Automatic Load Sharing of Distribution Transformer Using Arduino in Harar City1111111

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Submitted to Haramaya Institute of Technology in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the
Fourth Year Second Semester
Electrical and Computer Engineering
(Electrical Power Stream)

Hewan Shimelis ………………………………….. 0803/11

Iyasu Tariku…………………….………………….0962/11

Robera Belay…………………..…………………. 0617/11

Telila Diriba………………………………………. 0530 /11

School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Haramaya Institute of Technology

Haramaya University


June 2022
Automatic Load Sharing of Distribution Transformer in Harar city 2022 G.C

This is to certify that project entitled “AUTOMATIC LOAD SHARING OF DISTRIBUTION
TRANSFORMER USING ARDUINO IN HARAR CITY” submitted for Completion of fourth
year second semester. In Electrical and Computer Engineering (Power Stream) submitted to the
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Haramaya Institute of Technology, Haramaya
University. This project work is carried out by

Hewan Shimelis ………………………………….. 0803/11

Iyasu Tariku…………………….………………….0962/11

Robera Belay…………………..…………………. 0617/11

Telila Diriba………………………………………. 0530 /11

under our supervision and that no part this project has been submitted for any others. The
assistance and help received during the course of investigation have been fully acknowledged.

Name of Super adviser Signature Date

Dr. Ramesh K. ……….. …….

I|Page Haramaya university School of ECE

Automatic Load Sharing of Distribution Transformer in Harar city 2022 G.C

This is to certify that the project entitled “Automatic Load Sharing of Distribution Transformer
using Arduino in Harar City” submitted by

Hewan Shimelis ………………………………….. 0803/11

Iyasu Tariku…………………….………………….0962/11

Robera Belay…………………..…………………. 0617/11

Telila Diriba………………………………………. 0530 /11

To department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Haramaya Institute of Technology,

Haramaya University, in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the completion of fourth year
second semester. In Electrical and Computer Engineering (Power Stream) has been approved by
the student’s advisor along with School Dean of the Department after an oral examination of the

Name of School Dean Signature Date

Mr. Wehib Abubeker ……….. …….

Name of Advisor Signature Date

Mr. Mandefro Teshome ……….. .……

II | P a g e Haramaya university School of ECE

Automatic Load Sharing of Distribution Transformer in Harar city 2022 G.C

This is to declare that the semister project entitled “AUTOMATIC LOAD SHARING OF

1. Hewan Shimelis ……………………………………………………………….... 0803/11

2. Iyasu Tariku…………………….…………………………………………………0962/11

3. Robera Belay…………………..…………………………………………………. 0617/11

4. Telila Diriba……………………………………………………………………… 0530 /11

To School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Haramaya Institute of Technology, Haramaya

University, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the fourth year second semister. in
Electrical and Computer Engineering (Power stream) is record of identified work carried out
by him under our guidance and supervision.

The results embodied in this have not been submitted to any other university or institute.

Name of School Dean Signature Date

Mr. Wehib Abubeker ………… ………

Name of Advisor Signature Date

Mr. Mandefro Teshome ……….. ……….

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Automatic Load Sharing of Distribution Transformer in Harar city 2022 G.C

During the course of this project work, many peoples and friends have contributed
greatly and we would like to take this opportunity to thank them all. First and fore most thanks to
the Almighty of God for allowing us to do this work. Next, We would like to express our deep and
sincere gratitude to our advisors, Mr. Mandefro Teshome for their expert guidance, constructive
comments, suggestions and encouragement without which this project work could have not been
completed. Our sincere thank also goes to all the people who willingly
and genuinely completed the questionnaire. Last but not least, We thank Harar Utility for their
cooperation for providing all the necessary data that are helpful to complete this project.

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Automatic Load Sharing of Distribution Transformer in Harar city 2022 G.C

Electric energy demand in Harar city is over increasing every year. The previously installed
distribution transformer in distribution network of the city was not capable of carrying this over
increased load. While our visit to Harar Utility many malfunction or burnt distribution
transformers were seen that are stored in the store of the office. Most of these malfunction
happened due to overload and over current. To combat this problem many options are there like
protective relay protection, breaker installation. Of these the most cost effective, simple and
efficient project entitled “automatic load sharing of distribution transformer using arduino in Harar
city” is chosen.

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Automatic Load Sharing of Distribution Transformer in Harar city 2022 G.C

Table of Contents
CERTIFICATE I .............................................................................................................................. I
CERTIFICATE II ........................................................................................................................... II
DECLARATION .......................................................................................................................... III
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................ IV
ABSTRACTION............................................................................................................................ V
List of Figure.......................................................................................................................................... VIII
List of Table ............................................................................................................................................. IX
Acronyms and Abbreviations ................................................................................................................... X
CHAPTER ONE ............................................................................................................................. 1
INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background ................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Statement of problem .................................................................................................................... 2
1.2 Objectives ..................................................................................................................................... 2
1.2.1 General Objective ................................................................................................................. 2
1.2.2 Specific Objective ................................................................................................................. 3
1.3 Significance................................................................................................................................... 3
1.4 Scope ............................................................................................................................................. 3
CHAPTER TWO ............................................................................................................................ 4
LITERATURE REVIEW AND THEORETICAL BACKGROUND ............................................ 4
2.1.Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Distribution Transformer .................................................................................................................... 6
2.2.1 Parallel operation of transformer ................................................................................................. 6
2.2.2 Advantages of Transformer Parallel Operation ......................................................................... 20
2.2.3 Disadvantages of Transformer Parallel Operation ..................................................................... 20
2.3 Importance of Protection System ...................................................................................................... 21
CHAPTER THREE ...................................................................................................................... 22
METHODS, TOOLS, DATA COLLECTING AND ANALYSIS ............................................... 22
3.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 22
3.2 Materials (Tools) ............................................................................................................................... 22
3.2.1 Proteus design suit ..................................................................................................................... 23
3.2.2 Arduino UNO R3 ....................................................................................................................... 23
3.2.3 Capacitor .................................................................................................................................... 24

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Automatic Load Sharing of Distribution Transformer in Harar city 2022 G.C

3.2.4 Relay .......................................................................................................................................... 25

3.3 General block Diagram and System Flow Chart of the project ........................................................ 25
3.3.2 The Electromagnetic Relay ........................................................................................................ 31
3.3.3 Current Transformers ................................................................................................................. 32
3.3.4 Liquid Crystal Display Interface ................................................................................................ 33
3.3.Citation.............................................................................................................................................. 35
3.4 Field survey on overloaded transformers in Harar City .................................................................... 35
CHAPTER FOUR ......................................................................................................................... 38
SIMULATION AND RESULT .................................................................................................... 38
4.1 SIMULATION .................................................................................................................................. 38
4.2 RESULT ........................................................................................................................................... 41
CHAPTER FIVE .......................................................................................................................... 43
Conclusions and recommendation ................................................................................................ 43
5.1 Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................ 43
5.2 Recommendation for Future Work ................................................................................................... 43
References ..................................................................................................................................... 45
APPENDIX ................................................................................................................................... 47

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List of Figure
Figure 3. 1 Arduino UNO R3 ....................................................................................................... 23
Figure 3. 2 Block diagram of the project ...................................................................................... 26
Figure 3. 3 system flow chart of automatic load sharing .............................................................. 27
Figure 3. 4 block diagram of power supply .................................................................................. 28
Figure 3. 5 transformer ................................................................................................................. 28
Figure 3. 6 Output of rectifier ....................................................................................................... 29
Figure 3. 7 filter ............................................................................................................................ 30
Figure 3. 8 IC regulators ............................................................................................................... 30
Figure 3. 9 Electromagnetic relay ................................................................................................. 31
Figure 3. 10 Shows the LCD display from proteus software ........................................................ 34
figure 4. 1 Simulation block diagram of the whole scheme of the project ................................... 38
figure 4. 2 Simulation under normal condition ............................................................................. 39
figure 4. 3 Simulation under overloaded condition ...................................................................... 40
figure 4. 4 Simulation if load exceeds limit of both Transformer ................................................ 41

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Automatic Load Sharing of Distribution Transformer in Harar city 2022 G.C

