Size Dependences of Magnetic Properties and Switching Behavior in FePt L1o Nano Particles

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PHYSICAL REVIEW B 67, 094422 共2003兲

Size dependences of magnetic properties and switching behavior in FePt L1 0 nanoparticles

S. Okamoto,* O. Kitakami, N. Kikuchi, T. Miyazaki, and Y. Shimada
Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials, Tohoku University, Sendai 980-8577, Japan

Y. K. Takahashi
National Institute for Materials Science, 1-2-1 Sengen, Tsukuba 305-0047, Japan
共Received 26 August 2002; revised manuscript received 18 November 2002; published 26 March 2003兲
We have prepared epitaxial FePt L1 0 共001兲 nanoparticles covered with Ag and Pt overlayers and investigated
their magnetic behaviors by means of anomalous Hall resistance measurements. The particle shapes are thin
oblate spheroids with the aspect ratio 共height/diameter兲 of 1/5. The size is ranging from 1 to 2.5 nm in height
and from 5 to 30 nm in diameter. FePt L1 0 nanoparticles show extremely large coercivity H c of about 70 kOe
at 10 K, which is close to the anisotropy field H k of highly ordered FePt L1 0 . This verifies that the very strong
magnetic anisotropy K u of FePt L1 0 remains even in the size of several atomic layers along the c axis. For a
particle diameter of D m ⬍20 nm, all the magnetic properties, such as the angular dependence of irreversible
switching field, the magnitude of H c , and their temperature dependence, are fully explained by the coherent
rotation model, taking the thermal relaxation into account. Although both Ag- and Pt-coated particles follow
the coherent rotation model, the latter always exhibits smaller H c than the former. Such a decrease in H c can
be explained by assuming an enhancement of the effective magnetic moment caused by ferromagnetic polar-
ization of Pt atoms at the Pt/FePt interface. As the particle size D m exceeds 20 nm, the magnetic behaviors
deviate from the ideal coherent rotation model, suggesting that the magnetization reversal mode changes from
coherent to incoherent rotation. The critical diameter D m ⬃20 nm at which the reversal mode changes is in
good agreement with the critical diameter predicted by the micromagnetic theory.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.67.094422 PACS number共s兲: 75.30.Gw, 75.50.Bb, 75.50.Tt, 75.50.Vv

