Outdoors, September 2023 Online

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September 2023

BM GOC, London WC1N 3XX

Email: info@goc.org.uk Affiliated to The Ramblers, The British Caving
Web: www.goc.org.uk Association, Cycling UK, and the Youth Hostels

Contents  4 Who’s Who

 5 Chair’s Comments

 5 AGM Report

 8 Christmas in Derbyshire

 8 GOC Ski Trip 2024

 9 Regular Events

 10 Out and About

 36 Associated Clubs
Cover Design: Peter van der Walt

Please send your copy for the October

2023 issue to Peter Blackburn; email
editor@goc.org.uk , by Monday 11th
September 2023, and please have your
events online by then so that they will
appear in that issue’s Out & About diary.

© GOC August 2023

‘Gay Outdoor Club’ and ‘GOC’ refer to Gay Outdoor Club Ltd, a
company registered by guarantee in England & Wales number
08020133, Registered Charity number 1,158,873.
Printed by Newman Thomson, 1 Jubilee Road,
Victoria Industrial Estate, Burgess Hill, West Sussex, RH15 9TL

Alex Barr
email: secretary@goc.org.uk
For all general enquiries

Jim Cornwell Roger Sheldon
email: chair@goc.org.uk email: treasurer@goc.org.uk
For all questions about club policy, For expense claims and questions about the
publicity, insurance and safety. club’s finances.

Group Liaison Web Manager

To be appointed Martin Gilbraith
email: groups@goc.org.uk email: website@goc.org.uk
Contact for GOC group coordinators and Manages the website and the club’s IT
associated clubs. resources.

Marketing Women’s Representative

Edward Voelcker Al Evans, email: women@goc.org.uk
email: ehvo@hotmail.com Promotes and encourages the participation
Contact for strategic planning, of women in the activities of the club.
marketing and publicity.

Membership Secretary Member Engagement

Kevin German, 38 Sunnyhurst Park, To be appointed
Blackpool, Lancashire, FY4 2HR. Works to improve the way that the club
email: membership@goc.org.uk communicates with its members.
For changes of address and newsletter
delivery problems. Diversity and Inclusion
Gabby Giuffre;
Magazine Editor email: glafenice@yahoo.com
Peter Blackburn Works to promote diversity and inclusion
email: editor@goc.org.uk within GOC.
For 'Outdoors' articles, reports & diary.
* Not a trustee; all others are trustees of
Cover Design & Advertising GOC.
* Peter van der Walt
email: design@goc.org.uk
Graphic design for ‘Outdoors’ covers and
other GOC publications and ‘Outdoors’
advertising sales.

* SimonBalll
email: archives@goc.org.uk

Comments from the Chair Report on the AGM
Well, if you didn't manage to make the The Gay Outdoor Club’ AGM was held
trip to Canterbury to attend the Club's at 18:00 on Saturday 29th July in the
Annual Outdoor Gathering, you missed Keynes Lecture Theatre. 142 members
a treat! Over a great weekend, the attended, including the club secretary
University of Kent provided excellent and the returning officer who directed
accommodation and delicious food for the formal business of the meeting.
our members to enjoy. We offer a big
After Jim Cornwell had welcomed
‘Thank you!’ to Aaron Speed, both for
everyone, he proposed a vote of thanks
his organisational skills and for his
to Aaron Speed and his team for all
'ever present' attention, providing
their hard work in organising the AOG.
assistance to those who needed it.
Then Peter Blackburn proposed and
East Kent Group excelled by arranging Gabriella Giuffre seconded that Jim be
ten walks for both Saturday and appointed to chair the meeting. This
Sunday, plus extra ones for those who was passed on a show of hands.
were still there on the Monday. We
offer another big ‘Thank you!’ to the In his chairman’s address, Jim first paid
organisers and walk leaders. I would tribute to our late secretary Ivor Rose,
also like to thank Graeme Brown who and to Alex Barr, who took on Ivor’s
provided two cycling events over the responsibilities at very short notice.
weekend, plus Peter and Charles who He then turned to membership. After
organised the coach and rail trip to thanking membership secretary Kevin
Dungeness. Both were well supported. I German for his work in this area, he
am pleased to report that I have highlighted the steady increase in
received several positive messages from membership over the past two years,
members who attended the AOG. with around 40 new members signing
We are now looking forward to up each month, approximately sixty per
Northampton and AOG 2024, which cent of whom go on to become full
will form part of our 50th Anniversary members. As a result, over the past
celebrations. So please get involved and twelve months, membership has grown
make this a special year to remember! from 1695 to 1819. Jim then went on to
look at various aspects of our
Jim Cornwell, GOC Chair

recruitment strategy, including We then moved on to the resolutions
refreshing our website design, putting proposed by the board. The resolution
ourselves ‘out there’ at Pride events, that Patricia Jane Ward be appointed as
and our efforts to make the club more the independent accountant was passed
diverse and inclusive. unanimously. The special resolution to
During the remainder of his report, Jim amend the Articles of Association in
ranged over the club’s healthy financial order to bring the club’s terminology
position, the excellent work being into line with current usage was also
undertaken by our group coordinators, passed, with 89.2% of those voting
the formation of several new specialist being in favour, which comfortably
groups, including Online, History & exceeded the 75% that special
Culture and Gardens, the need for us to resolutions require. No resolutions had
recruit members to fill the vacant posts been proposed by members.
of group liaison and membership Jim then announced that AOG 2024
engagement. Finally, he reflected on his would be held at the University of
experience of going around the country Northampton from Friday 26th to
to walk with different GOC groups, and Sunday 29th July, and that local group
all the acts of kindness that he had seen. coordinator Martyn Cook has already
These are, he said, what make the club recruited ten walk leaders. Further
truly special. details will be published in due course.
In his treasurer’s report, Roger stated Under questions to the board, some
that during the last financial year the dissatisfaction was expressed with the
club had once again made a small slow pace at which the board is
surplus, although he predicted that for spending the club’s excess reserves.
the current financial year, we were However, Sue Brown pointed out that
likely to incur a small deficit. At the end running a club on a voluntary basis
of 2022, the balance of funds held by takes a lot of time and effort. Spending
the club stood at £91871. and investing the monetary assets of a
charity has to be spread in a sensible,
The meeting’s next business was the
measured way in order to maximise the
election of trustees, which was
benefit obtained.
supervised by Returning Officer
Graeme Brown. The nine trustees David Ledsham asked if GOC had the
whose term of office came to an end at facility to provide bursaries to less
the AGM had offered themselves for well‑off members to enable them to
re-election, and all were attend the AOG. Treasurer Roger
overwhelmingly endorsed by the Sheldon replied that no such hardship
members. funds were currently available, but that
the board would consider the matter at
its next meeting.
New member Keith Wood, attending The AGM ended at 19:10. Afterwards,
his first AOG, expressed his gratitude the board held a short meeting at which
for all the kindness that club members the trustees unanimously elected Jim
attending had shown him. Cornwell to be club chair for the
Finally, Jim thanked all the members coming year.
present for their attendance, before Peter, Editor
giving a special thank you to Peter
Blackburn for all the work he has done
for the club in the positions of secretary, If you wish to read the minutes of the
magazine editor and chairman. Peter AGM, please go to the website and
was then presented with a framed select News. Then select AGM Minutes
pen‑and‑ink drawing of his home by and click on the link.
artist Bill Fuller, for which Peter
thanked Bill and all those present.

Advance Notice: Christmas in the Derbyshire Dales!

Chilling Out at Chilham Castle Gardens,

One of the Places We Visited During the AOG

Advance Notice: GOC Christmas in Derbyshire
Come and enjoy Christmas with the Early booking is recommended, as the
East Midlands group, where we all en‑ event fills very quickly. Please use the
joy good food, a few drinks, and beauti‑ new ticket booking system to reserve
ful walks in the Derbyshire hills. How‑ your place. Paul will contact you nearer
ever, if you just want to relax, that's fine the time to pay for the event. The price
too! We also enjoy some evening enter‑ will be for a four‑night stay. Unfortu‑
tainment put on by group members. If nately, we cannot take part payment for
you wish to participate, you will be a shorter stay.
more than welcome! We all work as a Please note this year’s event starts on
team to make it a successful Christmas. Saturday 23rd December. This is to
We will be based at YHA Alstonfield, help members travelling to the event on
Gypsy Lane, Ashbourne, DE6 2FZ. We public transport. Please do not arrive at
will arrive on Saturday 23th December, the hostel before 15:00. There is plenty
stay for four nights, and depart on of parking at the hostel and close by.
Wednesday 27th December. The price All meals will be provided, but please
for the event includes meals for the four bring your own treats and alcohol.
days. Unless the weather prevents it, Grid ref: SK 135 557
there will be walk each day in the de‑
lightful countryside surrounding the

Advance Notice: GOC Ski Trip 2024

The GOC ski trip for 2024 will run from Currently, the ski pass costs about £310
Saturday January 27th to Saturday 3rd for the Skicircus, which includes free
February. If you wish to come on the local bus and train service to Kitzbuhel.
ski trip, you will need to book with There is a very good bus service from
Crystal Ski Holidays. We will be the hotel to the lifts, and there is a ski
staying in the 4‑star Family Hotel hire shop near the lifts where boots and
Schloss Rosenegg (Yes! It’s a converted skis can be left. If you are unable to stay
castle!) in Fieberbrunn. Please see the for the whole week, or if you would
Crystal website for further details. Two prefer an apartment, for example, you
members went there in March 2023, can book separately and let us know
and enjoyed it so much that we have that you would like to join us.
chosen it as our destination for 2024.

Regular Events

South Wales Gay Badminton, a friendly, non-competitive group, meets each
Monday evening at the Sport Wales Centre in Sophia Gardens, Cardiff. New
members are welcome! You can find further details at the club’s website,
www.swgb.club , or you can contact them by email to swgbadders@gmail.com .

Sheffield and Leeds
Through the colder months, members meet at indoor climbing walls, on Tuesdays
or Wednesdays in Sheffield and on Wednesdays in Leeds, where there is a choice
of lead and bouldering walls. In the summer, weather permitting, we meet at
outdoor crags. The venue is decided week by week. Please contact Jill on 07952
796 755 for further details, and to find out where the next meet will be.