List of Table
Table 2. 1: Summary of Parallel Operation of Transformer ......................................................... 17
Table 2. 2: operating combinations............................................................................................... 18
Table 2. 3: non operative combination ......................................................................................... 19
Table 2. 4: Protection system ........................................................................................................ 21
Table 3. 1: Pin Configuration of Arduino ..................................................................................... 24
Table 3. 2: Collected data from the field ...................................................................................... 37

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Acronyms and Abbreviations

AC……………………………………………………………...………………Alternating current
ACB………………………………………………………….………………….Air circuit breaker
ADC……………………………………………………………………Analog to digital converter
ASCII……………………………………….American standard code for information interchange
AVR………………………………………………….……………….Automatic voltage regulator
CT………………………………………………...……………………………Current transformer
DC……………………………………………………………………………………Direct current
EMF………………………………………………………………………..….Electromotive force
IC…………………………………………………………...…………………….Integrated circuit
IOC…………………………………………………….……………….Instantaneous over current
KVA…………………………………………………………...………………….Kilo volt ampere
LED………………………………………………………………..………….Light emitting diode
LCD……………………………………………………………..…………….Liquid crystal diode
LT………………………………………………………………………………...…….low tension
MCCB……………………………………………………………….Moulded case circuit breaker
MVA…………………………………………………………………………….Mega volt ampere
OLTC………………………………………………………………………….On load tap changer
PMW……………………………………….…………………..………….Pulse modulating width
PSO……………………………………………………………..…….Particle swarm optimization
RTCC………………………………………………………………….Remote tap changer control
SPI……………………………………………………………..…….….Serial peripheral interface
TOC…………………………………………………………………………...….Time overcurrent
TTL……………………………………………………………………...Transistor-transistor logic
TWI…………………………………………………………………………….Two-wire interface
UNO…………………………………………………………………………………Arduino UNO

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1.1 Background
Electricity is an extremely handy and useful form of energy. It plays an ever growing role in our
modern industrialized society. So the demand for electrical energy is ever increasing. The
electrical power systems are highly non-linear, extremely huge and complex networks. Such
electric power systems are unified for economical benefits, increased reliability and operational
advantages. However, some of the electrical energy generated is lost in transmission and
distribution due to a widely dispersed power sources and loads. The consumer service
interruptions in Harar city are mostly due to failure in the distribution network[16]. Distribution
systems have suffered mainly from the following: voltage and current imbalance, poor voltage
regulation, peak power or energy losses, conductor heating or equipment, etc. The phase voltage
and current unbalances are major factors leading to extra losses, equipment overloading.
The transformer is a static device, which converts energy at one voltage level to another voltage
level. The thesis is all about protecting the transformer under overload condition. Due to
overload on the transformer, the efficiency drops and the secondary winding gets over heated
and may burn. So, by reducing the load on the transformer, the transformer is protected. To
minimize these problems, the structures of a distribution network of the city may have to be
modified. This will be done by arranging another transformer through an arduino.
The arduino compares the load on the first transformer with a reference value. When the
load exceeds the reference value, the second transformer will share the extra load. Therefore, the
two transformers work efficiently under overload condition and the damage is prevented.
In this project three major components are used to control the load current. The first is sensing
unit, which is used to sense the current of the load. The second is control unit; in this
Electromagnetic relay is the main role, and its function is to change the position with respect to
the control signal. The last is arduino, which will read the digital signal and perform
some calculation and finally gives control signal to the relay. When designing low-voltage power
systems to supply large load currents, paralleled lower-current modules are often preferred over a
single, large power converter for several reasons. These include the efficiencies of designing and

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Automatic Load Sharing of Distribution Transformer in Harar city 2022 G.C

manufacturing standard modular converters which can be combined in whatever number

necessary to meet a given load requirement; and the enhanced reliability gained through
Overloading protection means detecting problems with distribution transformer and isolating from
the load. Fuzzy logic controller is an intelligent tool that serves as an overloading protection for
distribution transformers. It has logical rules which protects distribution transformers against
overloading conditions [1]. Overloading protection for the distribution transformer can reduce
around 20% of electric power interruption [2]. Protection and overloading protection in a
particular, is one of the measurement strategies to improve power system’s reliability status. In
Ethiopia, many customers were suffering from electric power interruptions. There were many
malfunctions distribution transformers in Harar city. Major causes of this malfunction of the
distribution transformer was overloading conditions which can be easily prevented through
overloading protection [3–5]. Currently, the practice of overloading protection in Ethiopia is low
[3, 6, 7]. Even though the government of Ethiopia developed strategies for energy supply, there is
the varying level of intervention were being given both at the community level and energy
centers[8]. Efforts were not organized at the level of practice and this is due low number of
researches to explore overloading protection in Ethiopia [9–11]. Therefore, the aim of this study
was to protect the distribution transformers in Harar city, Ethiopia.

1.1 Statement of problem

Transformer is the vital component in the electric power transmission and distribution system. The
problem of overloads, voltage variation and heating effect is very common. It takes a lot of time
to its repair and also involves a lot of cost. Due to overload on the transformer, the efficiency drops
and the secondary winding gets over heated and may burn. This work is all about protecting the
transformer under overload condition

1.2 Objectives
1.2.1 General Objective
The main objective of the project is to design automatic load sharing of Distribution transformer
using arduino in Harar city to keep distribution transformer from damage.

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1.2.2 Specific Objective

 Investigate how rearrangement of consumer load can be carried out among the
 Reduce the frequent power outage that severe the reliability of the system.
 Create a simulation model and consequently carryout a study of the proposed
technology and its operation.
 Evolve techniques or system for ensuring continuous dynamic on-line load
rearrangement with minimal service interruptions; reduced power losses, and
voltage drop.
 Reduce manual operations approach for improving load balancing on secondary
distribution network feeder.
 Provide low cost and reliable system

1.3 Significance
This project will contribute a technique for distribution utilities at the low voltage distribution
network that will bring a case study of automatic load sharing of transformer in Harar city
distribution network. It also Increase quality and reliability of supply service to the consumers.
Unbalance will be considerably minimized thereby ensuring that voltage drop and power losses
are reduced. This will result in increase in the life span of the utility installations. The load is shared
by transformer is automatically. No manual errors are taking place, it prevents the most
transformer from damage by problems like overload and overheats.

1.4 Scope
The aim of this project is to develop an automatic transformer distribution and load sharing system.
It will also have relay to sense overload of the transformer and share the load. Parallel operation
is used to reduce the extra load, then the transformer is protected.

This project does not encompass other power transformer failure reasons like lightning, short
circuit of winding, tree, birds and others. The project also does not try to show the implementation
in substations since it is complicated and it would take a lot of analysis. So the project deals from
theoretical and mathematical method, code, until simulation.

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This chapter will discuss the study about significant effect of overload in Harar distribution
system and network. At present automatic load sharing distribution transformer is not available in
Harar city?. Automatic load sharing transformer is operated by the principle of parallel operation
of transformer. This may cause increasing short-circuit currents that increase necessary breaker
capacity, the risk of circulating currents running from one transformer to another transformer,
circulating currents that diminish load capability and increased losses. The challenge in
paralleling modular supplies is to insure predictable, uniform current sharing-regardless of load
levels and the number of modules. It provide enhanced system reliability through complete
redundancy such that the failure of one or more modules could be tolerated as long as the total
remaining capacity is equal to or greater than the demands of the load.

Literature survey made has been presented under the following topics: Voltage stability indices,
Maximum load ability, Contingency analysis, parallel operation and load sharing method. From
that content, the researcher got to knowollowing: -

(In 2020, Nebey) claimed that load sharing makes the prevision of adequate protection to
distributed systems under the overloaded condition. Due to the overloading the system may fail.

(Ahmad,2010) proposed that distribution transformers are an important part of power system
which distributes power to the low-voltage users directly, and its operation condition is important
for the entire distribution network operation. However, their life is significantly reduced if they
are subjected to overloading and over temperature resulting in unexpected failures and loss of
supply to a large number of customers thus effecting system reliability. Protection against fault in
power systems is very essential and vital for its reliable performance. Thus to protect the
transformers from overloads and over temperature, the concept of load sharing has been proposed,
wherein, automatic load sharing occurs whenever the rated conditions are exceeded. From
engineering and economic standpoint, the most favorable conditions for a power supply is attained
when the power factor is close to unity. Thus in order to attain increased voltage levels on the load

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and reduced electric utility bills, a temperature monitoring and power factor correction circuit is
also included.

