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Republic of the Philippines

Cebu City Campus, R. Palma Street, Cebu City



Choose the correct answer among the options a, b, c, and d. Write the letter only as your answer. If none of the choices is right,
write the correct answer.

1. A characteristic of a researcher wherein he is always doubtful as to the veracity of the results is:
a. prudence b. intellectual honesty c. intellectual curiosity d. healthy criticism

2. One of the qualifies of a good researcher that he keeps on inventing unique, new, and original researches is:
a. efficient b. creative c. resourceful d. scientific

3. Characteristic of research that starts with a problem and ends with a problem is:
a. logical b. analytical c. methodical d. cyclical

4. Type of research that is also called as pure research is:

a. Basic research b. applied research c. action research d. laboratory research
5. Newton’s law of motion is an example of:
a. Applied research b. field research c. basic research d. action research

6. A research is conducted in an artificial or controlled conditions by isolating the study in a rigorously specified and operationalized area is:
a. Library research b. field research c. laboratory research d. action research

7. It is a response variable which is observed and measured to determine the effect of stimulus variable is:
a. Intervening variable b. moderate variable c. independent variable d. dependent variable

8. Characteristic of a researcher wherein he is careful in conducting his study and starts in the right time and right place is:
a. Prudence b. intellectual creativity c. healthy criticism d. intellectual honesty

9. Which of the following does not belong to the group?

a. Field research b. action research c. laboratory research d. basic research

10. Component of a research process wherein it describes properly the relationship of variables is:
a. Assumptions b. data processing c. research design d. theoretical framework

11. It is a stimulus variable that determines relationship to an observed phenomenon is:

a. Intervening variable b. independent variable c. control variable d. moderate variable

12. Salinity is a variable that affects the growth of seaweeds. To which of the variables does salinity fall?
a. Independent variable b. dependent variable c. intervening variable d. moderate variable

13. Civil status affects the performance of teachers in performing their duties. To which of the variable does civil status belong?
a. Dependent variable b. control variable c. independent variable d. intervening variable

14. Which of the following does not belong to the group?

a. Critical b. logical c. theoretical d. replicability

15. Educational qualifications of teachers affect their socio-economic status because the higher the educational qualifications, the higher the
salary will be. Educational qualification is:
a. Intervening variable b. independent variable c. dependent variable d. moderate variable

16. One of the qualities of a good researcher is that he is always precise in conducting his research. Hence, he is:
a. Scientific b. efficient c. resourceful d. economical

17. Characteristics of research where research design and procedures are repeated is:
a. Replicability b. analytical c. methodical d. critical

18. Archimedes’ law of buoyancy is an example of:

a. Action research b. applied research c. fundamental research d. laboratory research

19. Performance is affected by civil status and gender because single male researchers are more efficient than married female researchers.
To which variable does performance belong?
a. Independent variable b. intervening variable c. control variable d. dependent variable

20. In Item No. 19, to which variable do civil status and gender fall?
a. Intervening variable b. moderator variable c. dependent variable d. independent variable

21. Component of a research process that provides foundation of the study is:
a. Conceptual framework b. hypothesis c. assumption d. research design

22. The yield of Caulerpa peltata using planting and broadcasting methods in New Washington Bay, Aklan, Philippines is a kind of:
a. Basic research b. applied research c. action research d. laboratory research

23. In Item No. 22, to which variable does yield belong?

a. Independent variable b. dependent variable c. intervening variable d. control variable

24. In Item No. 22, to which variable do planting and broadcasting methods fall?
a. Independent variable b. intervening variable c. dependent variable d. control variable

25. Which of the following does not belong to the group?

a. Methodical b. empirical c. cyclical d. conceptual

26. It refers to an intelligent guess that is formulated and temporarily adapted to explain the observed facts covered by the study is:
a. Assumption b. conceptual framework c. hypothesis d. theoretical framework

27. It is a denial of an existence of trait, quality, characteristics, relationship or difference of an effect is:
a. Alternative hypothesis b. theoretical framework c. conceptual framework d. null hypothesis