I. INTRODUCTION in some cases, is strong enough to alter the magnetic behav-

ior of nanoparticles.14,15
Single-domain nanoparticles are of great interest from the In order to clarify the magnetic behavior of FePt L1 0 in
standpoint of high-density magnetic recording technology. In the nanoscale region avoiding the above experimental diffi-
order to attain both high signal-to-noise ratio and thermal culties, preparation of perfectly aligned FePt L1 0 nanopar-
stability of the media, noninteracting or very weakly inter- ticles that are free from any variant domains is essential.
acting nanoparticles with high magnetic anisotropy energy Recently, we have reported high-quality FePt L1 0 共001兲
K u are indispensable.1 Equiatomic FePt L1 0 particles are the films epitaxially grown on MgO 共100兲 with no variant
most promising ones, since their K u of 5 – 8⫻107 erg/cm3 domains.3 In this study, we have successfully prepared per-
共Refs. 2 and 3兲 is one order of magnitude higher than those fectly aligned single-crystal FePt L1 0 共001兲 nanoparticles by
of the currently used CoCr-based alloys.4,5 There have been a decreasing the nominal film thickness to less than 3 nm. The
surface effect of FePt L1 0 is explored by coating with dif-
number of attempts to fabricate granular films and island
ferent noble metals 共Pt and Ag兲. Since Pt in contact with
structures consisting of FePt L1 0 particles.6 –10 In spite of
ferromagnetic material is polarized and thus gives large mag-
these efforts, in most cases, the coercivity H c of these
netic interface anisotropy,16,17 whereas Ag is hardly
samples is 10–20 kOe, which is much smaller than the ex- polarized,16 it can be expected that these two overlayers give
pected anisotropy field H k of about 100 kOe for single- different surface effects.
domain FePt L1 0 particles, and, furthermore, little study has In the present work, we investigate the magnetic proper-
been done on the fundamental magnetic properties and ties of single-crystal FePt L1 0 共001兲 nanoparticles with vari-
switching behavior of FePt L1 0 nanoparticles. The reason is ous sizes and different coating layers. It is revealed that very
that random orientation of the c-axis and/or three-variant large magnetic anisotropy of FePt L1 0 remains even in the
crystal domains in each FePt L1 0 particle is frequently ob- dimension of several atomic layers along the c axis, and their
served and makes the analyses of their magnetic behavior magnetic switching is fully described by the coherent rota-
very difficult.10 In addition to these experimental difficulties, tion model. Moreover, we will point out the significant
reduction of particle size into the nanoscale region may change of coercivity due to the existence of a Pt overlayer.
cause complex magnetic behavior of FePt L1 0 , because the
magnetic anisotropy of FePt L1 0 originates from the long- II. EXPERIMENTS
range ordering of alternatively stacked Fe and Pt layers along
the c axis.11,12 It is eventually affected by reduction of the FePt was directly deposited on MgO 共100兲 single crystal
dimension along the c axis to several atomic layers.13 More- substrate by dc magnetron sputtering. The substrate tempera-
over, the surface effect should be also considered for the ture T s and the Ar pressure P Ar during sputtering were fixed,
nanoparticles. The magnetic surface or interface anisotropy, respectively, at 973 K and 10 mTorr, yielding highly ordered

0163-1829/2003/67共9兲/094422共7兲/$20.00 67 094422-1 ©2003 The American Physical Society

S. OKAMOTO et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 67, 094422 共2003兲

FIG. 2. Cross-sectional lattice image for the 4-nm-thick Pt-

coated FePt particles with nominal deposition thickness d of 1 nm.

