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First Year, First Semester

Hrs/Wk Pre- Co-
Course No. Course Title Units Grade
requisite(s) requisite(s)
Lec Lab Total
CER125 Ceramic Engineering as a 1 1 0 1 None None
GEC101 Understanding the Self 3 3 0 3 None None
FIL101 Wika at Kultura sa 3 3 0 3 None None
Mapayapang Lipunan
MAT060 Calculus with Analytical 4 4 0 None None
Geometry 1 4
CHM012 Chemistry for Engineers 3 3 0 3 None CHM012.1
CHM012.1 Chemistry for Engineers 1 0 3 None CHM012
Laboratory 3
GEO111 Principles of Geology 3 3 0 3 None CHM012
PED001 Exercise Prescription and 2 2 0 2 None None
NST001 National Service Training (3) 3 0 3 None None
Program 1
TOTAL 20 (23) 22 3 25

Adviser’s Notes/Remarks:
First Year, Second Semester
Hrs/Wk Pre- Co-
Course No. Course Title Units Grade
requisite(s) requisite(s)
Lec Lab Total
CER126 Thermodynamics of Materials 3 3 0 3 CHM012, None
ENS150.2 Engineering Graphics 2 0 6 6 None None
GEO122 Elementary Mineralogy 3 3 0 3 GEO111 None
ENS167 Fundamentals of Materials 3 3 0 3 CHM012, None
Science and Engineering CHM012.1
MAT070 Calculus with Analytical 4 4 0 MAT060 None
Geometry 2 4
CER127.2 Ceramics Measurements 2 0 6 6 CHM012, None
PHY052 Physics for Engineers 3 3 0 3 MAT060 MAT070,
PHY052.1 Physics for Engineers 1 0 3 MAT060 PHY052
Laboratory 3
PED002 Dance/Martial Arts 2 2 0 2 PED001 None
NST002 National Service Training (3) 3 0 3 NST001 None
Program 2
TOTAL 23 (26) 21 15 36

Adviser’s Notes/Remarks:

Second Year, First Semester

Hrs/Wk Pre- Co-
Course No. Course Title Units Grade
requisite(s) requisite(s)
Lec Lab Total
ENS181 Engineering Mathematics 3 3 0 3 MAT070 None
CHM121 Analytical Chemistry 1 3 3 0 3 (CHM012, CHM121.2 /
CHM012.1) / CHM100.1
CHM121.2 Analytical Chemistry 1 2 0 6 6 (CHM012, CHM121 /
Laboratory CHM012.1) / CHM100
GEC104 Mathematics in the Modern 3 3 0 3 None None
ENS161 Statics of Rigid Bodies 3 3 0 3 MAT070, None
PHY052.1) /
CER128 Ceramic Crystal Chemistry 3 3 0 3 CER126, None
CER129 Phase Equilibria in Ceramic 3 3 0 3 CER126 None
PED003 Individual/ Dual Sports/ 2 2 0 2 PED001 None
Traditional/ Recreational Games
TOTAL 22 20 6 26

Adviser’s Notes/Remarks:
Second Year, Second Semester
Hrs/Wk Pre-requisite Co-
Course No. Course Title Units Grade
(s) requisite(s)
Lec Lab Total
GEC102 Purposive Communication 3 3 0 3 None None
EEE120 Basic Electrical Engineering 3 3 0 3 MAT070, None
PHY052.1) /
ENS185 Engineering Data Analysis 3 3 0 3 GEC104, None
ENS162 Dynamics of Rigid Bodies 3 3 0 3 ENS161 None
CER130 Kinetic of Materials and 3 3 0 3 CER129, None
Processes CHM121,
ENS164 Mechanics of Deformable 3 3 0 3 ENS 161 None
ENS191 Engineering Economy 3 3 0 3 GEC104 ENS185
PED004 Team Sports 2 2 0 2 PED001 None
TOTAL 23 23 0 23

Adviser’s Notes/Remarks:


Second Year, Summer Term

Hrs/Wk Pre- Co-
Course No. Course Title Units Grade
requisite(s) requisite(s)
Lec Lab Total
FPE101 Fundamentals of Peace 3 9 0 9 None None
GEC105 Readings in Philippine History 3 9 0 9 None None
SUB-TOTAL 6 18 0 18

Adviser’s Notes/Remarks:


Third Year, First Semester

Hrs/Wk Pre- Co-
Course No. Course Title Units Grade
requisite(s) requisite(s)
Lec Lab Total
CER131 Ceramic Raw Materials and 3 3 0 3 CER130, CER131.1
Processes GEO122
CER131.1 Ceramic Raw Materials and 1 0 3 3 CER130, CER131
Processes Laboratory CER127.2,
ENS192 Engineering Management 3 3 0 3 ENS191 None
CER133 Thermal and Mechanical 2 2 0 2 ENS164, CER133.1
Processes and Properties of CER130
CER133.1 Thermal and Mechanical 1 0 3 3 ENS164, CER133
Processes and Properties of CER130
Ceramics Laboratory
GEC109 Life and Works of Rizal 3 3 0 3 None None
ENS165 Mechanics of Fluids 3 3 0 3 ENS162 None
FIL102 Ekokritisismo at Pagpapahalaga 3 3 0 3 None None
sa Kalikasan
CER135 Microscopy and X-ray 2 2 0 2 CER128 None
SUB-TOTAL 21 19 6 25
Adviser’s Notes/Remarks:

Third Year, Second Semester

Hrs/Wk Pre- Co-
Course No. Course Title Units Grade
requisite(s) requisite(s)
Lec Lab Total
CER136 Electrical, Magnetic and Optical 2 2 0 2 CER130, None
Properties of Ceramics EEE120
CER137 Ceramic Glazes and Enamels 2 2 0 2 CER129, CER137.1
CER137.1 Ceramic Glazes and Enamels 1 0 3 3 CER131.1, CER137
Laboratory CER133.1
CER139 Glass Manufacturing Technology 2 2 0 2 CER129, CER139.1
CER139.1 Glass Manufacturing Technology 1 0 3 3 CER131.1, CER139
Laboratory CER133.1
CER141 Computer Applications in 3 1 6 7 ENS181, None
Ceramic Engineering CER131,
CER142 Cement Manufacturing 2 2 0 2 CER129, None
Technology CER131,
CER143 Spectroscopy 2 2 0 2 CER128 None
CER144 Rheology and Rheometry 2 2 0 2 ENS165 None
CER145 Refractories and Kiln Design 2 2 0 2 CER131, None
SUB-TOTAL 19 15 12 27

Adviser’s Notes/Remarks:

Third Year, Summer Term

Hrs/Term Pre- Co-
Course No. Course Title Units Grade
requisite(s) requisite(s)
Lec Lab Total
CER197 On-the-Job Training 3 0 240 240 CER136 None
SUB-TOTAL 3 0 240 240

Adviser’s Notes/Remarks:


Fourth Year, First Semester

Hrs/Wk Pre- Co-
Course No. Course Title Units Grade
requisite(s) requisite(s)
Lec Lab Total
CER147 Structural Clay Products and 3 3 0 3 CER137, CER147.2
Whitewares CER133
CER147.2 Structural Clay Products and 2 0 6 6 CER137.1, CER147
Whitewares Laboratory CER144,
CER149 Ceramic Engineering Plant 3 2 3 5 ENS192, None
Design ENS150.2,
CER150 Design and Analysis of 3 3 0 3 ENS185, None
Experiments in Ceramic CER131
GEC103 The Contemporary World 3 3 0 3 None None
HIS003 History of Filipino Muslims and 3 3 0 3 None None
Indigenous Peoples of
CER151 Quality Control Fundamental 2 2 0 2 ENS185 None
and Instrumentation
GEC107 Ethics 3 3 0 3 None None
SUB-TOTAL 22 19 9 28

Adviser’s Notes/Remarks:


Fourth Year, Second Semester

Hrs/Wk Pre- Co-
Course No. Course Title Units Grade
requisite(s) requisite(s)
Lec Lab Total
Elective (Technical Elective ) 3 3 0 3 (as the course requires)
CER199 Undergraduate Thesis 2 0 6 6 CER150 None
GEC106 Art Appreciation 3 3 0 3 None None
CER152 Laws, Ethics, Seminars and 2 1 3 4 None CER199
Plant Visits
CER153 Advanced Ceramics 2 2 0 2 CER135, None
ENS193 Technopreneurship for Engineers 3 3 0 3 ENS191 ENS192
and Technologists
GEC108 Science, Technology and Society 3 3 0 3 None None
ENS195 Environmental Science and 3 3 0 3 (CHM012, None
Engineering with Safety CHM012.1) /
CHM013.2) /
SUB-TOTAL 21 18 9 27

Adviser’s Notes/Remarks:
TOTAL NO. OF UNITS = 180 (186) units

Suggested Technical Electives (3 units):

Hrs/Wk Pre- Co-
Course No. Course Title Units Grade
requisite(s) requisite(s)
Lec Lab Total
MNE113 Elements of Mining 3 3 0 3 None None
CER157 Surface Science 3 3 0 3 CER143 None
CER158 Electroceramics Processing and 3 3 0 3 CER136 None
Characterization (ELD, EPD,
basic EIS, basic
CER159 Fuels and Combustion 3 2 3 5 CER129 None

Adviser’s Notes/Remarks:


Thesis Group-mates / Partner (if in a thesis group)


Thesis Title:

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