28. It is a statement of [purpose for which the study is to be conducted is:

a. Research objectives b. conceptual definition c. research problem d. operational definition

29. It is an affirmation of an existence of phenomena is:

a. Null hypothesis b. alternative hypothesis c. theoretical framework d. conceptual framework

30. Refers to statement expressed clearly and vividly in an interrogative or question form is:
a. Research objectives b. theoretical framework c. conceptual framework d. research problem

31. Which of the following does not belong to the group?

a. Measurable b. reliable c. specific d. achievable

32. It is presumed as true statements of facts to the study is:

a. Assumption b. conceptual c. hypothesis d. operational

33. Which of the following does not belong to the group?


a. Innovative b. coast effective c. reliable d. interesting

34. Defining terms based on the dictionary, encyclopedia, and research journals is:
a. Operational b. theoretical c. conceptual d. logical

35. It is a symbolic construction to which uses abstract concepts, facts or laws, variables and their relations that explain and predicts how an
observed phenomenon exists and operates is:
a. Conceptual framework b. null hypothesis c. alternative hypothesis d. theoretical framework

36. Defining terms based on observable characteristics and how it is used in the study is:
a. Operational b. logical c. theoretical d. conceptual

37. It presents specific and well-defined models which are called constructs is:
a. Theoretical framework b. operational definition c. conceptual framework d. conceptual definition

38. It is also called as Importance of the Study is:

a. Scope and Limitation of the Study c. Assumption of the Study
b. Significance of the Study d. Theoretical framework

39. It is important section of the study where it includes the coverage of the study area, the subjects, the instruments, issues and concerns,
and duration of the study is:
a. Significance of the Study c. Conceptual framework
b. Theoretical Framework of the Study d. Scope and Limitations

40. Which of the following does not belong to the group as sources of researchable problem?
a. Forte of the researcher c. Conclusions from thesis and dissertations
b. Recommendations from thesis and dissertation d. current and past researchers

41. Split-half method is determined by:

a. Spearman rho formula c. Pearson r formula
b. Kuder-Richardson formula d. Spearman Brown formula

42. The most practical quality of a good research instrument is:

a. Reliability b. usability c. validity d. objectivity

43. A method of testing reliability of a research instrument in which the scores of the first and second administration are determined by
correlation coefficient is:
a. Internal consistency b. parallel-forms c. split-half d. test-retest

44. Which of the correlation ® value below has marked relationship?

a. 0.43 b. 0.35 c. 0.71 d. 0.40

45. Which of the following does not belong to the group?

a. Validity b. reliability c. objectivity d. usability

46. The extent to which the topic of substance of a research instrument is truly a representative of the substance of the course is:
a. Construct validity b. concurrent validity c. content validity d, predictive validity

47. The interpretation of 0.77 correlation values obtained by X and Y is:

a. Moderate relationship b. very high relationship c. marked relationship d. high relationship

48. The degree to which the research instrument measures what is purports to measure is:
a. Validity b. usability c. reliability d. objectivity

49. Internal-consistency method of testing the reliability of a research is determined by:

a. Spearman rho formula c. Pearson r formula
b. Kuder-Richardson formula d. Spearman-Brown formula

50. It is concerned with consistency of responses from moment to moment and even the subjects take the same instrument twice is:

a. Validity b. objectivity c. usability d. reliability

51. The extent to which a research instrument measures a theoretical trait is:
a. Content validity b. construct validity c. concurrent validity d. predictive validity

52. The formula of Spearman-Brown formula is:

a. ∑X c. 2rht
N 1 + rht

b. 1 – 6 ∑D d. [ N ] [ SD2 - ∑p1 q1 ]
N2 - N N - 1 SD2

53. A method of estimating the reliability of research instrument by correlating the score of the old and even items is:
a. Parallel-forms b. test-retest c. internal-consistency d. split-half

54. Which of the following does not belong to the group?

a. Predictive validity b. content validity c. current validity d. construct validity

