ring all the time. 2. We will have to mark these old books if we want to sell them quickly. 3. You can’t keep your children your thumb all their lives 4, He had to rub his French to help his son when he started to learn it at school. 5. They spent a week in the capital city and then made the country. 6. This book gives fascinating insights wildlife in the jungle. 7. My younger brother is a thorn my flesh. He keeps annoying me. 8, Remember to go your essay checking for grammar and spelling mistakes before you hand it in to me. 9. Your hair and eyes remind me __ _ your grandmother 10. The police arrived immediately after the call and caught the burglar the spot. Your answers: 1 2. 3. 4. % 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Part 3. There are TEN mistakes in the passage below. Read the passage carefully, underline the mistakes and write your corrections on the corresponding lines in the box for Answers. Answers: ‘What happen if you don't get enough sleep? Randy Gardner, a high school student on the United States, wanted to find out. He designed an experiment on the effects of sleeplessness for a school science project. With doctors watching him carefully, Gardner stayed awake for 264 hours and 12 minutes. That's eleven days and nights with sleep! What effects did sleeplessness have on Gardner? After 24 hours without sleep, Gardner started having trouble reading and watching television. The words and pictures was too blurry. By the third day, Gardner had trouble doing things with his hands, By the fourth day, Gardner was hallucinating. For examples, when he saw a street sign, he thought it was a person. He also imagined he was a famous football player. Over the next few days, Gardner's speech became such slurred that people couldn't understand him. He also had trouble remembering things. By the cleventh day, Gardner couldn't pass a counted test, In the middle of the test, he simple stopped counting. He couldn't remember what he was doing. When Gardner finally went to bed, he slept for fourteen hours and forty-five minutes. The second night, he slept for twelve hours, the third night, he slept for | 16. ten and one-half hours, and by the four night, he had returned to his normal sleep | 17. schedule. Despite Gardner recovered quickly, scientists believe that going without | 18. sleep can be endangered. They say that people should not repeat Randy's | 19. experiment Part 4, Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals. Write your answers in the numbered boxes. Trang 4/11 The concept of “thetoric”, or effective public speaking, dates back thousands of years. The underlying (1. ASSUME) behind rhetoric is that how you present an argument can (2. GREAT) influence whether people are persuaded by you or not. There is undoubtedly plenty of evidence to support this idea — it’s practically unthinkable, for example, for a (3. SUCCESS) politician to be a poor communicator ~ but it is just a question of style winning over substance? Certainly itis often said of politicians that they talk complete (4. SENSE) but what they say with such (S. CONVINCE) that we tend to believe them, at least when they're in opposition. On the other hand, (6. WISE) and knowledge are of little value if you can not communicate them (7. EFFECTIVE) to your peers of to the next generation. It is the combination of clear reasoning, sound (8. JUDGE) and effective presentation and communication skills that define true rhetoric. A true (9. RHETORIC) should always come across as knowledgeable, and never as (10. OPINION) or ignorant, ‘SHARED BY ANGELS OF Your answers: OTTO CHANNEL 1 z 3: 4. . 6 7. 8. 9 10. SECTION II. READI Part 1. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word for each space. Write your answers in the numbered boxes. Early photography In the early days of photography, a stand or some other firm support for the camera was essential. This was w photographic materials were so insensitive to light that a typical exposure lasted several seconds. The camera would have to be held still for this time in (2) to obtain a sharp picture. The subjects also had to be still if their images (3) to register properly on the film. Some early street scenes include blurred, transparent, ghostlike images of people (4) wandered past when the scene was in the process of being photographed. Studio portraits from the late 1800s showed people posed rigidly, often leaning (5) furniture, which helped them to remain motionless. As it was important to keep the head still, a support was often provided © the neck. Bright studio lights, sometimes produced by setting fire to a strip of magnesium or a small pile of magnesium powder, helped in reducing the required exposure time. These burned with an intensely blue flame that gave the necessary (7) of light, although the smoke was unpleasant and there was also risk of fire The problems associated (8) long exposure were overcome by the introduction of faster, more sensitive photographie plates, and later, roll films. The development of smaller cameras (9) to photography becoming a popular hobby, Nowadays, digital cameras have further revolutionised photography, enabling even the (10) inexperienced of photographers to produce professional looking pictures. Your answers: [i 6 = 3. 