following log-normal distribution function 共the solid line in

the figure兲:
FIG. 1. Representative RHEED pattern taken along MgO 关110兴

再 冋 冉 冊册 冎
共a兲 and AFM image 共b兲 of FePt particles with nominal deposition 2
thickness d of 1 nm. 共c兲 is an illustration of the diffraction spots of 1 D 1
f 共 D 兲⫽ exp ⫺ ln , 共1兲
L1 0 共001兲 along 关110兴. The solid and open circles in 共c兲 indicate the D 冑2 ␲␴ 2 Dm 2␴2
fundamental and superlattice spots from the 共hkl兲 plane. 共d兲 is the
particle size distribution of 共a兲. The solid curve in 共d兲 is the best where D is the particle diameter, D m is the mean diameter,
fitting by Eq. 共1兲. and ␴ is the dispersion. The mean particle height h m was
evaluated from the crystalline coherence length of FePt L1 0
epitaxial FePt L1 0 共001兲 with no variant domains.3 The 共001兲 diffractions that were measured using a very narrow
nominal deposition thickness d of FePt was varied from 0.5 parallel beam through a 1/8° slit.19 In general, grain bound-
to 3 nm with the fixed deposition rate of 2.4 nm/min. In such aries, lattice imperfections, and/or nonuniform strain in a
an ultrathin region, FePt nanoparticles are isolated from each crystal broaden diffraction peaks, resulting in underestima-
other, and their size is well controlled by adjusting the nomi- tion of the crystal size. However, as verified by the cross-
nal thickness d. Isolation of the particles was confirmed by sectional lattice image in Fig. 2, perfect crystalline coher-
atomic force microscopy 共AFM兲, transmission electron mi- ency is confirmed in our samples with very small inclusion
croscopy 共TEM兲, and electrical resistivity measurements. Af- of dislocations. One may say that the lattice misfit at the
ter cooling the samples to room temperature, a 4-nm-thick Pt interface of FePt/MgO 共misfit ⬃9%兲 gives rise to a nonuni-
or a Ag overlayer was deposited as a coating layer. These form strain distribution along the film normal. However,
overlayers also work as electrodes for the anomalous Hall such a strain distribution due to the lattice misfit is estimated
effect 共AHE兲 measurement. The very high sensitivity of the to broaden the FePt L1 0 共001兲 diffraction only by ⬃5%.20
AHE makes it possible to measure accurately the vertical Thus the mean particle height h m determined from the crys-
magnetization component of FePt nanoparticles.18 The AHE talline coherence length is reliable for the present samples.
measurements were carried out using a four-probe ac resis- Figure 3 plots D m and h m as functions of d. Over the whole
tance bridge at 980 Hz with a very low bias current of 10 thickness range examined in the present study, D m is propor-
␮A. The crystal structure and its orientation were identified tional to d as D m ⬃10d and h m is also proportional as h m
by reflection high-energy electron diffraction 共RHEED兲 and ⬃2d for nominal thickness d up to 2 nm. For d⬎2 nm, h m
x-ray diffractometry 共XRD兲. tends to be saturated, suggesting coalescence of the particles.
Thus the aspect ratio (⫽h m /D m ) remains to be 1/5 and the
particle volume is proportional to d 3 in the range of d
Figure 4 shows vertical AHE magnetization curves at 10
Figures 1共a兲 and 1共b兲 are a representative RHEED pattern and 300 K for FePt L1 0 共001兲 particles covered with Pt or
and an AFM image of FePt particles with nominal deposition Ag overlayer. The shape of all the magnetization curves at
thickness of d⫽1 nm, showing epitaxial growth of nanoscale low temperature is very similar to that of the two-
FePt particles. As depicted in Fig. 1共c兲, very strong superlat- dimensional assembly of noninteracting particles with verti-
tice diffractions, such as 003, 112, and so on, are clearly cal magnetic anisotropy.21 Note in Fig. 4 that the coercivity
observed, indicating that the crystal structure of the FePt H c for the Ag-coated samples with d⬎0.5 nm reaches 70
nanoparticles is highly ordered L1 0 共001兲. The particle size kOe at 10 K, which is close to the anisotropy field H k
distribution f (D) in Fig. 1共d兲 can be fitted very well by the (⫽2K u /M s , where K u is the uniaxial anisotropy constant


FIG. 3. Mean particle diameter D m and mean height h m of FePt

particle arrays as a function of the nominal deposition thickness d.
Solid and dashed lines indicate the linear fitting of D m and h m as
guides to the eye.

and M s is the saturation magnetization兲 of the highly ordered

FePt L1 0 single-crystal films.3 The coercivity monotonically
decreases with temperature due to a decrease in K u and ther-
mal agitation. Compared with Ag overlayers, Pt overlayers
give rise to different magnetic behaviors of FePt nanopar-
ticles. The most notable changes are much smaller H c even
at 10 K and a rapid decrease with reduction of the nominal
thickness d. In addition, as shown in Fig. 4, the slope of the
magnetization curves slightly increases compared with that FIG. 5. Temperature-dependent coercivity H c of FePt particle
arrays covered with 共a兲 Pt and 共b兲 Ag overlayers for various nomi-
of Ag-coated samples.
nal deposition thicknesses d. Solid curves are the best fitting by
In Figs. 5共a兲 and 5共b兲, the coercivity H c of FePt particles
using Eqs. 共3兲–共6兲.
covered with Pt or Ag overlayer is plotted as a function of
temperature T. For both kinds of overlayers, H c decays more
rapidly with T as the thickness d decreases. Note that the normal. Figure 6 shows the angular dependences of h r ( ␪ H )
Ag-coated samples exhibit higher H c than the Pt-coated ⫽Hr(␪H)/Hk at 10 K for Ag- or Pt-coated FePt L1 0 共001兲
ones, and all values of H c converge to 60–70 kOe at T nanoparticles with d⫽1 nm. The dashed line in this figure
⫽10 K. This result clearly indicates that magnetic anisot- shows the relation
ropy K u as high as bulk FePt L1 0 remains even in particles
consisting of several atomic layers along the c axis. In con-
trast, H c for the Pt-coated samples decreases monotonically
with the reduction of thickness d even at 10 K. We measured
the angular dependence of the remanent magnetization
curves and determined the irreversible switching field H r as
a function of the field direction ␪ H with respect to the film

