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cncmanes macuinnit sninienen. 7 dg mensimants met 13 4 os 2 | mi 6 5 RO me fe maximen? 4 miniman = 4 ,wonimin = minimax? * 7 Se ee Scanned with CamScanner Tatno: a variety of Competitive sihuationt uy mererariy seem in a - Vou Ae on S]* Cndidats fighting in eeehin, litany bectttes adumys,, corny R Trankiting campaigns by competing business firm, bid +0 in, a i 4 gor comtact , sports ete: bg. wou Game must be thought of fn a bread sents, 208 4 0 Hind o¢ aucos Bonk but a: competinve situation A Kind of compli wihbtoming) —pnpee sun) must win R someloody mut lore Gorme theory 4 a type of elton ey ome's choice of action is detetmined of ter tating into cecount | onty OL Potrite aleunativt ovailabte +? am opponent playing the S00 wma qjorne rather tram just by the pesibiitiee ef Several outconnes. | Marter The objecba of gaenetniory to maximae the mininwrn gain oF mining Pi, Pa- the = max: Loss: ane 4 Gove ib defined as an activity bIW Hoe or more pettoms inal each p Betvitier by each porson atcording 40 a sek of wool teed A gam which tach person etu'ves Some bemepit On falislaction On Sates °h i lois: “ihe sek of mules depins the panne “going YnsoUgh to ruby non- x0 ome 6y the padticipam’ defines a play hey 3: Stacte ae ; EE GEM A competitive situation ucalkd a cketive j eae V1 tras tne fottowsng 4 props: pact ped for de i) thew axe sinik the ac Hinlk ruber (mn) computton Laud player) 9°n 2: Ta | ae FMR incase m>2, itd Saou to | actie 1) Rach ploy hou a lit of 44 ; may not wom ton won nny EP activities (ne Wut |" Parre mya & tid bo 6 & ge aia. The choices aa Player chooses one of his that one Owumed to be F made simultaneously dees, ie) no fo ’ Hor ¢ BPE (the chotee oF tie otner, until bx has decile | 4 his cum: per 1) keeny tori ; vu "ation of aettvittes determine On -outoorn eAGhER ™ t) . ee prints ; emoney ov any tha My) whch vesutts in a gain of pages Scanned with CamScanner (ner Tver tote). to tach player» provided cach playen i ploy, componrminingty #0 gee a uch porriote: Negative gain immplics any tas oy torne amount * veoro men games compelitie gomes ant dassiped Reds 9. Lui- tum & mon in a involved! ‘ie, 04 & ae ete cE valigcaste |) aeroneng wo aha mo: of. lagers envol = tang fr ° } Sataner peor che» Anoteur innpontor bete ss ; . made Picton gg suer) gomnes &° mon- ue sum gent me pays ; pinyin Aeoune | onty 40 tach other ity the Jon of one 7 - {177 th from outside » #¢ covnpetitine garme. raid fo be. xe10- 2um- Sar coma $0" , © punter game & played oy n= logins “ | athematredty, suppore a7 % PP - feomes . Mm cally, “PP = opps at the end. of 0 play 2f thegome whose Acepectves Pod Py, Pace Pv Livy tne the game one wove ecich plagof Ye gp” A game which 3 mnot~ iv -sum be oy te competitive game one wro- tum qans” An amp non-mwie sum game ig the poker in whith a Cutan pont of the pt h set of ruuly 1 aemavedl fvore roe howe bene the ginal Poh a: Staategy: A sthakegy of % player has bem Loosely ovinpettive ppm fpr decrsion: making 'n advance of Ul the: plauys by which he decide, the-ectrvitia he thoutel odopt: Jn other words, a. skaategy fot a | given player oS of seater that, «pelfier which of the available course 