(Parikh, 2013) concluded that this report presents brief overview about the distribution system
automation. The application areas, advantages and commercially available products for the
distribution system automation are also described in detail. It also discusses about the present
implantation philosophies and current challenges in the distribution system automation. Further,
EPRI ‘IntelliGrid’ project is discussed as an example of advance distribution system automation.
Finally, communication aided advanced distribution system automation and its advantages are
explained in detail.

(Kelvin, 2013) described that implementing superconductor technologies in the distribution

networks can eliminate the voltage regulation and power losses issues that face the conventional
networks, however, the impedance of superconductor distribution networks is very small which
causes a very small changes in voltage magnitude. Nevertheless, the conventional control
technologies implemented with the conventional distribution networks are relied on the voltage
changes magnitude in the network. This would be a serious issue for the future superconductor
distribution networks where a very small voltage change magnitude occurs. Therefore, this paper
introduces a proposal of autonomous voltage regulator (AVR) which can be implemented with the
future superconductor distribution networks to control shared reactive power between distribution
generators and then compared with the conventional AVR that is used with the conventional
distribution networks.

(Zheng, 2010) discussed the reasons of traditional paralleled converter’s not being load-sharing.
The fuzzy logical control is applied to parallel converter’s load-sharing control technology by
making an in-depth research. In order to reduce adjustable-range of voltage and make each
module’s voltage balance quickly, a middle voltage-programming automatic load-sharing
technique is presented. Simulation results show that the proposed load-sharing control method can
achieve better dynamic current-sharing and load-sharing characters, and can operate well within
the large adjustable-load range.

(Chattopadhyay & Chakrabarti 2003, Echavarrene, 2006) Optimal steady state load
shedding was formulated to minimize the sum of the squares of the differences between the
connected loads and the generated power. The supplied power was treated as a dependent variable

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modeled as a function of the bus voltage magnitude (Mostafa, 1996). A simple new technique was
developed to define the optimum location and the optimum quantity of load to be shed in order to
prevent the system voltage from going to the unstable zone using L-indicator index (Sadek, 1999).
(Hazarika & Sinha, 1998) has proposed a method of load shedding with the objective of
minimizing load shedding in the situation where total generation is less than the total demand by
minimizing system loss with the constraints on generator limits and line flow limits. Some studies
proposed corrective model or preventive model for load shedding incorporating dynamic analysis
to increase loading margin.

(Amraee, 2007) described that a new methodology has been developed for optimum load shedding
based on Hopfield neural network model for optimization. Minimum Eigen value was used as
indicator. A threshold value of this indicator could be assumed for a specific system. Emergency
load shedding was required if this value fell below the threshold value (Arya, 2005). Recently
many researchers proposed many heuristic algorithms to improve load shedding automation. An
optimal load-shedding algorithm was developed for under-voltage load shedding using two
heuristic (PSO and GA) methods .

2.2 Distribution Transformer

Distribution transformer is generally refers to a power transformer with a voltage level of 10kv to
35kv and a maximum capacity of 6,300kv in the distribution network that directly supplies power
to end users. The loss of distribution transformer is divided into constant loss and variable loss.
The economic operating area of distribution transformer can be deduced based on the operating
conditions within a day.

It realizes that distribution transformers are widely used today, but the technology required for the
production of distribution transformer is relatively high. The market for distribution transformer
is still fiercely competitive. Distribution transformers neglected to save energy in the production
process. However, with the development of the economy, people’s demand for energy saving and
environmental protection is increasing, and more and more factories have begun to produce energy
saving distribution transformers.

2.2.1 Parallel operation of transformer

For supplying a load in excess of the rating of an existing transformer, two or more transformers
may be connected in parallel with the existing transformer. The transformers are connected in

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parallel when load on one of the transformers is more than its capacity. The reliability is
increased with parallel operation than to have single larger unit. The cost associated with
maintaining the spares is less when two transformers are connected in parallel.

It is usually economical to install another transformer in parallel instead of replacing the existing
transformer by a single larger unit. The cost of a spare unit in the case of two parallel
transformers (of equal rating) is also lower than that of a single large transformer.

In addition, it is preferable to have a parallel transformer for the reason of reliability. With this at
least half the load can be supplied with one transformer out of service.

Condition for Parallel Operation of Transformer:

For parallel connection of transformers, primary windings of the Transformers are connected to
source bus-bars and secondary windings are connected to the load bus-bars. Various conditions
that must be fulfilled for the successful parallel operation of transformers:

1. Same voltage Ratio & Turns Ratio (both primary and secondary Voltage Rating is
2. Same Percentage Impedance and X/R ratio.
3. Identical Position of Tap changer.
4. Same KVA ratings.
5. Same Phase angle shift (vector group are same).
6. Same Frequency rating.
7. Same Polarity.
8. Same Phase sequence.

Some of these conditions are convenient and some are mandatory. The convenient are: Same
voltage Ratio & Turns Ratio, Same Percentage Impedance, Same KVA Rating, Same Position of
Tap changer. The mandatory conditions are: Same Phase Angle Shift, Same Polarity, Same
Phase Sequence and Same Frequency. When the convenient conditions are not met paralleled
operation is possible but not optimal.

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1. Same voltage Ratio & Turns Ratio (on each tap):

If the transformers connected in parallel have slightly different voltage ratios, then due to the
inequality of induced emfs in the secondary windings, a circulating current will flow in the loop
formed by the secondary windings under the no-load condition, which may be much greater than
the normal no-load current. The current will be quite high as the leakage impedance is low.
When the secondary windings are loaded, this circulating current will tend to produce unequal
loading on the two transformers, and it may not be possible to take the full load from this group
of two parallel transformers (one of the transformers may get overloaded).

If two transformers of different voltage ratio are connected in parallel with same primary supply
voltage, there will be a difference in secondary voltages. Now when the secondary of these
transformers are connected to same bus, there will be a circulating current between secondary’s
and therefore between primaries also. As the internal impedance of transformer is small, a small
voltage difference may cause sufficiently high circulating current causing unnecessary extra I2R
loss. The ratings of both primaries and secondary’s should be identical. In other words, the
transformers should have the same turn ratio i.e. transformation ratio.

2. Same percentage impedance and X/R ratio:

If two transformers connected in parallel with similar per-unit impedances they will mostly
share the load in the ration of their KVA ratings. Here Load is mostly equal because it is possible
to have two transformers with equal per-unit impedances but different X/R ratios. In this case the
line current will be less than the sum of the transformer currents and the combined capacity will
be reduced accordingly.

A difference in the ratio of the reactance value to resistance value of the per unit impedance
results in a different phase angle of the currents carried by the two paralleled transformers; one
transformer will be working with a higher power factor and the other with a lower power factor
than that of the combined output. Hence, the real power will not be proportionally shared by the

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The current shared by two transformers running in parallel should be proportional to their MVA
ratings. The current carried by these transformers are inversely proportional to their internal

From the above two statements it can be said that impedance of transformers running in parallel
are inversely proportional to their MVA ratings. In other words percentage impedance or per unit
values of impedance should be identical for all the transformers run in parallel.

When connecting single-phase transformers in three-phase banks, proper impedance matching

becomes even more critical. In addition to following the three rules for parallel operation, it is
also a good practice to try to match the X/R ratios of the three series impedances to keep the
three-phase output voltages balanced. When single-phase transformers with the same KVA
ratings are connected in a Y-∆ Bank, impedance mismatches can cause a significant load
unbalance among the transformers.

Let’s examine following different type of case among Impedance, Ratio and KVA.

If single-phase transformers are connected in a Y-Y bank with an isolated neutral, then the
magnetizing impedance should also be equal on an ohmic basis. Otherwise, the transformer
having the largest magnetizing impedance will have a highest percentage of exciting voltage,
increasing the core losses of that transformer and possibly driving its core into saturation.

Case 1: Equal Impedance, Ratios and Same kVA:

The standard method of connecting transformers in parallel is to have the same turn ratios,
percent impedances, and kVA ratings.