Whether you’re a seasoned runner or new to the sport, come and join the North
East/Transpennine running group. We meet each Saturday at 09:00 outside the
Lakeside Café in Roundhay Park, LS8 2ER. As the location does vary occasionally,
before your visit please call Andrew Frazer on 07801 812 928.

Goslings Swimmers
Goslings Swimmers meet at the Oasis outdoor lido, Covent Garden
facilities) on Thursday evenings between 19:15 and 20:30. Goslings lost its private
hire during the pandemic, so we swim in the public session - you have to book
individually via the Better App. We socialise afterwards at the nearby Bloomsbury
Tavern. Full details are on Goslings’ webpage, or you can contact the group
coordinator, Jeremy Palmer, at goslings@goc.org.uk .

Sat 02 September
Berkshire and Mid Thames, London,
Milton Keynes and Buckinghamshire,
Oxford, Pride & Other Marketing
Events, Solent, Surrey, Wiltshire,
Gloucestershire and North
Somerset Reading Pride. The Berkshire
and Mid Thames group have secured a
pitch at this year's Reading Pride
annual ‘Love Unites’ Festival and
Parade which will be held on Saturday
2 September. The costs of hiring the
pitch have been met from GOC’s
marketing budget. We will be seeking
September 2023
volunteers, primarily from the
Berkshire and Mid Thames Group to
Advance booking for GOC events is run the stall and provide information
only required for events for which about GOC and what it does, and
numbers are limited, or events which hopefully attract new members from
have to be paid for. However, if you across the LGBTQ community.
plan to attend an event, it will help the Members from other groups are of
event organiser considerably if you
course most welcome to join us on the
indicate your intention by using the
‘Join’ button on the website. day and, if interested, help on the stall.
There will be a parade before the
festival, which kicks off at 12:00 noon,
For many events, lifts to/from the
event, or collection from train stations and is planned to have a full line-up
can be organised via the comments at across multiple stages. There will also
the bottom of the event listing on the be a funfair, a family area, plenty of
website, or by using the ‘Contact Event food and drink stalls and a marketplace
Organiser’ form, which you will also where we will have our stall. Reading
find on the website. became known within the homosexual
world in the late 1890s when Oscar
Wilde was imprisoned in Reading Gaol,
More details of these events may be on
the website now. There you can also after having served time in Pentonville
contact the event organiser, view the and Wandsworth prisons, having been
meeting point and indicate your found guilty of 'acts of gross indecency
intention to attend. with other male persons'. Decades later,
See www.goc.org.uk in a far more enlightened society, Pride
in Reading first took place in 2003,

created by a group of local volunteers South Wales group page. The event
to represent and support the contact is Ben on 07951 001 676. Grid
LGBTQIA+ community. Since then, ref: ST 312 883. Meeting time: 11:00
attendance has risen steadily each year, Balchder yn y Port, Casnewydd
with up to 15,000 people attending the Grid ref: ST 312 883 Meeting Time:
event and 1,500 people participating in 11:00
the parade. The Reading Pride charity
works throughout the year to promote Sun 03 September
equality, and the Pride Parade and Cambridgeshire Pegsdon,
Festival are completely free for Bedfordshire. We will be doing a
everyone. Details of the event can be 9.6‑mile circular walk starting from
found at: https://pride-events.co.uk/ Pegsdon. We will make our way to
event/reading-pride/ It would be nice to Lilley and return to Pegsdon via the
see as many of you as can make it on Pegsdon Hills. Elevation ranges from
the day. It is usually a fun event with 235 feet to 604 feet, with 1008 feet of
lots of music and stage acts. If you plan ascent and descent. We will be walking
to attend and are willing to help, please on good paths but they may well be wet
contact group coordinator Simon at and muddy in places, so boots are
berkshire@goc.org.uk , or leave a essential. Please meet for a prompt
message on our group’s webpage. 11:00 start outside The View public
Pride & Other Marketing Events, house, Pegsdon Way, SG5 3JX, where
South Wales Pride in the Port, roadside parking is available nearby.
Newport, Gwent. After the success of Please bring a packed lunch, something
Newport City's first pride event last to drink and something to sit on. The
year, Pride in the Port plan a bigger event contact is Julian Smith on 07817
event this year with the first ever Pride 691 420. Grid ref: TL 119 303
Parade through Newport. We have Devon Princetown and around. This
booked a place for the GOC to take part walk was scheduled for last year but
in the parade, so please come and join was cancelled due to very poor
us! The parade will be around a weather. It is a two‑part walk starting at
one‑mile walk on flat, hard surfaces. 11:00. After a short walk across open
There are numerous car parks around moorland, we join the disused
the city centre. Newport is also Princetown Branch Line Railway. The
well-served by buses and trains walk will loop around King’s Tor and
throughout the day. There are also its quarry, with Foggintor Quarry in the
many cafés, coffee shops and eateries distance as we head towards
around the city centre, but it may be a Princetown for our lunch stop. After
good idea to bring something to drink. lunch, we will try and arrange for
Further details will be posted on the participants to catch a lift with a fellow

group member to the start point. The Leicestershire village of Miora. The first
second part of the walk is the shorter loop of the walk will be approximately
walk back to the start point, leaving out 4.5 miles and will include a section
the loop around King’s Tor. So this along the disused Nuneaton to Ashby
walk can be either five miles (loop‑1 Railway and the bridal path through
only) or nine miles with loop‑2 added. the woods near Castle Gresley. The
This is a moderate walk but it crosses walk will then pass Albert Lake before
open moorland which is sometimes returning to the start point where we
uneven under foot. As always with will stop for lunch. The second loop is
walking on Dartmoor, be aware that the around 3.5 miles and will be in the
weather can change very quickly, so opposite direction to the first loop. It
appropriate clothing and footwear are includes a section of the Ashby Canal
essential. Please meet for a prompt with views of the Miora Furnace before
11:00 start at Sharpitor Car Park on the joining a different section of the disused
B3212 between Dousland and Nuneaton to Ashby railway line before
Princetown. On the Dousland to passing through a nature park back to
Princetown Road you will go up hill the starting point. The majority of the
and under a railway viaduct, then cross walk will be along a mixture paved
a cattle grid as you hit the higher moor. walkways and cycle and bridal paths
You will then go downhill. When you mostly over a flat terrain. If you wish to
reach the bottom, Sharpitor Car Park is walk only one of the loops, please let
on your left. If approaching from the walk leader know beforehand so
Princetown, the car park will be on that we can arrange timings. This is a
your right. The car park has no moderate walk, mostly on footpaths,
facilities. Lunch can be purchased to eat cycleways and bridal ways. While this
in or takeaway at the Old Police Station is not a camping trip, there is a
Cafe/Fish and Chip Shop in campsite a short distance from the walk
Princetown. Alternatively, bring a start point where the walk leader will
packed lunch to eat on one of the many be staying. If anyone wishes to camp,
benches or covered shelters on the please book directly with the campsite
green next to the main car park in at https://
Princetown. In either case, bring www.campingandcaravanningclub.co.
something to drink! The event contact is uk/campsites/uk/derbyshire/
Mike Hookway on 07935 396 149. Grid swadlincote/conkers-national-forest-
ref: SX 560 708 camping-and-caravanning-club-site/
East Midlands The National Forest and Please meet for a prompt 11:00 start at
Ashby Canal. This is an 8‑mile the Conkers Discovery Centre where
figure‑of‑eight walk through the there is ample free parking. Please be
National Forest, starting near the aware that there are two Discovery

Centres at Conkers. This walk will start sided, arcaded walkway made of solid
from the Waterside Centre, Bath Yard, stone and ancient herringbone paving.
Swadlincote DE12 6BA, which is just off It also boasts a Ninfarium and is set in
Bath Lane, Moira. For anyone who the rolling countryside of the Towy
wants to camp for the weekend the Valley, close to the pretty market town
Caravan and Camping Club Site is of Llandeilo. Dogs are not allowed!
adjacent to the Waterside Centre. The Admission costs £12.50 per person. For
nearest train station to Conkers is more details, visit: https://
Burton Upon Trent. The number 9a bus aberglasney.org/ Please note that some
service between Burton-on-Trent and parts of the garden are reached by
Ashby de la Zouch calls Swadlincote steps. Please meet for a prompt 11:00
Civic Station. From there, visitors start by the ticket office. The nearest
would need to take a taxi to Conkers. postcode is SA32 8QH. There is free
Please bring plenty to drink and a onsite parking. There is a good tearoom
packed lunch, which we will eat by the onsite and a picnic area outside the
canal at the centre. While there is plenty gardens. The event contact is Neil on
of space available, there is limited 07808 502 527. Grid ref: SN 579 221
outside seating so you may want to West Kent Penshurst and
bring a seat for the lunch stop. As the Chiddingstone Circular Walk. Starting
lunch will be at the car park these can at Penshurst, this moderate 9‑mile walk
be left in the cars while we walk. explores the lush Eden Valley,
Alternatively, the lunch stop is adjacent following an old track, field paths and
to The Canalside Café which is open woodland trails to the charming and
from 10:00am to 5:00 pm and offers a timeless National Trust village of
range of cakes, toasted sandwiches, and Chiddingstone, where both the church,
lunch items and hot and cold drinks. historic Castle Inn and the Chiding
The event contact is Adrian Kinning on Stone are well worth a visit. The return
07504 647 485. Grid ref: SK 304 157 route passes through the Penshurst
Gardens, History & Culture, Mid- Estate, crossing some fine parkland
Wales, West Wales, with good views of the mansion and
Women Aberglasney, the delightful surrounding countryside.
Carmarthenshire. This will be an easy There are two significant climbs, but
2‑mile stroll through a beautiful garden nothing too strenuous. Please meet for a
which includes well‑designed prompt 11:00 start in the extended lay-
ornamental gardens, a lake, woodland by on the B2176, just north of Penshurst
and productive wall gardens. Its village, opposite the long wall of
Elizabethan Cloister Garden is the only Penshurst Place, TN11 8DB. If the layby
example of its type that survives in the is full, please park in the village itself.
UK today, and is bounded by a three- There is a train station in Penshurst.

