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1. In the kitchen Anne and Millie are ___________ the table for dinner, talking

A. Laying B. lying C. placing D. putting
2. Temperatures _________ quite dramatically at night, so bring some warm clothing.
A. Increase B. plunging C. drop D. surge
3. During the war, they were forced to __________ their homeland.
A. Skip B. depart C. withdraw D. flee
4. If you are at all worried about your symptoms, you should _______ medical advice.
A. Seek B. explore C. discover D. chase
5. Josh had an accident and ___________ water all over his work.
A. Flowed B. spilled C. sprayed D. drained
6. The peasants ploughed the ___________ in the field back to enrich the soil.
A. Weeds B. trees C. plants D. flowers
7. The cat purred as I _______________ its fur.
A. Tickled B. cut C. stroked D. soaked
8. Never ask Lily the truth, she always ___________ to everyone.
A. Lays B. lies C. laid D. lain
9. My father told me to __________ the floor after coming home.
A. Scuff B. arrange C. vacuum D. dispose
10. The church clock began to ____________ twelve.
A. Strike B. beat C. hit D. drive
11. A recent trip to London gave me the opportunity to ________ the Science Museum.
A. Leave B. stay C. halt D. visit
12. I'd like to write __________ him, but what's the point? He never writes back.
A. To B. with C. about D. for
13. Several leading creatives are ___________ in the advertising campaign.
A. Contained B. involved C. composed D. comprised
14. The plane will ____________ once the fog has lifted.
A. Take up B. take on C. take off D. take after
15. I was about to leave when I ____________ Mr White.
A. Ran into B. ran up C. ran after D. ran down
16. The telephone was out of ___________, but is functional now.
A. Form B. work C. order D. line
17. Get a blanket and suntan lotlon,'cause you'll never _____________ that beach.
A. Get off B. turn on C. go up C. throw off
18. It is difficult to ______________ another country's customs.
A. Get use to B. used to C. use to D. get used to
19. She was on the _____________ of saying something but changed her mind.
A. Point B. mark C. dot D. score
20. I am working flat __________ to get this job finished by next week.
A. In B. out C. up D. down
21. “Would you like me to ___________ your bag for you?” – “No, thanks.”
A. Give B. lend C. carry D. borrow
22. Someone had ___________ their initials on the tree.
A. Molded B. carved C. sculpted D. shaped
23. Keep your feet dry so you don't __________ a cold.
A. Keep B. hit C. catch D. carry
24. Cushman is director of marketing for a __________ of Italian restaurants.
A. Group B. set C. combo D. chain
25. His tone ____________ dramatically when he saw the money.
A. Changed B. adjusted C. advanced D. switched
26. His _____________ is a combination of wit and kindness.
A. Role B. spirit C. character D. type
27. Tickets are available free of _____________ from the school.
A. Charge B. fee C. fare D. price
28. Please ____________ your answers carefully before turning in the answer sheet.
A. studying B. check C. investigate D. research
29. They all trooped in, eating their fish and ____________, and clustered around the bed.
A. Slices B. cards C. squids D. chips
30. His actions provoked severe criticism from __________ rights groups.
A. Merciful B. civil C. humane D. lenient
31. I don’t ___________ to be a feminist, but I’d like to see more women in top jobs.
A. Plea B. claim C. demand D. request
32. We hope to break _____________ soon in the fight against AIDS.
A. Up B. about C. through D. down
33. They broke ____________ the Communist Party and set up a new party.
A. Away B. after C. off D. with
34. Working out in the rain for a long time may ___________ a fever.
A. Bring on B. bring up C. bring off D. bring down
35. Talk to a friend who will really listen and not _________ aside your feelings.
A. Take B. brush C. run D. bring
36. Mr. Jones wanted to ___________ on his computer skills.
A. Bring up B. brush down C. bring down D. brush up
37. Timid children need gentle handling to ____________ their confidence.
A. Take up B. build up C. take in D. build in
38. Wherever I go I always seem to bump ____________ Jennie.
A. Up B. after C. through D. into
39. She was so tired and overwrought that she _________ into tears.
A. Burst B. take C. turn D. bring
40. A market researcher ____________ the house where he was living.
A. Came at B. called up C. called at D. came up
41. I'm a bit busy - can I __________ you back later?
A. Call B. bring C. take D. carry
42. We thought we'd _____________ James on the way home.
A. Go B. call C. talk D. turn
43. Since the weather is bad, let's ____________ the trip.
A. Break down B. bump into C. call off D. bring on
44. She was nervous about giving a talk to her colleagues, but
she carried it _________ very well.
A. Through B. up C. down D. off
45. He ignored her interruption and _______________ talking.
A. Carried on B. drove up C. brought up D. brushed on
46. We played cards to _____________ time until the bus came.
A. Murder B. kill C. slay D. hit
47. No matter how fast time __________, our friendship stands for ever.
A. Drifts B. crosses C. flies D. runs
48. I don't really like working on a computer, but you have to __________ with the
times, I suppose.
A. Travel B. change C. act D. move
49. He is serving 11 years for robbery, and ________ time for a similar offence before
A. Acted B. did C. made D. worked
50. The time __________ on the earth are established according to Greenwich Mean
A. Grounds B. areas C. zones D. sections
51. Pat always gets everything ready ____________ of time so she can relax when
guests arrive.