Connecting transformers in parallel with the same parameters results in equal load sharing and
no circulating currents in the transformer windings.

Example: Connecting two 2000 kVA, 5.75% impedance transformers in parallel, each with the
same turn ratios to a 4000 kVA load.

Loading on the transformers-1 =KVA1=[( KVA1 / %Z) / ((KVA1 / %Z1)+ (KVA2 / %Z2))]X

kVA1 = 348 / (348 + 348) x 4000 kVA = 2000 kVA.

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Loading on the transformers-2 =KVA1=[( KVA2 / %Z) / ((KVA1 / %Z1)+ (KVA2 / %Z2))]X

kVA2 = 348 / (348 + 348) x 4000 kVA = 2000 kVA

Hence KVA1=KVA2=2000KVA

Case 2: Equal Impedances, Ratios and Different kVA:

This Parameter is not in common practice for new installations, sometimes two transformers
with different kVAs and the same percent impedances are connected to one common bus. In this
situation, the current division causes each transformer to carry its rated load. There will be no
circulating currents because the voltages (turn ratios) are the same.

Example: Connecting 3000 kVA and 1000 kVA transformers in parallel, each with 5.75%
impedance, each with the same turn ratios, connected to a common 4000 kVA load.

Loading on Transformer-1=kVA1 = 522 / (522 + 174) x 4000 = 3000 kVA

Loading on Transformer-1=kVA2 = 174 / (522 + 174) x 4000 = 1000 kVA

From above calculation it is seen that different kVA ratings on transformers connected to one
common load, that current division causes each transformer to only be loaded to its kVA rating.
The key here is that the percent impedance are the same.

Case 3: Unequal Impedance but Same Ratios & kVA:

Mostly used this Parameter to enhance plant power capacity by connecting existing transformers
in parallel that have the same kVA rating, but with different percent impedances.

This is common when budget constraints limit the purchase of a new transformer with the same

Understand that the current divides in inverse proportions to the impedances, and larger current
flows through the smaller impedance. Thus, the lower percent impedance transformer can be
overloaded when subjected to heavy loading while the other higher percent impedance
transformer will be lightly loaded.

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Example: Two 2000 kVA transformers in parallel, one with 5.75% impedance and the other
with 4% impedance, each with the same turn ratios, connected to a common 3500 kVA load.

Loading on Transformer-1=kVA1 = 348 / (348 + 500) x 3500 = 1436 kVA

Loading on Transformer-2=kVA2 = 500 / (348 + 500) x 3500 = 2064 kVA

It can be seen that because transformer percent impedances do not match, they cannot be loaded
to their combined kVA rating. Load division between the transformers is not equal. At below
combined rated kVA loading, the 4% impedance transformer is overloaded by 3.2%, while the
5.75% impedance transformer is loaded by 72%.

Case 4: Unequal Impedance & KVA Same Ratios:

This particular of transformers used rarely in industrial and commercial facilities connected to
one common bus with different kVA and unequal percent impedances. However, there may be
that one situation where two single-ended substations may be tied together via bussing or cables
to provide better voltage support when starting large Load.

If the percent impedance and kVA ratings are different, care should be taken when loading these

Example: Two transformers in parallel with one 3000 kVA (kVA1) with 5.75% impedance, and
the other a 1000 kVA (kVA2) with 4% impedance, each with the same turn ratios, connected to a
common 3500 kVA load.

Loading on Transformer-1=kVA1 = 522 / (522 + 250) x 3500 = 2366 kVA

Loading on Transformer-2=kVA2 = 250 / (522 + 250) x 3500 = 1134 kVA

Because the percent impedance is less in the 1000 kVA transformer, it is overloaded with a less
than combined rated load.

Case 5: Equal Impedance & KVA Unequal Ratios:

Small differences in voltage cause a large amount of current to circulate. It is important to point
out that paralleled transformers should always be on the same tap connection.

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Circulating current is completely independent of the load and load division. If transformers are
fully loaded there will be a considerable amount of overheating due to circulating currents.

The Point which should be Remember that circulating currents do not flow on the line, they
cannot be measured if monitoring equipment is upstream or downstream of the common
connection points.

Example: Two 2000 kVA transformers connected in parallel, each with 5.75% impedance, same
X/R ratio (8), transformer 1 with tap adjusted 2.5% from nominal and transformer 2 tapped at
nominal. What is the percent circulating current (%IC)

%Z1 = 5.75, So %R’ = %Z1 / √[(X/R)2 + 1)] = 5.75 / √((8)2 + 1)=0.713

%R1 = %R2 = 0.713
%X1 = %R x (X/R)=%X1= %X2= 0.713 x 8 = 5.7

Let %e = difference in voltage ratio expressed in percentage of normal and k = kVA1/ kVA2
Circulating current %IC = %eX100 / √ (%R1+k%R2)2 + (%Z1+k%Z2)2.
%IC = 2.5X100 / √ (0.713 + (2000/2000)X0.713)2 + (5.7 + (2000/2000)X5.7)2
%IC = 250 / 11.7 = 21.7

The circulating current is 21.7% of the full load current.

Case 6: Unequal Impedance, KVA & Different Ratios:

This type of parameter would be unlikely in practice. If both the ratios and the impedance are
different, the circulating current (because of the unequal ratio) should be combined with each
transformer’s share of the load current to obtain the actual total current in each unit. For unity
power factor, 10% circulating current (due to unequal turn ratios) results in only half percent to
the total current. At lower power factors, the circulating current will change dramatically.

Example: Two transformers connected in parallel, 2000 kVA1 with 5.75% impedance, X/R ratio
of 8, 1000 kVA2 with 4% impedance, X/R ratio of 5, 2000 kVA1 with tap adjusted 2.5% from
nominal and 1000 kVA2 tapped at nominal.

%Z1 = 5.75, So %R’ = %Z1 / √[(X/R)2 + 1)] = 5.75 / √((8)2 + 1)=0.713

%X1= %R x (X/R)=0.713 x 8 = 5.7

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%Z2= 4, So %R2 = %Z2 /√ [(X/R)2 + 1)]= 4 / √((5)2 + 1) =0.784

%X2 = %R x (X/R)=0.784 x 5 = 3.92
Let %e = difference in voltage ratio expressed in percentage of normal and k = kVA1/
Circulating current %IC = %eX100 / √ (%R1+k%R2)2 + (%Z1+k%Z2)2.
%IC = 2.5X100 / √ (0.713 + (2000/2000)X0.713)2 + (5.7 + (2000/2000)X5.7)2
%IC = 250 / 13.73 = 18.21.
The circulating current is 18.21% of the full load current.

3. Same polarity:

Polarity of transformer means the instantaneous direction of induced emf in secondary. If the
instantaneous directions of induced secondary emf in two transformers are opposite to each other
when same input power is fed to the both of the transformers, the transformers are said to be in
opposite polarity.

The transformers should be properly connected with regard to their polarity. If they are
connected with incorrect polarities then the two emfs, induced in the secondary windings which
are in parallel, will act together in the local secondary circuit and produce a short circuit.

Polarity of all transformers run in parallel should be same otherwise huge circulating current
flows in the transformer but no load will be fed from these transformers. If the instantaneous
directions of induced secondary emf in two transformers are same when same input power is fed
to the both of the transformers, the transformers are said to be in same polarity.

4. Same phase sequence:

The phase sequence of line voltages of both the transformers must be identical for parallel
operation of three-phase transformers. If the phase sequence is an incorrect, in every cycle each
pair of phases will get short-circuited.

This condition must be strictly followed for parallel operation of transformers.

5. Same phase angle shift:(zero relative phase displacement between the

secondary line voltages):

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The transformer windings can be connected in a variety of ways which produce different
magnitudes and phase displacements of the secondary voltage. All the transformer connections
can be classified into distinct vector groups.

Group 1: Zero phase displacement (Yy0, Dd0, Dz0)

Group 2:180° phase displacement (Yy6, Dd6, Dz6)
Group 3: -30° phase displacement (Yd1, Dy1, Yz1)
Group 4: +30° phase displacement (Yd11, Dy11, Yz11)

In order to have zero relative phase displacement of secondary side line voltages, the
transformers belonging to the same group can be paralleled. For example, two transformers with
Yd1 and Dy1 connections can be paralleled.

