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Many physical activities that are not lifestyle activities can be categorized into Sports, recreation, or dance. These physical
activities are good for your physical fitness.


Aside from the numerous physical activities that you do on a daily basis, participating in different recreational activities
gives a lot of benefit to your overall physical health and wellness.

Recreational activities - done both for relaxation and enjoyment.

Two types: Indoor and Outdoor recreation
Indoor recreation - includes those recreational activities that are usually done in a well-equipped indoor leisure facilities or
even in the comfort of one's own home
Outdoor recreation - refers to activities done outside a building or in places that may require a large area of land, water, or

Recreational activities can also be categorized into active or passive recreation.

Active recreation - includes activities that require physical exertion and large body movements such as running,
throwing, or jumping
Passive recreation - is usually activities that do not require much physical effort but small body movements.

These activities help improve your overall physical health specifically cardiovascular fitness. It is advisable to choose
recreational activities that suits your interests.

There are many active recreational activities you can participate in. Some of these activities can be done alone while some
are best enjoyed with group or a partner.
These activities are commonly referred to as individual and dual sports. These sports can be played by two individuals
competing against each other and by two individuals teaming up against another pair.

Other common individual and dual sports include badminton, table tennis, and tennis. These sports use rackets as their
implements. However, mechanics, rules, materials, equipment, and facilities used are different.

Playing individual and dual sports is a good way not only to get physically active but also to meet new friends. It also gives
you a chance to compete in a level suited to your taste.

BADMINTON - a net game where opponents volley a shuttlecock over a net using a racket

- The aim of the game is to score points by landing the shuttlecock in the opponent's court.
- Matches for badminton include singles, doubles, and mixed doubles.
- Although the same court is used for both singles and doubles play: different lines are followed. For singles, the
court is slightly narrower but longer than the doubles court.
- Hence, the inner side-lines and outer end are followed in singles while the outer side and end lines are used for
- To play badminton, you need to learn necessary skills such as serving, footwork, and strokes.
- You also need to know the rules of the games including the scoring system.

TABLE TENNIS - a game similar in principle to lawn tennis and played on a flat table divided by a net

- The objective is to hit the ball so that it goes over the net and bounces on the opponent's half of the table in such
a way that the opponent cannot reach it or return it correctly.
- Since pairs play against each other, players alternate in serving and receiving the ball. The correct order has to be
maintained throughout the game.
- To play table tennis, the skills you need to learn are serving, receiving, footwork and positioning, and strokes. It is
also expected that you know the rules and scoring of the game.
- You can learn more about table tennis by checking out their official website at, where you can read
the top players for all categories of play, tournaments all over the world, and many more.

TENNIS - also called as lawn tennis, is a game similar in principle with table tennis but played on a rectangular court
instead of a table.

- Points are earned through hitting the ball on the court. The rules of the game have not undergone much change
since the rules have been formalized.
- However, scoring the game is quite different than most sports with 0, 15, 30, and 40 as scores to win points in a
- The skills you need to learn are service, volleying and strokes, and footwork.
- Tennis is sanctioned by the International Tennis Federation (ITF), the world governing body of the sport.
- Its official website is at, where you can check out happenings in tennis, world rankings in
men's and women's tennis as well as player individual profiles and statistics.

INTENTIONAL INJURIES - are injuries resulting from violence. The term "intentional" is used to refer to injuries resulting
from purposeful human action, whether directed at oneself or others.

The unintentional injuries are harmful acts that occurred without any intention of causing damage to oneself or others,
while intentional injuries are injuries resulting from purposeful harmful actions upon oneself or others.

Risk factor of intentional injuries:

1. History of interpersonal violence

2. Alcohol abuse, Mental illness

3. Poverty

The two types of intentional injuries:

- Self-inflicted- when a person harms him/herself on purpose

- Assault- when person/persons harm another on purpose

Suicide and parasuicide are intentional injuries that are Self-inflicted while Assault has 4 classifications.

4 Classifications of Assault:

Those that were committed within the family; Those that were committed by other groups;
Those that were committed by peers; Those that were committed by family, peers, or other groups

1. Suicide and Parasuicide

- It is the intentional taking of one’s life. Many of those who attempt suicide do not receive mental and emotional
counselling because their families try to hide the problem because they are ashamed of it. Because of this, the
problem is not solved and the attempt to commit suicide happens again.
- On the other hand, a suicide attempt in which a person does not intend to die is called Parasuicide. It is often a
cry for help meaning, the person wants others to know what s/he is feeling. Despite this, parasuicide should be
taken seriously because it may also lead to death.

2. Domestic violence

- Domestic violence is an act that includes physical assault (hitting, pushing, shoving, etc.) sexual Abuse (unwanted
or forced sexual activity), and verbal abuse. These are behaviors that are used by one person in a relationship who
tries to control the other.

3. Bullying

- It is an unwanted, aggressive behavior. The behavior is repeated or can be repeated, over time. Both kids who are
bullied and who bully others may have serious, lasting problems.


