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Discussion of different types of curing designs

Controlled Curing – Advantages and

Disadvantages of Various Designs
 Daniel Rafter, Ireland

This article, a summary of a detailed and information-rich Advantages of open-rack/ air-dry systems
university dissertation, discusses the three most common
types of curing designs currently used in the manufacture • Lowest installation time and cost, when compared to
of engineering blocks and paving products, namely Open, semi-open and fully enclosed types.
Semi-Open and Fully Enclosed (Single Atmosphere Cham- • Ongoing maintenance costs are significantly lower, i.e.
bers). The implications that each of these curing setups no rack roller shutter doors, no ventilation equipment,
have on the profitability and effectiveness of the operation, no insulation, no motorised dampers etc.
under the headings of production capability, product qual- • No ongoing fuel costs.
ity and operating cost will also be observed. At the conclu- • Operator friendly, as visibility of operations inside the
sion of the article, a link to the full thesis is provided for chamber is typically very good and the use of closed-cir-
readers who wish to have more information on cost, pro- cuit television (CCTV) cameras is generally not required.
duction and quality benefits of the single atmosphere
curing system. Disadvantages of open-rack/ air-dry systems

Open Rack System • Increased likelihood of product quality issues; efflores-

cence, colour variation, poor product density.
Until recently, the majority of curing installations were de- • Risk of the occurrence of condensation within the plant
signed and built without any type of insulated cladding, ther- environs under certain conditions, leading to corrosion
mal system or air handling system. For some applications this of the building structure as well as water pooling in cer-
is considered acceptable, but for the most part this has tain areas.
changed; customers of concrete products are demanding • Due to the slow rate of cement hydration, extra quanti-
ever greater levels of quality and consistency amidst crushing ties of cement may have to be used, leading to in-
financial pressure, driving plant owners and operators to in- creased volumes of concrete admixtures, whose dosage
vest in a more cost-effective curing package. rates are typically calculated based on cement batched
weight, thus increasing raw material cost.
• Early-strength will be lacking if the climate is not con-
trolled, leading to slower product turnaround times.
• Due to the longer curing times, larger racks may be re-
quired in order to meet machine output levels. If this is
the case, a greater number of production boards will
also be required to accommodate product for extended

Semi-Open Curing Chamber Systems

The semi-open curing chamber design is one of the more

common designs adopted by paving producers. This design
offers the customer flexibility given the ability to individually
control chambers. However, this comes at a cost, with greater
levels of thermal losses.
This curing system generally consists of a number of individ-
ual curing chambers placed side-by-side, with individual
openings covered by an insulated roller-shutter door, usually
at the front of the chamber for last-in-first-out (LIFO) storage.
The division walls of the chamber are generally covered with
Image showing a modern air-dry application. an insulated cladded material.

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 Daniel Rafter (1989) has worked as a Maintenance Fitter in a

large manufacturer of concrete paving products since 2009, after
having completed a four-year apprenticeship. After his appren-
ticeship, he returned to college to complete a part-time, four-year
degree programme where he received a BEngTech in Engineer-

ing Systems Maintenance from the Dublin Institute of Technol-
ogy. The title of his final year Thesis was “Verification of the Benefits of a Fully
Enclosed Single Atmosphere Concrete Curing Chamber”. The following article is
brief synopsis of this work. daniel.j.rafter@gmail.com

During production, two rack doors will be open. Wet product

is placed into a empty rack or ‘wet rack’, and since the door
remains open, the chamber climate is at ambient temperature PRODUCTION
and humidity. At the same time dry product is being removed
from the ‘dry rack’. As the wet rack is filled with fresh product, MIDDLE
the climate in this rack changes slightly due to the heat and
humidity produced by the hardening of the fresh concrete.
26. – 27.11.
United Arab
2017 I Sharjah

Depending on the production rate, it may take 2-3 hours to Visit us at booth
fill a rack before the doors are closed, at which time the heat
generated by the hydration process has already been lost to

When the chamber is completely filled, the roller-shutter door

is closed, and the pre-set automated curing regime begins.
The curing process has 4 distinct phases; pre-set, ramp, dwell
and cool-down, during which times the chamber temperature
is increased, maintained at a raised level and then reduced.