The transformers of groups 1 and 2 can only be paralleled with transformers of their own group.
However, the transformers of groups 3 and 4 can be paralleled by reversing the phase sequence
of one of them. For example, a transformer with Yd1 1 connection (group 4) can be paralleled
with that having Dy1 connection (group 3) by reversing the phase sequence of both primary and
secondary terminals of the Dy1 transformer.

Dy1 and Dy11 can only be paralleled by crossing two incoming phases and the same two
outgoing phases on one of the transformers, so if there is a DY11 transformer, B&C phases on
the primary and secondary can be crossed to change the +30 degree phase shift into a -30 degree
shift which will parallel with the Dy1, assuming all the other points above are satisfied.

6. Same KVA ratings:

If two or more transformer is connected in parallel, then load sharing % between them is
according to their rating. If all are of same rating, they will share equal loads. Transformers of
unequal kVA ratings will share a load practically (but not exactly) in proportion to their ratings,
providing that the voltage ratios are identical and the percentage impedances (at their own kVA
rating) are identical, or very nearly so in these cases a total of than 90% of the sum of the two
ratings is normally available.

It is recommended that transformers, the kVA ratings of which differ by more than 2:1, should
not be operated permanently in parallel. Transformers having different kva ratings may operate

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in parallel, with load division such that each transformer carries its proportionate share of the
total load To achieve accurate load division, it is necessary that the transformers be wound with
the same turns ratio, and that the percent impedance of all transformers be equal, when each
percentage is expressed on the KVA base of its respective transformer. It is also necessary that
the ratio of resistance to reactance in all transformers be equal.

For satisfactory operation the circulating current for any combinations of ratios and impedances
probably should not exceed ten percent of the full-load rated current of the smaller unit.

7. Identical tap changer and its operation:

The only important point to be remembered is the tap changing switches must be at same
position for all the three transformers and should check and confirm that the secondary voltages
are same. When the voltage tap need change all three tap changing switches should be operated
identical for all transformers. The OL settings of the SF6 also should be identical. If the
substation is operating on full load condition, tripping of one transformer can cause cascade
tripping of all three transformers.

In transformers Output Voltage can be controlled either by Off Circuit Tap Changer (Manual tap
changing) or By On – Load Tap Changer-OLTC (Automatic Changing).

In the transformer with OLTC, it is a closed loop system, with following components:

(1) AVR (Automatic Voltage Regulator- an electronic programmable device). With this AVR the
Output Voltage of the transformers can be set. The Output Voltage of the transformer is fed into
the AVR through the LT Panel. The AVR Compares the SET voltage & the Output Voltage and
gives the error signals, if any, to the OLTC through the RTCC Panel for tap changing. This AVR
is mounted in the RTCC.

(2) RTCC (Remote Tap Changing Cubicle): This is a panel consisting of the AVR, Display for
Tap Position, Voltage, and LEDs for Raise & Lower of Taps relays, Selector Switches for Auto
Manual Selection... In AUTO MODE the voltage is controlled by the AVR. In manual Mode the
operator can Increase / decrease the voltage by changing the Taps manually through the Push
Button in the RTCC.

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(3) OLTC is mounted on the transformer. It consists of a motor, controlled by the RTCC, which
changes the Taps in the transformers.

Both the Transformers should have same voltage ratio at all the taps & when you run
transformers in parallel, it should operate as same tap position. If there is OLTC with RTCC
panel, one RTCC should work as master & other should work as follower to maintain same tap
positions of Transformer.

However, a circulating current can be flown between the two tanks if the impedances of the two
transformers are different or if the taps of the on-load tap changer (OLTC) are mismatched
temporarily due to the mechanical delay. The circulating current may cause the malfunction of
protection relays.

Other necessary condition for parallel operation

1. All parallel units must be supplied from the same network.

2. Secondary cabling from the transformers to the point of paralleling has approximately
equal length and characteristics.

3. Voltage difference between corresponding phase must not exceed 0.4%

4. When the transformers are operated in parallel, the fault current would be very high on
the secondary side. Supposing percentage impedance of one transformer is say 6.25 %,
the short circuit MVA would be 25.6 MVA and short circuit current would be 35 kA.
5. If the transformers are of same rating and same percentage impedance, then the
downstream short circuit current would be 3 times (since 3 transformers are in Parallel)
approximately 105 kA. This means all the devices like ACBs, MCCBs, switch boards
should withstand the short-circuit current of 105 kA. This is the maximum current. This
current will get reduced depending on the location of the switch boards, cables and cable
length etc. However this aspect has to be taken into consideration.
6. There should be Directional relays on the secondary side of the transformers.

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Table 2. 1: Summary of Parallel Operation of Transformer

Transformer Equal Unequal Overloading Circulating Recomm.

Parallel Loading Loading Current Current connection
Equal yes no No no Yes
Impedance &
Ratio ,Same
Equal no yes No no Yes
Impedance &
Ratio But
Unequal no yes Yes no No
Same Ratio&
Unequal no yes Yes no No
Impedance &
Same Ratio
Unequal yes no Yes yes No
Impedance &
Ratio But
Same KVA
Unequal no no Yes yes no
Impedance &
Ratio &

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Table 2. 2: operating combinations

Operative Parallel Operation
S/N Transformer 1 Transformer 2
1 ∆∆ ∆∆ or Yy
2 Yy Yy or ∆∆
3 ∆y ∆y or Y∆
4 Y∆ Y∆ or ∆y

Single-phase transformers can be connected to form 3-phase transformer banks for 3-phase
Power systems. Four common methods of connecting three transformers for 3-phase circuits are
Δ-Δ, Y-Y, Y-Δ, and Δ-Y connections.

An advantage of Δ-Δ connection is that if one of the transformers fails or is removed from the
circuit, the remaining two can operate in the open-Δ or V connection. This way, the bank still
delivers 3-phase currents and voltages in their correct phase relationship. However, the capacity
of the bank is reduced to 57.7 % (1 3) of its original value.

In the Y-Y connection, only 57.7% of the line voltage is applied to each winding but full line
current flows in each winding. The Y-Y connection is rarely used.

The Δ-Y connection is used for stepping up voltages since the voltage is increased by the
transformer ratio multiplied by 3.

The combinations that will not operate in parallel:

Following Vector group of Transformer will not operate in parallel.

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Table 2. 3: non operative combination

Inoperative Parallel Operation
S/N Transformer 1 Transformer 2
1 ∆∆ ∆y
2 ∆y ∆∆
3 Y∆ Yy
4 Yy Y∆

To check Synchronization of Transformers:

Synchronization of Transformer can be checked by either of following steps: Checked by

synchronizing relay & synchro scope.

If Secondary of Transformer is not LT Then synchronizing relay should be checked&

Commission the system properly. After connecting relay, it must be charged with only 1 supply
& check that relay is functioning properly.

Synchronizing should be checked of both the supply voltages. This can be checked directly with
millimeter between L1 phases of Transformer 1 and L1 phase of Transformer 2. Then L2 Phase
of Transformer 1 and L2 Phase of Transformer 2. Then L3 Phase of Transformer 1 and L3 Phase
of Transformer 2. In all the cases MultiMate should show 0 voltages theoretically.

These checks must be done at synchronizing breakers only. The breaker out going terminals
must also be checked if they are connected in such a way that L1 Terminals of both the Breakers
comes to same Main Bus bar of panel .Same for L2 & L3.Best way to check synchronization on
LT is charge complete panel with 1 source up to outgoing terminals of another incoming breaker
terminal. Then just measure Voltage difference on Incoming & out going terminals of Incoming
Breaker. It should be near to 0.

To check circulating current Synchronize both the transformer without outgoing load. Then
check current. It will give you circulating current.

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2.2.2 Advantages of Transformer Parallel Operation

1) Maximize electrical system efficiency:

Generally electrical power transformer gives the maximum efficiency at full load. If numbers of
transformers run in parallel, only those transformers which will give the total demand by running
nearer to its full load rating for that time can be switched on. When load increases other
transformer can be switched on connected in parallel to fulfill the total demand. In this way the
system can run with maximum efficiency.

