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HURDCO International School

2nd Quarter Examination, Grade : IX Subject: Mathematics D

Duration : 1 Hour, Marks :40

1. Find all the angles of the triangle in which the ratio of the sides are 9:12:13 [5]

2. An aircraft flies from its base 300km on a bearing of 162 0,then 250 km on a bearing
2600,then returns directly to the base. Calculate the length and bearing of the return journey




4. A ship sails from a port M a distance of 9km on a bearing of 208 0 and then a further 13 km
on a bearing of 0800 to arrive at N. Calculate the distance from M to N [6]

5. M is the point (3,4), N is the point (7,8) [2+2+3=7]

a) Find the midpoint of MN

b) Find the gradient of MN

c) Find the length of the line segment MN

6. A is the point (3,4) and B is the point ( 7,8) [3+5=8]

a) Find the equation of the line which passes through A & B

b) Find the equation of the line parallel to AB that passes through the Point (5,7)

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