Impact of Online Gaming On The Academic Performance of Senior High School Students

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Impact of Online Gaming on the Academic Performance of Senior High School


A Research Paper Presented to:

Ms. Elvic June T. Purol, RPm, CHRA

San Isidro Academy of Tudela Incorporated

In Partial Fulfillment of the Subject Requirements


Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion

Submitted by:

Diongzon, Althea Claire T.

Lagas, Zoe Matthew S.

Namilit, Joseph B.

Obut, Mico G.

Tag-ulo, Jimboy B.

A.Y. 2022-2023

This research study is dedicated first and foremost to God who gives us the enough

knowledge and courage to finish the research study. This paper is dedicated to ourselves as a

reward for not giving up in a tiring and stressful fight. To our inquiries, investigation and

immersion teacher who helped and guided us throughout the research, to our school principal

who gave us the approval to conduct this research in this institution, to all students of San

Isidro Academy especially to the senior high school students which were the primary target

of the research and who generously gave us their honest responses to finish this study, to the

school, to our beloved girlfriends and boyfriends who always motivates us, to our family who

gave us courage and to everyone who cheered us and pushed us to finish this research.


Every endeavor is always accompanied by the support of certain people. Upon reaching

this milestone, surely, there were people who helped realize this research paper. For their

steadfast support and guidance, we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to the

following groups of people;

To the Almighty God who became our source of strength, courage, and wisdom, it is

right and just to manifest our gratitude to Him. We will always be grateful for keeping us safe

and giving us light to continue the path on making this research paper possible and


To our ever-dynamic school principal, Mrs. Honeylene Marie G. Lagas, thank you for

granting us all the authority in doing particular things to help this research paper be


To our dear inquiries, investigation and immersion teacher, Ms. Elvic June T. Purol, a

word of thanks is not enough for constantly guiding us throughout the process. We would like

to extend our profound gratitude to you ma’am for remaining very attentive to our concerns

and inquiries. We also thank you for having the ample of time you’ve spent on checking our

drafts for the betterment of our final output. The knowledge that you imparted upon us will

always be acknowledged and remembered to the next steps that we will be taking in our lives.

It will not only live in our minds but it will also occupy a special space in our hearts.

To our ever-supportive parents, Mrs. Marife B. Tag-ulo, Mrs. Nyrla Florence T.

Diongzon, Mrs. Virginia G. Obut, Mrs. Joeselyn B. Namilit, and Mrs. Mia S. Lagas we

deeply thank you for your lingering support especially during the making of our research

paper. Thank you for keeping us motivated and for granting us the emotional and financial

support that we surely needed. You will always be a part of our every success. To the
researchers who were the main builders in constructing this research paper, we owe a word of

thanks to ourselves.

For all of our endeavors, sleepless nights, and days and nights of confusion on what to

do, we absolutely have to acknowledge the success that we were able to reap through the

tough times. And because we were able to settle things the way a group should do, the

establishment of unity, and the help that we offered to each other hand-in-hand, we are ought

to be thankful to each other. For without the agreement of everybody, a concerted effort will

not be realized and this might also affect the final output. For staying as, a solid group for this

research, it will always be our enormous pride.

To the participants of this research, we would also like to say thank you. You have

become one of the solid foundations of this research paper. Thank you for your time in

answering the questionnaires and forever you will remain a great contributor for the success

of this research paper.


Nowadays, online gaming is very common among the students, especially for the
Senior High Schools (SHS). Online Gaming has a negative and positive impacts on their
academic performance. The purpose of this research was to determine the positive and
negative Impacts of Online Gaming on the Academic Performance of Senior High School
(SHS) students from Grade 11 and 12. The research follows the quantitative research design
that consists of 50 participants. To gather the data, the researchers used a 20-item survey
questionnaire, and utilized the frequency distribution to analyze the results. Results show
there are positive and negative impacts of playing online games. The negative Impacts of
Online Gaming are consist of; having low test scores; having pre-occupied thoughts about the
game and contributing factor of students’ tiredness. The positive impacts include of playing
online games includes; increasing critical thinking skills; improves decision making
capabilities and analytical thinking, and enhancing memory, brain speed and concentration.
Keyword: Academic performance, Online gaming, Cognitive abilities, Frequency
distribution was used