However, it is actually in of tea and cake! We will be walking
Chiddingstone Causeway, quite a mainly on quiet tracks and field paths,
distance from the start of this walk. If with occasional stretches on minor
you intend travel by train, please check roads. There are surprisingly few stiles!
for any engineering works affecting The overall ascent is 230m, which
your journey, and allow plenty of time includes the initial steepish climb.
to walk to the starting point. Please Please meet for a prompt 11:00 start at
bring a packed lunch and something to the Shropshire Hills Discovery Centre,
drink. After the walk we will have SY7 9RS, which is just off the A49 on
plenty of village pubs to choose from! the south side of Craven Arms. There is
The event contact is Mark Tomkins on ample parking space at the Discovery
07734 321 646 on the day of the walk, or Centre, with adjacent overflow parking
via the GOC website beforehand. Grid on reinforced grass. The charity which
ref: TQ 525 438 runs the centre requests a donation of
Western Midlands The Southern £1 per car for the day. There is a
Shropshire Hills This is an 8‑mile collection box under the porch. For
circular walk in the lovely hills of once, there may be access by train!
southern Shropshire. Making our way Using the main line between
from Craven Arms to Stokesay Castle Shrewsbury and Hereford, alight at
and then south in the direction of Craven Arms Station and walk south
Ludlow, we climb a steepish hill along the A49 for about 15 minutes till
through woodland to the highest point you reach the meeting point. Please
of the walk. As we leave the woods, check with the train operator before
wonderful views open up in the committing to this option. Please bring
direction of the Clee Hills to the east a packed lunch and plenty of fluids.
and the Long Mynd to the north. We Tuffins supermarket in the centre of
gradually descend through the Craven Arms opens at 10:00 if you wish
disarmingly named Aldon Gutter (it's to buy locally. The Discovery Centre,
lovely wooded parkland, honest!) to the which also opens at 10:00, has an
hamlet of Onibury Bridge. Here, we excellent cafe and we plan to call there
head back to the north, crossing the at the end of the walk for tea and cake.
railway and the River Onny as well as There is also a gift shop and access to
the A49 to take a shaded woodland toilets. The event contact is John W on
path along the base of a steep 07855 035 385. Grid ref: SO 434 824
escarpment. On the recce, the only Wiltshire, Gloucestershire and North
sounds here were the calls of buzzard Somerset Longleat, Horningsham and
and jay. We leave the woods to join a Maiden Bradley. At the start of this
quiet lane which will take us back to 7‑mile walk, we will head through
Craven Arms and the welcome prospect Heavens' Gate, and weather permitting,

there will be fine views of Longleat quiet country lane. Please meet for a
house and the surrounding prompt 10:30 start in Throop Mill free
countryside. Descending further into car park, BH8 0DN. This is best reached
the estate, we will walk to via Broadway Lane from the
Horningsham and along Cock / Forest roundabout on the A3060 Castle Lane.
road, through the woods to Maiden If the car park is full, try roadside
Bradley. Those who did the Maiden parking in Broadway Lane There are no
Bradley walk a while back will refreshments available enroute, but
appreciate the geographic relationship after the walk there will be the option of
between the two walks. After lunch, we lunch at the Broadway Pub (01202 512
will undertake an undulating walk back 708) The event contact is Ron Roskell on
to Horningsham, with a possible visit to 07570 217 400. Grid ref: SZ 111 958
the church, which precludes a steepish
Fri 08 Sept - Sun 10 Sept
climb back to the car park. This is an
undulating walk with a few short Camping and Caravanning,
inclines. Please meet for a prompt 10:30 Women Monstay Farm Meet Up! Let’s
start at Nockatt Coppice car park. The enjoy another weekend camping event,
nearest postcode is BA12 7JW. From the exploring and chilling, this time in
A36 Warminster bypass, take A362 Shropshire. We will be staying at
signposted to Longleat and Frome. At Monstay Farm Campsite, Burrington,
the next roundabout, follow the signs to Ludlow, Shropshire SY8 2HE, a small
Longleat. The car park is on the left friendly campsite which is also a
after just over one mile. Parking is free. working farm with large informal fields
Please note that the car park shuts at for camping. £9 per person; ehu £7.50
21:00. Therefore, there is no overnight per night, and free use of the shower
parking for those who like to stop the block. Tents, caravans, camper vans and
night before. Please also note that this is motorhomes are welcome. There are
a popular spot and so you may wish to also several shepherds’ huts and a
allow extra time for parking. Please stargazing tent for hire. The site is
bring a packed lunch and plenty to surrounded by Mortimer Forest. We
drink. The event contact is Steve on will be there during the weekend of the
07305 075 522 Grid ref: ST 828 424 Ludlow Food Festival, so if there are
any specific events you wish to attend,
Tue 05 September it’s best to book them online in advance.
Dorset, Solent Throop Mill and Stour There are several castles and museums
Valley Way. This is an easy, flat 2.5‑mile nearby, and the Severn Valley Steam
circular walk via Merritown, with the Railway is 20 miles away. Off‑ground
likelihood of spotting some water-bird open fires are allowed. First book with
life. We will be walking by the riverside campsite, and tell them you are part of
on Stour Valley Way and on a very "The Monstay Meet Up".
Then add yourself to the event on the station, ML11 8PP. There are free
GOC website where you will find travel parking bays in Strawfrank Road, just
directions. Do not follow the Satnav! outside the station. Carstairs can be
There is a train station at Ludlow, four reached by train from both Glasgow
miles from the campsite. We plan to eat Central (dep. 09:40) and Edinburgh
in Ludlow on Friday and Saturday (dep. 10:20). We’ll set off promptly on
evening. The event contact is Jamie arrival of the latter at 10.47. We will aim
Harris on 07854 425 859, or by email to to stop for lunch around the half-way
songofthearth@gmail.com . We will point in Sanquhar. You should carry
meet from 14:00 onwards. plenty of water and snacks to eat along
the way. The event contact is Steve on
Sat 09 September
07815 421 038. Grid ref: NS 951 454
Adventure Out, Cycling,
Scotland Ride to the Radar! This is a Bedford & District, Hertfordshire,
74‑mile joint ride with Out Velo taking London, Milton Keynes and
in Scotland’s highest village and a Buckinghamshire Markyate,
bonus climb to Scotland’s highest Caddington and Kensworth Circular
tarmac road. Starting in the upper Walk. This will be an easy 10‑mile
Clyde valley, we’ll head up into the circular walk starting in the village of
Lowther Hills through the villages of Markyate in north-west Hertfordshire,
Leadhills and Wanlockhead, from and traversing the borders of
where there is an option to cycle up Bedfordshire and Buckinghamshire. We
onto Lowther Hill (725m) and Green will enjoy the edge of the Chiltern Hills,
Lowther (732m). These hills are fully just behind Dunstable Downs. This is a
accessible via a tarmac road and great area for walking, with rolling
adorned by a golf-ball like radar hills, many woods, and picturesque
station, radio mast and other scientific villages with ancient churches and
furniture. We’ll then descend into colourful cottages of brick and flint.
upper Nithsdale before returning to Please bring plenty to drink, a packed
Carstairs (or possibly Lanark lunch and something to sit on. Please
depending on timing and availability of wear sturdy boots. As much of the
return trains) via Crawfordjohn. In total route is exposed, please dress for the
there will be 1528m of climbing. A map weather! At the end of the walk there
of the proposed route can be found on will be an optional pub stop. Please
the website. If you want to keep in meet for a prompt 11:00 start at the car
touch with other GOC members in park adjacent to 1 Hicks Rd, Markyate,
Scotland, please join our new chat St Albans AL3 8LJ, where free parking
group on Telegram and follow GOC is available. Alternatively, there are no
Cycling on Facebook. Please meet for a parking restrictions on the streets
prompt 10:45 start at Carstairs railway nearby. Markyate is accessible only by

