Homology and Analogy Webquest

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Understanding Evolution: Homology and

Go to my website for the link or if you’re brave, type the url below.
1. a) In the image, which pair represents an analogy and which a homology?
The two women on the left represent homology and the men on the left analogy.

traits inherited by two different organisms from a common ancestor

b) Define homology: ______________________________________________________

similarity of two structures that have different origins.

c) Define analogy: ________________________________________________________

The tale of the limb

Click on the limbs that are not like the others.

a four-footed animal
2. What is a tetrapod? ______________________________________________________

3. What are the six bones found in all tetrapod legs?

__________________ Radius
____________________ Carpals

Metacarpals Ulna
____________________ Phalanges

4. Identify these limbs (to what animal do they belong)?



Inheriting homologies
5. What did the common ancestor of all modern tetrapods look like? (Draw or describe)
It had limbs with one long bone, attached to two other long bones with a branching series of small bones
on the end.

Homologies are everywhere

6. Read the page and then click the link on the green sidebar on the right: “not just
anatomy” - How are a bird and a crocodile homologous? Then close the window and

The bird and crocodile are homologous because they both descended from an ancient flying
ancestor or an ancient reptile

Not all similarity is homology

7. Similar structures that evolved independently are called ________________________.

8. a) What is the difference between a marsupial and a placental?

A marsupial raises its offspring inside a pouch at the on or under their bodies and a placental

animal raises/grows its offspring completely inside of a placenta which is inside of them

essentially a saber toothed big cat

b) What is Smilodon? ______________________________________________________

A genus of the saber toothed big cat

c) What is Thylacosmilus? __________________________________________________

How do analogies evolve?

9. Describe how two unrelated flowers could evolve to have a similar appearance.

They could have both come from the same ancient leaf/flower and over time they each just
evolved to adapt to the surrounding area they were in.

Homology or analogy?
10. Are similarities between sharks and dophins homologous or analogous? ___________

Studying homologies and analogies

11. What is morphology? (click on morphological link)

the branch of biology that deals with the form of living organisms and with relationships between their
12. What three criteria are used to determine whether something is a homology or
same basic structure same/similar features

same development

Using homologies to reconstruct relationships

13. Fill in the blanks of the primate tree.

panda chimpanzee human gorilla

Common Ancestor

Test your understanding

14. Considering all of the evidence, are the "wings" (actually flaps of skin stretched
between the legs) of sugar gliders and flying squirrels homologous or analogous
structures? Explain why you would conclude this.
They are analogous because squirrels and sugar gliders are so similar in appearance they had
to have come from an ancient ancestor


Green Sidebar Link: Click on examples of homology.

15) How are a venus fly trap and a pitcher plant homologous?

they both once had 'normal' leaves and then over time they each adapted to
what they needed and their surroundings and formed new ways to feed themselves and survive.
16) How does the bower bird show how inherited behaviors show homology and
common ancestry?
you can see in the similarities between it currently and then its ancestor.


17) What does the Pax-6 gene tell us about humans, flies, and birds?

that they had once potentially come from a similar ancient ancestor many years ago with the
similar gene.

18) What is artificial selection?

its when humans take specific or the strongest traits of a plant or animal and keep breeding it
so that the end result is a superior plant/animal.

19) How does studying the development of jaw and ear bones in mammals and lizards
show how they have a common ancestor?

Studying it helps us to further understand how exactly these animals were once related and
how they may very well change again in the future and or regain some of their ancestors old


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