10, ] ° Part 2. Read the following passage and decide which answer (A, B, C, or D) best fits each gap. Write your answers in the numbered boxes. Trang S/1 A few decades ago, entry to university meant studying a strictly academic subject — a science, ot pethaps literature, a foreign language or the classics. These days, (1) ‘education establishments offer (2) conceivable subject from Chinese medicine to crime scene science. In Britain, this trend coincided with a dramatic increase in the number of universities and more relaxed entry requirements, (3)_____ more students to experience tertiary education. Many feared these measures would result in a(4) down of degree-level courses and the press seized every opportunity to ridicule such courses, The creation in 1999 of a bachelor’s degree in surfing studies was taken as the ultimate proof that universities were prepared to give degrees in anything (5) an attempt to attract young people, thereby (6) Britain's academic reputation. In reality, the course, run by Plymouth University in South-West England, is highly scientific, and the curriculum is demanding (7) oceanography meteorology, materials technology and business management, Students on this course and other seemingly more practical courses have (8) performed better in tests than those doing straight science degrees. Far from having an adverse effect on higher education, these new disciplines (9) students and aid learning by offering the opportunity to (10) theoretical knowledge directly. Many of today’s graduates have a broad base of knowledge and are well placed to enter the job market 1. A- higher B. primary C. special D. greater 2. A. many all every 3. A. enhancing letting allowing 4. A. lowering . detracting . clamp 5. A.on in at 6. A. messing 7. A. consisting 8. A. virtually 9. A lighten 10. A. apply. B, wrestle consume ‘SHARED BY ANGELS OF OTTO CHANNEL some benefiting . dumbing of . dragging - compromising actually motivate anan ruining including ideally hinder cramming insisting merely grasp indulge Dw poyoooooys pnaaa Your answers: 1 2. 3 4 6. 4, 8 9. 10. Part 3. Read the passage and do the tasks that follow. Write your answers in the numbered boxes. Population ecology is the science that measures changes in population size and composition and identifies the causes of these fluctuations, Population ecology is not concerned solely with the human population, In ecological terms, a population consists of the individuals of one species that simultaneously occupy the same general area, rely on the same resources, and are affected by similar environmental factors. The characteristics of a population are shaped by its size and by the interactions among individuals and between individuals and their environment. Population size is a balance between factors that inerease numbers and factors that decrease numbers, Some factors that increase populations are favourable light and temperature, adequate food supply, suitable habitat, ability to compete for resource. and ability to adapt to environmental change. Factors that decrease populations are insufficient or excessive light and temperature, inadequate food supply, unsuitable or destroyed habitat, too many competitors for resources, and inability to adapt to environmental change. Another important characteristic of any population is its density. Population density is the number of individuals per units, such as the number of maple trees per square kilometer in a county. Ecologists can rarely determine population size by actually counting all individuals within geographical boundaries. Instead, they often use a variety of sampling techniques to estimate densities and total population sizes. For example, they might estimate the number of black bears in a national park by counting individuals in a few sample plots representative of the whole park. In some cases, they estimate population size through indirect indicators, stich as the number of ness or burrows, or signs such as tracks or droppings Another important population characteristic, dispersion, is the pattern of spacious among individuals within the population’s geographical boundaries, Various species are distributed in their habitats in rang 6/11 different ways to take better advantage of food supplies and shelter, and to avoid predators or find prey. Within a population’s