FIG. 6. Angular dependence of the irreversible switching field

h r ( ␪ H ) of FePt particle arrays with Pt 共solid circles兲 and Ag 共open
circles兲 overlayers for nominal deposition thickness d⫽1 nm. Solid
FIG. 4. Magnetization curves obtained by anomalous Hall resis- and dashed curves indicate the theoretical switching field h r given
tance measurements for the FePt particle arrays covered with Pt and by the SW model with and without a c-axis distribution of ⌬ ␪ 50
Ag overlayers. ⫽6°, respectively.

S. OKAMOTO et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 67, 094422 共2003兲

h r 共 ␪ H 兲 ⫽ 共 cos2/3 ␪ H ⫹sin2/3 ␪ H 兲 ⫺3/2, 共2兲

of the Stoner-Wohlfarth 共SW兲 model.22 Since our epitaxial
FePt L1 0 共001兲 particles have a small dispersion of c axis
that is evaluated to be ⌬ ␪ 50⫽6° 关full width at half maximum
of the 共001兲 rocking curve兴, probably due to the large misfit
at the interface of FePt/MgO. Therefore, h r ( ␪ H ) in Eq. 共2兲 is
integrated over the solid angle using a Gaussian distribution
with c-axis dispersion of ⌬ ␪ 50⫽6°. This c-axis dispersion
causes a slight decrease of h r at around ␪ H ⫽0° and 90° as
shown by the solid line in Fig. 6. Here h r (0) in this figure is
adjusted to the calculated value of 0.82. Note that h r for
Ag-coated particles agrees very well with the SW model.
This good agreement remains up to the nominal thickness
d⫽2 nm, suggesting that each FePt L1 0 共001兲 nanoparticle
in the Ag-coated samples behaves as a SW magnet. For d FIG. 7. Replotting of H k (0) by the best fitting in Figs. 5共a兲 and
⬎2 nm, however, the angular dependence of h r tends to de- 5共b兲 as a function of the nominal deposition thickness d. Solid and
viate from the SW model. On the other hand, h r for the open circles are for the Pt- and Ag-coated FePt particle arrays,
Pt-coated particles exhibits a slight deviation from the ideal respectively. Solid lines are guides to the eye. The dashed line is the
SW model even for d⭐2 nm, and then the deviation be- calculated anisotropy field H k assuming K u ⫽6.2⫻107 erg/cm3 and
comes larger for d⬎2 nm. ⌬M ⫽6.6⫻10⫺5 emu/cm2 .
Now let us evaluate the anisotropy field H k and the acti-
vation energy E b of FePt L1 0 共001兲 nanoparticles by analyz- where ␥ 0 is the gyromagnetic constant. Using Eq. 共4兲 and
ing the temperature dependences of H c presented in Figs. H k ⫽2K eff
u /M s , Eq. 共6a兲 can be rewritten as
5共a兲 and 5共b兲. Based on the Arrenius-Néel law23 and SW
model, Sharrock24 and Pfeiffer25 formulated the temperature
dependence of H c for noninteracting particles under a static
f 0共 T 兲 ⫽ 冑 E b共 T 兲
␥ H 共 T 兲.
␲ k BT 0 k
reverse field H. However, the usual H c measurements in-
From Eqs. 共3兲–共6兲, we can calculate H c (T) as a function of
volve a continuous change of field with time. Therefore, we
temperature if H k (T) and E b (T) are known. Since we al-
adopt the following relation rigorously derived by El-Hilo
ready know the temperature dependence of M s and K u of
et al.,26 which takes a continuous change of field into ac-
FePt L1 0 single crystal,3 the data in Fig. 5 can be fitted only
count by integrating the reversal probability27 from H⫽0 to
by optimizing two parameters H k (0) and E b (0). The solid
Hc :
curves in Figs. 5共a兲 and 5共b兲 are the best fittings of Eqs.