▪ Verbal bullying - Verbal abuse is a type of psychological/mental abuse that involves the use of oral language,
gestured language, and written language directed to a victim. Verbal abuse can include the act of harassing,
labelling, insulting, scolding, rebuking, excessive yelling towards an individual.
▪ Social bullying - The social bullying definition is a form of emotionally aggressive bullying behavior, sometimes
referred to as indirect aggression, relational aggression, or covert bullying.
▪ Physical bullying - Physical bullying is the use of physical actions to intimidate and gain control over a target. The
physical actions are unwanted by the victim and can either cause damage to their body or possessions.
▪ Cyber bullying - Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place over digital devices like cell phones, computers, and
tablets. Cyberbullying can occur through SMS, Text, and apps, or online in social media, forums, or gaming where
people can view, participate in, or share content

4. Stalking

- Stalking is a pattern of behavior that makes you feel afraid, nervous, harassed, or in danger. It is when someone
repeatedly contacts you, follows you, sends you things, and talks to you, even when you don’t want them to. It is
very threatening to the person being stalked, because the behaviors and actions of the stalker often invade his/her

5. Extortion

- Extortion is the act of using force or threats to force people to hand over their money, or properties, on favors.
Extortion can happen outside or near schools wherein children are victimized to give up their allowances, in
exchange for the promise that they will not be beaten up.

6. Gang and Youth violence

- A gang is defined as a relatively tough, mostly street-based group of young people who regard themselves and
may be seen by others as a group that engages in a range of criminal activity and violence. Oftentimes, they are in
conflict with other similar gangs.
- Young people join gangs and groups for lots of reasons. One of these is their need to belong, be included, or be
part of a group they can identify themselves with. This is oftentimes true for those who do not feel a sense of
belonging or care at home.

7. Illegal Fraternity-Related violence

- They may see it as a gain in power and protection, as fraternities have a reputation for being a powerful group.
Others would regard fraternity members, especially the seniors, as those who will provide the neophytes, and
lowerclassmen guidance and assistance.

8. Kidnapping and Abduction

- Kidnapping is taking away or forcefully moving a person against his/her will and holding him/her in adjust
captivity. The act is usually done for a motive like getting a monetary reward/ransom or getting some sort of
benefit from the person or their family.
- On the other hand, Abduction is the use of deceit or force in order to take a person or a child ways from their
home or relatives. In abduction, the victim usually knows or has some sort of relation to the abductor.

9. Acts of Terror

- Acts of terror, or terrorism is the use of violence for political goals and putting the public or a great number of
people in fear. The purpose of these terrorist groups is to produce terror in their victims through the use of
violence, fear and pressure.

Acts of Terror can be categorized into six. These are the following:

▪ State Terrorism
- States and Governments can use force or the threat of force, without declaring war, to terrorize their citizens and
achieve a political goal.
▪ Bioterrorism
- Refers to the intentional release of toxic biological agents to harm and terrorize civilians, in the name of a political
or other cause.
▪ Cyberterrorism
- The use of information technology to attack civilians and draw attention to the terrorists’ cause. This may mean
that they use computer systems or telecommunications as a tool to carry out a traditional attack.
▪ Ecoterrorism
- The use of violence in the interests of environmentalism. In general, environmental extremist destroy property to
inflict economic damage on industries or actors they see as harming animals or the natural environment.
▪ Nuclear terrorism
- Refers to a number of different ways nuclear materials might be used as a terrorist tactic. These include attacking
nuclear facilities, purchasing nuclear weapons, or building nuclear weapons, or otherwise finding ways to diffuse
radioactive materials.
▪ Narcoterrorism
- The use of violence by drug traffickers to influence governments or prevent government’s efforts in stopping the
drug trade. This may involve the assassination of influential persons who are against drug trafficking or killing a
government official who leads an anti-drug trafficking agency.

10. Verbal Abuse

- It is a form of cruelty that involves the use of words. These words are used to attack, control, and cause harm on
another person. It includes behaviors such as angry outburst, screaming rage, and name-calling, which tends to
blame, and brainwashes and threatens a person.

11. Sexual Abuse (Incest, Molestation, Rape)

▪ Incest - It is sexual contact between persons who are so closely related that a marriage between them is
considered illegal (e.g., parents and children, uncles/aunts and nieces/nephews, etc.) usually, incest takes the
form of an older family member having sexual relations or sexually abusing a child or an adolescent.
▪ Molestation - It is the sexual abuse of a person (whether a child or adult) by an adult for sexual pleasure or for
profit. It occurs when an individual sees another individual as a sexual object and uses this idea to satisfy his/her
sexual urges and fantasies, usually by subjecting their victim to unwanted or improper sexual advances or activity.
▪ Rape - It is forced sexual intercourse, including vaginal, anal, or oral penetration. Penetration may be by a body
part or an object. A sexual assault by sexual penetration without consent or when the victim is not capable of
giving consent.

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