Title Page i

Approval Sheet ii

Dedication iii

Acknowledgement iv

Abstract vi

Table of Contents vii



Introduction 1

Review of Related Literature 3

Conceptual Background 7

The Research Problem 7

Objectives of the Study 8

Scope and Limitation 8

Significance of the Study 8

Research Design 9

Research Locale 9

Research Participants 10

Research Instruments 10

Data Gathering Procedures 10

Data Analysis 11

Ethical Consideration 11






A. Approval Letter 38

B. Informed Consent 39

C. Guide Question/Survey Questionnaires 40

D. List of Tables 42


As internet was created, on January 1, 1983, by Vinton Cerf and Bob Kahn, it plays a

very important role in our society. According to Robert Kahn, an American electrical

engineer, it supports human communication with the use of social media, electronic mail,

chat rooms, newsgroups, and audio and video transmission and allows people to work

collaboratively at many different locations.

It supports the access to digital information by many applications, including the World

Wide Web. Internet also helps us to gather information through research developing one’s

mind and life experience by creating productive works in schools, office, and even at home.

The fact that people live in on informative lifestyle where everything is updated,

internet became one of the necessities of human beings regardless of age or sex in today’s

society. With a current worldwide estimated population of 7.9 billion, approximately 5.25

billion people have access to and use the internet. That means that 66.2% of the world’s

population uses the internet. From the year 2000 to 2022, the usage of the internet increased

by 1,355%. These are 10 most visited websites in the year 2021 including Google, YouTube,

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Baidu, Wikipedia, Yandex, Yahoo and Xvideos. According to

the (Key Internet Statistics 2022) However, the influence of this useful machine on youth is

undeniably questionable. As the Internet became more advance, online games has created.

Online gaming is one of the widely used leisure activities by many people.

And online games are games played online via internet using any portable devices

including cellphone, laptop and computer. According to Statista, an online survey network,
there were almost 3.24 billion gamers across the globe and almost 1.48 billion gamers across

Asia, making it the largest market worldwide, with Europe coming in second place with a

gaming audience of 715 million.

In our advance society today, online games are also a way to earn money through live

streaming. Streamers can earn money from donations, ads, brand sponsorship, game sales,

merchandise, and marketing. Means that the impact of online games is not all bad. Some

people said that playing online games has a number of reasons to be played including time

passing, entertainment and self-presentation. Also, others said that it removes stress, they can

challenge themselves, they can relax and even mentally escaping from the real world.

Nowadays, the popular online games that encourage students to play are Mobile

Legends Bang Bang with 500 million players, Players Unknown Battle Ground also known

as PUBG with 500 million players, Garena Free Fire with 150 million players, Genshin

Impact with 70 million players, Call of Duty Mobile with 50 million players and Clash of

Clans. When these games were released, many people became addicted especially the

students. It can disturb their time on their studies and most likely, some of them lost their

education and ended up playing the game at all times.

It is very questionable that these online games can provide them something that no one

can give. It said that it is beneficial. According to some research, it enables player's mind to

be more active and can increase the level of making decisions in life especially for those

games that are strategic and can make them more active. But on the other hand, inappropriate

usage of playing online games also leads to some problems because it is where student's

attention was divided. Students can't focus on their studies and can affect to their grades. The

number of players has increased during COVID 19 pandemic.

We all know that COVID 19 has a different impact among us including the way of

learning. It has a bad effect among students. Because of the lock down, students cannot go to

school and the department of education conduct a modular way of learning. And it is a big

chance for the students to have more time using their cellphones by playing online games.

They're spending so much time on it instead of answering their modules.

The researchers felt the need to determine the impact of online gaming to student's

academic performance. The purpose of this study is to find out how online games affect the

performance of senior high school students on their academic performances.