car. If you need to use public transport, walk, but lifts can be arranged. Please
Tom has offered to collect up to three bring drinks and snacks. We will be
people who can reach Leighton eating after the walk at either the
Buzzard railway Station not later than Grouse & Ale in Lane End, or The Yew
10:00 on the day, and return them for a Tree at Frieth. We will provide more
train at around 17:00, but please contact details on the website nearer the event.
him in advance! Leighton Buzzard The event contact is David Ledsham on
railway station is on the West Coast 07722 442 829. Please let him know by
Main Line from London Euston. The 2nd September if you want to eat. Grid
event contact is Tom on 07742 577 509. ref: SU 807 918
Grid ref: TL 062 163 Berkshire and Mid Thames,
Berkshire and Mid Thames, Milton Oxford Cholsey and Blewbury. This is
Keynes and Buckinghamshire, an 8‑mile circular walk from Cholsey
Oxford Lane End and Moor Common railway station, passing through the
Circular. This is an undulating 6‑mile pretty villages of Aston Upthorpe and
walk in the Chilterns between High Aston Tirrold and onwards to
Wycombe and Henley. We will be Blewbury. The return route takes us
walking on good footpaths and farm over Blewburton Hill and past the Iron
tracks through woodlands and open Age Fort. This is a moderate walk along
farmland on the top of the Chiltern field paths and tracks. Please meet for a
Ridge. There are some gradients, but prompt 10:30 start at Cholsey railway
nothing too strenuous. After the walk, station, OX10 9LN, where parking is
we will have a communal meal in a available but charges apply. Trains
local pub. Please meet for a prompt from Reading, Didcot and Oxford stop
16:00 start at the free car park in Finings at Cholsey. Check the GWR website for
Road, Lane End, HP14 3ER, which is timetables. We may stop for a drink in a
behind some buildings opposite the village pub along the route, but please
Village Hall. There are some restricted bring a packed lunch and something to
time bays near the entrance but most of drink. The event contact is Bill on 07769
the car park is unrestricted. There are 702 338. Grid ref: SU 584 861
public toilets in the car park. The Transpennine Rowarth to Lantern Pike
nearest rail station is High Wycombe and Cown Edge. A 7.8‑mile circular
with regular trains from Marylebone. walk from the pretty hamlet of
It’s a 15‑minute walk from the station to Rowarth, Derbyshire on the edge of the
the Bus station. Arriva bus service 48 Peak District, not far from New Mills
leaves High Wycombe Bus Station at and Marple. We will follow a packhorse
15:15, arriving at the Lane End route, forming part of the Pennine
terminus at 15:31. There is no bus Bridleway, around Lantern Pike and
service back to High Wycombe after the then ascend to Cown Edge, the highest
point of the walk. On a fine day, there SK22 4QQ, which is a 5-minute drive.
are excellent views of the Sett Valley, The event contact is Robert G. on 07779
Kinder Scout and beyond. Please bring 873 589. Grid ref: SK 011 891.
walking boots, warm clothing,
Sun 10 September
waterproof jacket and trousers, sun hat,
sun cream, trekking pole(s) if normally Bedford & District, Milton Keynes
used, a packed lunch and plenty to and Buckinghamshire Marston Vale
drink. We will be walking mainly on Walk, based on the Timberland Trail.
well-defined paths, with a total ascent This 14‑mile walk is one of the
of 1374ft. Please gather from 10:45 for a occasional longer walks provided by
prompt 11:00 start in the public car the group, so a good level of fitness will
park off Goddard Lane in Rowarth. The be needed. Set in a site of special
nearest postcode is SK22 1EF. From scientific interest (SSSI), we will be
Mellor, turn sharp left off Moor End walking mostly on footpaths and
Road onto Shiloh Road. Then turn right bridleways. It may be muddy in places
onto Hollinsmoor Road at the sign for if there has been recent rain. There are
Rowarth. Pass Children’s Inn on left, also some short steep stretches, and trip
then turn left onto the single‑track hazards in the forest. There are no
Goddard Lane, signposted 'Rowarth other identified risks at present.
(only)'. Please note that this sign may be Among the interesting features in the
obscured by vegetation! The car park is area are the Rectory Wood which was
then a short distance on the right. From begun in 2003 and finished in 2013. It is
New Mills, take Mellor Road, pass the home to many butterflies including the
Pack Horse Inn, turn right onto Shiloh Black Hairstreak, which enjoys the oak
Road, then as above. This public car and blackthorns that were planted here
park is currently free, but it is not in abundance, and St Mary's Church,
marked on Google Maps and is not the which dates from the 14th century and
one at the Little Mill Inn, further has a detached 70 ft tower which is
along Hollinsmoor Road! The hamlet grade‑1 listed, and is unusual for the
of Rowarth is only accessible by car. east of England. There is a café and
The nearest stations are Marple (12 toilets at Forest Centre, plus a pub and
mins drive) and New Mills Central (10 shops in Marston Moretaine and
mins drive) both on the Manchester Cranfield. See the Timberland Trail
Piccadilly to Sheffield line. For leaflet (contact marstonvale.org) for
refreshments after the walk, the nearest further details. Please meet for a
options are The Little Mill Inn, prompt 09:45 start at Forest
Hollinsmoor Road, Rowarth, SK22 1EB, Centre, MK43 0PR. We believe that the
which is 5 minutes’ walk, or the Pack parking charge will be £3.00 for the
Horse Inn, Mellor Road, New Mills, day. This is to be confirmed. There is a
station at Stewartby, but the rail service
is currently provided by a replacement Please note that Fen Road is the B1180,
bus service and is erratic on Sundays and that the start time is later than
Please bring a packed lunch and plenty usual in order to allow anybody
to drink. The event contact is John C. on coming by bus from Lincoln to join us.
07956 362 436. Grid ref: TL 004 417 The number No.2 Stagecoach 11:00
Dorset Abbotsbury and Chesil Beach. service from Lincoln stops at the foot of
This is a moderate 6‑mile walk with one Park Lane, Washingborough,
climb and one descent, from historic immediately after turning off Fen Road.
Abbotsbury via the downland ridge to This is just around the corner from our
a prehistoric hill fort; returning along starting point. Please also note that this
the geological phenomenon of Chesil service is two‑hourly and finishes
Beach and St Catherine's Chapel. Please during the afternoon. Please check the
meet for a prompt 10:00 start in the free current timetable! Parking is available
car park opposite the Swan Inn at the at Washingborough Community
entrance to Abbotsbury, DT3 4JL, which Centre, but if this is full, on‑street
is reached by taking the B3157 turn off parking is available not far away. Please
to Abbotsbury via Portesham from the bring a packed lunch and plenty to
A35 at Winterborne Abbas. The car drink. The event contact is John Stones
park is on the right, at the start of the on 07500 738 962. Anyone who would
village. There are no refreshments prefer to do the shorter 3-mile walk
available enroute, so please bring a should contact him well in advance for
packed lunch and plenty to drink. We details! Grid ref: TF 026 708
may be able to stop for a drink or ice South Midlands Moreton-in-Marsh
cream at the kiosk on Chesil Beach. At and Sezincote Social. This is a beautiful
the end of the walk, (circa 1400) we will 7‑mile walk through rolling Cotswold
retreat to the Swan Inn (01305 871 249) countryside, with far-reaching views
for refreshments and/or lunch for and the extraordinary Indian palace
which booking is advisable. The event that is Sezincote House. This is an easy
contact is Laurence B on 07833 902 134. ramble, with an emphasis on relaxation
Grid ref: SY 579 852 and socialising. There is a steady, gentle
Lincolnshire, Women incline as we follow the Monarch's Way
Washingborough. This is a moderate out of Moreton, past Batsford
8‑mile walk, with the option of a Arboretum. At Bourton-on-the-Hill we
shorter 3‑mile walk from a different join the Heart of England Way, taking
starting point. For the main 8‑mile us past Sezincote House. As in 2022 we
walk, please meet at 11:15 for prompt plan to stop at Alan and David's garden
11:30 start at Washingborough on the Sezincote estate for an extended
Community Centre, Fen Road, picnic lunch stop, where tea, coffee and
Washingborough, LN4 1AB. cold drinks will be provided, but don't

forget your packed lunch! From there, Tue 12 September
it's an easy stroll across level Online Online Welcome Social. Are
countryside back to our starting point. you interested to meet or socialise
The terrain is generally easy to online with other GOC members from
moderate, with nothing too strenuous, the comfort of your home, and help to
other than a bit of an incline from welcome newcomers to GOC and
Batsford Arboretum up the hill to encourage them to join us? Join us for
Bourton. There is one main road to our new Online Welcome Social in
cross, but otherwise we follow good Zoom, on the second Tuesday of every
paths and bridleways which should all month from 19:00 to 20:00, starting
be dry, unless there has been recent from June 2023. This is an opportunity
rain. There are a small number of stiles, for new and experienced GOC
and some of the fields may contain members to connect with each other,
livestock. Please meet for a prompt and with newcomers to GOC who
11:00 start outside the Town Hall, (also book from our new GOC Meetup
known as the Redesdale Hall), in the group. For these newcomers it is an
centre of Moreton-in-Marsh. This is opportunity to meet GOC and some of
located on the High Street, (the A429 our members, and to consider joining
Fosse Way), close to its junction with as a member themselves. We start each
Oxford Street, (the A44). The nearest online social with a quick round of
postcode is GL56 0BA. There is plenty introductions. If you have something in
of on-street parking available in the particular that you would like to share
town centre and side roads. Please park or ask, this is your chance to let others
considerately. Moreton-in-Marsh know what that is. Then we spend
railway station is in the town centre, a most of our time mingling and chatting
few minutes’ walk from the meeting informally, in small breakout groups if
point. The town is on the Cotswold there are many of us. We close each
Line, with services from London session by gathering all together again
Paddington, Oxford and Worcester., to hear something of what we all
but please check the timetable on the shared or enjoyed during the session.
day. Please also bring a packed lunch Our Zoom meeting room is accessible
and plenty to drink, especially if the on a computer, tablet or smartphone
weather is warm. There are small via an app, or with more limited
supermarkets and other food shops in functionality via your browser or you
the centre of Moreton-in-Marsh. After can even dial-in by telephone. See our
the walk, there are pubs and cafes member-only page: How to use Zoom.
aplenty for those wishing to relax To join the GOC Online group and
before travelling home. The event receive updates of news and events,
contact is Ian on 07831 433 996. Grid please go to My preferences and
ref: SP 204 325
include Online in your selection of meeting point. You might like to
groups. If you are not already a consider a Park & Ride, which will cost
member of GOC, please Join us! To you £1 each way on the bus, or pay to
receive an automated email reminder of park in central Taunton. Taunton
our online socials 24 hours in advance, Railway Station is one mile from the
with the link to follow the next day, meeting point. Many bus routes pass by
please email online@goc.org.uk and ask the meeting point. Bus fare in Taunton
to have your address added to the is £1. Please bring plenty to drink! We
calendar invite. == Gay Outdoor Club is will finish at a café or pub for
inviting you to a scheduled Zoom refreshment in central Taunton. Grid
meeting. To join the Zoom Meeting, ref: ST 227 244
copy and paste this link into your
Wed 13 September
browser: https://us06web.zoom.us/
j/89593878113? Berkshire and Mid Thames, Gardens,
pwd=UWZvTk1yQXZEdEs5OEhLSEZ History & Culture, Milton Keynes and
KQnpKUT09 Or go to https://zoom.us/ Buckinghamshire, Oxford Gardens
join and enter: Meeting ID: 895 9387 Visit: NT Cliveden. Uncover over 300
8113 Passcode: 324840 years of history by taking a leisurely
2‑mile stroll around Cliveden. The
Somerset Stroll Taunton! Take a estate has been home to dukes, earls,
delightful 4‑mile stroll around Taunton, viscounts and a prince. During the First
Somerset's county town. Enjoy World War, it was even a hospital. For
exploring the lesser‑known walks by generations, Cliveden was a glittering
the River Tone and the Bridgwater and hub of society, hosting exclusive parties
Taunton Canal. This is an easy, level and political gatherings. In the early
walk with one set of steps to negotiate. 1960s, while the Cold War was slowly
We'll be crossing the main railway line chilling British politics, Cliveden House
and may experience the thrill of a one- (now a hotel) was engulfed in a sultry
hundred-mile-an-hour train putting in summer of sweltering heat. Cooling off
a brief appearance. The trains are in the now-famous outdoor pool, was
obliged to sound their horns for the Christine Keeler, the nineteen-year-old
crossing. Take this stroll to be surprised mistress of a suspected Russian spy.
at Taunton's discrete charm. We'll finish Another guest was John Profumo, the
at an eatery in central Taunton. Please up-and-coming Conservative Secretary
meet for a prompt 11:00 start in the of State for War. Following their chance
centre of Taunton on the steps of the meeting at Cliveden House, Profumo
Market House, at the south end of and Keeler embarked on an illicit affair;
North Street at its junction with Fore an affair which was to force his
Street and The Parade, TA1 1JD. resignation, irrevocably damaging the
Charges apply to parking near the Prime Minister's reputation, and impact
the course of British politics forever. For Fri 15 Sept - Mon 18 Sept
more details about the National Trust at Adventure Out, Scotland The Isle of
Cliveden please see link https:// Coll. This trip continues our
www.nationaltrust.org.uk/visit/ exploration of Scottish Islands that we
oxfordshire-buckinghamshire- have been doing over the last few
berkshire/cliveden/things-to-see-in-the- years. Coll is quite a flat island. It's
garden-at-cliveden Adult entry probably the flattest island we've ever
tickets cost £17. NT members free. been to, the highest point at Ben Hogh
Please meet at 10:30 in the Main Visitor being just 130m high. However, it will
car park in the Walled Garden at the offer good coastal walking and
top of the estate. The nearest postcode stunning beaches. We will stay on the
(for the hotel) is SL6 0JF. There are food island at the comfortable Coll Hostel for
facilities in the grounds of the estate. three nights from Friday 15th
The event contact is Simon Scaddan on September to Monday 18th
07854 743 829. September. There may be an option to
Devon Branscombe and Beer. This will also visit Tiree on a day trip - check out
be a 6‑mile circular walk beginning in https://www.tireeseatours.co.uk/isle-of-
the beautiful coastal village of coll for more info on this. Bicycles can
Branscombe. We will walk to the be hired on the island to explore the
charming seaside town of Beer. There road network if desired, or you might
will be some spectacular views of the want to bring your own bicycle across
Jurassic Coast and some interesting on the ferry. There will be a variety of
geological features. Some of the walk coastal and moorland walking which
will be on the Coastal footpath. The will be rough and pathless in places.
walk should be moderate, although The event is based at The Coll Hostel,
there will be some notable ascents and PA78 6SY, (https://collbunkhouse.com/)
descents. For anyone who wants to join in the main village of Arinagour. This is
the outing but does not want to do the where the ferry from Oban docks. We
whole walk, there are great facilities at can meet on Friday 15th September at
Branscombe Beach. There are excellent Oban in time for the Cal Mac Ferry, and
cafés on the beach at Branscombe and we will leave on Monday 18th
in Beer. The meeting time is expected to September morning to catch the ferry
be 11:00, but both that and the meeting back to Oban. We've made a booking
point will be posted on the website for ten places in a 4‑bed and a 6‑bed
shortly. The event contact is Alan room. The cost of three nights’
Mirren. Grid ref: SY 196 885 accommodation including breakfasts is
£96.00. You can book on the event by
taking one of the tickets on the website
booking form. Please note that we make