2) Maximize electrical system availability:

If numbers of transformers run in parallel, any one of them can be shut down for maintenance
purpose. Other parallel transformers in system will serve the load without total interruption of

3) Maximize power system reliability:

If nay one of the transformers run in parallel, is tripped due to fault other parallel transformers is
the system will share the load hence power supply may not be interrupted if the shared loads do
not make other transformers over loaded.

4) Maximize electrical system flexibility:

There is a chance of increasing or decreasing future demand of power system. If it is predicted

that power demand will be increased in future, there must be a provision of connecting
transformers in system in parallel to fulfill the extra demand because it is not economical from
business point of view to install a bigger rated single transformer by forecasting the increased
future demand as it is unnecessary investment of money.

Again if future demand is decreased, transformers running in parallel can be removed from
system to balance the capital investment and its return.

2.2.3 Disadvantages of Transformer Parallel Operation

 Increasing short-circuit currents that increase necessary breaker capacity.
 The risk of circulating currents running from one transformer to another Transformer.
Circulating currents that diminish load capability and increased losses.
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 The bus ratings could be too high.

 Paralleling transformers reduces the transformer impedance significantly, i.e. the parallel
transformers may have very low impedance, which creates the high short circuit currents.
Therefore, some current limiters are needed, e.g. reactors, fuses, high impedance buses,
 The control and protection of three units in parallel is more complex.
 It is not a common practice in this industry, since Main-tie-Main is very common in this

2.3 Importance of Protection System

Fault impose hazard to both the user and on the system itself and when it comes to user, life is
the concern and when it concerns the system it is merely to provide stable Electrical power
system on top of that prevent damage to the expensive equipment used.

Table 2. 4: Protection system

User/Personal safety Prevent injury and accident
Equipment Safe guard the equipment from over current, over voltage and
frequency drift that can
cause damage.
General safety Prevent secondary accident that result from power system fault such as
Power supply Prevent secondary accident that result from power system fault such as
stability fire
Operation cost Prevent secondary accident that result from power system fault such as

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Automatic load sharing of transformers is an integral part of the power system control process,
allowing smooth and immediate transfer of electrical current between multiple sources and the
load. Initially transformer 1 is connected to the load, the loads run with this power. If the load on
transformer 1 is increase beyond its rating (or some specified reference value) then controller
will find out that and it will connect the sharing transformer parallel to the main transformer.
And controller will continuously monitor the current flowing in the load and when the load
current decreases below the transformer 1 rating (or reference value) then it will turn off the
sharing transformer.

Current transformer is used for measuring and protecting the load current, and the output of CT
is given to ADC of the arduino for converting analog output of CT into digital data. The
CT is used for monitoring purpose.

While most modern-day power supplies can be paralleled for higher currents, the load current
will not share equally between modules without some extra effort in the design process. With
unequal load sharing, the stress placed on the individual modules will be unequal; resulting in
some units operating with higher temperatures contributor to reduced reliability .Therefore, the
challenge in paralleling modular supplies is to insure predictable, uniform current sharing of
modules. Another major goal should be to provide enhanced system reliability through complete
redundancy such that the failure of one or more modules could be tolerated as long as the total
remaining capacity is equal to or greater than the demands of the load.

3.2 Materials (Tools)

Since our project is simulation based, we use Proteus software for simulation part and Arduino to
write the programming part of the project for the Arduino UNO R3.

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3.2.1 Proteus design suit

The Proteus design suit is proprietary software tool suit used primarily for electrical design
automation. The software is used mainly by electronic design engineers and technicians to create
schematics and electronic prints for manufacturing printed circuit boards.

It was developed in Yorkshire, England by LabCenter electronics Ltd and is available in English,
French, Spanish and Chinese language.

3.2.2 Arduino UNO R3

The Arduino UNO is the best board to get started with electronics and coding. If this is your first
experience tinkering with the platform, the UNO is the most robust board you can start playing
with. The UNO is the most used and documented board of the whole Arduino family. The Arduino
is a microcontroller based 14 digital input output pins and 6 analogue inputs, USB connecting and
a reset button. it is used to control the automatic operation this project. The analogue pin 1 is
connected to sense voltage drop. Pins 4 and 5 are connected to LCD. The output is taken from pin
8 and ground pin. These two pins extend their connection to relays; thus, relay senses voltage drop
and sends signal to control mechanism for adding the transformer. It is used as main component
of the project as it connects with a relay to connect the slave transformer in parallel. The Arduino
used in the experiment as shown in below figure.

Figure 3. 1 Arduino UNO R3

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Table 3. 1: Pin Configuration of Arduino

Pin Category Pin Name Details
Power Vin, 3.3V, 5V, GND Vin: Input voltage to Arduino
when using an external power
5V: Regulated power supply
used to power microcontroller
and other components on the
3.3V: 3.3V supply generated
by on-board voltage
regulator. Maximum current
draw is 50mA.
GND: ground pins.
Reset Reset Resets the microcontroller.
Analog Pins A0 – A5 Used to provide analog input
in the range of 0-5V
Input/Output Pins Digital Pins 0 – 13 Can be used as input or
output pins.
Serial 0(Rx), 1(Tx) Used to receive and transmit
TTL serial data.
External Interrupts 2,3 To trigger an interrupt.
PWM 3, 5, 6, 9, 11 Provides 8-bit PWM output
SPI 10 (SS), 11 (MOSI), 12 Used for SPI communication.
(MISO) and 13 (SCK)
Inbuilt LED 13 To turn on the inbuilt LED.
TWI A4 (SDA), A5 (SCA) Used for TWI

3.2.3 Capacitor
A capacitor is a passive two-terminal electronic component that stores electrical energy in an
electric field. The effect of a capacitor is known as capacitance. While some capacitance exists

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between any two electrical conductors in proximity in a circuit, a capacitor is a component

designed to add capacitance to a circuit. The capacitor was originally known as a condenser. Most
capacitors contain at least two electrical conductors often in the form of metallic plates or surfaces
separated by a dielectric medium. A conductor may be a foil, thin film, sintered bead of metal, or
an electrolyte. The non-conducting dielectric acts to increase the capacitor's charge capacity.

3.2.4 Relay
A relay is an electrically operated switch. Relays allow one circuit to switch a second circuit which
can be completely separate from the first. In this project we are using electromagnetic relay
consists of a multi-turn coil, wound on an iron core, to form electromagnet. When the coil is
energized, by passing current through it, the core becomes temporarily magnetized. The
magnetized core attracts the iron armature.

The design consist of

 Block diagram description (components)
 General criteria of design(parallel operation of transformers)
 Circuit diagram for simulation

3.3 General block Diagram and System Flow Chart of the project
In this Chapter we are going to Explain about the system Design construction through simulation.

General block Diagram

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POWER Transformer Bridge IC Blocking

SUPPLY One Rectifier Regulator Diode

LCD Display
UNO Relay 2

Relay 1


Transformer Bridge IC Blocking Diode

Two Rectifier Regulator

Figure 3. 2 Block diagram of the project

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System Flow Chart


Under normal

Main Transformer: ON
Reserve Transformer: OFF

Apply Load

If not If load exceeds the limit of both

If load transformer
the limit

Main Transformer: ON
Reserve Transformer: ON
System shutdown

Main Transformer: OFF

Reserve Transformer: OFF

Figure 3. 3 system flow chart of automatic load sharing

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3.3.1 Power supply

Power supply circuit design is one of the important parts of this project, without a power supply
the electronic devices such as arduino, relay, LCD etc. display will not function.
Similarly a wrong power supply design will lead to the damaging of the electronic devices used
in this project. The main power supplies needed for this project is 5VDC in order to power on the
relay and other electronic devices such as arduino and LCD. The design is done using a
transformer, bridge rectifiers, filter capacitor and a voltage regulator.

Most of the power supply is designed to convert high voltage AC mains electricity to a suitable
low voltage supply for electronic circuits and other devices.

Figure 3. 4 block diagram of power supply Transformer
Power supply input voltage is obtained from the main supply 220VAC outlet and then
connected to the transformer. A step down transformer is used in stepping the 220VAC to a
12VAC.The 12VAC serves as an input voltage to the bridge rectifier.