An online game is a video game that is played partially or entirely via the Internet or

any other computer network that allows several players to join (Wikipedia). According to

Prot, Anderson, Gentile, Brown, and Swing (2014), video gaming has become a global

phenomenon in the sphere of entertainment. Video gamers, on the other hand, are defined as

anyone who spends an hour or more every day gaming in a virtual environment (Granic et al.,


Many people focus on the negative effects of these games and fail to see the

opportunity for learning and growth. According to Raise Smart Kids (2022), there are various

advantages to spending time playing online games. Most games do not teach children

arithmetic, history, or other topics, but they do present students with indirect opportunity to

acquire ideas that will aid them in their academic endeavors.

According to the journal of Bachhuber and Saulnier (2012), playing online games can

enhance a student's reading comprehension. Through evaluation, they found out that online

games can help a student improve his/her grammar, vocabulary and comprehension because

they can have an interactive way to learn English or any other language.
According to Statista (2022), there are over a billion worldwide gamers that participate

in online gaming nowadays. This enormous community not only provides us with the

enjoyment of socializing and support when we are sad, but it also helps us enhance our

knowledge and abilities. Friendly communities, such as those found at, bring

together people who work together to achieve common goals in online gaming. However,

gamers may also get the greatest and most modern software that will provide them with the

most intense and rewarding gaming experience they have ever imagined.

Online gaming is one of the most commonly used recreational hobbies of many people

(Islam et al., 2020). Some people have said that playing online games has a variety of reasons

to play because it can be a stress reliever, a challenge and competition, relaxation, fun, social

interaction, and even a mental escape from the real world. For most people, online gaming is

one of the best past times that have to gain particularly in teenagers and students

There was no influence detected in children who played single-player video games

(Drummond and Sauer 2014). Young et al. (2012) choose 39 articles that meet the inclusion

criteria related to video games and academic achievement, concentrating on the use of

traditional games versus video games for educational purposes. The studies are categorized

by subject, namely History, Mathematics, Physical Education, Science, and Languages.

Results indicate that there exists limited evidence of the benefits of including education

games in the traditional classroom environments, a finding which is contrary to the

aforementioned studies.

Smetana and Bell, (2012) investigate the use of computer simulations to enhance

science education and learning. They conclude from their comparative analysis of online

games and conventional games that online games can be just as beneficial, if not more so,

than traditional games in promoting knowledge, improving procedural abilities, and

encouraging conceptual transformation. To be adequately integrated as supplemental

components (Rajan, 2013); games necessitate the use of high-quality support structures,

student engagement, and the enhancement of cognitive and metacognitive abilities. This

conclusion contradicts the findings of Girard's study (2013). This research considers online

games to be serious games, but their usefulness is a contentious subject, discovering that just

a few games result in enhanced learning, while others have no positive effect on knowledge

and skill development when compared to more traditional means of teaching.

Clark et al. (2015), on the other hand, conduct a systematic evaluation of papers to

investigate the particular impacts of digital games on learning outcomes, concluding that

games are crucial in aiding productive learning and emphasizing the importance of gaming

design beyond its medium. Prior to this research, but along the same lines, Backlund and

Hendrix, (2013) observed good learning effects when employing serious games in the

educational process in their meta-analysis.

Wouters, (2013) employed meta-analytic tools as well as comparisons to evaluate if

serious games are more effective and motivating than traditional educational methods. They

discovered that while conventional educational approaches were more successful in terms of

learning and retention, they were less motivating. Indeed, serious games are more effective

when used in conjunction with other educational approaches, particularly when students

participate in groups and repeated training sessions

These findings are consistent with those of Rutten (2012)'s survey, which focuses on

implementing games as laboratory activities and concludes that simulations have gained a

prominent position in classrooms by enhancing the teacher's repertoire, either as a

supplement to traditional teaching methods or as a partial replacement of the curriculum.

Nonetheless, they emphasize that simulations cannot be used to teach laboratory skills
entirely. However, in areas where simulations have been generally acknowledged as a

teaching tool, simulations may play a substantial role in increasing the effectiveness of lab

activities when supplied as pre-lab training.