55. The formula in getting the variance is:

a. r ht c. ∑X
1 + r ht N
b. ∑ (X - X)2 d. 1 - 6 ∑D
N - 1 N3 - N

56. A method of reliability in which the subject receives a point of one or zero for an item is:
a. Internal-consistency b. test-retest c. split-half d. parallel-forms

57. The degree to which the research instrument gives proper mechanical make-up to the subjects of the study is:
a. Usability b. reliability c. objectivity d. validity

58. The appropriate font size for printed materials of Grade 2 pupils as subjects of the study is:
a. 16 b. 14 c. 18 d. 12

59. The appropriate font size for printed materials of secondary students as subjects of the study is:
a. 18 b. 16 c. 12 d. 14

60. The appropriate font size for printed materials of Grade 5 pupils as subjects of the study is:
a. 16 b. 14 c. 18 d. 12

61. A research design where the study focuses in the past, present, and future is:
a. Descriptive b. case study c. experimental d. historical

62. A descriptive design which is made to determine the normal or typical condition and compare them with the national standard is:
a. Descriptive-analysis b. descriptive-comparative c. descriptive-normative d. descriptive-evaluative

63. A design in which the subjects are studied once the subsequent treatment is applied to determine the cause of change but there is no
control in this design and no replication is:
a. RCBD b, Parallel-group c. two-pair group d. CRD

64. A research design in which the study focuses on the past is:
a. Historical b. case study c. descriptive d. experimental

65. A systematic critical inquiry of the whole truth of past events using critical method in the understanding and interpretation of facts which are
applicable to the current issues and problem is:
a. Descriptive b. experimental c. historical d. case study

66. An experimental design in which the control and experimental groups are given tests at the beginning and at the end of the
semester/school year is:
a. Counterbalanced b. pretest-posttest c. two-pair group d. parallel group

67. A research design in which the study focuses at the present condition is:
a. Experimental b. historical c. case study d. descriptive

68. An experimental design in which two or more groups are used at the same time with only one variable (control group0 manipulated or
changed is:
a. Two-pair group b. RCBD c. CRD d. parallel-group

69. Statistical tool used to determine the difference of parallel-group design is:
a. T-test b. Pearson r c. F-test d. Chi-square

70. The statistical tool to determine the acceptability of the flavor of this research study entitled Acceptability of Luncheon Meat from Offal of
Boneless milkfish and offal of Goatfish Tapa” is:
a. Arithmetic mean b. Geometric mean c. Standard deviation d. Harmonic mean

71. Which of the following does not belong to the group?

a. Memorandum b. forms of diplomas c. circular d. newspaper

72. An experimental design which involves an exchange of two or more treatments taken by the subjects during the experiments is:
a. Parallel-group b. single-group c. two-pair group d. counterbalanced

73. Types of descriptive research which seeks to answer questions to real facts relating to existing conditions is:
a. Descriptive-normative b. descriptive-analysis c. descriptive-status d. descriptive-survey

74. A descriptive design which determine the psychological side of research and also the social aspects by way of application or
implementation of evidence to recognize between facts and influence is:
a. Descriptive-analysis b. descriptive-evaluative c. descriptive-status d. descriptive-survey

75. A descriptive design which is appropriate wherever the subjects vary among themselves and one is interested to know the extent to which
different conditions or situations obtain among these subjects is:
a. Descriptive-survey b. descriptive-analysis c. descriptive-comparative d. descriptive-status

76. Type of experimental design which involves one treatment with two or more levels is:
a. Single-group b. two-pair group c. two-group d. parallel-group

77. Type of descriptive design which describes the nature of a thing by separating it into its parts its:
a. Descriptive-classification c. descriptive-evaluative
b. Descriptive-comparative d. descriptive-analysis

78. Type of descriptive research used to appraise carefully the worthiness of the current study is:
a. Descriptive-analysis c. descriptive-normative
b. Descriptive-evaluative d. descriptive-survey

79. A research design which gives the people sense of continuity of the past to the present is:
a. Descriptive b. experimental c. historical d. case study

80. Type of experimental design in which the subjects of the study are studied once but subsequent treatments are replicated to determine the
cause of change is:
a. Complete Randomized Design (CRD) c. Two-Pair Group
b. Parallel-group d. Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD)