4} action he should rake at tach play - The staateqy _ 7ay fot 0} 8 Kinds * uf i) Pune strategy: To player knows exactty what the oni play, vines UM a ging to doa detminighc situation i oltainec! & the obj. trite mas min, the gan: Dhengone, the pure shrateag a a will be catled 210" $4 if, 2 vir oee QPP oF mini, mon ii i 74 imvolving | Cat altegl et o77-2b. SUI AO +p Bet +Hre ex | tay 2pe0 On Oo Sutjeu inecl a4.0 Sule , gmpar ze ito agond ie , one oy | ducivion aule alunys 40 clack © partteulan Cowre of action. us! one iad on wee shmakegy cs Usually Acprusmtecl by & M0 With which the 4 has Of Ackion & assoraled: ) Aimed st :y (wren ae foo player a quessing ov te uah'e actiniy ‘ ae 4p to be stlected by the other on any partiular eccasi en je" 3 Scanned with CamScanner z te ww obtal, & objeclive pts ‘, ban a phobablistic sfuntion B optained & oyeative fort maxim y ti eit jae Thus’ tne me stnotegy aa Seton ceragg stnategies with fact probabilthes | samaatrcay mined Hategy fora plage sth rl) may | touts of action, & denoked -by tne set So m mee Pe Nal gg) whore sum & unity) epasenting, pnovabl Utter with which each cous. attion a chosen: J ai (i= 2 =m) ate prokability a Choosing th, cousuth, tm, $= (ay, 12-- + Xm) STC, AAAQ Haz 4 + IMsz1 BNZ0.) Wg 20 Imo 4'Two purion Zero -Sum ( Retarqulan games): A game with ont, fa) playou (say PlayerA @ PlayenB) 4 Caued a two-purion, uno.» ame 1} the Losses of one ployer ase equivalent to the Ge Ob the other, $0 thot the sur of they net grins 6 zeno- Two-poon,, 220 tum gamu ae alio called redonguton qos chess, ate waually “epauented oy, @ pay -Op, matrix in Yeeta ngulay | 5 Payor} Matrix: “Suppose ployer A has m achuites: © player B ha N oebvitu Thm a peers motrra U formed by Uting the yells | WY Row “designation. jon tosh madrixaxe ortivittes ovailadle | W) (ok daignatrons jor tach. rnatin one activities awailatl fo poyet | cul entry vy’ G Te payment to player A on als peels raha al A choo tne chevy ‘ PRB chootes activity 5: 9) with & 20: tum, two PeSon garne | the ceu emmy in ine plafe BF PY OH maine itl be Negative of -the Corresponating cathenteg Vig Pn the ployer a's PMOL Matta. 10 thet sum Of poopy ates for plage ay Player Bus tt rately Len = Scanned with CamScanner m rind Phouy ™a» re Bing Ee Moe cena y rimal StAaLegy Po j.pena the oP rags | \ pn | "emegy | Reon ray) 2 ack 3} as He y| 3 °9 Ye an, | So) “+ PA + | “2 "ont On 0 ce Hmnnr PANO —a, Col Mor OF fa JMO Ob the minimmos (Take om | manimnan minima: | Yom saddle pomt 2 (4000? reeta ogulanje Value of the gem VFI phaser B ha Optimal staotegy for ployer A= q the vwla:-) Optimal at scategy for player BI lable foplye! Probability of optivnal serategy OF ployer bout to ploy! " 4 en Gare with mined strategy: Find opurnal strategie & valu oe 2 tne plod han cath eo Talal ages oy °b1 Meger 1" Col Man a Yani main! ES enna, 19 “ Gome her no sadelle pt: “Tt ba qome of Mixed strategia value of the | gare fo tne pay off make. Row min 1) — mazionte A=zCP,t PI201,0,0] « BC P,f PJ =L1,0,0) o¥ Co,0,1J fof “the garne forthe payotf mar, . Row min ian) > Scanned with CamScanner » Plasgoh Glan = | eg VE Fxb45a2 28 O Nesta 2g ova, . Value of +h 264543 Grin? 29 aah 4 to a Sng cre Gre ea a tropability