A. Ahead B. front C. forward D. along
52. Time ________________ when I do boring things.
A. Flies B. drags C. walks D. runs
53. I was late last night because my watch has not been _________________________.
A. Making time C. moving with the times
B. Doing time D. keeping good time
54. Air travel is popular for people who are ________________ for time.
A. Pushed B. pressed C. limited D. restricted
55. There is no time _______________ on filing serious criminal charges.
A. Restraint B. zone C. limit D. deadline
56. Before leaving the city, be sure to _____________ time for a shopping trip.
A. Make B. do C. take D. turn
57. Just ____________ your time and think about what you're saying and you'll be fine.
A. Use B. take C. catch D. slow
58. The weather was not too promising, but we __________________ and were soon at
the first terrace.
A. Kept good time C. did good time
B. Made good time D. held good time
59. “Time's _______. Stop writing and hand in your papers.” – My teacher said.
A. Out B. up C. down D. in
60. The farmers had to _____________________ to get in the crops before the rain sets in.
A. Do with time C. work against time
B. Work with time D. do against time
61. When you predict a negative outcome, you may be creating a ____________________.
A. self-fulfilling prophecy C. wishful thinking
B. last straw D. group norm
62. He ___________________ at me when I told him he was lazy.
A. Bandied words C. called the shots
B. Carried the can D. looked daggers
63. The situation is so confused, no one can ___________________of it.
A. Put the foot C. bend the rules
B. make head or tail D. turn a new leaf
64. Couldn't they just _________________________ and let us in without a ticket?
A. Bend the rules C. fell into line
B. Called the shots D. came up in the world
65. Why do we always have to __________________ when something goes wrong?
A. Turn a hair C. get a word in edgeways
B. Carry the can D. look daggers
66. Derek has really come out of his ___________ since he started working here.
A. Home B. crust C. shell D. zone
67. Most countries have signed the treaty but some are reluctant to ________________.
A. Fight tooth and nail C. keep in touch
B. Get the sack D. fall into line
68. We must deal with the situation before it gets out of ____________.
A. Hand B. foot C. eye D. head
69. The thief was determined to __________________________ once he was released from
A. Hit the nail on the head C. turn over a new leaf
B. Beath about the bush D. get butterflies in his stomach
70. Women are voting with their ____________ and leaving the party in large numbers.
A. Arm B. feet C. knee D. shoulder
71. I think Justin rather likes me. But maybe that’s just ________________.
A. Wishful thinking C. vested interest
B. Walk of life D. split hairs
72. Palmer's dignity did not allow her to _______________ with her social inferiors.
A. Play havoc C. bandy words
B. Catch his eye D. pull his weight
73. She's always been rude to me, but it was the ___________ straw when she started
insulting my mother.
A. First B. recent C. casual D. last
74. Mike is a first - rate leader who knows how to _______________________.
A. Make sense C. scrap the barrel
B. Call the shots D. make heavy weather
75. This was the rich man's end of town; Jerrold must have come up in the ___________
_ to live here.
A. Top B. globe C. world D. peak
76. It would be silly to let things which have happened in the past ___________________
between us now.
A. Hold a candle C. spill the beans
B. Break the ice D. drive a wedge
77. The owner let us have the first bottle of wine ___________________.
A. On the house C. in his element
B. Under the hammer D. under the carpet
78. He saw a robber, but he did not ______________________.
A. Run in the family C. learn the hard way
B. Turn a hair D. hold a candle
79. Finnie spent all the time talking and I could not ______________________.
A. Face the music C. get a word in edgeways
B. Jump to conclusions D. sweep it under the carpet
80. Jimmy will be a great _______________ to the team.
A. fortune B. asset C. property D. estate
81. Tourism has brought many ____________ to the area.
A. Bonuses B. gifts C. tips D. benefits
82. The government may ______________ tariffs on imports.
A. Force B. impose C. order D. appoint
83. They’re letting me pay for the washing machine by monthly ___________________.
A. Installations B. statements C. instalments D. requirements
84. Parents often give their children _____________ for passing exams.
A. Awards B. rewards C. profits D. interests
85. Exports of _____________ oil products increased 6.5 % to 147.6 million euros.
A. Delicate B. refined C. polished D. restrained
86. It's been suggested the report was kept under _____________ to avoid controversy.
A. Blankets B. coats C. packages D. wraps
87. He thought her confession had been made under ______________.
A. duress B. hesitation C. force D. violence
88. She was accused of obtaining money under _______________.
A. The misapprehension C. false pretences
B. New management D. representations
89. He was arrested on suspicion of driving under the __________ of alcohol.
A. Influence B. observation C. belt D. consideration
90. We were living under _______________ for the whole two weeks of our holiday.
A. Triangle B. canvas C. sheet D. thumb
91. The proposals are now under __________________ by the Board of Governors.
A. Apprehension B. application C. consideration D. attention
92. I was under the ______________________ that the course was for complete beginners.
A. Confusion C. delusion
B. Misconception D. misapprehension
93. Why do you persist _________ blaming yourself for what happened?
A. In B. on C. about D. of
94. This wet summer makes me ___________ a holiday in the sun.
A. Abide by B. hanker after C. adhere to D. subsist on
95. The aim is to get each member country to ________________ a single set of rules.
A. Inoculate against B. adhere to  C. prevail among D. balk at
96. With a wife to divorce, Pavarotti not ____________ paying the high costs of divorce.
A. Riddle with B. plaster with C. balk at D. persist in
97. Will you use your influence to _____________ upon them to support the suggestion?
A. Prevail B. conquer C. carry D. command
98. Those who _____________ from society's values must be brought back into line.
A. Depart B. deviate C. derive D. digress
99. Many people in the world have to _____________ $ 1 a day.
A. Subsist on B. take in C. subsist in D. take on
100. Relatives need time to grieve ___________ loved ones they have lost.
A. About B. in C. on D. over

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