no profit on this type of event; we aim nights but this will need forward
just to cover the cost of the planning as there is limited shopping
accommodation and food. If the event on the island. You should bring your
is under-subscribed, we can make a own food for lunches and any other
loss. If you need to cancel your evening meals. There will be communal
booking, we can only offer you a refund tea and coffee plus there is usually
if the event is fully subscribed and enough bread and butter supplied for
someone else can take your place. OS people to make their sandwiches. The
Landranger Map 36 covers both Coll event contact is Dave Archer on 07890
and Tiree. The ferry service is run by 874726. Grid ref: NM 222 572 Postcode:
Cal Mac, sailing from Oban. There is Meeting Time: 07:00
one sailing daily in the summer East Midlands Blackpool Social
months, on Fridays the ferry departs at Weekend! Come and join us on a social
06:10, arriving at Coll (via Tiree) at weekend in Blackpool. Double rooms
10:55. The ferry on Monday departs cost £85 per night; singles £55 per night.
12:45, arriving Oban 15:25. Booking is This includes breakfast, and an evening
not usually necessary for foot buffet at the hotel on Saturday. Early
passengers but it is advised! http:// booking is advised as in the past this
www.calmac.co.uk/timetables. The event has been very popular. We will be
early ferry on Friday will mean that staying at Chaps Hotel, Cocker Street,
most participants will need Blackpool, FY1 1SF 01253 620 541.
accommodation on Thursday 14th Sept. When booking, please say you are with
Please make your own arrangements. Paul and Kevin’s GOC weekend. Pay
Parking is available in Oban. In the past and display car parking is available
we've found free places to park in the nearby (in the same road). Food:
housing estates behind Oban Harbour Breakfast included and a buffet on
without any issues. There is also limited Saturday night. (Food can also be
and quite expensive car parking at arranged at the hotel on other nights at
Oban Harbour. Oban is accessible by an extra cost.) Grid ref: SD 307 368
train or bus from Glasgow. Breakfasts
are in included in the event costs; Fri 15 September
breakfast will comprise porridge, Gardens, Mid-Wales, North Wales,
cereal, toast, jams and marmalade, South Wales, West Wales Gardens -
bacon and eggs. There is a hotel nearby Treborth Botanic Garden, Bangor - part
(https://collhotel.com/) where we can of All Wales Weekend. Located around
choose to eat out if we wish (with ten miles from Llanberis and offering
advance booking probably.) We will free admission, Treborth Botanic
coordinate this nearer the time. We may Garden comprises planted borders,
do a communal meal on one of the species‑rich natural grassland, ponds,