Fu (2016), using a comprehensive literature analysis, identifies the multidimensional

beneficial impact of serious games in business education, with knowledge acquisition and

content understanding being the most common results. The research also reveals that GBL

and serious games can affect player engagement, long-term and cognitive skills, as well as

social or soft skills. The emotional and motivational consequences of entertainment games,

games for learning, and serious games are investigated, highlighting the trend of employing

gaming features as both a medium of entertainment and a way of learning.

Ritzhaupt (2014) does a meta-analysis based on 73 papers and finds that

accomplishment measures (e.g., standardized test scores) are the most typically studied,

followed by emotional measures (e.g., usability or attitudes toward technology) and

behavioral measures (e.g., task behavior).

Merchant, (2014), via a meta-analysis, compare the effectiveness of games, simulations

and virtual worlds in improving learning outcomes. Findings indicate that playing games

individually enhance student performance more than playing collaboratively. Nonetheless,

the researchers claim that there is no statistically significant difference between the effects of

individual and cooperative instructional modules regarding simulations. Student learning

outcomes deteriorate after repeated measures, since after spending a certain amount of time

playing games, the learning outcome gains start to diminish.

Connolly et al. (2012), give a review of 129 studies on computer games and serious

games, explicitly addressing cognitive, behavioral, emotional, and motivational aspects, as

well as participation. Knowledge acquisition and material comprehension, as well as

emotional and motivational consequences, are the most common results.

According to Trismarinda in Amanda (2016), online games have a propensity to

distract gamers to the point where they forget their tasks and responsibilities. If the player is a

student, he will most likely disregard his obligations and duties as a student.


On the basis of preceding conceptual discussion, this study on the impacts of online

games towards the senior high school students of San Isidro Academy of Tudela was


Online Games Positive and Negative

The figure shows the dependent and independent variables, and the impacts of playing

online games. The independent variable is online games and the dependent variable is the

academic performance. As many of the senior high school students are engaged in online

gaming, the researchers are aiming to find out what are the positive and negative impacts of

online games on their academic performance.


This study aims to determine the positive and negative impacts of online gaming on the

academic performance of senior high school students in San Isidro Academy.

Enumerated below are the consisting problems.

1. What are the positive impacts of online gaming?

2. What are the negative impacts of online gaming?

3. What is the overall percentage of the negative impact of online games?

4. What is the overall percentage of the positive impact of online games?


The purpose of this study is to find out the impact of online gaming on the academic

performance of senior high school students at San Isidro Academy of Tudela Incorporated.

This research was conducted at San Isidro Academy for the purpose of uncovering the

positive and negative impacts of playing online games on the academic performance of the

students in terms of their test scores, their oral recitation performance, their participation

during discussions, and their overall grade scores.


The study focused on finding the positive and negative impacts of online gaming on the

academic performance of the senior high school students in terms of their test scores, oral

recitation performance, participation during class discussions, how they answer written

activities and essays, and lastly, their overall grade scores. Online games as used in this

research is only limited to three namely; Clash of Clans (COC), Mobile Legends (ML), and

Call of Duty Mobile (CODM). The primary subjects of this research study will consist of

students in grades 11 and 12 enrolled in the academic year 2022–2023 at San Isidro Academy

of Tudela Incorporated and are currently engaged in playing online games for 2-3 hours. The

respondents are limited to 50 students.


The results of this study will help the following:

Students. This study will help the students to acquire information on the positive and

negative impacts of online gaming to academic performances, and thereby they can adjust

based on the results of the study.

Teachers. The results of this study will help the teachers be motivated to create some

academic methods of teaching for the students. This study will provide facts concerning the

status of academic performance in engaging online games that would embolden them to help

the students by giving apt, explicit, and useful feedback regarding the result of this matter.

Parents. This study is important because, as parents, they need to know what the most

common issues are with teenagers and if their child is addicted to playing online games. And

also, through this study parents can teach their children how to manage their time playing

online games and educate them about the positive and negative impacts of playing those


Future Researchers. This research study will help the future researchers as their

reference, and as a background study about the problem.