rived staatenits, % + Opts . Mayor r= Create =C% 027 | opti b- Mayr B= 14.9.3 =5o,,4) Prob: of von 9 Magee Row min 5 a | = = aa fe) o)"** TA] Maury “4 ” ‘cimen "4 Mmomioin® mintman s ¢ - Saath pots (3,3) : | 7 Vale hl gqome be | Odd g - paimnat Je THI plas as a 5 on ee nS = 1s Pre Se 3 / shade 2 ‘TI for Player 4s ae [0.09 joy a “ 8 = Cars PEt. Lo,0, 49,2) F gan tobe, hy 6h Scanned with CamScanner pe Royer B ows: n> a toyoh [2 2% ? ro ls 7 I 4 4 OLP colrmor 16 (5) emanimin? > 4) minima pela? ttA6 oy saddle pI - —~—F Per «, me = 5 ar4 aoe value of 3 $ > 7 Opternal strategy jor Moa ” Ba Aza optimal =" Prob: of optimal strategy por player ale, Pa 31> Cot, oJ « B+04,r, BTCA!) ee ° Row min el -4 fas | manimin + minimor “Gary hos no sadolept = mited strategy eddment | Prob = rin Stio +0 bro ba e y ‘ability of mined etraseges PloyerAs Cee.) ‘[ OW Vou 82 Ce iS oye ay aLS Scanned with CamScanner i QYotve the following axa game uslrout saddle pora' 2 B Row min C s|i |i A s|4|a 5 St) oma Golan FF [4] manimin #Mininan od Prob r*|4 2 5 4 |4 OeeD. > 5 Ob 3 2 Pre 3 a Ve and: Ss — Walits of qome= Sx14axq = 17 Player A s § Paob of mined strategia, + Minimax +t Pays cand = [%e, % J | Fundamenta Player B : : Lowen Cry, Po) [45%] 5 ; =e je, Vey » |= |e v ~ Alkerative ¢ |e fom _— Lt 7 Cero ° Fea min © X a Mani min $ minima eer In *reang * od Prob ae 6 |- 3 | aye we Siaanesele ~3 0 q 9 fot Li 7 (Rb ae ea ———___! | loz) 1 8 i Ste or } Ay ‘ No 6x34 -329 = Ie-ay —— aoa re It te 3 E Meua te nyo 42] x, 7 => Scanned with CamScanner Plager a OF, 3*[ hes i] = a42) 2 24 TOT ) ve ange. 183 & al 7 ; Creal: [ia of nog A CA fer [tay] Mase a= [hy 4 Minimax: theowr (“Fundorrental “theorem gare streors mi hon eo Fundamental theorem 0] Rectangular jaro : Ff mined sstrategion axe allowed ; hein ababays, exists & walise of the rire} je, Ve Aitarntve ctatemedl + 2a;-2y 120, yjz0 Hm, ran min FSV lay,yemin Mar 5S Vy lays) Whee Ya whercar ea ad ee ee ye Gn rears "y qive a1: The Ut tide relay that for sore gine Cqwem) 2 minimiag the sum wert ys Tha wraults tn o's storey ita, 0 yo | As selecl 2 60 that they value a maimum: tol: : ° Hof! the player A's problirn Mina, 2X Rad Rats ot Ken STC! Wy xy Van had © Aen hse! Mia Xt Nog Yat 4 Ving Ren Vin Rit Nonna = -4¥mn ken ZI Scanned with CamScanner STC yyy Prob: ¢ WENDY tM Ip 1 . Oomonance BY) + Van Vas: + Van, 21 — MoV t Vins Ya bec ay mond, et || 12, Ye>0. “Yado | Tt hat been seem tnak ng dual problem is Fierilan 0 tne rxoblerm obte se ied fo" the player 6 + But the duawe ‘ty theovern sakes that : TY ether te primal on ty, | tial pe © other problmr has a rik gia, oby' corr: element of other col. ie, wry 5 o-s e “4 5 ae 5 -3 2+ Coy {nm "tT pnaximin = minemax Saddle pt- = C3,1) Scanned with CamScanner w)-¢ Volar of te aprn’ Prob: of Playa A= (0,0,1,9) & Plager n=, 0, 0,0, ) Pommance penupe. e \ mn 430 + | cane Row sum na if tak r | Bot in Leage thant shove vow Ty 1b : ch eomplttety tom, cane). | a 2 \ 3|8 47 a | 4TJ[3e) > mim > \ * Me dominaing is cancetted ) ‘| (the whi # vem wiswm 15 1) wh) 1) arest mew wnat Row sum ne eu 19 Avty oth elem 9 [HT] > b op the mae a Svan of gamess- : Row sum 4 0 5 -3 3 * |fa ao ea ge Lb Scanned with CamScanner Bel fel 16 a DP