range, densities may vary greatly because not all areas provide equally suitable habitat, and also because individuals space themselves in relation to other members of the population. ‘Three possible patterns of dispersion are clumped, uniform, and random. A clumped dispersion pattern means that individuals are gathered in patches throughout their habitat. Clumping often results from the irregular distribution of resources needed for survival and reproduction. For example, fallen trees keep the forest floor moist, and many forest insects are clumped under logs where the humidity is to their liking Clumping may also be associated with mating, safety, or other social behavior. Crane flies, for example, swarm in great numbers, a behavior that increases mating chances, and some fish swim in large schools so they are less likely to be eaten by predators. A uniform or evenly spaced distribution results from direct interactions among individuals in the population, For example, regular spacing of plants may result from shading and competitions for water. In animal populations, uniform distribution is usually caused by competition for some resources or by social nteractions that set up individual territories for feeding, breeding, or testing. Random spacing occurs in the absence of strong attraction or repulsion among individuals in a population. Overall, random patterns are rare in nature, with most populations showing a tendency toward either clumped or uniform Populations change in size, structure, and distribution as they respond to changes in environmental conditions. Four main variables — births, deaths, immigration and emigration — determine the rate of change in the size of the population over time. A change in the birth rate or death is the major way that most populations respond to changes in resource availability. Members of some animal species can avoid or reduce the effects of another with more favorable environmental conditions, thus altering the population’s dispersion, * For questions 1-6, select the best option to answer each of the following questions. 1, The passage mainly discusses the. A. Population ecology versus human population B. The distribution of populations SHARED BY ANGELS OF C. The characteristics of population ecology OTTO CHANNEL D. The density and dispersion of populations 2. Which of the following is an indirect indicator of a population's density? A. The distribution of food in a given area B. The number of nests in a given area. C. The number of bitths in a given period of time D. The number of individuals counted in a given area. 3. According to the passage, all of the following [actors cause the population of a species to increase in size EXCEPT. A. A favorable amount of light and temperature B. A sufficient food supply C. A large number of other species competing for food D. An ability to adjust to environmental change 4, The word “they” in paragraph 3 refers to A. ecologists B. trees C. individuals D. boundaries 5. Which of the following situations would be most likely to result in a uniform dispersion pattern? ‘A. Whales develop strong bonds among relatives. B. Birds compete for a place to build their nests. C. Elephants form a circle to protect their young. D. Fish swim in large schools to avoid predators. 6. The word “patches” in paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to. ‘A. dark places B. family groups C. warm s ts D, small areas * For questions 7-10, write (1) if the statement is true according to the passage; (F) if the statement is not true and (NG) if the information is not mentioned. 1. Counting how many individuals within geographical boundaries is a common way to help ecologists determine population size. Trang 7/11 8. Population dispersion is the distribution pattern of individuals within a population’s geographical boundaries. 9. ‘The author mentions immigration and emigration in the last paragraph to identify factors affecting population dispersion. 10. Densities will remain unchanged within a population’s territory due to the balance of birth and death rate. SHARED BY ANGELS OF Your answers: OTTO CHANNEL 1 2. 3 4. 4 é 7 8 9. 10. Part 4, You are going to read an article about polyglots, people who speak many languages. For questions 1-10, choose from the people (A-D). The people may be chosen more than once. Questions: Answers: a lack of concern about their identity? 2. advice about when to fit an important aspect of language acquisition’? ._a reason for concentrating on one language at a time? 4,_ameans of coping with the most challenging phase of language acquisition? 5._a description of the stages in a person’s language learning method? 6._an early appreciation of an advantage of being multilingual? 7._a long-term view of their own language learning? 