Chapter 2

This chapter presents the research design that the researchers have chosen, the research

locale, participants of the study, the research instrument, data gathering procedure, data

analysis and ethical consideration.


This research follows a quantitative research design to find out how online gaming

affects the overall academic performance of Senior High School students. The researchers

aims to determine the positive and negative impacts of online gaming to academic

performance of senior high school students.

The researchers chose the quantitative research design because the researchers believe

that this is the design that is suitable for the topic. Quantitative research design is a research

strategy that focuses on quantifying the collection and analysis of data. Also, the researchers

would like to prove that there is a relationship between online gaming and academic

performances of the students. Through this design, the researchers will be able to explain how

playing online games affects the school performance of the Senior High School students.


This study was conducted in a private educational institution located at the town of

Tudela, Mis. Occ. This academic educational institution offers different academic strands

namely, Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), Humanities and Social

Sciences (HUMSS), General Academic Strand (GAS), and Accountancy Business and
Management (ABM) strand. Having an overall number of students reaching 900 plus. This

place is considered the most suitable setting for this study since more students in this

institution are engaged in online games.


The respondents of this study are composed of Grades 11 and 12 students of San Isidro

Academy enrolled on the academic year 2022-2023. The respondents were purposively

selected. The participants must know how to play the three games namely, Clash of Clans

(COC), Mobile Legends (ML), and Call of Duty Mobile (COD) and must at least play a

minimum of 2-3 hours of the above-mentioned games to qualify for this study. As the

researchers searched for participants, they were able to select thirty-two (32) grade 12

students, with eight (8) students each strand (STEM, ABM, HUMSS and GAS), a total of

eighteen (18) participants were selected in grade 11 students, eight (8) participants in STEM,

eight (8) participants for HUMSS and only two (2) participants from ABM.


This study utilizes a researcher-made survey questionnaire as an instrument to achieve

the main objective of this research study. The said questionnaire was composed of 20 items

which aims to capture the positive and negative impact online games to the academic

performance of the senior high school students. To measure the participants’ responses to

each item, this research relies on the use of Likert Rating Scale to measure the level of

agreeableness of the participants to each statement. Values were assigned to each level; four

(4) for Strongly Agree, three (3) for Agree, two (2) for Disagree and one (1) for Strongly



After preparing all the materials needed for the conduct of the study, an approval letter

signed by the group representative and the research teacher was sent to the principal to ask

for permission to conduct the survey in the school. After the approval letter was signed by the

principal, the researchers started their data gathering. The researchers purposively selected

the participants. To be qualified to the research study, they must know how to play the three

games which are, the Clash of Clans (COC), Mobile Legends (ML), and Call of Duty Mobile

(CODM). The researchers gave an informed consent first to the selected participants

informing them of their rights and privileges. Participants were also informed of their rights

to withdraw from the study if it causes them distress or harm. The researchers gathered all the

data by each room. Thirty-two (32) on the grade 12, with eight (8) students each strand, and

eighteen (18) on grade 11, with eight (8) students in STEM and HUMSS, and only two (2) in

gas. A total of fifty (50) students.


The objective of this study was to find out the positive and negative impacts of online

gaming on the academic performance of senior high school students of San Isidro Academy.

To understand the data gathered, the researchers used frequency distribution as statistical

tool. Frequency distribution allows us to have a glance at the entire data conveniently. The

researchers opt to choose this statistical tool because it helped in easily determining the

respondent’s responses to the given. The researchers were able to obtain the results of this

research using this statistical tool by counting how many of the respondents agreed, strongly

agreed, disagreed, and strongly disagreed to each item.


Researchers applied the principles of ethical consideration, under Republic Act No.

10173, otherwise known as the Data Privacy Act. It is a law that seeks to protect all forms of
information, be it private, personal, or sensitive. It is meant to cover both natural and juridical

persons involved in the processing of personal information, in regard to the involvement to

the study. The participants were not subjected to harm in any ways. Prior to the study, full

consent was obtained from the participants and approval letter was signed from the principal.