an arboretum and an orchard, a Menai Bridge and take the second exit
Chinese Medicinal Garden, ancient at Antelope roundabout. Just before
woodland and a rock shoreline habitat. going over the Bridge, turn left and
Six glasshouses provide specialised follow the road past a small industrial
environments for tropical, temperate, estate, and then between two stone
orchid and carnivorous plant pillars. Follow the track through
collections. The outside garden has free woodland. The lawns of the Botanic
access to the public at all times and the Garden open up on the right. The
glasshouses are open at selected times offices are on the left by the small
when staff or volunteers are present. parking area. If there is space, cars may
There is wheelchair access to some of be parked outside the offices. However,
the glasshouses and part of the garden. if this area is full, or there is an event
The Wales Coast Path runs through the on, there is additional parking beyond
woodland and is surfaced, but most of the garden at the athletics track. Bus
the borders can only be accessed over numbers X4, 4A, 57 and 62 run from
the grass. Dogs are welcome as long as Bangor Rail Station and Bangor Bus
they are kept on leads. The garden is Station to the Antelope Pub. There are
owned by Bangor University and is no catering facilities onsite, so please
used as a resource for teaching, bring your own refreshments. Although
research and public engagement and there are cafes just across the bridge, as
enjoyment. Utilising the Wales Coast people from outside the area will
Path, there is also a good walk for probably wish to check into their
people who aren’t interested in the accommodation, we may not have time
garden, taking you through the for a coffee at the end. We will decide
woodlands, underneath the historic on the day. The event contact is Neil on
Britannia Bridge then along the Coast 07808 502 527. Grid ref: SH 555 711
Path as far as you like! You can also go
Sat 16 Sept - Sun 17 Sept
in the other direction, and walk over
the (also historic) Menai Suspension Adventure Out, Mid-Wales, North
Bridge into Menai Bridge village where Wales, South Wales, Transpennine,
there are plenty of cafés. More details West Wales, Women All‑Wales
about the garden can be found weekend, Llanberis, North Wales. This
at: https://treborth.bangor.ac.uk/ For year, the All‑Wales weekend will take
those remaining in the garden, we will place in Llanberis, at the foot of
be walking around two miles on Snowdon/Yr Wddfa, and will explore
well‑made paths. Please meet for a the fascinating mix of wild mountain
prompt 13:30 start at the main entrance. landscapes and the substantial remains
The nearest postcode is LL57 2RQ. of the area’s slate industry. The walk
Travelling from Bangor, drive towards routes will follow parts of the North
Wales Slate Trail. Two walks on the
Saturday and one on the Sunday (the Sat 16 September
latter a half-day walk), will take us North Wales, South Wales, West
deep into the slate quarries that are so Wales, Women Dinorwig Slate quarry
common in the area, as well as treating scenery walk. This walk is part of the
us to some of the memorable mountain All‑Wales Weekend and is open to all
views on the foothills of Snowdonia/ members and visitors as well as those
Eryri. There will be a choice of walks on attending the weekend event. There are
the Saturday, one strenuous and one two walk options: a slow-paced
moderate. The walk on Sunday will moderate walk and a quicker-paced,
traverse the most northern foothill of more strenuous one. Both versions start
the Snowdon massiff on Cefn Du, with from the same place and follow Llyn
stunning views of the mountains, Padarn lake, on a circular walk of about
before descending through the remains six miles. There is also the option to
of Glyn Rhonwy quarry. For those walk a further four miles on a more
interested, there will also be visits to strenuous route, including Llyn Peris
two of North Wales' most renowned lake. We will be following parts of the
gardens; Treborth on the Friday 15th Slate Trail with engrossing views of
Sept and Bodnant on Monday 18th now abandoned slate quarries, as well
Sept. See specific event entries for as super views along the dramatic
further details. For all walks, please Llanberis Pass and to Snowdon (Yr
meet for a prompt10:00 start at the large Wyddfa). We will leave Llanberis and
'rusty sword' sculpture next to the Llyn walk around the western edge of the
Padarn lake, close to the centre of lake, Llyn Padarn, along an old railway
Llanberis village, LL55 4EU. Most track, on a predominantly level
accommodation will include parking route. We then round the head of the
spaces, although some Air BnBs may lake with one of the classic views of
not. Parking can be very difficult in and Snowdonia/Eryri towards the Llanberis
around Llanberis, especially on sunny Pass. Both routes then follow a country
weekends, so please use the ‘Sherpa’ lane through a beautiful wood for a
bus service and park and ride facilities kilometre or so, rising gently for about
to avoid parking problems. Illegally 200 metres before heading along an old
parked cars may be towed away. For path through wooded slate country
those not driving, there are 'Sherpa' bus with beautiful views.
services from Bangor (with a link to the
rail station), Caernarfon and The moderate route then passes the old
Betws‑y‑Coed. Please remember to slate quarry hospital, the National Slate
bring a packed lunch and plenty to Museum and Vivian Quarry, with
drink. The event contact is Paul on opportunities to view remains of the
07800 966 667. Grid ref: SH 577 603 quarry and workshops. We then return
to Llanberis and a café for tea and cake.
The more strenuous route heads along other buses and rail stations at Bangor
a woodland path to rise up to Dinorwig and Betws y Coed. Bus time details will
and a footpath through the heart of the be uploaded to the website when
abandoned Dinorwig Quarry. The walk available. Please bring a packed lunch,
through these immense quarry remains snacks, and plenty to drink. Cefn Du is
is unforgettable, and conveys a good an exposed summit. In wet and windy
idea of the vast size of what was once weather, good protective clothing is
the world's largest slate quarry. After a essential. After the walks, we will visit a
short distance, there is a footpath out café for tea and cake. The event contacts
along an old waste tip to a superb are Paul on 07800 966 667, and Ben on
viewpoint along the Llanberis Pass to 07951 001 676. Grid ref: SH 578 604
Pen‑y‑Pass. We return to the main
Sun 17 September
footpath and go further through the
quarry remains, then descend on an Gardens, Mid-Wales, South Wales,
easy zig-zag path to the end of Llyn Wiltshire, Gloucestershire and North
Peris lake, with magnificent views up Somerset Llanover House and the Rare
the Llanberis Pass on this descent. We Plant Fair near Abergavenny. Visit
will then follow the road back to these lovely gardens and browse the
Llanberis, with more outstanding views stalls at Llanover House's Rare Plant
over the lake and the remains of the Fair. This 18‑acre Grade II listed
quarry. Please meet for a prompt 10:00 garden, set within a beautiful park,
start near the large 'rusty sword' features a walled Round Garden, two
sculpture alongside the lake, Llyn Arboreta and extensive herbaceous
Padarn, at the edge of a short stay car borders and lawns. The Rhyd-y-Meirch
park on the A4086 village bypass. The (Ford of the Stallions) stream flows the
nearest postcode is LL55 4ER, but entire length of the garden, tumbling
please do not park here for the walks! into ponds, over cascades and beneath
Please see the website for details of flagstone bridges. Llanover Garden was
where to park. There is more pay & established in the late 18th century by
display parking on the road off to the Benjamin Waddington, the great-great-
National Slate Museum, about ten great-great grandfather of the present
minutes’ walk from the meeting point. owner, Elizabeth Murray. Visitors can
Parking places within the village are admire the magnificent London Plane
extremely limited. Parking outside a trees planted over 200 years ago, and
house may lead to conflict with the unusual trees and shrubs planted
residents, so please use the pay & between 1960 and 1999 by Elizabeth’s
display car parks. ‘Sherpa’ buses run father, Robin Herbert CBE VMH, a
from Bangor, Caernarfon and Betws y former President of the Royal
Coed to Llanberis with connections to Horticultural Society. For more details,
visit: https://www.rareplantfair.co.uk/
our-fairs/2023-llanover-house-nr- Menai Straits to Anglesey (Môn). In
abergavenny/ Admission costs £7 and the early 20th Century, it was home to
going around the garden involves a the massive antenna for Marconi's first
walk of around a mile, mostly on transatlantic wireless transmissions and
well‑made paths and over flat grassy some remains still litter the summit
areas. The garden is long and narrow, area. Weather permitting, the summit
with paths on either side of streams and is a great spot for lunch. We will then
ponds, which can be crossed by descend right through the middle of the
flagstone bridges. The paths are mostly old slate workings and close to large
grass or gravel. The main drive is quarried holes. More fine views to
smooth tarmac. The garden has some Snowdon (Yr Wyddfa) and the
slight inclines and many grass or gravel Glyderau mountains are revealed, as
paths which unfortunately can make we descend back to Llanberis, where
pushing manual wheelchairs hard work we will stop at a café for tea and cake.
in places. Please meet at 11:00 outside This is a moderate walk on tarmac and
the main entrance, for which the rough paths, with one very short
postcode is NP7 9EF. John, who is the section of steepish ascent. The total
event contact, will be wearing a blue ascent is 350 metres. Please meet for a
scarf. There is plenty of on‑site parking. prompt 10:00 start near the large 'rusty
Teas and light refreshments will also be sword' sculpture alongside the lake,
available. John may be contacted on Llyn Padarn, at the edge of a short stay
07833 302 995. Grid ref: SO 318 082 car park on the A4086 village bypass,
North Wales, South Wales, West the nearest postcode is LL55 4ER.
Wales, Women Cefn Du, Slate Trail Please do not park here for the walk;
Walk, Llanberis. This 5‑mile walk is see the website for details of where to
part of the All‑Wales Weekend, park. Parking places within the village
exploring the scenery of the Slate Trail are extremely limited, and parking
in North Wales, but is open to all outside someone’s house may lead to
members and guests, not just those conflict with residents, so please use the
attending the weekend. Beginning in pay & display car parks. ‘Sherpa’ buses
Llanberis, we will follow the Slate Trail run from Bangor, Caernarfon and
up a lane, which becomes a path to Betws y Coed to Llanberis, with
Bwlch y Groes (Cross Pass) and then connections to other bus and rail
break off to ascend to the summit of stations at Bangor and Betws y Coed.
Cefn Du (442 metres) passing through Bus timetables will be uploaded to the
slate scenery with views to the website when available. Please bring a
mountains of Snowdonia (Eryri). Cefn packed lunch, snacks and plenty to
Du offers superb wide-ranging views of drink. Cefn Du is an exposed summit
the mountains, as well as across the and in wet and windy weather, good

protective clothing is essential. At the strenuous, but these are interspersed
end of the walk, we will visit a café forwith flatter stretches. We will stay on
tea and cake. The event contacts are established paths and proceed at a
Paul on 07800 966 667 and Ben on 07951 steady pace, taking short breaks, as
001 676. Grid ref: SH 578 604 required. Please meet for a prompt
Solent Hawkley to Steep. This is a 11:00 start at North Quarry Car Park,
glorious 8‑mile walk in the South North Malvern Road, Malvern, WR14
Downs (William Cobbett described 4LT. North Malvern Road is the B4232
them as: ‘Beautiful beyond and is off the A449 (Worcester Road).
description’). These beech wood hills, Approaching from the Worcester
known locally as Hangers, include two direction, you will need to take a right
steep climbs, climaxing at the Shoulder turn to access the B4232. The car park
of Mutton. We shall take time can take about 30 cars. Some roadside
ascending the two main summits parking may also be available. The car
which, though arduous, provide far parking fee is £5.25 for all day (cash or
reaching views. Please meet for a card). The nearest station is Malvern
prompt 10:00 start in Hawkley by the Link. To get to the North Quarry car
village green and church, where there is park from the station, turn right and
free on‑street parking. The nearest walk up the hill (Worcester Road), past
postcode is GU33 6NF. Please bring a the traffic lights and Holy Trinity
packed lunch and plenty to drink. At Church. North Malvern Road is on the
the end of the walk, we shall retire to right. The number 44 bus from
the Hawkley Inn. The event contact is Worcester stops near to Holy Trinity
Ian Martin on 07803 056 989. Grid ref: Church. Please bring a packed lunch
SU 745 291 and plenty to drink. Please ensure you
have sturdy boots to support your
Western Midlands Around the Hills! ankles. Survivors are welcome to my
This is a 7‑mile figure‑of‑eight walk on place for tea afterwards. The event
the beautiful northern and central hills contact is Glyn Coventry on 07722 566
of the Malvern chain. Expect panoramic 494. Grid ref: SO 771 469
views to the east and west, as well as
shaded woodland as we progress Mon 18 September
through the surrounding slopes. Along Gardens, History & Culture, Mid-
the way we'll come across familiar Wales, North Wales, South Wales,
landmarks to many Western Midlands Transpennine, West Wales NT
members, including the Worcestershire Bodnant is a Grade I listed historic
Beacon (the highest point), the Holy garden. It is a gem in the collection
Well, St Anne's Well and Earnshaw National Trust’s Gardens; its 80 acres
Lake. The walk includes climbs and including formal gardens, shrub-filled
descents that some members my find glades, meadows and woods, dells and
water gardens. It is also home to 07974 846 835 for house number and
historic plant collections and offers directions. Grid ref: SP 532 042
great views of surrounding
Thu 21 September
countryside. Free entry for National
Trust members; the price for Dorset Piddle Valley, White Lackington
non‑members is £15. Full details can be and Piddlehinton. This is a moderate
found at https:// 8‑mile figure‑of‑eight stroll around the
www.nationaltrust.org.uk/visit/wales/ Piddle Valley, across gently rolling
bodnant-garden . A full tour of the chalk downland. Please meet for a
gardens involves a walk of around two prompt 10:00 start in South View,
miles over varied terrain. See website Piddletrenthide, DT2 7QS, where there
for further details. Please meet at 11:00 is free parking. South View is off the
at the main entrance. The nearest B3143. Coming from the south, this is
postcode is LL28 5RE. If you don't best reached from the Puddletown
know anyone, look out for GOC logo! interchange on the A35. If coming from
There is plenty of onsite parking. There the north, take the A3030 just after
is an onsite cafe and tea room where we Bishop's Caundle. Please bring plenty
can have lunch if people wish, plus a to drink. Lunch options include the
picnic area by the car park, which is not Thimble Inn in Piddlehinton (01300 348
within the gardens. The event contact is 270) or bring a packed lunch. Our
Neil. Grid ref: SH 800 723 leader Andrew R on 07805 851 025,
cordially invites everyone for tea at the
Wed 20 September walk’s endpoint. Grid ref: SY 712 984
Berkshire and Mid Thames,
Sat 23 September
Oxford Iffley village and meadows. A
gentle 3‑mile ramble around Iffley Adventure Out, Scotland The Eildon
village. We will walk by meadows and Hills. Starting from the railway station
along to Iffley Lock, finally visiting the at Tweedbank, we will walk along the
very fine Norman church. Afterwards, River Tweed to the pretty town of
you are invited to tea at Paul’s to Melrose and climb the Eildon Hills, the
celebrate his recent 70th birthday. This highest being Eildon Mid Hill
is a level walk on tarmac and gravel (422meters, c1400 ft). There are options
paths. Please meet at 14:00 at Paul’s to climb all the hills in the group, but
home in Henley Avenue, OX4 4DJ. the climbs up Wester Eildon Hill can be
Parking is available nearby in Iffley avoided if desired. These are quite
Turn, OX4 4HN. Henley Avenue is on a small hills by Scottish standards, but
bus route. Bus numbers 3, 3A and X40 the slopes are quite steep and Eildon
stop near Iffley Turn. You are invited to Mid Hill is quite rocky in places with
afternoon tea at Paul’s home after the some scree on the ascent and descent.
walk. Send text to event contact Paul on Paths can be muddy after rain.