再 冑 冉 冊冎
共3兲–共6兲 by adjusting the two parameters. Note that the fit-
k BT k B TH k 共 T 兲 f 0
H c 共 T 兲 ⫽ ␩ H k 共 T 兲 1⫺ ln , tings successfully reproduce the experiments for the whole
E b共 T 兲 2E b 共 T 兲 R temperature range. The values of H k (0) and E b (0) from the
共3兲 best fitting are plotted in Figs. 7 and 8, respectively. The
where k B is the Boltzmann constant, R is the sweep rate of H k (0) of the Ag-coated samples is almost constant with
external field, and E b (T) is the activation energy for magne-
tization reversal at zero field, respectively. ␩ is a coefficient
determined by the dispersion of easy axis. From the calcula-
tion shown in Fig. 6, ␩ is 0.82 for our samples, which have
a c-axis dispersion of ⌬ ␪ 50⫽6°. The activation energy E b
can be expressed as

E b 共 T 兲 ⫽K eff
u 共 T 兲Vm , 共4兲

where V m is the mean particle volume and K eff u (T) is the

effective uniaxial anisotropy energy including the demagne-
tization energy expressed as

u 共 T 兲 ⫽K u 共 T 兲 ⫺2 ␲ N d M s 共 T 兲 ,
K eff 共5兲

where N d is the demagnetization factor of the particle. The

FIG. 8. Replotting of E b (0) by the best fitting in Figs. 5共a兲 and
attempt frequency f 0 in Eq. 共3兲 is expressed as26,27
5共b兲 as a function of the nominal deposition thickness d. Solid and

open circles are for the Pt- and Ag-coated FePt particle arrays,
M s共 T 兲 V m respectively. The dashed curve is the best fitting assuming propor-
f 0共 T 兲 ⫽ ␥ „H 共 T 兲 …3/2, 共6a兲
2 ␲ k BT 0 k tionality of E b (0) with d 3 .


