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Medute - 2. Tntvoduation : hd 4 a eXLecdin “at U4 x>0 Ut 100 densi the 10 eo primes ne 9 The, TOD a as A> co, Sine they ove infinitely mony puny, she behaviours of MOD are fn Hx har been The object of inbocnny sludy by many Celebratid mablnemodictans ever sinea the eigntnamth centuary. * Inspection of tolls of primis id Cru, Uae and lagendve (1aae) to cerieckive tha 10) is a ve Wr TOOlgx _ loge sees, -~ & [Conjeckive Meaneto Gaus ON Pathe, obouk Something with read prof OF ea This umjeckve Wer dele vst proved 19 Igac ®y that o md Vallee possin [A] and is Known vow as the potme aumbey theorem, Prookp of the PNT are often Clementars , depending on “the mebb This lami tied Od Onolie ox ee Mid £0 corny them ab Chapter is concerned wamiovily ustth dlemnendarg thy, re Show that the PNT can be expressed in several veflenive ya png. on primus: In partculer Fov example vase will St the PNT is eqeivalant te the Eymptatic formule. SAMY & x50 ep nex The partial cums of the Meneptdt fn ncn) dlefjine © poreton labvodund bey Chabyslev in ious. * Dein arth ecto. Cheby shevis frs POO & G0) Defaikion: For 7 Uwe deine Chelogshev's w tn by the \prnula yds Z Nima x [A> big tamde) ne The phe asymptote prt 10) ¢ tates that oA Yolen -O AE 90 _ | —&) yaw HK Sine ACN)=0 Unless © is o prime power We can umite the depjnitbon AYO) oy 4plloss wa: FAM = SS pcp onzt P Aen men 2 = SB \o3P 2 pe xn Te WY Eleg x loge on i} m> loss TE folloss that ' varies om . te Clog?) onan Theve Lore we Shave i= S logp pe eles’, ue This Can be written In gy slightly diferent form loy inbroducing omether fr of Unebyshev Defenthon ; 44 120 we difine chebyshev 'S 3 4p by the ego i. le vo eae aP hire ‘P vuns over all Primerere The Last Jermain bor OR) can nes lee lias Vw vestoted a» Jollows “ty meiog% ®» The vet ‘then velatis the +100 quslieds YOI/» and Yo. Theorem 4:1: For x70 we Lave 24 WOO _ 9), Ulo9”* a a aWileg 2 Note: this requality implis that ei: 30 Jeg $n sthervoords «of one ) WOO or SOOM tends Bo lb a, So doe the other , and the two Units ane equal Book for ax>0, we have wore & (xl) lem ¢ log Mp es Oe" )4 s eam) EXEL log, OS WOd- YOO= SSO) —«a) 24% Log hh”, SOO = Slope =. a By pew ‘oP tem eres zZ ia! <\ 9% Sox OOS reg» 4 Log o(uime 2 tom 90 (ab np) —e8) Ryo 4 © cepts) = S VLEs S x! log aK Demelog', ie ol 6. Remé log ese M2 we ! iv "east | 2S. ot ay ol log ond Leg 1 term 2emélos*, \ a Bing ge 2 2émélogy, = Fe tog. tng 3 Dividing the ineqpality ¥ z ; Be POMBO 4 Flog TA tog y = Lead loss * 7 = ee a " hog a 2TH Te < Lege)* (og 2) Fe > o¢ vee +900, Uegx)® _, 5 aX? «© (log De (wd) Ue YWOD _ 90) )\_ (MP 2 Je W3 Relabion connected YOO and Wx) Th this sechon we ektocn two Jomuler vod & Ta) Thx sul be Usd to shows thal the PNT in equivalent to the limik velation iE 300 cl eo Beth purdion WO) and VO) ave skp Janckons otth jumps at the prinues TOO har a gomp 4 ak each prime 'p’ share or YOO hae «= Jump oh log p ok Sp. Sams invaving, step fonctions of this type Can be expressed ap vole by