81. Sampling design the investigator simply takes the closest individuals as subjects of the study because they are most available is:
a. Quota sampling b. purposive sampling c. incidental sampling d. cluster sampling

82. Which of the following does not belong to the group?

a. Multistage sampling b. cluster sampling c. stratified sampling d. quota sampling

83. Sampling design in which the population is grouped into small units such as blocks or districts is:
a. Cluster sampling b. systematic sampling c. stratified sampling d. purposive sampling

84. Type of sampling design which is popular in the field of opinion research is:
a. Purposive sampling b. quota sampling c. stratified sampling d. incidental sampling

85. The best random sampling design since every member in the population is given equal chance of inclusion in the sample is:
a. Systematic random sampling c. stratified random sampling
b. Restricted random sampling d. unrestricted random sampling

86. Which of the following does not belong to the group?

a. Purposive sampling b. cluster sampling c. quota sampling d. incidental sampling

87. Sampling design in which all the individuals in the population are arranged in methodical manner and the nth name may be selected in the
construction of the sample is:
a. Systematic sampling b. cluster sampling c. multistage sampling d. purposive sampling

88. Sampling design intended to improve the validity of the sample and is applicable when the population being studied is homogenous is:
a. Unrestricted random sampling c. restricted random sampling
b. Stratified random sampling d. systematic random sampling

89. The sample size of a population of 575 is:

a. 202 b. 211 c. 200 d. 204

90. A population of 725 has sample size of:

a. 209 b. 198 c. 211 d. 210

91. Sampling design which is based on the selection of the individuals as samples according to the criteria of the researcher that serves as
control is:
a. Purposive sampling b. incidental sampling c. quota sampling d. cluster sampling

92. The sample size of 1000 population is:

a. 220 b. 222 c. 221 d. 223

93. Which of the following where sample size is inapplicable?

a. 100 b. 99 c. 101 d. 102

94. A population of 850 has sample size of:

a. 215 b. 214 c. 217 d. 216

95. The sample size of 4500 population is:

a. 250 b. 247 c. 249 d. 248

96. Which of the following does not belong to the group?

a. t-test b. z-test c. F-test d. Spearman rho

97. A research design in which t-test is used.

a. Historical b. descriptive c. case study d. experimental

98. Refers to the tallying and counting of raw data to arrive at frequency distribution and organizing them in a systematic order in a table or
a. Tabulation of data b. data matrix c. categorization of data d. dummy tables

99. Which of the following statistical tool is applicable to this problem ïs there a significant percentage difference on the job-related problems
met by staff nurses in government and private hospitals in Metro Manila?””

a. H-test b. z-test c. t-test d. chi-square

100. A research design in which F-test is used?

a. Case study b. historical c. descriptive d. experimental

101. Which of the following statistical tools is used to this research problem, Ïs there a significant difference on the mean weight increment of
mudcrub (Scylla serrata) cultured in the fishpond using pellets, fish meal and trash fish as supplemental feeds?”
a. t-test b. F-test c. Xr2 d. X2

102. A data matrix which involves three or more variables in a tabular statistical form.
a. Multivariate b. univariate c. trivariate d. bivariate

103. Which of the following does not belong to the group?

a. F-test b. Xr2 c. X2 d. H-test

104. Refers to the conversion of information either manually or machine into quantitative and qualitative forms and has shelf-life and access for
future use.
a. Categorization of data b. data matrix c. data processing d. tabulation of data

105. Which of the following statistical tools is appropriate to this problem, “How effective is the teaching of Miss X in Science as perceived by
the first year high school students?”
a. Percentage b. standard deviation c. variance d. weighted mean

106. Type of data analysis which stresses real facts relating to current standing in a group subjects chosen for study is:
a. Evaluative analysis b. descriptive analysis c. normative analysis d. status analysis

107. Which of the following does not belong to the group as statistical tools used for experimental design?
a. z-test b. F-test c. t-test d. H-test

