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Teknik 5-Why

Apa itu Teknik 5-Why?

• 5-Why adalah alat untuk memecahkan

masalah, seringkali disebut sebagai cara
berpikir dalam melihat masalah.

• 5-Why mendorong kita untuk terus

menanyakan “Mengapa?” ketika
mencoba memahami masalah, sampai
akar masalah berhasil ditemukan.

• Konsep ini digunakan Toyota sebagai

standar metodologi untuk memecahkan
masalah, meningkatkan kualitas, dan Sakichi Toyoda, founder Industri
Toyota dan Penemu teknik 5-Why
mengurangi biaya.
Symptoms Vs Akar Masalah

• Masalah yang menarik
perhatian kita

• Kita dapat memperbaiki

symptom dengan
memperbaiki seperti
biasa. Namun, jika
masalah tersebut terulang
berarti kita belum This hydraulic fluid leak is a symptom
menemukan akar
Symptoms Vs Akar Masalah

Akar Masalah
• Akar masalah merupakan
penyebab dari terjadinya

• Mengatasi akar masalah

akan mencegah
symptoms yang serupa
muncul di masa depan
5 Why Example #1 – Hydraulic Fluid Leak

Happened? Why? Why? Why? Why?


A large volume A hydraulic We used the The We have no

of hydraulic hose burst wrong mechanic written
fluid leaked hydraulic maintenance
was not
from a forklift
fluid, and it aware of procedures
deteriorated which fluid
the hose to use
5 Why Example #1 – Effects of Each Added Corrective Action
Swap out the Train mechanics. Implement
hydraulic fluid in Still greater written
Replace the hose
all forklifts to the benefit. maintenance
Very limited
Corrective benefit. Many
correct fluid. Mechanics will procedures. This
Action for Much greater now double check will produce the
more hydraulic
benefit. We the hydraulic fluid greatest benefit,
Each “Why?” hoses are
should not have they are using. because it will
waiting to burst.
any more lines benefit all
bursting in the equipment, not
short term. just forklifts.

Symptom: A hydraulic We used the The We have no

Hydraulic hose burst wrong mechanic written
fluid leak hydraulic was not maintenance
fluid, and it aware of procedures
deteriorated which fluid
the hose to use
1st Why 2nd Why 3rd Why 4th Why
Moving from Left to Right: Dari Tindakan ke Pencegahan

1st Why Last Why

• As we move from left to right in 5-Why exercise, the resulting

actions shift from containment to prevention

• We must often act on the “early Why’s,” to contain the situation

to maintain operations, safety, customer satisfaction, etc.
Adding Actions and Status – 5 Why Excel Template
• Apakah pernah melihat petugas
pemasyarakatan memperbaiki
symptom tapi masalah muncul

• Apa yang terjadi jika petugas

pemasyarakatan fokus pada
penyelesaian akar masalah?

• Apa keuntungan jika kita

menyelesaikan akar masalah di

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