about 90 kOe for the nominal thickness ⭐2 nm, and substi- smaller than that for the Ag-coated samples and decreases
tuting M s (0)⫽1250 emu/cm3 共Ref. 3兲 into K eff u (0) monotonically with the reduction of the nominal thickness d.
⫽(1/2)M s (0)H k (0), K eff u (0) is evaluated to be 5.6⫾0.5 The evaluated H k (0) in Fig. 7 also exhibits the same manner.
⫻107 erg/cm3 . From Eq. 共5兲, the intrinsic anisotropy con- One may say the effective anisotropy is decreased due to
stant K u (0) is determined to be 6.2⫾0.5⫻107 erg/cm3 . This presence of the interface anisotropy at the FePt/Pt interface.
value of K u (0) is almost same for the fully ordered FePt L1 0 In order to explain the reduction of H k (0), however, we
single crystal.3 In contrast, the Pt-coated samples exhibit have to assume an extremely large interface anisotropy of
smaller H k (0) and it decreases very rapidly with the de- 2–3 erg/cm2, which is one order of magnitude higher than
crease of the nominal thickness d. In spite of these different that commonly observed in 共Fe, Co兲/Pt multilayers.29–31 Fur-
behaviors of H k (0), E b (0) is almost the same both for Ag- ther, the sign of the interface anisotropy in this case should
and Pt-coated samples, and it should be noted that E b (0) is be negative, which is also contrary to the positive interface
in proportion to d 3 up to d⬍2 nm, as shown in Fig. 8. The anisotropy for 共Fe, Co兲/Pt multilayers. It should be recalled
dashed line in the figure is the best fitting of E b (0)⫽3.7 here that the activation energy E b (0)⫽K eff
u (0) V m is almost
⫻10⫺12d 3 erg/nm3 in the range of d⬍2 nm. Since the vol- the same for both Ag- and Pt-coated samples as seen in Fig.
ume V m of the FePt particle is proportional to d 3 as men- 8, indicating that K eff
u (0) is essentially independent of the
tioned before, the above relation is reasonable. The validity overlayer material. Therefore, we conclude that the interface
of the relation given by the fitting in Fig. 8 can be confirmed anisotropy is negligible in our samples. Here we pay atten-
as follows. Under the approximation of the particle shape to tion to the possibility that Pt atoms in contact with FePt are
be a half oblate spheroid, V m can be evaluated as V m ferromagnetically polarized due to the proximity effect,32,33
⬃ 12 (4 ␲ /3)(D m /2) 2 h m ⬃(100/3) ␲ d 3 using the relations of giving rise to an enhancement of the effective magnetic mo-
D m ⬃10d and h m ⬃2d in Fig. 3. Substituting this V m and ment. Thus the effective moment M seff is
u ⫽5.6⫻10 erg/cm
K eff into Eq. 共4兲, we obtain E b (0)
7 3
⫺12 3
⫽K u (0)Vm⬃5.9⫻10 d erg/nm3 . This estimation of
eff M seffV m ⫽M s V m ⫹⌬M S m , 共8兲
E b (0) is in fairly good agreement with the best fitting
where ⌬M is the induced moment per unit interface area and
in Fig. 8.
S m is the mean interface area. From Fig. 3, we assume the
FePt particle shape to be an oblate spheroid with aspect ratio
of 1/5. Using the value of K u (0)⫽6.2⫻107 erg/cm3 , the
The magnetic anisotropy of FePt L1 0 共001兲 nanoparticles thickness dependence of H k (0) is perfectly reproduced by
is as high as the fully ordered single crystal and is invariant assuming ⌬M ⫽6.6⫻10⫺5 emu/cm2 at 0 K, as depicted by
even in the dimension of several atomic layers along the c the dashed line in Fig. 7. This good agreement implies that
axis. All the magnetic behaviors of the Ag-coated FePt L1 0 the induced Pt moment is the main reason for the significant
共001兲 nanoparticles with d⬍2 nm can be completely de- reduction of H k (0), and K u (0) is unchanged in the Pt-coated
scribed with the SW model, as confirmed by the angular samples. It is reported that the induced moment of Pt in
dependence of H r in Fig. 6 and coercivity analysis in Fig. 5 contact with Fe is 0.5␮ B /atom and nearly constant with Pt
by Eqs. 共3兲–共6兲 derived from the SW model. For d⭓2 nm, thickness up to 1 nm,33 giving ⌬M ⭓3⫻10⫺5 emu/cm2 at
however, we note in Figs. 7 and 8 that H k (0) decreases and 300 K. Moreover, the same order of induced moment has
E b (0) saturates, probably due to change of the magnetization been observed in Pd/Co (⬃2⫻10⫺5 emu/cm2 at 300 K兲
reversal mode at d⬃2 nm (D m ⬃20 nm). This is also sug- 共Refs. 34 –36兲 and Pd/NiO multilayer (⬃1⫻10⫺4 emu/cm2
gested by the slight deviation of h r from the SW model for at 4.2 K兲 共Ref. 37兲. Even though our assumption of ⌬M
d⬎2 nm as mentioned before. According to the micromag- ⫽6.6⫻10⫺5 emu/cm2 at 0 K is reasonable in comparison
netic theory by Aharoni,28 the magnetization reversal mode with the values previously reported, contradicted results have
changes from coherent to incoherent rotation 共curling兲 when been also reported that the induced moment of Pt on Fe or
the particle diameter D m exceeds the critical diameter D c Co decays exponentially within a very small Pt thickness
given by range of 1 nm,38 – 40 giving a much smaller ⌬M . We have to
point out the possibility that H k (0) for the Pt-coated samples