Figure 3. 5 transformer

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Automatic Load Sharing of Distribution Transformer in Harar city 2022 G.C Bridge rectifier

When four diodes are connected the circuit is called as bridge rectifier. The input to the circuit is
applied to the diagonally opposite corners of the network, and the output is taken from the
remaining two corners. Let us assume that the transformer is working properly and there is a
positive potential, at point A and a negative potential at point B. the positive potential at point A
will forward bias D3 and reverse bias D4. The negative potential at point B will forward bias D1
and reverse D2. At this time D3 and D1 are forward biased and will allow current flow to pass
through them; D4 and D2 are reverse biased and will block current flow. The path for current
flow is from point B through D1, up through RL, through D3, through the secondary of the
transformer back to point B.
One advantage of a bridge rectifier over a conventional full-wave rectifier is that with a given
transformer the bridge rectifier produces a voltage output that is nearly twice that of the
conventional full-wave circuit.

Figure 3. 6 Output of rectifier

The varying DC output is suitable for lamps, heaters and standard motors. It is not suitable for
electronic circuits unless they include a smoothing capacitor.

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Automatic Load Sharing of Distribution Transformer in Harar city 2022 G.C Filter
Filters are electronic circuits which perform signal processing functions, specifically to remove
unwanted frequency components from the signal, to enhance wanted ones, or both. The most
common types of electronic filters are linear filters, regardless of other aspects of their design.

Figure 3. 7 filter IC Regulator
An IC regulator is an electrical regulator designed to automatically maintain a constant voltage
level. A voltage regulator may be a simple “feed-forward” design or may include negative
feedback control loops. Negative voltage regulators are available, mainly for use in dual
supplies. Voltage regulator ICs are available with fixed (typically 5, 12 and 15V) or variable
output voltages. They are also rated by the maximum current they can pass.

Most regulators include some automatic protection from excessive current ('overload protection')
and overheating ('thermal protection').It may use an electromechanical mechanism, or electronic
components. Depending on the design, it may be used to regulate one or more AC or DC

Figure 3. 8 IC regulators

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The regulated DC output is very smooth with no ripple. It is suitable for all electronic circuits.

3.3.2 The Electromagnetic Relay

The relay is an electrically controllable switch widely used in industrial controls, automobiles,
and appliances. It allows the isolation of two separate sections of a system with two different
voltage sources. It used to opens and closes under the control of another electrical circuit. In the
original form, the switch is operated by an electromagnet to open or close one or many sets of
contacts. It was invented by Joseph Henry in 1835. Because a relay is able to control an output
circuit of higher power than the input circuit, it can be considered to be, in a broad sense, a form
of an electrical amplifier.

This is a device consisting of a coil of wire wrapped around an iron core. When electricity is
applied to the coil of wire it becomes magnetic, hence the term electromagnet. The A, B and C
terminals are an SPDT switch controlled by the electromagnet.

Figure 3. 9 Electromagnetic relay

Over current relay

. An "Over current Relay" is a type of protective relay which operates when the load current
exceeds a preset value. The ANSI Device Designation Number is 50 for an Instantaneous over
Current (IOC), 51 for a Time over Current (TOC). In a typical application the over current relay

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is used for over current protection, connected to a current transformer and calibrated to operate at
or above a specific current level. When the relay operates, one or more contacts will operate and
energize a trip coil in a Circuit Breaker and trip (open) the Circuit Breaker.

3.3.3 Current Transformers

Current Transformers (CT) are instrument transformers that are used to supply a reduced value
of current to meters, protective relays, and other instruments. CT’s provide isolation from the
high voltage primary, permit grounding of the secondary for safety, and step-down the
magnitude of the measured current to a value that can be safely handled by the instruments. The
protection of the transformer against over current is concerned with the detection and
measurement of fault, where the measurement can be dangerous and indeed impossible to
measure if the actual load and fault currents are very large. A professional way of avoiding these
difficulties is to use the current sensor.

The current transformer is used with its primary winding connected in series with line carrying
the current to be measured and therefore the primary current is dependent upon the load
connected to the system and is not determined by the load connected on the secondary winding of
the current transformer. The primary winding consists of very few turns and therefore there is
no appreciable voltage drop across it. The secondary winding of current transformer has large
number of turns, the exact number being determined by the turn’s ratio. Current Transformer operation

The instrument current transformer CT steps down the current of a circuit to a lower value and is
used in the same types of equipment as a potential transformer. This is done by constructing the
secondary coil consisting of many turns of wire, around the primary coil, which contains only a
few turns of wire. In this manner, measurements of high values of current can be obtained. A
current transformer should always be short-circuited when not connected to an external load.
Because the magnetic circuit of a current transformer is designed for low magnetizing current
when under load, this large increase in magnetizing current will build up a large flux in the
magnetic circuit and cause the transformer to act as a step-up transformer, inducing an
excessively high voltage in the secondary when under no load.

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Automatic Load Sharing of Distribution Transformer in Harar city 2022 G.C

The current sensor is capable of measuring up to 50A.The monitored current values are
displayed on the LCD display and as soon the voltage transformer is overloaded the current
transformer sends the information through the ADC and the arduino energizes the relay,
thereby the load is shared by transformer 2. Over current protection circuit An ammeter cannot
be used in measuring the load current in this project because an analogue signal most be fed into
the ADC of the arduino for monitoring the load current. A current sensor was found to be
the suitable current sensing device for this purpose. The current sensor used can measure up to
50A.The ACS750 is power up with 5VDC and gives out voltage to indicate the direction and
current value. The output of the current sensor is fed to arduino ADC unit for taking the
necessary action.

3.3.4 Liquid Crystal Display Interface

It is used to show the results of project. We used 16*2 LCD to display the results
of “TRANSFORMER ADDED IN PARALLEL". The LCD is connected with Arduino UNO R3
with the help of I2C module.

The alphanumeric 16character X 2line LCD requires 8data lines and also 3 control signals. By
using 2 ports, port 0&3 data pins are connected to LCD as data bus. Port0 can be basically used
as I/O port i.e. it can be programmed as an input or as an output port. That means if it is
programmed as output port, suppose if it is required to read data from LCD immediately it is not
possible. Before reading the data it is required to make the port as an input port.

Data reading from LCD gives an erroneous reading & should not be implemented. Because of
this port5 is made as input / output port depending on the situation. The control signals are
connected to port 3 pins.

They are EN bar & RS bar, RW bar. At different instance such as data write / command write /
data read etc. Various signals are to be provided as indicated by the by the LCD
manufacturers. To interface the LCD, to the arduino it require an 8 bit and also three
control signals differentiate the data from the control words send to the LCD.

The Arduino has to send the necessary control words followed by the data to be
displayed. Depending on the operation to be performed the control words are selected and passes
to the LCD. The data to be displayed on the LCD is to be sent in the ASCII format. Thus all the

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character to be displayed are converted into ASCII form and then sent to the LCD along with
different control words.

The control word differentiated the various operations and is executed. It is also possible to read
the LCD data if required. The control signals to the LCD are also provided by the Arduino. Pin Description

Vcc, Vss and Vee While Vcc and Vss provide +5V and ground respectively, Vee is used
for controlling LCD contrast. RS, register select. There are two very important registers inside
the LCD. The RS pin is used for their selection as follows. If RS=0, the instruction command
code register is selected, allowing the user to send a command such as clear display, cursor at
home, etc., If RS=1 the data register is selected, allowing the user to send data to be displayed on
the LCD.

R/W, read/write R/W input allows the user to write information to the LCD or read information
from it. R/W=1 when reading; R/W=0 when writing. EN, Enable the LCD to latch information
presented to its data pins uses the enable pin. When data is supplied to data pins, a high-to-low
pulse must be applied to this pin in order for the LCD to latch in the data present at the data pins.
The 8-bit data pins, D0-D7, are used to send information to the LCD or read the contents of the
LCD’s internal registers.

To display letters and numbers, ASCII codes are sent for the letters A-Z, a-z, and numbers 0-9
to these pins while making RS=1.