8._an emotion brought on by the sound of a language? 9._ appreciation for an experience arising from being a polyglot? 10. the prospect of changing their language-learning goal? Natural born linguists What drives multi-language speakers? Martin Williams finds out . Lyudmila Orlova Being multilingual is fundamental to who I am because I think in different languages. My mind starts a thought in one language, then finds a particular word in another language that fits exactly what [ am thinking. Each language resonates with me in a distinct way. Russian makes me more melancholic because of its minor tone, for example. There's a downside though: when I'm in a monolingual environment for too long, 1 yearn to switch to a different language. I have to think “will this person understand me if 1 say something in language X"? I had an early start at learning languages. I moved to the US from the former Soviet Union when I was three and learnt English quickly. For some reasons though, my primary teacher didn't think I was bright enough to study languages at secondary school which goes to show you that general academic achievement isn't always a good indicator of one’s ability to learn a language. If I had just studied languages the formal way in school, I would never have become a hyperpolyglot. B. Simon Richards I was always fascinated by languages and accents — I tried to mimic them all the time when 1 was a child. At school, I was always drawn to the kids who had some link to abroad and T wanted to find out more. I got to study languages at school and university eventually, and it grew from there. Today, my daily life is multilingual. 1 often get mistaken for other nationalities and 1 honestly no longer regard nationality as important, It seems almost odd for me to talk about being just British now. Learning languages is an endless and ongoing process for me, which I intend to continue for as long as my body will allow. When 1 Trang 8/11 am really in the learning zone, my focus is narrow and I try to forget about my other languages. If I did, Pd go mad I simply start a new language and don't think about the others, unless I see obvious links to help the learning process and to understand grammar. SHARED BY ANGELS OF OTTO CHANNEL C. Anthony Fields Tused to spend long summers in Greece and Japan as a child, trying to play with the other kids, but none of them spoke any English. It struck me how nice would it be to be able to talk to anybody in the world, regardless of what language they spoke. Pronunciation is the most important thing for me. So I start off really basic, focus on that, Once I feel more confident, I move on to music from the language to tune in further. The dead time when you're on a bus or doing any mundane task is deal for squeezing in crucial subconscious language learning, which will all pay off in the long run, Learning new languages never stops: there is always more to learn, But my student days are almost over and the prospect of searching for a career is looming closer — so I am thinking about taking a couple of languages to a much higher level. Speaking other languages at native level is an entirely different task with different rewards to just being a polyglot. D, Liam Clarke I did poorly in languages in school. I barely passed German and, until I was 21, I only spoke English, I moved to Spain after graduating; after six months, I still hadn’t learned any Spanish. I kept telling myself that I didn’t have the language gene, Eventually I decided to put my excuses aside and dive in. It took a few weeks, but as soon as I had a basic conversation in Spanish I got hooked. That was 10 years ago, and since then I've travelled the world, learning the many languages. I don't think visiting the country where the language is spoken is really that necessary nowadays, because of the internet. But if you do travel, it opens a lot of interesting doors. I recently had a birthday lunch with four generations of Italians, for example. No way would that have happened If I'd only spoken English. The initial stage is the hardest, but the only real way to get through this is to grin and bear it. I've leaned to ignore the fact that I’m making mistakes. That confidence allows me to strive for the next level. SECTION IV. WRITING Part 1. Rewrite cach of the following sentences using the word(s) given so that its meaning stays the same. 1, He was so enthusiastic that he apparently ignored any warning signs. — Such 2. Carol works more effectively when she’s pressed for time. > The less time 3. We must think about ways of improving the transport system. > Thought must 4, It’s a widespread assumption that Christ was wrongly accused. = Christ is 5. My parents find Mary’s behaviours the most irritating about her. — What most. Part 2. