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Board of Directors and Leadership: Nestlé had a diverse and experienced

board of directors responsible for overseeing the company's strategic
direction, risk management, and financial performance. This diversity helped
ensure a wide range of perspectives.
2. Transparency and Reporting: The company was known for its comprehensive
annual reports and transparency in disclosing financial and non-financial
information. This helped investors and stakeholders make informed decisions.
3. Sustainability and Social Responsibility: Nestlé had made commitments to
sustainability and social responsibility, aiming to reduce its environmental
footprint, address ethical sourcing of raw materials, and contribute positively
to the communities it operated in.
4. Compliance and Risk Management: Nestlé emphasized compliance with laws
and regulations, as well as risk management practices. This approach was
essential for maintaining the company's reputation and ensuring long-term

Criticisms and Challenges:

1. Water Usage Controversy: Nestlé faced criticism for its water usage practices
in certain regions, where concerns were raised about the environmental impact
and potential negative effects on local communities.
2. Marketing and Health Concerns: The company had faced allegations of
aggressive marketing of unhealthy products, particularly in relation to its infant
formula business. This led to concerns about the impact on public health,
especially in developing countries.
3. Ethical Sourcing: Despite its commitments, Nestlé had faced challenges
related to ethical sourcing of certain ingredients, such as cocoa and palm oil.
Issues like child labor and environmental degradation were highlighted in the
supply chain.
4. Shareholder Activism: Some shareholders and activist groups criticized
Nestlé's approach to environmental sustainability and called for stronger
commitments to addressing issues such as plastic waste and deforestation.
5. Executive Compensation: As with many large corporations, there were
concerns about executive compensation practices and whether they were
aligned with long-term shareholder interests.

It's important to note that corporate governance practices can change over time in
response to internal and external pressures.

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