Figure 3. 10 Shows the LCD display from proteus software

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Automatic transformer load sharing issues and remedies are relevant project topics and a lot of
advanced researches are being carried out in this area. These issues are mainly due to increased
usage of power system utility and unbalanced loads occur in power system, Dynamic loads cause
power quality problems usually by voltage or current variations such as voltage dips, fluctuations,
Various publications define transformer load sharing in different aspects. The project entitled
"distribution transformer protection using arduino designed with Arduino UNO R3. This project
is mainly used to protect transformer from getting worn out due to electrical disturbances. The
electrical parameters like current, voltage of the transformer are fed as base values, using a keypad
to Arduino UNO R3 and the output signal is provided to operate a relay comparing the base value
with the operation electrical parameters.

"Transformer protection and monitoring" this project uses the distance protection function which
is used as back-up protection for faults within the transformer. This solution provides efficient
protection and control in facts installations. The distance protection function can also be used as
back-up protection for faults in the connected lines. The parameters related to line distance
protection are mostly set as primary ohms, which significantly reduce the need to re-calculate the
current and voltage values. This allows the IEDs to be quickly taken into operation.

3.4 Field survey on overloaded transformers in Harar City

What Is Over Current?

Over current is any current in excess of the rated current of equipment or the capacity of a
conductor. It may result from overload, short circuit, or ground fault. Current flow in a conductor
always generates heat. When large amount of current passes through the conductor, the
conductor’s temperature increases as the current exceed the rated value and this result in
damaging of insulators, conductors and other electrical components.
Many transformers in Harar city are damaged (warn out) frequently in different part of the city
due to different reason.

Some of the major reasons for these damages are:

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Automatic Load Sharing of Distribution Transformer in Harar city 2022 G.C

Overload: The city growing and the number of population are increasing from time to time.
This is due to establishment of different organization, hotels, and public centre and university.
All mentioned above need reliable and sustainable power to run their function properly.

However, most of the transformer mounted in the city are not capable of carrying the over
increasing load of the city. In addition the transformer phases are loaded unequally to satisfy the
customer need as much as possible to meet their desire. So, that overload that comes from the
customer side damages many of the city’s transformers.

Line-line or ground: This happens due to short circuit of the line in distribution network.
Most of the city’s networks are exposed for these faults. Since there are less trimming, sagging,
bird and wind are factors that result in line to line fault over the network. On other hand,
lightening is also the cause to this damage in the case of surge failure.

Insulation failure: overloaded current and age are the causes for the insulation failure. This
occurs when internal temperature of the transformer increased and transformer’s cooling system
is insufficient to cool the system, over heating result in the breakdown of dielectric strength
(insulation) of the transformer.

Oil level decrease: Most of the time oil level of transformer checked by electrician and filled
accordingly. But sometimes due to the existence of a number of transformers in the city, some of
the transformer may not be checked on time. As a result, the transformer oil level drop and the
cooling system fail to function as desired. So the transformer overheats easily and exposed to the
breakdown of transformer’s wound.

Based on the above causes field survey was carried out with the help of distribution network
technicians on some overloaded transformer in Harar city.

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Collected data from different part of the city’s Transformer, mainly gathered from
Harar Utility

Table 3. 2: Collected data from the field

Locatio K Date Box 1 Box 2

Trans 2 11/0 27 47 77 63 39 81 29 79
forme 1 2/20
r 5 09
a ber
Trans 1 11/0 Not Not Not Not Not Not Not Not
forme 7 2/20 mea mea mea mea mea mea mea mea
r 5 09 sure sure sure sure sure sure sure sure
aroun d d d d d d d d
Trans 2 11/0 84 67 30 64 84 3 77 26
forme 0 2/20
r 0 09

For proper function of the transformer it is necessary to consider the following points, consider
the load on each phases, boxes and pillar must be equally loaded (balanced) i.e. IR=IS=IT. The
current in neutral line also have to be zero(no current flow in the neutral line i.e. IN=0). As
shown on the table from collected data all transformer phases are unbalanced. Each phases of
transformer carrying different value of current. And the two boxes of the transformer also
unbalanced. So, the neutral line forced to carry the current due to unbalanced phase.
Consequently, this situation result in overloading of transformer which leads to burning of the

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figure 4. 1 Simulation block diagram of the whole scheme of the project

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figure 4. 2 Simulation under normal condition

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figure 4. 3 Simulation under overloaded condition

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figure 4. 4 Simulation if load exceeds limit of both Transformer

When the utility load is increased beyond the rated capacity of the transformer one (main
transformer) and interrupted; the arduino detect the signal that get from the loads through
current sensor. Then the arduino calculates the received signal compare with the

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reference voltage; then send signal to the relay (transfer switch). The relay connect transformer
two to share the overload power. However, when the utility load became below rated value of
transformer one arduino send signal to disconnect transformer two and the load is run
only by transformer one.

1. Figure 4.1 is General block diagram of the whole scheme of the project

2. As figure 4.2 Initially, under normal condition at no load is applied to transformer

transformer one is ON condition and transformer two remain OFF condition.

3. Figure 4.3 show us overloaded condition, As load which exceeds the limit of main
transformer is applied transformer two is automatically turn on and load is shared.

4. Figure 4.4 show us shutdown system, As load applied on the transformer exceeds the limit
of both transformers both main transformer and reserve transformer are become OFF state and
the system is shutdown.

5.The result is displayed on LCD.

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Conclusions and recommendation

5.1 Conclusion
The project describes about how to use power supply intelligently under peak loads. The project
automatically connects and disconnects the sharing transformer thus protecting the main
transformer from overload. Current transformer plays an important role by sensing the current
through the load and sending feedback signal to the arduino through ADC.
Arduino is so programmed that as soon as the load exceeds a particular current limit it
will soon generate a control signals and the signal is fed to the electromagnetic relay. The
switching process occurs in the Electromagnetic Relay which automatically connects the
transformer in parallel in accordance to the load sensed by the CT.

Through the transformer current analysis it can be seen that the current of the transformer rises
as load increases, whenever the load current goes above the transformer rated current, the arduino
detects an overcurrent and it sends a trip signal to relay thereby the load is shared
automatically by transformer two and protecting the transformer one from burning. As the load
current goes below the rated current of the transformer, the arduino detects normal there
by sending an on signal to the relay to disconnect the sharing transformer. The results indicate
that the Arduino UNO R3 based transformer automatic load sharing achieves numerous
advantages 1) fast response, 2) better isolation, 3) accurate detection of the fault. Finally, the results
of simulation meet the aim and objectives of the project and automated with no manual interface

5.2 Recommendation for Future Work

Any work and investigation on transformer load sharing is very advantageous and challenging.
Based on the present time, it can be observed that the Harar city population is increasing
rapidly. Therefore demands on electricity will be high and these will lead to demands of highly
sophisticated protection devices, which will be incorporated in transformer load sharing
schemes. Based on the work done in this project which automatic load sharing of transformer
using arduino, some improvements need to be made in the future work.

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The future scope of this project is at overloaded distribution transformers. At distribution

transformer particularly during the peak hours there is a need for the operation of additional laod
requirement. The project automatically connects the transformer under critical loads. Thus there is
no need to operate both transformers under normal loads, particularly during off peak hours. Thus
power is shared intelligently with the transformers in parallel.

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Arduino Code for the whole project

#include <LiquidCrystal.h>

// initialize the liquid crystal library & interface lcd pin to arduino digital pins
LiquidCrystal lcd(4,5,6,7,8,9);
float Load1;
int r1=2;
int r2=12;

// the setup routine runs once when you press reset:

void setup() {
// initialize serial communication at 9600 bits per second:
lcd.begin(16, 2);

// the loop routine runs over and over again forever:

void loop() {
// read the input on analog pin 0:
int sensorValue = analogRead(A0);
// print out the value you read:

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Automatic Load Sharing of Distribution Transformer in Harar city 2022 G.C

lcd.print("Load = ");
lcd.print("% ");
// delay in between reads for stability
if(sensorValue>=500 && sensorValue<=999)
lcd.print("T1 ON T2 ON");
lcd.print("T1 ON T2 OFF");//delay in between reads for stability
lcd.print("Load = ");

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lcd.print("T1 OFF T2 OFF");//delay in between reads for stability
// else

//lcd.print(Load1);//delay in between reads for stability
// }

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