Spec - HTH

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GRANULAR CALCIUM HYPOCHLORITE PRODUCT DATA BULLETIN HIF Dry Chiorinator is calcium hypochlorite, Ca(OC?),r 24,0 containing 68% available chlorine. itis convenient fond easy to handlo. It requires loss storage space and has significantly longer shell-life than liquid sanitizers. The product (s available as free-llowing granules in a vasiety of package sizes. THF Diy Chionnator is Arch Chemicals premior brand Product quality is assured by rigors attontin to the ch Dhysical properties. Ths fenton assures that you wil be able fo depend on HTH" Dry Chlorinator fo provide ‘mane in your process ime attr ime. Spaciheshans and typical proporties are shown i the tables below: ‘stent perfor Properties of HTH Dry Chlorinator Specification “Typical Analysis {valable Chiorine (Co by weight) 65%, mn Water (% by weight) 55-85% iron (% by weight as Fe) 0.05%, max Particle Sizo, US Standard Sioves ‘on 10 (2.00 mm) 0.5%, max 0.1% ond (141 mm) 28%, max 92%. through 100 (0.15 mm) ‘3%, max o2% Loose Buk Densiy, gank 0.8, min 0.02 Soluoity in water, gL 7 180 Solution pH 200 ppm aval. chlorine - 10 500 ppm avail. chlorine - wos 1000 pm eval. chlorine - 107 aval chioine : i Specie Gravty of eolutions 1% . 101 2 09 . 1.08 1% - ta Analytical Concenvaons of HTH Dry Chonnatr solutions maybe determina by tration. See methods fr chonine (resitua) inthe {nea ution of Sandord Mebtods forthe Examination of Water and Wastewater, prepare an published jer by the American Pubic Heath Assocation, te American Water Works Aesouaton. and the eter Potton Conve Feoeraton IIHF Diy Clikwinatr is @ ready and conveniont courea of avaiable chlorine, suitahe fr usa in anolcations where the disinfecting lind oxdiing power of chlorine are needed. Ae a free-flowing soldi is easily measured and handles, and it does not require Gporatre a handle gas eyndars or larga volumes of liquids. HTH Dry Chiorinator has been registered and ised withthe Soropvate authors for many applications, Some ofthese are ised in the table below. Arch Chemicals has availabe further ‘formation on many of those uses as well a others, and new iterature is continually prepared. Ask your Arch Chemicals ‘epresentatve for information on your application ‘Applications for HTH? Dry Chlorinator Ragistered”, listed? Data Sheet Aquaculture - HTHADS00-1 Beverage botting ” HTHADSO0-2 Browing v HTHADSOO-2 Canneries e HTHADSO0-3 Glinical Pools ” HTHADSOO-4 Cooling Water ¥ HTHADS00-5 Dairy Plants ¥ HTHADSO0-3 Fish and Shellfish Processing - HTHADSOO-1 Hard Surtace Cleaning “ HTHADS0O.6 Industrial Wastewater ” HTHADSOO-S Laundries - HTHADSOO-6 Meat Processing ” HTHADSOO-3 Mold and Mildew Removal “ HTHADSO0-6 Municipal Wator Troatment ’ HTHADSO0-7 Orchards ¥ HTHADS00-3 Poultry Plants - HTHADS00.3 Private water supplies - HTHADSO0-8 Pulp and Papor Plants - HTHADSOO-S Restaurant Utensils ” HTHADSO0-6 Sewage effluent ¥ HTHADSO0-5 ‘Swimming Pools, Spas and Het Tube ” Contact your Arch Chemicals represontative Tanneties ” HTHANS00.5 Vegetable Production and Processing ’ HTHADSO0-3 Vineyards, wineries - HTHADS00-2 ther applications - Contact your Arch Chemicals representative “See Regulatory Information, below, for pamial descnpton, Always check win local auinorites 10 wssure wwe with all ‘applicable regulations Fey eR Lied othe ‘While ite possible to proparo colons of ealeium hypoehionta containing 180 gi. (18%) of product. practical workinn solutions for ‘most applications range from 200 ppm up to §% avalable chiorne. Once you have determined the concentration appropsiate tr your Anniiation, you may consult the instructions below for its preparation. NOTE: Stock solutions shouldbe trashy prepared and kopt in properly labeled containers to protect agains Determination of HTH® Dry Chlorinator Amount Needed: To prepare the proper strength solution, fist calculate the volume of the holding tank, and then use the tables below io determine the eyuired amount of HTH Dry Chlerinator tat must Be added tothe water to obtain the desired solution strength Weight of HTH" Dry Chlorinator Required to Prepare Various Strength Solutions Concentration Volume of Water in Liters ‘Available 100 200 500 1000 Desired Weight of HTH Dry Chiorinator Required (in kg unless otherwise noted) 200 ppm 30.89 61.59 0.154 0308 0.1% 0.15 ost a77 1.54 4.0% 154 3.08 7.69 ce 15% 231 4.62 11.54 23.08 2.0% 3.08 615 18.39 077 25% 3.85 769 19.23 38.46 3.0% 462 923 23.08 46.18 4.0% 615 1231 30.7 e154 5.0% 7.69 15.39 36.46 7698 Preparing an HTH? Dry Chlorinator Solutio1 [HTH Dry Chiovinator solutions should be made up in cloan polyethylane containers. Add the required volume of water first. Then dU the equuted amount of HTH? Dry Chlarinatr to tho water. Stir witha clean wanda or metal ster. makina sure to Keep i away ftom clothing, skin and eyes. Some carbonates in the water will precptate tothe bottom of the container, as wil the small amount of incolubles present in HTHF Dry Chloinator The total amount of precipitate will always exceed the insolubles present in HTH" Ory Chlerinator. NOTE: Always add HTH* Dry Chilorinator to water. Do not reverse this procedure since a rapid evolution of heat may occur. possibly resulting in spattering or even explosion if the container is closed. ‘The resuling solution can be poured into another container, or can be ted tom the same container, providiny the rnowth of he fine to the chemical 126d pump is kept above the precipitate lev Safe PT Mall | ‘A tiet synopsis of safely information