Image showing individual chambers fronted by roller shutter

doors, in this case two rack ‘passages’ are fronted by a single
roller door. Note the Finger Car traverse area which is out-
side of the hot and humid curing environment.

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Advantages of the semi-open curing chamber design

• Generally consists of a free-standing structure which can

easily be integrated into the main production hall.
• Elevator and Lowerator have no exposure to the hot
and humid conditions generated inside the chamber.
• Individual control of conditions inside the racks
is possible.
• More exothermically generated heat and moisture
(to a degree) is retained when compared with fully
open designs.
• Good level of throughput is possible with correct burner
sizing and adequate levels of insulation.

Disadvantages of the semi-open curing chamber design

• Significantly higher energy costs when compared with

single atmosphere units. Only when the doors are
closed the true controlled curing process can begin.
• Due to the open wet rack door, a large temperature Image showing the latter stages of a single atmosphere
differential may exist, i.e. the last product entering the chamber being retro-fitted into an existing plant. The cham-
rack is cooler than the product placed during the earlier ber was previously of a semi-open design, excessive energy
stages of production which has already begun to cost was the main catalyst in the decision to upgrade the
harden. This temperature differential will inevitably lead 1994 built chamber to a more efficient and product quality
to quality inconsistencies. conscious design.
• Rack walls and doors are prone to damage. This results
in heat migration and losses through the building fabric.
• Adequate safety measures must be in place to insure the and micro sized spray nozzles. A burner using the customer’s
Finger Car will not enter the rack if the door is closed or choice of fuel as well as a stainless steel heat exchanger will
partially closed. provide heat as required for the acceleration of the concrete
• Some condensation and corrosion is likely to occur in- curing process. An Exhaust Ventilator maintains the chamber
side the factory environment. set point if moisture levels become too high. The axial venti-
lator fan is automatically switched on by the chamber operat-
Fully Enclosed Single Atmosphere Chamber ing system, exhausting over-humid air within the chamber, to
atmosphere. Air Circulation systems provide a relatively dry
In the following section one of the most efficient curing cham- and fog free area for the operation of the Elevator, Lowerator,
ber designs on the market will be described. The design of- and Finger Car. Extra shrouds over the pallet entry and exit
fers numerous benefits over other systems. window prevent heat and moisture from escaping into the
A Single Atmosphere Curing Chamber is a single room in production area.
which the temperature and humidity remain constant 24
hours per day and 7 days per week. The concrete product en- Advantages of the single atmosphere curing chamber
ters the chamber through a small opening immediately after
production and leaves the chamber through a small opening • Consistency: Wet product enters the chamber within just
and is immediately secondary processed and/or packaged. 1 minute of being produced. The curing environment re-
The Single Atmosphere Concrete Curing System provides mains at the same temperature and relative humidity
controllable curing temperatures between 35°C and 40°C 24/7, meaning that product will always be hardened in a
and relative humidity between 70% and 98%, eliminating is- consistent fashion.
sues due to excessive condensation. Temperature and humid- • Capital Cost: The single atmosphere design provides
ity remain consistent throughout the chamber. The compre- significant savings over the semi-open curing chamber
hensive air circulation system operates constantly and pro- design. The cost of internal walls, roller-shutter doors, in-
vides for a homogenous temperature and humidity. With a dependent temperature controls, control dampers, ex-
modern chamber design, air-handling rates of up to 35,000 haust systems and larger capacity heating equipment re-
mᶾ/h are typical. Air velocities are kept to a minimum, as low quired for the semi-open curing chamber results in a
as 1 m/second, reducing evaporation from the concrete sur- price difference equal to over €150,000.00 in favor of
face. the lower priced single atmosphere curing chamber.
• Operating costs: Since fully enclosed chambers remain
In order to maintain the necessary humidity levels within the the same temperature and humidity constantly, unlike
chamber, and minimal moisture loss from product, a heat and the individual curing chamber, there is no heating or
moisture package is included. A typical system includes a cooling effect within the curing area. The energy cost of
water filtration system, water softener, high pressure pump, curing 1 m2 of concrete block paving in the single at-