aee, Value of the pre Ma bexe 2 4 | *tponent fo | the boos Prab 9 played = [45 , J fay a) ns togoyy | 2) Too eee AGB match point “Ty the coin match A wins | unit lus A the joi caine donot mates, uy 4 A ins) unit o * Optimum etratenie FValue: Debomine wy “Ol the playens® vate, fm gon | een Player B as | man | ; od Hana | | | Scanned with CamScanner @ Ve 2-2 =o % fob: Hoyt A> [Mo os] B=[h sh) D Ae Beach take our om on two Matcha & quuc how many emadche syponenb no abun: Ty oreo te Playou quar worvectty tum te looser how to pay Wim os vrang Re at the sum of Yhe aumbey hud by born plosert + Othowwise the poyouk vs eno Wpite down the fy Matta R obtarn the opterred shotgies of both ployeat - ‘el: 1B Row min | vel 2 o ° A 4 of wan Pleenes L___ alma 8 | minimax $ mornin od | 20 \4 \*h-Fs Vow =F = & | o + \ 2 | A>. 6 3 ‘ 3 pb PA #5, 15] oo 4 eS . 2 s 9 [7% ) Scanned with CamScanner 91Z) =) H \Shic, ' u Taking overage of fi 4 BY Pa kow sum OL mine 10 fs i I; is 3 me & la Le wm q e Lis aw |? aL : B Sie need fe Row 8 col opeatont anen'l posible aw Strakegte of Playen Bs W315, 44 2D) ! T w + . . 2 2 1,15) whih a OY Aknokegy. => 9 uw clemntnated t f [3 Xo 9g = j wel , 1s 4-1 GEO os of 8 pag Now HH becom: zh 4 Similarly | Tadley axunge 2s 7 ‘ BOB ef ptogenn (1 23) 4 . wth as es Reyes ten. ae wa ito wane «te oy om oe B gare = Ta. nue Ly “hth trom slog, y a. ¢ PT 1% e753) ,0 5 Scanned with CamScanner 3 cs eel) = a & Nat = ao dim = a |4 0 &| rs = a 42 > 2 3,34 41 (42,4) : bw we 6 a = 6% 2 34 Hoge of elagen : 24 | 4 0 of 1 paso ae G2 a Pet 9 pe 2 448 Plog n -(44 2 Y= (14) 2 (2, af 1 r6) ot UM | * 0 ae Silos : 3 af oo ne oad g @\%. * | 4) “he? Ys 2am 8 Value of es Axeton TOES fo Ye qd i , Prob > Phays A = (0 2, 2h 1%3) B= (0,0, 24, 1%) Scanned with CamScanner s ) pot Sea Baal | & a GD, Cs,0) Scanned with CamScanner pe Nath Vea /q, Scanned with CamScanner Row min ! I! Colm ° 6 Mone mrinimun of marimnin. Scanned with CamScanner Prob te ato = 08. a -l = : neat a +AKB = Uso Onan’ et e Pro: Player =| Yh 30,14) | Be € 25 Mz, 0). Scanned with CamScanner eT) Scanned with CamScanner mane Gets OY Unaphicad mated Com me, 2 0b) . 64 Gener 6 ainimor > 3 omatimin $ minimax » Garme has no saddle pk - Pgarm hor mind shategy - Row eve Use dominant. 4 4 fwrthin reduction of Hous & mot possible by dorniinance principle . ‘The given 4x2 gore com be solved using Graphical method Prayer B 6(y) + EOO-% 2 BY a) NraCi-y) = 3-29 3 BY 4 1-¥e aya | it SY 14 26r-1 Scanned with CamScanner 4 Chet boundan= + * Take min a e 3 "hE 80.5 mea a oc ted bi baal i | F304 Take only ‘eld ° Bit» same slpe re 3 i Vs. a ~7. B The. maxirmon Moundory Of try gam sop which Buthe min point... At Rm: 3 Wn 2, 3,4. intersect Of which 2 RA cone feed slope % wonder 8x2 qane with entries Covresperding fm 2214s weg 3 gL tal mae Scanned with CamScanner une O° Li, B n : amin Oberses minieron = Yo: Saddle pt = ira | ony © : u Ome clone | oe ) a3 & @ Buthe intersect © LaLa) -3t1-¥924-5] wf java tU-= Yad al slope - | ephrer Maxinum bound wat 6—5 ak whith min dat F° Wer Scanned with CamScanner 2y +7079) > osy4n a1 es» a 2ies WY 4 201-y9 TAyen " » o> ao 0 o Scanned with CamScanner y 4 \ 42% Paes FE 2 " 4 & 2 £ 7 = mh ye ta TS Pa 4 Oe #029) wns waresy =-bYH10") ; +BY 2 ay-s F 3 |-y-2u-p 3] el - ye 72 | 21st, el 5 Tyte(i-y> 4 YEG wast 6 5 be 3 2 ° Scanned with CamScanner 1-343Ys4y 3 BYESUY = 8159462 ay ge TYFEUINYD = Vey ees ayy) AYECYD= By +1 SDV +20 17- ay eave on oe bo © Scanned with CamScanner ayy ajo y 4 & Race é a 5 Take aeonaing fo opiestom » AIS a fos SY-AUW)2 BY F4y m4 2 TY Dv 4 S(I-y)=241- 89 FS = BYES Scanned with CamScanner cd of solve. ; “g aem GOTH bY QHaPhical mettrecl by graphical method , SAO Gay Tg, 3 Tass ae) + Scanned with CamScanner 34 4)4 4/1 1-3 fa [ue #* MW Ah “ey eB Ka te annie) " qe +5 sr tati-w vi -naants Ae( Mi MW) BOM Au ba-to 14 2 es oak Scanned with CamScanner Ve6xE + leg. te ya "(Flas Alia 1B (Un ssp.) — Blea) maim a Ae Se ° Santen 2 -343q-Seqop | ef Pass. | 4a) te ke aes Scanned with CamScanner vz 248-304 -3 5 \4 4le 1 aes 7 OS : Ve Sho _ “(ES 10) 8°( har ths) 4a - ae Bethe Bante a BL hy =3 a}a. Jam n *( Ay Mp2) Be (Mla). Scanned with CamScanner Yan g ames ae © 5) Gina 1) UEC matsa method fo solve a game whose % Pott rad, é i wt «LE os a3 Tw SID Finst observe tnat tie motu has no sadelle point * 40? | 2) The conden the following three 2x2 sqyare submatrices. opt ms] ols) eis] | i i Vee 3) Now Stantery with Subratrz B, we compuk try following y - 2 je) Here 11> =15 ; o se at e adjas adj a Ss -S er [eG] aed? [8-5] sol) Her, Thus we get, 427 tas{B)> (1,1) [ 2 il = (0, ~3) 42" Coa} = cry [LE “FS ) ecu “6 3 © a> uF ladje) ug = to, O17 = -3 4) Substituting above value in the forrnula, We get, ) AeuT aapiey Fd (e392 0) 4 "= ust (aaj BT sb bya = (% 7) a 5) Now 4a+ the soln (20,40) for optimaihy by Cheokean Elie.) = o¢ tix $84 O79 =S7V , EC Xs ,t2)> On 641 x540n325°9 “he vase ECE yo) = Y aie eyo) = (84 3-+(24) SEE ¥0= Chysaeznsesn Ta : 3 A ¢ Ve Mauls show that the Cumunt (vs%0 Yo) 4 an ddmissibe 2 3 tol». ®) Net 3 au Mepeak steps 3. te 5 starting Lolth the submataes Ct UA tH odemiss ste solm. vs, a. “ee » 2 FT Bl01 0,4 3 =7 4 34) bere Again spect Skps 3S stantiad oa 7 With the submatyrp to Ve ane SN INE iste alm, vagy ; = : YTS 97 = (34 014) 147 > (ys) a - Ay (Ws Scanned with CamScanner O51) check. , 41540237570 x94 Bn3esY 5 4 an admis . me © =( 5,24) mabre? ® tT wr rge7 7 a 8) many» we ePsewe trae te given Probie 1) "= 6010) 5 Yo = (Ms 2/4) ves aT. ‘Tus tre column ployer hou unique ou Ves gel? (Ias4/3) whe the sow phaser optim ot stnategics given by the Line Qi combinara HoT = Moy, 0) 4-99 (34, PMs) sok ye1 at gyn vse._maknta trod. 0 so the game whole payott mate i wot) Here ee — fir -po 33 ; [3 Be 2 10 tl) Hou, we find trot, adj As [7 -3 04 le give the admi ssbte 6 & -3 | soln QT os 2: 0! = (5) 3.9)5 Y= (Use Ie) ov Te G obsaved that nine 2x 2° submataicns Of A ane postible fuk only ome of them, 3+] 3 3) 100s’ eur) ‘aololr honed 2s adenssble soln: moT= (4%) 409 =( 84h) Val ‘thus hore the sow player hat @ unique optimal cheteg y ‘, *,0) While te col plage has injinit optimum stratrey fim by Yo = A (Msi Flory) #U-A) (4%, V3), DE 9e) “the value of game. 41° ‘ eae Byre- Ye beat | 6 3 5 43 . 5, a YoIry. 3 3+6Y 3 4 Rigs . ‘ Shing iinbiageck 2 ene with tame shpes 3 6 bE 3\3|2 4 PE Mtag oe al Ls 4 re 2 aq ; (71%) (7a) ° Scanned with CamScanner

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