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argv = ['libubt'; '--vfs-kind'; 'guest-first'; '--path-prefix';

'/data/user/0/com.eltechs.ed/files/image'; '--vpaths-list';
'/data/user/0/com.eltechs.ed/files/image/.exagear/vpaths-list'; '-f';
'/opt/recipe/run/'; '--fork-controller'; 'ua:.exagear-tracker-app12'; '--
ipc-emul-server'; 'ua:com.eltechs.ed'; '--tmp-dir';
'/data/user/0/com.eltechs.ed/files/image/.exagear/tmp'; '--vfs-
hacks=tlsasws,tsi,spd,'; '--socket-path-suffix'; 'ed'; '--ubt-executable';
arm/'; '--ubt-loader';
arm/'; '--'; '/opt/recipe/run/'; 'eval "wine explorer
/desktop=shell,800x600 /opt/exec_wrapper.exe /opt/TFM.exe D:/"'; ]
envp = ['HOME=/home/xdroid/'; 'WINEPREFIX=/home/xdroid/.wine'; 'LC_ALL=es_ES.utf8';
'DISPLAY=:12'; 'AXS_SOUND_SERVER_PORT=/tmp/.sound/AS12';
'AXS_DSOUND_SERVER_PORT=/tmp/.sound/DS12'; ]
cwd = '/storage/emulated/0/Download'

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