108. Type of data analysis which compares local test results with the national standard is:
a. Comparative analysis b. normative analysis c. evaluative analysis d. descriptive analysis

109. Which of the following does not belong to the group?

a. Pearson r b. z-test c. F-test d. t-test

110. Type of data analysis which appraises carefully the worthiness of the current study is:
a. Comparative analysis b. evaluative analysis c. descriptive analysis d. cost-effective analysis

111. The study entitled “Taxonomic Study of Holothurians found in the Philippine Marine Waters” is an example of:
a. Classification analysis b. evaluative analysis c. descriptive analysis d. cost-effective analysis

112. The research project entitled Utilization and Commercialization of Fish Offal from Boneless Milkfish and Goatfish Tapa into Luncheon
Meat” is an example of:
a. Classification analysis b. Comparative analysis c. Cost-effective analysis d. evaluative analysis

113. Which of the following statistical tools is used only in multivariate descriptive design?
a. H-test b. F-test c. Xr2 d. X2

114. Which of the following statistical tools is used only in bivariate experimental design?
a. Spearman rho b. t-test c. Pearson r d. z-test

115. The statistical tool used in this problem “How Adequate is the Facilities in State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) in the Philippines?”is:
a. Friedman ANOVA b. Variance c. Standard deviation d. Arithmetic mean

116. This refers to the condition wherein results are generalizable or applicable to groups and environments outside of the experimental setting.
a. External validity b. external reliability c. internal validity d. internal reliability

117. It is a kind of research consists of those which seek the understanding of a process or subject with little expectations of a direct payoff.

a. Descriptive research b. experimental research c. basic research d. applied research.

118. It is a type of research question that involve the results of the manipulation of the variable on the other is:
a. Factor-isolating b. factor-relating c. situation-relating d. situation-producing

119. It is defined as measuring a small portion of something and then making a general statement about the whole thing is:
a. Variables b. sampling c. experimenting d. surveying

120. It is a method of selecting a sample size from a universe such that each member of the population has an equal chance of being included.
a. Random sampling b. stratified sampling c. systematic sampling d. purposive sampling

121. It is a temporary solution to a statistical problem and is used only when the null hypothesis is rejected.
a. Analysis of variance b. assumption c. face validity d. alternative hypothesis

122. It is a descriptive study that deals with the relationship of variables.

a. Follow-up study b. correlational study c. developmental study d. case study

123. It is research technique by which a researcher derives information from a respondent face to face.
a. Observation b. sampling c. interview d. questionnaire

124. It is the degree to which a test measures what it really purports to measure.
a. Reliability b. validity c. assumption d. hypothesis

125. This is the degree of consistency and precision that a measuring instrument demonstrates. It is also called stability, dependability, and
a. Validity b. equiprobability c. analysis d. reliability

126. This is another name for the lottery method of getting a sample, where papers with numbers corresponding to the respondents of the study
are placed and picked up.
a. Fishbowl technique b. Sampling technique c. observation technique d. documentary technique

127. This is studying a person or unit over a considerable period of time. This method will involve the researcher to inquire deeper and examine
thoroughly the behaviors of a person.
a. Descriptive study b. experimental study c. case study d. development study

128. It is a tentative explanation for certain behavior, phenomena, or events which have occurred or will occur. It states the researcher’s
expectations concerning the relationship between the variables in the research problem. It is a testable statement of a potential
relationship between two or more variables.
a. Assumption b. hypothesis c. variable d. test analysis

129. This approach uses the principle of research known as the method of difference. It is a method of research where controlled variables are
a. Descriptive method b. historical method c. experimental method d. case study

130. It is considered the target population, the universe or all the elements, objects, persons or situation under consideration or observation.
a. Samples b. population c. random numbers d. scope

131. Research involves original work instead of a mere exercise of personal opinion. It evolves from:
a. a desire to know c. a desire to recognized
b. a desire to prove something d. a desire to be professional

132. Research involves refined distinctions, interpretations, and some generalizations. It is a systematic technique of employing specialized
tools, instruments, and procedures in order to obtain an adequate solution of:
a. a puzzle b. a problem c. a situation d. a decision

