Turning Effect of Forces

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Turning effect of forces

1. Moment of a force is the turning effect of a force

2. Moment of a force = force x perpendicular distance between force and pivot

3. Principle of moment states that when an object is in equilibrium the sum of clockwise moments
about a pivot is equal to the sum of anti-clockwise moments about the same pivot

4. To verify the principle of moments we can use the following experiment

Step 1: Place the rule on the pivot

Step 2: Suspend the two weights on either side of the rule as shown. The meter rule may tilt to
one side
Step 3: Adjust the weights or their distances from the pivot until the rule is horizontal

Now calculate the clockwise moment which is equal to W1l1 and the anti-clockwise moment
which is equal to W2l2

We will see that W1l1 = W2l2 which verifies the principle of moments

5. Centre of gravity is the point at which the weight of the object appears to act
6. Experiment to determine the centre of gravity of an irregular lamina using a plumbline
a) Make three holes in the lamina
b) Hang the lamina from each hole and hang the plumbline from the pin in that hole.
c) Trace a line on the lamina along the plumbline
d) Repeat the process for the other two holes
e) The point of intersection of the three lines will be the centre of gravity

7. For an object to be stable it must have

a) A low centre of gravity
b) A wide base area

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