10 Kinetic Molecular Theory

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Kinetic molecular theory

1) Kinetic molecular theory of matter describes matter as being made of molecules in continuous
random motion

Properties Solid Liquid Gas

Intermolecular forces Very strong Strong Very weak
Intermolecular distance Very close Close together Far apart
Shape Fixed shape Takes shape of Takes shape of
container container
Compressibility Cannot be compressed Cannot be compressed Can be compressed
Motion of particles Vibration about their Slide past each other. Random motion. Collide
fixed positions Random movement with each other and
walls of the container
Volume Fixed Fixed Occupies the whole
Density Very high High low

Pressure of a gas

2) The speed and kinetic energy of the molecules increases with temperature
3) The pressure of a gas on a container is due to the force exerted due to collision between the
molecules and wall of the container (not due to collisions amongst molecules)
4) The pressure of a gas varies with volume, temperature and amount of gas
5) When comparing any two quantities (eg pressure v/s volume) the remaining quantities should
be kept constant
6) If temperature increases, the pressure increases as now molecules have more speed and thus
collide with the walls of the container with more force
7) If the no. of molecules of gas increases the pressure increases, because the no of collisions
between molecules and walls of container increases, thus force acting on walls of container
8) If temperature of a gas in a stretchable container is increased the speed of molecules increases
thus more force. In order to maintain the same pressure as earlier the volume of the container
increases until the surface area is large enough to reduce the pressure to its initial level.
9) If the volume of a container decreases, its pressure increase because when volume is reduced
surface area has reduced thus there are more no of collisions per unit area

Pressure and volume are related by the formula

P1 V1 = P2 V2 (Temperature is constant)

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