133. Research is the careful and unbiased investigation of a problem, based upon:
a. Uncollected facts b. imaginable facts c. hypothetical facts d. demonstrable facts

134. Research starts with a problem, collect data, analyze these data critically and:
a. Reaches conclusions on factual evidence c. reaches conclusions based on imaginary evidence
b. Reaches conclusions on evidence found in books d. reaches conclusions based found in newspapers

135. Research involves the collection of data, it is therefore:

a. Empirical b. deductive c. systematic d. logical

136. In the research process there are rules and procedures to be followed. Research is therefore:
a. Logical b. systematic c. empirical d. descriptive

137. One of the following is not a characteristic of a hypothesis:

a. It should be testable c. it should be in the form of an interrogative sentence
b. It should be sated clearly and unambiguously d. it should conjecture upon a relationship between two or more variables

138. A hypothesis is:

a. Prescribed answer to a problem c. a suggested answer to a problem
b. A complete answer to a problem d. a solution to a problem

139. How should a researcher establish the content validity of her questionnaire?
a. Try out the questionnaire c. request experts to examine/comment the items
b. Correlate scores with the results of another test d. make the questions comprehensible

140. Which of the following is a basic consideration in presenting the review of related literature?
a. The sources should be secondary c. should have varied related literature
b. Should focus on various studies locally d. the review should end with synthesis

141. The researcher conducts an in-depth study of pupils with learning disability. This is an example of:
a. Casual-comparative research c. correlational research
b. Case and field research d. descriptive research

142. A researcher conducts an investigation to determine the attributes of effective teachers by their performance evaluations and other data in
the personal files. This is an example of:
a. Action research b. true experiments research c. casual-comparative research d. correlational research

143. The process, procedures, and results of research are transmittable, enabling others to replicate them and to assess their validity.
Research can be:
a. Deductive b. logical c. empirical d. replicable and transmittable

144. This is a type of research where researcher investigates a universe of population by selecting samples from the population to discover the
relative evidence, distribution and interrelation of variables.
a. Case study b. survey research c. experimental research d. descriptive research

145. Documents serve a strong evidence, compared to testimonial ones. This is:
a. Descriptive survey b. historical research c. case study d. action research

146. The first step the researcher should do in carrying out a research is:
a. Gather data b. identify the problem c. define the terms d. formulate the hypothesis

147. Which of these research methods can the researcher control certain variables?
a. Descriptive b. experimental c. historical d. qualitative

148. The measure of dispersion that is the square of the standard deviation is:
a. Variable b. variance c. sample d. population

149. The measure of dispersion that is the difference between the highest score and the lowest score from the data:
a. Quartile b. range c. mode d. median

150. This refers to a scientific investigation of phenomena which includes collection, analysis and interpretation of facts that link man’s
speculation with reality.
a. Evaluation b. research c. test d. interview

151. The sum of all scores divided by the total frequency is:
a. Mode b. mean c. mean d. median

152. The score that occurs most often is:

a. Mode b. range c. mean d. median

153. The middle value in a set of score arranged from highest to lowest is:
a. Median b. mode c. mean d. range

154. Refers to the presumed true statement of facts related to the research problem is:
a. Conceptual framework b. frequency distribution c. research process d. assumption

155. Refers to the responses variable which is observed and measured to determine the effect of the independent variable is:
a. Frequency b. hypothesis c. degree of freedom d. dependent variable

156. It is a science which deals with gathering, consolidating, analyzing and interpreting research data and information is:
a. Research b. study c. statistics d. thesis

157. A resume of the research or thesis which presents a noncritical and informative digest of the significant highlights of the report is:
a. Abstract b. conclusions c. presentation of data d. rationale

158. The formula for Slovin’s sampling is:

a. ∑X c. 2rht
N 1 + rht

b. 1 – 6 ∑D d. N/[ 1 + N * eˆ 2]
N2 - N

159. The formula for weighted arithmetic mean is:

a. ∑fx c. 2rht
∑f 1 + rht

b. 1 – 6 ∑D d. N/[ 1 + N * eˆ 2]
N2 - N

160. Which of the following is most applicable to research paper designed for publication?
a. Literature cited b. References c. Bibliography d. Thesaurus