This 10‑mile walk is graded as difficult. Gardens, History & Culture, South
We expect it to take us between five and Wales, Wiltshire, Gloucestershire and
six hours. There are good paths North Somerset Dyffryn National Trust
throughout, but some steep climbs and Gardens near Cardiff, with free entry to
descents. Please meet for a prompt all! Under CADW's 'Open Doors 2023'
09:50 start at Tweedbank Railway scheme, (https://cadw.gov.wales/visit/
Station, TD6 9BJ, where there is free whats-on/open-doors) many places are
parking. After returning to Melrose, giving free access on specific
where there are café and pub options, dates. Discover Dyffryn's intimate
we will retrace our steps to Tweedbank garden rooms including the Pompeiian
station. You will need good boots, and garden, Paved Court, Reflecting Pool
waterproof/windproof clothing. It and Mediterranean garden. The
could be cold, so a hat and gloves may enormous great lawn is bordered by
also be required. There is a route on the seasonal bedding and a croquet lawn.
walkinghighlands website, which will There is also a large glasshouse,
give you a guide to the terrain statuary collection, and an arboretum
expected. https:// featuring trees from all over the world,
www.walkhighlands.co.uk/maps/ as well as the Log Stack play area which
map2_1bd.shtml . OS Landranger map is great for kids and adults alike. The
73 covers the area. The 08:43 train from Estate was sold to a coal magnate in
Edinburgh arrives in Tweedbank at 1891 who in 1903 commissioned the
09:41. Return trains from Tweedbank to famous garden designer Thomas
Edinburgh are every half hour, at 20 Mawson to create a garden on a great
mins and 50 mins past the hour. For the scale, a combination of landscape style,
return, we'll aim for the 16:50 train, plus Garden Rooms in the Arts and
arriving Edinburgh Waverley at 17:52. Crafts Style. There is a nice little video
It’s a 30‑minute walk back from on Facebook. Please note that the house
Melrose to Tweedbank, but we can use is currently closed. The scaffolding is
the local Borders bus service if due to come down in the autumn, but
necessary. This leaves the square at may still be there when we visit. For
Melrose at 16:27 to connect with the more details, please visit the National
16:50 train. Please bring a packed lunch Trust website. There is free parking
and plenty to drink. We will go for onsite, and the option of lunch in the
refreshments in a café in Melrose if café afterwards, or you can bring a
there is time. The event contact is Colin packed lunch to have in the picnic area
on 07769 199 150 Grid ref: NT 523 349 near the car park. A full tour of the
garden is around three miles, mostly on
level, well‑made paths. Please meet at
11:00 by the entrance to the shop,

postcode CF5 6FZ. Numbers are Somerset Crewkerne Ramble. On this
limited, so please book your place on easy to moderate 6‑mile walk, we will
the website. The event contact is Neil explore the charming historic market
on 07808 502 527. Grid ref: ST 095 724 town of Crewkerne and the
surrounding idyllic countryside. En
Sun 24 September
route, we will visit the impressive 16th
East Kent East Kent villages and varied church built in the Perpendicular style.
countryside. Though slightly longer On our way back to Crewkerne, we will
than average for East Kent, this 10‑mile also pass through the village of North
walk over an undulating landscape is Perrott. The walk includes some gentle
rated as moderate. It will include a inclines, some stiles and crosses two
typical Kentish village, woodlands, main roads. Please meet for a prompt
fields and meadows with some 11:00 start at Henhayes Car Park, just
excellent views. We shall walk through north of the Henhayes Centre in central
Covert Wood before passing through Crewkerne, near Waitrose and Lidl,
the village of Bossingham. On our postcode TA18 8DA, where there is free
return leg, we shall walk through the parking on Sundays. Crewkerne station
hamlet of Lynsore Bottom and a small is on the Exeter to London Waterloo
group of buildings, one of which is line, about one mile out of town. There
called Heart’s Delight. Please bring a are no Sunday bus services. Please
packed lunch and plenty to drink. consider a car share: If you need a lift or
Please meet for a prompt 10:30 start by can offer a lift, please post a notice in
the village shop in Barham, CT4 6NX. the Discussion Forum, which you’ll
There is parking along Valley Road in find in the ‘Book Event’ section on the
Barham, which is the main road website. Car share is a good option to
through the village. We advise people help members without transport enjoy
to share vehicles and park on the our walks, reduce vehicle parking at the
village shop side of the road. As you meeting place, and reduce the travel
enter Barham from the north, this is miles. In the tradition of the U3A, the
will be on the right‑hand side of the passenger should give the driver a
road. Bus number 17 stops in Barham, pound coin on each journey. It keeps
but please check the timetable to make things cordial! Please bring plenty to
sure you can reach the starting point on drink and a packed lunch. Afterwards,
time. Please bring a packed lunch and you are cordially invited to Michael's
plenty to drink. At the end of the walk, house for afternoon tea. The event
we may have time to visit the village contact is Michael Copp on 07591 766
pub in Barham for a drink. The event 534. Grid ref: ST 443 097
contact is Gary Taylor on 07376 780 137.
Grid ref: TR 206 497

South Wales Llanthony valley and the A465. Please note the earlier start
Ffawyddog Ridge Walk. This is a quite time, and do not attempt to arrive from
strenuous, but glorious 9‑mile trek the north over the Gospel Pass, as the
along the Ffawyddog Ridge, high above The Capel-y-ffin to Llanthony road is
the Llanthony valley at the southern blocked by a landslide. Please allow
end of the Vale of Ewyas in the Black plenty of time to get to the starting
Mountains. The first stage of the walk is point. The road to Llanthony soon
almost four miles to Capel-y-ffin from narrows to lanes with several blind
Llanthony, along lanes and the lower bends and is not the place to be
Offa's Dyke Path on a low level, slightly rushing. There is free parking in either
undulating route. From here, there is a the main car park or the overflow car
strenuous climb up to the ridge. We park at Llanthony Priory. Public
will be stopping at times to catch our transport is not an option. If you need a
breath on the climb, but it is lift, please let us know. Please bring a
manageable, and flatter in places, and packed lunch, snacks and plenty to
takes less than an hour to climb. The drink. The event contact is Ben on 07951
reward is a fabulous mountain ridge 001 676. Grid ref: SO 288 278
walk with sweeping views of Sugar Cwm Llanddewi a Chefnen
Loaf, Skirrid, and beyond, down to the Ffawyddog Mae hon yn daith eithaf
Bristol Channel (in good weather). The egnïol, ond gogoneddus 9 milltir ar hyd
route eventually drops steeply from the Crib Ffawyddog, yn uchel uwchben
ridge on a well‑trodden path that dyffryn Llanddewi ym mhen deheuol
allows great views of the valley and the Dyffryn Ewyas yn y Mynyddoedd
priory. Good walking boots and Duon. Mae cam cyntaf y daith gerdded
adequate mountain weather clothing bron i bedair milltir i Gapel-y-ffin o
are essential. There are toilets at Landdewi, ar hyd lonydd a Llwybr
Llanthony Priory, and the walk will Clawdd isaf Offa ar lwybr lefel isel,
finish at the café/pub in the grounds of ychydig yn ddi-dor. O'r fan hon, mae
the priory itself, where soft drinks, yna ddringfa egnïol i fyny i'r
alcoholic beverages and food are grib. Byddwn yn stopio ar adegau i
served. The Half Moon Pub is within ddal ein gwynt ar y ddringfa, ond
close walking distance. There are only mae'n hylaw, ac yn lletchwith mewn
two stiles, along the Offa's Dyke mannau, ac yn cymryd llai nag awr i'w
Path. It’s a great walk for dogs, but ddringo. Ar ôl cyrraedd y garnedd sy'n
there will be sheep around on the climb nodi'r copa fodd bynnag, mae'r dringo
up and wild horses on the tops. Please egnïol drosodd, ac mae'r wobr yn daith
meet for a prompt 10:00 start Llanthony gerdded mynydd wirioneddol wych ar
Priory, Llanthony, off the Abergavenny draws y grib, gyda golygfeydd ysgubol
to Hereford Road NP7 7NN, which is o Sugar Loaf, Skirrid, a thu hwnt, i lawr

