Speculative Design by Abigail Emille Antonio

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ˈdōm -ˈmē

Speculative Design by:

Abigail Emille Antonio
for D 21 Design Studies II
(pronounced doe+mee) is a pod + wearable
tech set that serves as a personal, safe space
for resting and self-reflection. It is designed in
anticipation of a future where privacy is scarce
and the urban-hustle lifestyle makes it hard for
individuals to recognize, digest, and deal with
emotions. Domee is for everyone.

Domee makes it easier and less intimidating to

face difficult feelings through building a visual
library of emotions unique to its user. This
reflects how we interpret and see things

interpersonal and intrapersonal communication
daily reflection
dealing with difficult emotions vs. suppression
Lighting + Air unit
Outer Wall
Inner Wall



Feature: Outer Wall
Feature: Outer Wall

The outer wall is a digital wall which is filled with

art throughout the day. The art is generated by the
user's movement and heart rate. Domee tracks
these data (using the included Domee watch and
ring) and interprets it into art.

The outer wall reflects your interaction and

feelings towards others and the environment.

Because the art is generated automatically, the art

displayed on the outer wall is out of the user's
control. This mimics how there are certain things
in our day and life that we do not hold power over.
This is an example of gestures: waving a hand to a
friend, banging your fist on the table, or petting a

Below the actions are different visual

Feature: Inner Wall
Feature: Inner Wall

The inside of your Domee is a comfortable small

space. The floor is made of memory foam. The wall
is made of a furlike surface and is interactive.
Through touch, you can draw whatever your heart

The inner wall is fully controlled by the user.

The room also expands the more you write on it.

This serves as an incentive to the user to reflect.
The more you let out, the more space and comfort
there is for you to breathe.
ˈdōm -ˈmē

Plate 3: Speculative Design

D 21 Design Studies II ('22-'23)
Antonio, Abigail Emille D
UPD CFA Industrial Design

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