161. Which of the following is acceptable format in encoding Chapter heading?

a. Chapter 5 b. CHAPTER 5 c. CHAPTER V d. Chapter V

162. Tables,. Figures, and plates are listed in the front matter of a research paper, thesis, or dissertation if the number of figures in the text is:
a. One b. three c. two d. four

163. The size of the bond paper in printing the research paper, thesis or dissertation is:
a. 8.5 x 11 inches b. 8.5 x 13 inches c. 8.5 x 14 inches d. 8.5 x 12 inches

164. The maximum computerized lines in a page of research paper, thesis or dissertation is:
a. 24 b. 26 c. 25 d. 28

165. If footnote is used, the number spaces of solid line before the footnote number is:

a. 18 b. 16 c. 15 d. 17

166. The preliminary section of a research paper, thesis or dissertation where the researcher recognizes and appreciates the selfless effort wise
counsel extended by his adviser is:
a. Approval Sheet b. Table of Contents c. Title Page d. Acknowledgement

167. The number of spaces of the second line and succeeding lines hanging indention of references, bibliography, and literature cited is:
a. 2 b. 4 c. 3 d. 4

168. Which of the following is acceptable format in encoding left side heading?
a. Hypotheses b. Hypotheses c. Hypotheses d. Hypotheses

169. Which of the following is middle heading?


170. Which of the following abstracts is applicable for research journal publication?
a. Extended form b. Long form c. Short form d. Expanded Abstract

171. Figure 4.3 represents the:

a. Fourth figure of Chapter 3 c. Third figure of Chapter 4
b. Fourth figure of page 4 d. Third figure of page 4

172. The distance of the middle heading to the first line of the text is:
a. 2 single spaces b. 4 single spaces c. 3 single spaces d. 5 single spaces

173. Which of the following does not belong to the group?

a. Arroyo, 2005 b. Arroyo, op. cit. c. Arroyo, p. 25 d. Arroyo, 2005, p. 37

174. The bottom margin is:

a. 1 inch 2. 2 inches c. 1.5 inches d. 1.25 inches

175. The number of spaces for paragraph indention of a research paper, thesis or dissertation is:
a. 5 2. 8 c. 6 d. 7

176. In footnoting, it is only applicable only to the same references and the same author. It is inapplicable to same author but different
reference materials is:
a. Op. cit b. Loc. cit c. Infra d. Ibid

177. This means “before place cited.” This is employed when the source of material has been cited and discussed before the page is:
a. Ibid b. Supra c. Infra d. Op. cit

178. This refers to ín the work cited,” is employed when the same reference material to the same author is cited not consecutively and to
different page to refrain from repetition” is;
a. Op. cit b. Loc. cit c. Infra d. Ibid

179. This refers to “the place cited” and is used when the same reference material of the same author is cited not consecutively in the same
page is:
a. Op. cit b. Loc. cit c. Infra d. Ibid

180. This refers to “after place cited” and is applied when the same source material has been discussed or stated after the page is:
a. Op. cit b. Loc. cit c. Infra d. Ibid

181. This refers to a brief and concise descriptive summary of statement of the problem, hypotheses, significance of the study, research design,
determination of sample size, sampling design, and technique, instrument, data gathering procedure, data processing method, statistical
treatment, findings, conclusions, and recommendations is:
a. Conclusion and Recommendations c. Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data
b. Abstract d. Research Methodology

182. As a means of gathering information for research, it refers to as perceiving data through the senses; sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell.
It is also considered as the most direct way and the most widely used in studying behavior is:
a. Interview b. observation c. questionnaire d. tests

183. This classification of research refers to the application of the results of pure research. This is testing the efficacy of theories and
principles. This is known as:
a. Directive research b. prognostic research c. illuminative research d. applied research