D c⫽
冑 2A
, 共7兲
in Fig. 8 is somewhat underestimated due to a slight devia-
tion of the switching behavior from the ideal SW model. This
is seen in the little deviation of the angular dependence of h r
where q is the geometrical factor ranging from 2.0816 for a from the SW model as seen in Fig. 6 and the larger slope of
sphere to 2.115 for an infinite sheet,28 A is the exchange the vertical magnetization curves as in Fig. 4. These results
stiffness constant, and N x is the demagnetizing factor along would be attributed to a weak exchange coupling between
the long axis of an oblate spheroid. Substitution of M s neighboring FePt nanoparticles through polarized Pt atoms
⫽1250 emu/cm3 and A⫽1⫻10⫺6 erg/cm 共Ref. 3兲 into Eq. near the Pt/FePt interface. In fact, several micromagnetic and
共8兲 gives D c ⬃38 nm, which is comparable to D m ⬃20 nm at analytical calculations suggest similar features due to weak
d⫽2 nm in Fig. 2. exchange coupling between grains.21,41,42 However, the va-
For the Pt-coated samples, some of different magnetic be- lidity of our coercivity analysis by Eqs. 共3兲–共6兲 for the Pt-
haviors compared with the Ag-coated ones are observed. A coated samples was checked by modifying H k in Eq. 共3兲 and
most notable change is that, as seen in Fig. 5, H c is always very little change of E b (0) was confirmed. Thus, although it

S. OKAMOTO et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 67, 094422 共2003兲

is likely that H k (0) is somewhat underestimated due to a tation. For the Pt-coated samples, in spite of little deviation
weak exchange coupling between FePt nanoparticles, the from the ideal SW model, the magnetic behaviors for d
above discussions remain essentially unchanged. ⬍2 nm can be also understood within the framework of the
SW model by taking Pt polarization into account. The most
V. CONCLUSION notable effect of Pt coating is an appreciable reduction of the
coercivity of FePt particles, although the activation energy of
We have prepared single-crystal FePt L1 0 共001兲 nanopar- magnetization reversals remains unchanged. These results
ticles grown on MgO 共100兲. The particles have the shape of suggest that enhancement of the effective magnetic moment
thin oblate spheroids with aspect ratio 共height/diameter兲 of due to Pt polarization at the Pt/FePt interface reduces the
about 1/5 and the mean diameter D m ranging from 5 to 30 effective anisotropy field, while the magnetic anisotropy is
nm. FePt L1 0 nanoparticles exhibit an extremely large coer- unchanged.
civity of 70 kOe at 10 K, which is close to the anisotropy
field of the highly ordered FePt L1 0 . This is a good evidence
that the very high magnetic anisotropy of FePt remains even
in the dimension of several atomic layers along the c axis of
the L1 0 phase. All the magnetic properties, such as the an- The present work has been supported by Industrial Tech-
gular dependence of the irreversible switching field, the mag- nology Research Grant Program in 02 from NEDO of Japan,
nitude of H c , and the activation energy for the magnetization the Grant-in-Aid of the Japan Society for the Promotion of
reversal, for the Ag-coated FePt nanoparticles with D m Science, 21st Information Center at Tohoku University, and
⬍20 nm can be fully described by the coherent rotation the Storage Research Consortium in Japan. The authors wish
model, while for D m ⭓20 nm the magnetic behaviors deviate to express gratitude to Dr. K. Hono at NIMS for TEM ob-
from the coherent rotation model, indicating a change of the servations, and Y. T. acknowledges support of the Japan So-
magnetization reversal mode from coherent to incoherent ro- ciety for the Promotion of Science.

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