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Carlos: Hey Marcelo, I’m seeing Andrea and Tatiana in the park
Marcelo: Yes, there they are, let’s go Carlos
Carlos: Ok
Marcelo: Hi Tatiana and Andrea, Did you think about the place where will we travel?
Tatiana: Yes, we have 2 ideas, we could go to Villa Tunari or Copacabana
Carlos: What interesting thinks will we do in those places?
Andrea: In Copacabana we are going to eat fish and navigate in a boat around the
Titicaca Lake and we will visit the Sun’s Island
Tatiana: Also, I would like to go to Villa Tunari because we will do many funny activities
for example we will rowing in a river and we will visit the park Isobore where we will
find extreme games.
Carlos: Those places sound interesting and then I would like to go to Copacabana,
Marcelo and you?
Marcelo: I would like to go to Copacabana too
Andrea: I already visited Villa Tunari in the last month and now I would like to visit
Copacabana, sorry Tatiana
Tatiana: No problem
Carlos: Ok, we are going to buy the tickets to Copacabana, do you agree with me?
Andrea: Yes, we agree with you
Tatiana: What day will we travel?
Marcelo: We are travelling at Saturday morning, I could buy tickets in dorado bus
Carlos: Ok Marcelo, we will trust you
Andrea: We are going to pay you later
Marcelo: No problem
Tatiana: Ok, sorry I need to go now, I am going to work in my office
Andrea: me too, see you on Saturday
Carlos: Ok, Marcelo don’t forget the tickets.
Marcelo: No problem, I will be careful, bye
Carlos: Good bye

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