184. This classification of research refers to the development of theories or principles. It is conducted for the intellectual pleasure of learning.
Much of this kind of research has been done in psychology and sociology. This is known as:
a. Basic or pure research c. Directive research
b. Predictive or prognostic research d. Exploratory Research

185. Research involves original work instead of a mere exercise of personal opinion. It involves from:
a. a desire to know c. a desire to be recognized
b. a desire to prove something d. a desire to be professional

186. Research involves refined distinctions, interpretations, and some generalizations. It is a systematic technique of employing specialized
tools, instruments and procedures in order to obtain an adequate solution of:
a puzzle c. a situation
b. a problem d. a decision

187. Research is the careful and unbiased investigation of a problem, based upon:
a. uncollected facts c. hypothetical facts
b. imaginable facts d. demonstrable facts

188. Research starts with a problem, collects data, analyzes these data critically and
a. reaches conclusions on factual evidence b. reaches conclusions based on imaginary evidence
c. reaches conclusions on evidence found in books d. reaches conclusions based found in newspapers

189. Research involves the collection of data, it is therefore:

a. empirical c. systematic
b. deductive d. logical

190. In the research process there are rules and procedures to be followed. Research is therefore:
a. logical c. empirical
b. systematic d. descriptive

191. One of the following is not a characteristics of a hypothesis

a. it should be testable
b. it should be stated clearly and unambiguously
c. it should be in the form of an interrogative sentence
d. it should conjecture upon a relationship between two or more variables

192. A hypothesis is:

a. prescribed answer to a problem c. a suggested answer to a problem
b. a complete answer to a problem d. a solution to a problem

193. How should a researcher establish the content validity of her questionnaire?
a. Try out the questionnaire c. Requests experts to examine/comment the items
b. Correlate the scores with the results of another test d. Make the questions comprehensible

194. Which of the following is a basic consideration in presenting the review of related literature?
a. The sources should be secondary c. Should have varied related literature
b. Should focus on various studies locally d. The review should end with synthesis

195. A researcher conducts an in-depth study of pupils with learning disability. This is an example of:
a. casual-comparative research c. correlational research

b. case and field research d. descriptive research

196. A researcher conducts an investigation to determine the attributes of effective teachers by their performance evaluations and other data in
the personal files. This is an example of:
a. action research c. casual-comparative research
b. tru7e experiments research d. correlational research

197. The process, procedures and results of research are transmittable, enabling others to replicate them and to assess their validity:
Research can be:
a. deductive c. empirical
b. logical d. replicable and transmittable

198. This is a type of research where researcher investigate a universe of population by selecting samples from the population to discover the
relative evidence, distribution and interrelation of variables.
a. case study c. experimental research
b. curvet research d. descriptive survey

199. Documents serve a strong evidence, compared to testimonial ones. This is:
a. descriptive-survey c. case study
b. historical research d. action research

200. The first step the researcher should do in carrying out a research is
a. gather data c. define the terms
b. identify the problem d. formulate the hypothesis

201. Which of these research methods can the researcher control certain variables?
a. descriptive c. historical
b. experimental d. qualitative

202. The measures of dispersion that is the square of the standard deviation is
a. variable c. sample
b. variance d. population

203. The measures of dispersion that is the difference between the highest score and the lowest score from the data.
a. quartile c. mode
b. range d. median

204. This refers to a scientific investigation of phenomena which includes collection, analysis and interpretation of facts that link man’s
speculation with reality.
a. evaluation c. test
b. research d. interview

205. The sum of all scores divided by the total frequency

a. mode c. range
b. mean d. standard deviation

206. The score that occurs most often

a. mode c. mean
b. range d. median

207. The middle value in a set of scores arranged from highest to lowest
a. median c. mean
b. mode d. range

208. Refers to the presumed true statement of facts related to the research problem.
a. conceptual framework c. research process
b. frequents distribution d. assumption

209. Refers to the responses variable which is observed and measured to determine the effect of the independent variable.
a. frequency c. degree of freedom
b. hypothesis d. dependent variable

Prepared & Compiled by:


Class Professor, Educ. 601 – Research Methodology
CoE, CTU Main Campus
Cebu City

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