mean of the Jalowsing, thm. Theorenn U2 Abel's idacluhy 1 Tor ony Grithmetical porches of) Uk ADs oa alm) where AGOz0, ah Zl Apsara, ‘Phos a continuous derivative on the interval yd urhere ©2ye* Then, We, howe = Olh) fon) = AOOFO0 =p ( yenen Poh leh Ket & mefyh So thet ACW= ALle> and ALY=ALM. Then nw” MPFeg— J ALFIurde Le) 8 Se puedes Lats) = Ff aMs AO ond Alps = alm) oie nen i’ ag, == as née = Ata! Aso Aad-atin-De Sal- 3 at) ttn tén-\ i af2d+-<- + alyAd*a0n)- 44 - 2 0 YW) +afs eee = alm) Consider & S_ootppens Salm fos) Yénen deme! % = SE Tac atan tery N=mtl 2 2 S Aomsem- SACHOF(nD Pak nemel Aem4l nem) 5 wel = Snipe) — S Atnretased ~ emt pon anaes, em et cenit) es, wet = Ata [renters] + aceflid- Alm Pema) ace et = BZ AY) PE AUD ED — Alm Pom +t) nem nl CYS" pende = feud een] #1 att ” = ZS awe steddt + aur sued- Aten ime) Azma A [- ACH) is step fn jit takethe voluss Med only Ceomnnt fo) on the wkewvall Chimay) =~) Auorierde + AGS £Ud= AC Rome) al SHO mu m+) uw a” \ aw pap ae= J toate + Jaw Peode +) aw pranedt y 7 met “ ve Kw nw = ALD \ FIWdE + 5 Ate) FILE dE + ACK? J sdk ‘ mt % hod = AC) [Fomed fey) 4 J) Aor code a Auer Pou -fu10) meh * “ \ Au gWdk == J ALON DAE HALIM AD -ALD FCG) Kt _ & Ao fod- ALF) —@ Alys AU) and Aon = AUK? SACO ke constank on Cmigd WAGED » Constenk on CK} SubO® O, we ae * & oth) fo) = - J aur scer de At PErad~ Mey) Fy) + yenew 3 ALK F OY - Ale) Fete? + ALIFE) = AL) Sem) SL a fon) = AGOFO0 - ALQDFy) = J Meat yenen 4 Theovem: For %22) we shave 1900 2 THO) log - y FU) ge 2 +t and 7Od= YOO | sf 9) gb bog J tloget Prsfi- Ub X22, Ry Abels idankiy, . = eb = AOOFOO- ALDFYD- J awed —O yenen % where alt1s an arithmetic fn and AOO= = an), nen ALI= Y x21 and 4 is umbinucusly ditterertiakie om Tyad Co euen) Ue aleder> on is pame =O) othensise » Yo >) Aos Zatms Lop = sem) nen pen pak Dis pame SF aln) log n. VOI TZ logp = zotp leaps wes J psx Take foP=logx, & ysl in a) ” = 1 aleMlegn = TOO toga 7700 legs = J mon tbe yen em BOO= TOO log > - ; BW ai . WY Now Ub btn)= atn)legn ¥ 921 where OGDe1, ih 1 Is prime otherwise Deno 8O0= bos Foy SF aln) logo nina = 9Cu) By ow » yenen = BM Am = BOOL60 - BG) £(y)- d oan Peja 9 Take oe a Ysa © 2 Ppa. = VO Bene legn 7 —— Zenex 9 logm, Buk BW=0 Jor 442 * eee) + fete tay leg (3/2) Bip t lage Zz alMeg Wo = 2o + ‘ soe) ae 2énen lear ag (22) “Flog TOs YOO -s re $ogye Flog OF Then 4 the Apollousing relay / 2 ee MBO “O “elation ave logically equivalent Ww) Le Seni R70 = W) Ur WO ., 300 ~*~ . Wet for 422 eek are) YON = DOO log» “J me dt —@ TOO = OO + f 900) a -& og 2 tlogt Now , we anime that Ci) ‘nelds je LE AOD wg x00 Dividing eq? Cod by et 9O9 _ AM leg _ f AU) yt x Ff t tis =x ue WO ee lege Ue (4 f Ma) ae aco. aE pisoniserie! Gee Le “ROM loys Ly WP ed nw = UL Ce aA der Subjidently lowge ”? ee aoe (ae) 2 Pw ee ji Ep eh Te (3 og Cone es fas ma 3 as oi J race = Ls +) mo v ~*~ dk idk inj i y log =+ (24) ond ogo logy eve 4 ‘ log> lou ' mw de eg \ 2 loge log? ** (ao w@ 1s © * ms MO geo (>: wee Set) b o “Ue BOD Le AGO Lege Ar Fh p00 ee Flo =\ lr Yoo ie ih ~ aa an 269 Assume that (i) holds ie LE 96D _| Hace % © Cie 969 Aa 1 OD Ae 20 SOU, Maton J By the equsalihy (b> Tod. wad logan ) thestt, Multiply the above e9” with Logn TOO e594 800 nm “+ ex f SO) ge Flogtt sma te YOO _, oe We drave VLt) Ee =O, for suirerentty large valusofe oS VUE de = ( =) tlogt \ ) eS ost Conidar the ace ” s = ge y= dk+ ) 5 db a 5 boght . Z ae, HM lege Clegyte)* 2 Bey ux a loge toga tog | 1 gt 2 bog ry tog SE ean esl 2 Cog Te tog Le TOD Og _ E960 t is = Sat \ 1 ne ame FOUL em Yo L = ltoz) "UE KO logn ——_ =! 70> ts uy 2a) W) = cid weT lb (Qe. =o yace ia a te Y_ ~ wo 420 - Aen 7% LE WoO _ ste SOO, wines oe ( geo ) Theorern: Ut Pa dance the oth prime. Then the flowing asymphabe velations ave logically) equivalent Diu maUees a) Mee | gy we Pan BAe — ais IE aco Nogn” Bef: ut fe denote the at” prme- MAW, Ge aid To prove () > (i> 1 Acsume hak G) Molds pe te TOO logn _ | os 700 Ue log [oes = Wg se ~ W200 Lb [ leg Care leg log>)- log) = © 2-200 il toga (te 7 TO Log Clog _,) j eos logx Since, bogxs as eos, 25/45 fellows thet ue (eee 4 legllegn) } i tae | lege “Togx = LE log 1) a7 “toga 1 Co Ue, leg tags) ) logx Consider Le = TOD logit bo Bese Mea logx tog TOD Pee * aS eax Aue Lr [leg 1h) heal na togx, Stet Waa TP Wand Assume that Gil) holds Ve Lk ATO 103 TOD A200 = * Zo maf, MWe (49 2 if Pains lo 200) Se te TO gto cat 36 7 = ee Alas ite) a a0 Pa ae Alen EY eo Go Gin Feo =>! TR: Gi aD aa = ‘J Assume thak te 22 2) Chee nace nloga Pa denotis the ath prime Gives G prime P_, Sor any sa! with Prox 2 Prat, we Love Mod. Divide the inequatihy by lego Po EA Bs 2 Pas _ Pars x (aad Log Catt) og 89 logy (HANG Cn 41) SRE As nooo, Pa _- ea & Pray =H (n4Dlog basi) ond abo Lr loytnt 24 n\00 logn Ry Sandwich theorem, Wie ts Be | nde logy ue ee =4 HEN22 TOM log (iW) Ub Oleg (no) 1 Se ES per ae ai) > Gi Te. Wd aud Assure thet i)? holds te Ue OO 1eg CTO, Laas TAL ot >) 2, Taking leg on leoth sidin , we gek Le > 5 = 2 Co(meniege J] tg eo Le Llegt 0 + leg Clos enta -logxJeo R70 le te 4 tog Clog 160) se Uiegrmieny ice egeteg — log 4 ee (oge9 logmttx) Since log MCr)-4 0 an x —> 00 log (a) lege? Buk Ue tog Clog) 5 (uy Uospital’s Rabid ae tog Win) Uk fy — boax 7g x-709 loge Ue 4 leg (log Tro x \- aepeo (1 + leg blog logm, Veo LE logy 7 Log ita) Ub TH lega _ ye * A700 1700 ; log). leat L Todleg log Ta = be TOO logit - le (og A200 7m A> Tog nO) =blet Gi) > GY De GN 29 Gi, (1, Gd, GHD ane equivalent We Theorern: Fov every idleer azo, we eave + 2 270m) 2 69 3g & jegn Log Proof Ut neo (ear pat 5g NGAI Cae ae.) ” cnt)? Rb ar 7 = BOER RD sc 5 ies Kemeta SSeS ee uy Alas gy x PE De eng De 50 i en n 9 329 ava! ss 20 ° 20 Consider y%. 329 2 Cayy?2L = CZ 20%) ral so © nen bey are (240 292 GM. yo jn Taking logs log 22 logl2nr!