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, using the word given. Do not change the word given in any way, You must use between THREE and FIVE words ineluding the word given. 6. He is said to be a good pianist. REPUTATION > He has a good pianist 7. It's unusual for Linda to get angry with her kids. TEMPER — Linda hardly ever her kids, Trang 9/11 8. The boy does whatever his father wants in an obedient way. ATTENDANCE = The boy his father 9. You must accept the fuct that she has left you. RESIGN — You must the fact that she has left you. 10. He thought very hard in order to remember the answer. RACKED > He remember the answer. SHARED BY ANGELS OF Part 3. ESSAY WRITING: OTTO CHANNEL A number of teenagers today spend much of their summer vacation doing part-time jobs. Do you think that its benefits outweigh its drawbacks? In about 250 words, write an essay to express your idea. Use specific details and examples to support your composition. Trang 10/1 SO GIAO DUC VA DAO TAO. KY THI TUYEN SINH VAO LOP 10 TRUONG THPT CHUYEN HA TINH NAM HQC 2022 - 2023 MON THE: TIENG ANH . pAP AN VA HUONG DAN CHAM TONG DIEM TOAN BAI: 20 diém SECTION I. LISTENING (0.15 x 20 = 3.0 dim) O75 caneL Part SHARED BY ANGELS OF 1.19.80 6.15 minutes 2.680 7.every hour 3. Binwistle 8. 6:15 4. 106 Sumner 9. 50 minutes 5.076 3457 6493 10. 2 hours Part 2. S.E S.A 1D 2c aC aD 3A 6.D 7.B 8B ac 10.A iB 12. 1D aK 5. 16.B 7.B 18.C 19.D 20.A Part, 1. off 2. down 3.under [4.up 5. for 6. into 8. over | 9.0f 10. on, Part 3. SHARED BY ANGELS OF OTTO CHANNEL Answers What happens if you don't get enough sleep? Randy Gardner, a high school | 1 student om the United States, wanted to find out. He designed an experiment on the | 2. in effects of sleeplessness for a school science project. With doctors watching him | 3. carefully, Gardner stayed awake for 264 hours and 12 minutes. That's eleven days | 4. and nights with sleep! 5, without What effects did sleeplessness have on Gardner? After 24 hours without | 6 sleep, Gardner started having trouble reading and watching television. The words | 7. and pictures was too blurry. By the third day, Gardner had trouble doing things | 8. were with his hands. By the fourth day, Gardner was hallucinating. For examples, when | 9. example he saw a street sign, he thought it was a person. He also imagined he was a famous | 10. football player. Over the next few days, Gardner's speech became such slurred that | 11. so people couldn't understand him. He also had trouble remembering things. By the | 12. eleventh day, Gardner couldn't pass a counted test. In the middle of the test, he simple stopped counting. He couldn't remember what he was doing. When Gardner finally went to bed, he slept for fourteen hours and forty-five minutes. The second night, he slept for twelve hours, the third night, he slept for ten and one-half hours, and by the four night, he had returned to his normal sleep hhedule. Despite Gardner recovered quickly, scientists believe that going without sleep can be endangered, They say that people should not repeat Randy's experiment, 13. counting 14, simply 15 16. 17. fourth 18.Although/Though 19. dangerous Part 4, 1. assumption 2. greatly 3. successful | 4. non-sense 5. convietion(s) 6. wisdom 7. effectively 8. judgement 9, rhetorician 10. opinionated SHARED BY ANGELS OF F (0.14 x iém) ses IN. READING (0.14 x 40 iém ie euswanien art 1. 1. because 2. order 3.were 4. who /that 5. against Jon 6, for 7. amount 8. with 9.1ed 10. most Part 2. LA 2D 3.D 4B aC 6C 7c 3B 9B 10.4 Part 3. 1G 2B 3c 4A 5.B 6D 1F 8.T 9.7 10. NG Part 4, 1B Ze 3B 4D [5.c 6c 7B B.A oD) [10.¢ SECTION IV. WRITINt . Part 1 &2: (0.14 x 10=1.4 diém) Part 1, 1. Such was his enthusiasm that he apparently ignored any warning signs. 2. The less time Carol has, the me ffectivel 3. Thought must be given to ways of improving the transport system. 4. Christ is widely assumed to have been wrongly accused. 5. What most irritates my parents about Mary is her behaviours/behaviors. Part2, 6, a reputation for/ of (being) 7. loses her temper with 8, dances attendance on 9. resign yourself to 10. racked his brains to Part 3. ESSAY: 3 diém - Task Response (25%): fully addresses all parts of the task, presents a fully developed position in answer to the question with relevant, fully extended and well supported ideas = Coherence and Cohesion (25 %): links information and ideas logi devices appropriately, presents a clear central topic within each paragraph - Lexical resources (25%): uses a wide range of vocabulary fluently and flexibly, uses some uncommon lexical items, produces rare errors in spelling and/or word formation - Grammar/Structures (25%): Uses a wide range of structures accurately and flexibly with few errors or inappropriateness. ——_HeT__ lly, uses a range of cohesive

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