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Concrete Pen

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mosphere curing chamber is 1/3 the cost of the semi- • Special care must be taken to ensure that the IP ratings
open curing chamber. Due to the lack of moving parts of all equipment inside the chamber area are compati-
and lower, consistent operating temperatures, mainte- ble with the environment.
nance costs savings are on the order of 80% versus the • Corrosion will occur on all uncoated surfaces. All sur-
individual curing chambers. faces should be either painted or galvanized, in the case
• Quality: A typical concrete block paving production ma- of moving parts (chains and sprockets etc.) they should
chine will produce approximately 25 to 75 tonnes of be greased or oiled.
fresh ambient temperature concrete per hour. Thus the • A network of CCTV cameras may need to be installed to
heating system is required to produce only enough heat allow operators to maintain a watchful eye on all opera-
per hour to raise the temperature of this amount of con- tions within the curing chamber.
crete from ambient to the maximum required curing
temperature – approximately 35°C. This means a smaller Real Life Scenario in a Concrete Block Plant
heater, smaller burner and lower incoming air tempera-
ture – reducing the chance of evaporating moisture from In the following the after effects of a real life scenario are ex-
the fresh concrete. amined in which a large Western-Europe based concrete
• Recipe Optimization: Many producers of concrete prod- block paving manufacturing company updated its ageing
ucts use additional cement in recipes during colder semi-open curing chamber with a modern, efficient single at-
months in order to compensate for lower ambient tem- mosphere type unit developed and installed by Kraft Curing,
peratures; the additional cement results in the genera- Germany.
tion of increased levels of heat energy through the ce-
ment hydration process, providing a warmer curing area. Effect on Fuel/ Energy Usage
The use of a single atmosphere chamber makes this
practice redundant and the consistency in the curing Perhaps the greatest impact that the installation of the single
area allows the concrete producer to reduce cement atmosphere system had in terms of monetary savings, has
content, thus reducing production costs. been the reduction in fuel usage; there were three main
factors which contributed to the fuel savings at the plant.
Disadvantages of the single atmosphere curing chambers
• The redesigned chamber now meant that the unit was
In terms of product quality and operational efficiency, it is fully enclosed. The quantity of heat energy now being
clear that the advantages of single atmosphere systems are retained by the chambers is significantly greater.
many. However, there exists a small number of disadvantages • The upgrade of burner to a more modern and more
that should be highlighted. efficient modulating gas fuelled (LPG) burner.
• Significant improvements were made to the air-handling
• Adverse operating conditions for machinery within the capabilities meaning that the artificially generated heat
curing chamber, because the Finger Car, Elevator, Low- is used more effectively, hence improving the efficiency
erator and all related hydraulic and electrical gear asso- of the system.
ciated with this equipment is now located within the

)$!"%&-  & Old Chamber vs. New Chamber

"%&-  & ()

  # !)$!
0,2   $
0,1 ! & "%# $ 


In the graph, the cost to cure 1 pallet of wet product is plotted, comparing the costs from the original diesel-fuelled curing
chambers, and the new costs incurred by the upgraded LPG-fuelled single atmosphere chamber. The data is taken from the
first 10 production days of July 2014 (blue line) and the first 10 production days of July 2016 (red line). From the graph, it
can be seen that the curing cost/ pallet in 2014 is significantly higher when compared with the data from 2016.

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Effect on Production

Changing customer tastes have seen an increase in demand

for product that has received secondary processing. It is
where these value-added products are concerned that the
real need for an improvement in the curing programme may
become apparent.

Prior to the installation of the single atmosphere chamber,

product quality suffered as a result of fresh product being re-
moved from the curing racks prematurely to make room for
incoming product. The poor turnaround rate of the semi-open
curing chamber, forced operators to remove product with FOR HIGH QUALITY CONCRETE PAVERS
barely enough early-strength and durability to allow the prod-
uct to be packaged and removed from the plant.
With the new chamber, product is being cured in a timely
fashion and is highly capable of matching the production ca- EAST 2017
26. – 27.11.
pabilities of the concrete block making machine at this plant United Arab
2017 I Sharjah

in terms of pallets/ hour. Immediate secondary processing Visit us at booth

can be carried out after just 12 hours of curing.