— 2 loglardé nlog 4 = 2qlog2—O By legerdve's Edaaichy use have. log (x3! = SF alp) los p Pen whut, = fA erate) = el Hene [ galee. pM an Take “en, then log Cri} = Sea pleg b, Rem ushere a Cp= S ea met 9 " Here alee 4 pmeo oF meg p> leg or Mm > loyn leap oy ™M > loo? the 3p A Sum a Cp> vans Upto me [ 7) . logp ve teg (20)! — 2leg int) \ end a i * iol 2” | B) teop-2 5 (2 oo \ 2 Nose os Coorhege) oe "bol 2, (LB) Te) esr) Si - i eithe ince [ayJ-2Cy} vw either o °F hsanheae’} aleg2 logan: -2teg inne &(S 4) toyp Pez > met =o De ‘2829 TV tegP Péan L leap SS 19 wep P22 logp = legon St peen = TOM log2n i nleg2. 41 LmMIeqan 2 or Thom > nleg2 = 20 . 08? og20 Hhagoe) = Bo G Yog29 nl. (2D 6 10929 Tan) > aa 22 log 20 Fx odd inde ger, 29° 3nal 1 422 23 2 Tne Tams + on Erva) logaanet) ea 2 Gnd seis = | anne MAL (ed etal et Gn) aa or = a leg Gna) = 5 2m 2 » py any integer 22, eas TW) 2+ 2 — &) © iegn Consider tog20 Le log Grd: - 2logint)= ae Z, lel LA) ise - @2)-2[2}) a Ries 2 ee nee nNepe2n o ene) £20 [3] Lh (alee ed = (C7119) ) tsp nepsin (22) - 212) )tesp <0 ov) Ln 2 EZ btegp nepe2n = & leyp- S legp p220 pen = Via 900) lad 9) £ log (2M)1 — 2 legta!) < 2nleg2 Cby «wD Tm nwo poser of 2 P2 mo ah, Weems. oe me then ~) 9 (2-279= VAD 2 2.9F log2 = 27 tog 2 VO) = I (2) 2 2 10g 2 Summing over ron, we we 9OP9 D4 VB Va ORL IO 2 logae sopra £2 loge V2 900 6 aloy2 Cig a4 42%) allege (CEE ae sis] < 2bega C2**") ere tl can = 2 2k tog 2 Ea), 9 (9) -0 Sra eao (oy V(M=0 , Joy nea) Fe") 2 W2"loga )y Loo Now ov any inhegey Ni we Seve can finds Keocgt ren < oe yg Now ttn! uae ladys 19 EH 2 U2" toga Vind 2 F GEN € U2 toy o = Le nlog 2C2k=n) / Wn) etantes 2, bor any trikeg en ner Now: doy any X wilh ozeZt, Consider Wm- Tins Zi1- SB pen pene = = 1) we 2pen (twm- T(0*) toate) sh B,. 108 (a2 nz pen 2S iyp nreP re zpen lognt clog P = DBiyp- = les p20 wer pen* = Vm- Vlnt)< V5) ( TeD— TT 69) Ceagtae) 2 ( ulesa + Tin*) 1039) legn a a Thar) 2nr Win) ¢ 2 [ ale toa) logan ok —~A 22 7 loge , lose logn oa mem Now , for cro K X21 dibhe o ‘$' by FO02 1o5% dipre o fn 4 lee $Od= EL lege) Cone) we x! (1- clog) ee = 9S! C1 clognd Fladso0 $100 2 4001(-5.) ee tt Itlagnee TE x t.9) = = Cedogwy Cearnar © log x2Ye >? Azevle ; 26 “.£ Nhes Us mex Vols ak x = ee a ff hese ab wee © ul . £ (ele) = love ae tloge _ a (ere e ce fe + yw nz ( eP TS max value) ce Fim. loam 2 No2) Ro ce Thy TO) 2 2 naes2 a ey hee CzI-* (ean Toke Xm=2 3 vine 60 260 —@ me faeges 2) + A Losers) <2 From GO k Cex) to 2lo) 2 oe © Tegn eee og Prstem: Fer 121 the nth prime Pn satis the Inegpaliiic Abn leg < Po <'2 (nega + 9 leg) — ow) Proof: 44 k= by thn K22 & nox) Grom the abowe inegualshy we have eT re © Po (Td) 288 ) loghr, bogie. sttenu Pa > -p nleyPa > LE atogn —@D Ths gives the lower bound 1a © 1 2 ebkain the Upper round, we again ure the oboe Wmeqpality 02 vow As Whe ee oe om Yop leyk © logk, from Uashich we find Py 26 leg hy —O £C>0 , x21 the Jo FO0= Leas he ronan ( 2 and lence Fore + Vv *2I ce Toke c= £l>0) thin FO 2 loon < Te TH e ake Xe Bn thin Log ba £ 29S _ @ @ 2M mz) from OAD we hove Pa ce bnk odmE e 03 Py <0 ( 2Jro) => Pa & an SP a ih 20 4 legPy logn + 105 (39 -—@ ©> ACD» Pre bo [atogn+2 leg wi 212 (nlognt ntos (129) Préi2 (ntogn +n log (2) —®@ from © AO we altan 4g (nlogny 2 hy = 12H log nn +n los 2]

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