at Fôr Hafren (mewn tywydd da). Yn y June 2023. Whatever your interest, and
pen draw, mae'r llwybr yn disgyn yn whatever your level of technical
serth o'r grib ar lwybr wedi'i droedio'n experience or expertise, you are
dda sy'n caniatáu golygfeydd gwych o'r welcome! This is a continuation of our
dyffryn a'r priordy. Mae esgidiau longstanding Online Social in Zoom.
cerdded da a dillad tywydd mynydd From June 2023, it will take place every
digonol yn hanfodol. Mae toiledau ym month on the fourth Thursday,
Mhriordy Llanddewi a bydd y daith instead of fortnightly, to complement a
gerdded yn gorffen yn y caffi/tafarn ar new Online Welcome Social each month
dir y priordy ei hun, lle gweinir on the second Tuesday. Do please join
diodydd meddal, diodydd alcolig a either or both! We start each online
bwyd. Mae Tafarn Half Moon o fewn social with a quick round of
pellter cerdded agos. Dim ond dau introductions. If you have something in
gam, ar hyd Llwybr Clawdd particular that you would like to share
Offa. Taith gerdded wych i gŵn, ond or ask, this is your chance to let others
bydd defaid o gwmpas ar y dringo i know what that is. Then we spend most
fyny a cheffylau gwyllt ar y topiau. of our time mingling and chatting
Sylwch fod daith hon yn dechrau am informally - in small breakout groups if
10:00. Bras amcan pellter: 9 milltir. there are many of us. We close each
Grid ref: SO 288 278; postcode: NP7 session by gathering all together again
7NN; meeting Time: 10:00 to hear something of what we all shared
or enjoyed during the session. Please
Surrey The outskirts of Godalming. A consider offering to share a brief report
walk to be led by Robert Liston. afterwards on the GOC website, to
Meeting Time: 10:30. Full details will be share something of your experience and
posted on the website shortly. to encourage others to attend in
Thu 28 September future. Please take a screenshot of
those present, with their permission of
Online Online Members Social. Are
course, and upload it afterwards with a
you interested in meeting or socialising
few lines of text at Submit a new event
with other GOC members online, from
report. See recent reports on the Online
the comfort of your home? Perhaps
group page as examples. Our Zoom
you don't find it easy to join many of
meeting room is accessible on a
our outdoor events for one reason or
computer, tablet or smartphone via an
another, or you're interested in
app, or with more limited functionality
connecting with members beyond those
via your browser, or you can even dial
that you usually meet in person? Join
in by telephone - see our member-only
us for our new Online Member Social in
page How to use Zoom. To join the
Zoom, on the fourth Thursday of every
GOC Online group and receive updates
month from 19:00 – 20:00, starting from

of news and events, please go to My Sun 01 October
preferences and include Online in your Devon Meldon Reservoir and Viaduct.
selection of groups. If you are not This 5‑mile circular walk in a moorland
already a member of GOC, please Join setting affords views of the reservoir,
us! To receive an automated email and takes in various points of interest
reminder of our online socials 24 hours including Meldon Quarry and the old
in advance, with the link to follow the railway terminus. There are long spells
next day, please email of level walking as well as some ascents
online@goc.org.uk and ask to have and descents. The paths may be uneven
your address added to the calendar in places, as well as muddy and wet
invite. == Gay Outdoor Club is inviting after recent rain, so strong, waterproof
you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. To footwear is recommended. Please meet
join the Zoom Meeting, copy and paste for a prompt 11:00 start at Meldon
this link into your browser: https:// Reservoir car park, EX20 4LU, where
us06web.zoom.us/j/82898130104? the parking charge is £2 for all day.
pwd=Qk41bjFhTUtDd1NXVFNPUmFy Public toilets are available in the car
R2NKUT09 Or go to https://zoom.us/ park. Please bring a packed lunch and
join and enter: Meeting ID: 828 9813 plenty to drink. The event contact on
0104. Passcode: 377 718 the day is Mike Hocking on 07779 292
Sat 30 September 450. Grid ref: SX 561 917
Norfolk, Suffolk Lounds Lakes near West Kent The Chartwell Loop. This is
Hopton, Gt Yarmouth. This is a a circular 8‑mile walk around the
provisional announcement about a Chartwell estate. It is a moderate walk,
walk that will take in Lounds Lakes. At but includes two steep ascents. Please
this point, we estimate that the walk meet for a prompt 11:00 start at The
will be around six miles, largely on Green, Ide Hill, opposite the Cock Inn,
level ground, but this may be changed TN14 6JN. You may park on the street
when full details are posted on the through the village, or half a mile away
website. The walk is due to be led by in the Ide Hill village car park, TN14
Stuart Buchan and provisionally set to 6JG. There is no public transport
start at 11:00, but if you have any available on Sundays. Please bring a
queries before the full details are packed lunch and plenty to drink. The
posted, please contact David Willis, the event contact is Nick Stanley on 07833
Norfolk Group Co-ordinator. You will 433 810. Grid ref: TQ 486 518
find his contact details on the Norfolk
group page on the website.

Western Midlands Trent Valley: A Otherwise, there is plenty of on‑street
waterside wander from Branston. This parking on Riverside Drive, Lansdowne
8‑mile ramble takes in many of the Road or Warren Lane. On Sundays, the
man-made lakes that have been created Midland Classic X12 bus runs from
in recent years alongside the Trent. Lichfield to Burton once an hour. The
Starting at Branston, a place that gave most convenient one for our 11:15 start
pickle to the world, the majority of the leaves Lichfield bus station (opposite
walk is alongside water. This makes it a Lichfield City station, perfect for
perfect day out for wildlife lovers and travelling from Birmingham) at 10:47,
bird spotters as well as keen ramblers. stopping at Lichfield Trent Valley
The route, which is easy and largely station (on the West coast main line) at
flat, includes Barton Marina, 10:51. It arrives at the Warren Lane/
Tuckleshome Lake and Branston Water Regents Park stop (code: stadgmgw ) at
Park. The start and finish point is by a 11:08. This is a 2‑minute walk from the
pub with a beautiful garden, ideal for Riverside Hotel. These bus times were
enjoying a post-walk tipple! We will be correct at time of writing (April 2023)
walking on a mixture of paved and but please check the current timetable:
muddy/grassy paths. There is one https://www.midlandclassic.com/routes
footbridge with steps. Please meet for a -and-services/ . Please bring a packed
prompt 11:15 start at the entrance to the lunch and plenty to drink. If anyone
Riverside Hotel car park, Riverside wishes to buy food along the way, we
Drive, Burton-on-Trent DE14 3EP. If can detour past a Co-op just before the
you are driving, leave the A38 at the midpoint of the walk. The event contact
Branston (Burton South junction). The is James Bailey on 07904 114 414. Grid
Riverside Hotel is two minutes from ref: SK 227 210
this junction. Parking in the car park is
allowed for those who are going to visit
the pub afterwards.

Full details
of all October’s events will be in
the October 2023 issue of Outdoors,
which is due out on 27th
See also www.goc.org.uk

Associated Clubs
These clubs offer outdoor, sporting or other active pursuits
that welcome GOC members. Some offer concessions on NOT SO TRAD: Southern Lesbian & Gay Climbers.
event fees for GOC members. Contact Phillipe Torres at pxt119@btinternet.com or
Roslyn McKendry at roslynmckendry@hotmail.com
CycleOut: Gay cycling group based in London and
Out on Sunday: walks in the Lancs/Cheshire/Derbys
the SE. Recreational day cycling plus weekends and
area. Phil: philip.gledhill@virgin.net and at
holidays further afield in the UK and Europe. Tel.
01634 826 060. www.cycleoutlondon.org.uk.
The Freedom Club: camping & caravanning. Annual
Devon Pals: Lesbian group with monthly walks and
national meet. www.freedomclub.co.uk.
occasional socials. Contact Nicky at
devonpals@hotmail.co.uk Truegrip Badminton Glasgow. Meets Thursday
evenings at the National Badminton Academy. See
Gay Caravan and Camping Club:
our Facebook page or call Paul Tulloch 07708 514 676 /
www.gaycaravanclub.com; e-mail:
gccchairman@margate54.fsnet.co.uk; Tel. 07977 317
872 (Ian Elesmore - Chairman) WWW (Women Walk Wales). Monthly meets.
Anglesey to Snowdonia. Rosie on 01248 601064 or
Glasgow Gay Rambling Group. Walks on the 2nd
email: rosie.crake@yahoo.co.uk.
Saturday of each month. Robert Watt on 0141 950
1081, 07594 036 962 or e-mail: cdaggg@mac.com
GLUG: National Gay & Lesbian Underwater Group Advertising in Outdoors. We offer quarter, half
(scuba diving). Monthly London meets. and whole page colour spaces. A whole page
www.glug.co.uk; info@glug.co.uk ad is £60, a half‑page is £40 and a quarter page
Goslings London Badminton Club: several weekly is £25, each is for one insertion. For the whole
badminton sessions and socials in London, details at page, you have the option of bleed. For a
www.goslingslondon.com series, discounts of £2 per insertion are
Irons Golf Society: a society for gay and lesbian available for a run of three or more. As an
golfers. www.ironsgolf.org.uk advertiser, you will get a free link to your
Lilidots: for women walkers in Scotland. Tel: Karen business on our website for the duration of
Radford on 01475 633 090. your ad. There is a one-off design charge of £40
(unless you send in artwork that requires no
Midlands Out Badminton: LGBT group open to all
further work). If you want to provide your
abilities. Meets Saturday mornings at Aston Universty,
own artwork, we can accept pdf or jpg files at
Birmingham. midsoutbadminton@gmail.com or call
300dpi. Please contact design@goc.org.uk to
Andy on mobile 07813 330 003 or see
discuss your requirements.
Outdoors is published ten times a year. The next copy
Moseley Shoals: Birmingham swimming. Three
deadlines are 11th September 2023 , 9th October 2023
sessions a week. Socials afterwards. Coaching
and 6th November 2023. An advertisement in
available. New swimmers and visitors welcome. Mark
Outdoors does not imply any endorsement of a
on 0121 441 3768 or see www.moseleyshoals.org.uk.
product or service by the GOC or its trustees. The
Northern Wave: Manchester swimming. Two
views and opinions expressed in Outdoors do not
sessions per week. Also water polo. See
necessarily reflect those of the GOC, its editor or its
www.northernwave.org or Trevor on 0161 872 1990 or


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