Effect on Recipes

The use of cement substitutes such as GGBS (Ground, Gran-

ulated, Blast-Furnace Slag) is rarely done in plants using semi
open rack systems due to the slower hydration rate. This is un-
fortunate, because using GGBS as a cement replacement, can
entail great benefits, such as;

• Reduced Cost.
• Reduced Environmental Impact.
• Lighter in Colour when compared with concrete made
using only Portland cement.

The example plant on this day is manufacturing standard 4”

solid blocks. The savings resulting from using GGBS will be
calculated and quantified. The calculation will be based on an


Recipe Cement Usage and Associated Savings

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  $"#%$"#& as greater volumes of product must be manufactured to re-
place this wastage ensuring that customer demands for prod-
uct are still met.

60 "$%!
50 The chart in Fig. 6 graphically illustrates the occurrences of in-
$% ternal quality control issues in an example plant in the year of
40 32
2014 and 2016. The five main quality issues listed result from
30 25
20 )$!% ‘less than ideal’ curing practices. Typically, products exhibiting
20 10 these ‘issues’ are removed from the production line and make
10 2 5 "")$ up the product ‘waste’ factor.
1 0 *$'"!
2014 2016 The controlled curing programme has seen the strength of

  engineering blocks produced at the plant rise by a consider-
able amount. Ongoing strength tests are carried out during
Graph showing occurrences of internal quality control issues, production runs to ensure that engineering blocks comply
2014 vs. 2016. with their stated strength rating e.g. 7.5, 10, 15 and 20 N/mm²
etc. Upon investigation by the Technical Department it was
found that a considerably higher percentage of the products
potential early-strength was being achieved in same or re-
18-hour working day (2x 9-hour shifts), the block machine will duced curing duration when compared to the pre-moderni-
typically operate for between 16 and 17 hours, will manufac- sation era. This meant that cement quantities could be re-
ture up to 3,500 layers of blocks, consisting of 24 blocks per duced all the while ensuring that necessary strength is still
layer. We will assume that 300 batches over the 18 hour shift achieved. It is clear from the data contained in above chart
are required to produce the necessary quantity of concrete that there has been a notable decrease in levels of internal-
for the level of production on the given day. complaint within the production facility.. Increased product
quality levels also have the important effect of improving the
A simple calculation based on the tabulated data in the pre- firm’s reputation amid its expanding customer base. It is diffi-
vious section will show that savings are in the region of cult to put a price or quantity on reputation, but its importance
13.33%. should not be underestimated, especially with today’s rapidly
growing market.
Effect on Quality The red trend line represents the mean compressive strength
of the four samples taken. The area to the left hand side of the
In the vast majority of cases, any product suffering from qual- dashed line represent sample taken pre-modernisation
ity issues that may be directly attributed to the pre-moderni- (2014), and the area to the right represents the post moderni-
sation curing practices at the manufacturing site have gener- sation era (2016). Evidently, the strength of the sample dras-
ally never made it as far as the customer. This product wastage tically increases after the single atmosphere curing chamber
has the unfortunate effect of increasing the production cost, is commissioned.






0,0  =5<


Graph depicting the increased compressive strength of 100mm engineering blocks owing to the commissioning
of the single-atmosphere curing chamber.

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Concluding Remarks

In this article it was the intention to discuss the three most

common types of curing designs currently used in the manu-
facture of engineering blocks and paving products as well as
to quantify the actual effects on production resulting from a
chamber upgrade. During research it became obvious that
the decision to upgrade is beneficial in many more ways than
expected, namely financially, environmentally and commer-
cially. It should be clear that the decision to invest in a more
modern and efficient curing setup proves to be a savvy one,
and should facilitate the production of high quality, affordable
concrete construction products for many years to come. 

Download the complete

thesis for further detailed
information here


Rafter, Daniel: Verification of the Benefits of a Fully Enclosed Single

Atmosphere Concrete Curing Chamber, BEngTech Thesis,
Dublin Institute of Technology, 2017

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