for HTH! Dry Chlornator ie provided helow. Always read and follow label instructions and ‘precautions. For complete, up-to-date information on safely, tain the current Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) by contacting {your Arch Chemicals Sales Oftice, Storage HTH? Dry Chlorinator should always be stored in tightly sealed containers, and in a cool, dy, wel-ventlated area. Keep the product f2vay trom oper aie, vombustible matenals and ether chemicals, Since ie a strong oxidizing agent, i should not be stored near Organic materials, acids, corrosive liquids, ofner oxidizers, or any reactive material Handling HTH* Ory Chiorinatoris a stong oxidizing agent. Use only clean, dry ulensis for measuring and varferiny HTH Dry Chirinator. ix only into cold water by adding HTH Dry Chlotinator to water. Oo ot reverse ths procedure since a rapid evolution of neat may oocut, possibly resutng n sparing, or exposion if ia a confined area, Contact with household products, acids ols, paint products, chemicals (including other pool chemicals), or othe foreign materials may cause intense fits, explosion, or hazardous gases, Prevent burning material such as a lighted cgarete trom contacting HTH” Dry Chlerinator. Personnel Protection Personnel handing HTH Dry Chlorinator should avoid geting into eyes, on skin or on doting, and should not breathe the dust ‘Always use with adequate ventiation, and wien handling in volume, wear goggles, coveralis, neoprene gloves and boots, and a fl face-piece resprator with chlorine cartridges and dustmist fiter, Remove contaminated clothing and wash Detore reuse. First Aid ‘Skin or eyes: Immediately lush with large amounts of cold water fr atleast 15 minutes. Calla physician Ingestion: \mmodiatly drink large quantives ot water. Uo net maueB vomiting. Gal piysivian Inhalation: immediately remove vic to fresh at Call a physician. In THe EveNT OF Fine Contact emergency personnel immetiataly, If HTH* Dry Chlornato is threatened by tr, cool exposed containers with large volumes Sf water, Do not use dry chemical extinguishers, If HTH® Ory Chiorinator is involved in a fie, use large volumes of water to fexinguish Firefighters should use airsndepencent respiratory equipment. Spill and Leak Procedures Romove all sources of ignition. Wear a cust and chlorine cessiator (sae Personnel protection above). Wear goggles, coveralls, and tuber, neoprene or PVG glaves and boots. Clean up ina manner to minimize contamination with organic mataral. Do not return ‘ill! matoal to orginal container. Place in a fresh container and isolate outside or in a well ventilated area. Do not seal the con tainer, Call Arch Chemicals for dsposal instructions, Flush any residual material wih large quantities of water. Wash a contaminat fd clothing before reuse, In the event ofa large spill cal 1-429-780-2970 in the USA, Disposal Care must be taken to prevent environmental contamination ftom the use ofthis material. The user of this material has the responsi: bilty to iapose of unused malarial residues, and mixtutes which contain tis material as well as containers in which the mater is ‘nixed or sloved in compliance wih all elevant laws and regulations regarding shipment, treatment, storage, and disposal for haz ardous and nonhazardous wastes. Regulatory Information For HTH? Dry Chlornator, granular, the DOT deseription from the Hazardous Matenas Table 49 CFA 172 is: Calcium Hypoctlonte "yates, Oxiizer 6.1, UN 2880, PG Il HTH" Dry Chlorinator meets the American Water Works Association Standard for Hypochiotites (AWWA B300-£2) for use in treatment Sf munerpal and indusinal water Supplies. also meets AWWA slararus fr use in disinfecting water maina, water ctorago lacie, water treatment plants and wols (AWWA C851-92, C652-92, C659-95, and CB54-05.) HTH" Ory Chlorinator meets Federal Specification O-C-1148 for calcium hypochiotte used in miltary appicabons.ithas been rents tered with the US Etwitonmental Protection Agency (EPA) for a wide range of uses. There are USDA and FDA listings as well as inlor national tegistalions lor HTH dry chlonnator. For adctional formation on requiatory satus of your use fr velchum hypochiorte, Contact your distributor or wate oF fax Arch Chemical, Ino, a the address below fax number in USA 1-770-970-1096. Rafer to AD rhumeet 1680600 In YOU Ing ‘hla aed he leeton snd sllements cota in are ofered othe reas lo ts consceraten, The ea iow not and shold conte nen er mretpatan and veateaten of ch eatements and rmaten cua w sinha iosngc ans coupe ote rosa denebed Cartons at Users aches) may vary sd may raga ret usage 0” ates APE emia. Ie makes no representation or warranty herein express + Implied with respect fo any product ots proper use. Arch dselaims any and rari oe waa’ oy a orton incuang witiceh insti marnnten of marchanabltyor Mess a” 2parteusr purpose wth repect fay Juicer aria use Shoes hech Chemicals, ne bs found reeponsibe for ary claim with respect fos producto suse, whether such clas based Sr nmponen enc rte ch Geman any shal ne ea ne asp mca Oy Mh Foe party clam da ‘endo demagos, including without lation any claim by 2 tied party agalnet the reader. in connection with any product ort use. Tho Uso ry Shr ann tat responsty for complance win af appease esr, tte ana oca laws and regustons Notnng cotaned hen wil consid [nearby ors No sats or epresrtare mc ater fam he eave sna beta upon Ach Ghee ness cannes a iy eneeved ‘tion eoreament r Arca\ Ehetneae, te. Sins

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