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Client access installation guide for Win10

Program version V7R1M0

Run cwblaunch.exe from “\Apps\Software\Client Access\V7R1M0\V7R1M0\Windows” in Network drive

Choose the language of the client access for the installation

Language can be chose based on the language of the windows (English for all language of the windows)

Click ok
Run the SI67278_64a.exe Patch

G:\Apps\Software\Client Access\V7R1M0\V7R1M0\si67278\image32\SI67278_64a.exe
Click “OK” to restart the computer

Close all programs and restart the computer

Install SI67278_plus patch

Locate C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Client Access\Shared

Rename cwbocasu.dll to cwbocasu.dllold

Rename cwboscasu.dll to cwboscasu.dllold

Copy cwbocasu.dll and cwboscasu.dll from “G:\Apps\Software\Client

Access\V7R1M0\V7R1M0\si67278_plus\SE69720\SE69720” to “C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Client
Configuration Client Access
Click OK
Same as user id

After Logged In save the configured session

Copy the session shortcut to desktop from D:\Users\”UserID”\AppData\Roaming\IBM\Client

Change the keyboard of AS/400

Close Client Access

Rename AS400.KMP in D:\Users\”UserID”\AppData\Roaming\IBM\Client Access\Emulator\private

To AS400.KMP to AS400.KMPOLD

Copy AS400.KMP from g:\Apps\softwre\Client Access

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