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In this activity you will be looking at the factors that affect the rate of heat transfer through a barrier.

1. Open up the program found here.

2. Change the type of gas in each of the two containers.   How does the type of gas affect the rate
of heat transfer through the barrier between the two chambers?

3. Record the rate of heat transfer for each of the types of materials that you can use as a
barrier.  Rank the different materials that can be used as a barrier to heat transfer. 

Material Rate of Transfer Ranking (1 Highest)

4. Pick any material you want for your barrier and qualitatively examine how the thickness of the
wall affects the rate of heat transfer. Describe how barrier thickness affects the rate of heat

5. Qualitatively examine barrier depth and height.  Describe how barrier depth and height affect the
rate of heat transfer.

6. Raise the temperature of the gas that started with a lower temperature.  Watch the rate of heat
transfer as you change the temperature.  Make the two chambers the same temperature and then
make the chamber that was originally colder, hotter than the other chamber.  Discuss your

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