In addition, the protection of the privacy of research participants were ensured, and the

researchers explained to them all the consequences, and were free to withdraw from the study

at any stage if they wish to do so.


This chapter presents the results and discussions based on the information obtained

through the researcher’s self-made questionnaire.

Table 1. Frequency Distribution of Participants’ Response to Question No. 1


18 25 7 1

Table 1 above shows the frequency distribution of the student’s responses to survey

question number one (1) “Playing online games distracts me from school works and studies’’.

Result shows that thirty-six percent (36%) of the senior high school students strongly agreed

to the idea that online games distracted them from their studies. Fifty percent (50%) of the

participants agreed to the same idea that online games distract them from school works and

studies while fourteen percent (14%) said that playing online games does not distract them

from their school works and studies, and only two percent (2%) of the student participant said

they strongly disagree to the idea that online games distract them from school works and

studies. Overall, results show that majority of the student participants agreed to the notion

that online games distract them from their school works and studies.
According to Trismarinda in Amanda (2016), online games have a propensity to

distract gamers to the point where they forget their tasks and responsibilities. If the player is a

student, he will most likely disregard his obligations and duties as a student.

Table 2. Frequency Distribution of Participants’ Response to Question No. 2


6 15 23 6

The table 2 shows the frequency distribution of the students’ responses to survey

question number two (2) “I often get low grades because of playing online games”. Result

shows that twelve percent (12%) of the participants strongly agree that playing online games

is one of the causes for them to get low test scores. Thirty percent (30%) of the senior high

school students agreed to the same idea that they often get low test scores because of online

games, while forty six percent (46%) said that playing online games is not reason for them to

get low test scores, and only twelve percent (12%) of the student participants said they

strongly disagree to the idea that online gaming is the reason to get low test scores. Overall,

the majority of the student participants said that playing online games is not a factor for

having low test scores.

Skoric et al. (2009) discovered that, whereas game addiction leads to poor academic

performance, moderate gaming participation can lead to increased academic performance.

They discovered a positive relationship between game play and test scores, implying that

gaming can actually lead to higher test scores.

Table 3. Frequency Distribution of Participants’ Response to Question No. 3


3 26 16 5
The table 3 above shows the frequency distribution of the student’s responses to survey

question number (3) “I get pre-occupied with the thoughts of online games even when I am at

school”. Result shows that six percent (6%) of the student participants said that they do get

pre-occupied with thoughts of online games even when they are at school. Fifty-two percent

(52%) of the student participants also agreed that they do think a lot of online games even

when they are at school while thirty-two percent (32%) of the student participants said that

they don’t think about online games when they are at school and ten percent (10%) of the

students claimed that thoughts of online games never crosses their minds especially when

they are at school.

Accordingly, video games have an immense impact in the lives of their family, it also

distracts students and compromise one’s jobs. This can be seen through their attitudes and

worse in their absences in their classes and workplace J. Fieror (2016) said that he can't

concentrate on what he is doing. He added that most of the time his mind is not working for

he is pre-occupied of the online games he is addictive to.

Table 4. Frequency Distribution of the Participants’ Response to Question No. 4


8 24 14 4

Table 4 above shows the frequency distribution of the student's responses to survey

question number four (4) "Mobile Legends, Clash of Clans, and Call of Duty Mobile keeps

me away from doing school works". The results showed that sixteen percent (16%) of the

participants strongly agreed that the three (3) games keep them away from doing school

works. Forty-eight percent (48%) of the senior high school students also agreed that Clash of

Clans, Mobile Legends, and Call of duty Mobile keeps them busy and prevents them from

doing their school works while twenty-eight (28%) percent said that playing the three games
doesn't distract them in doing school works, and eight percent (8%) of them said they

strongly disagree to the idea that Mobile Legends, Clash of Clans, and Call of Duty keeps

them away from doing school works.

According to (Schie & Wiegman, 1997). Students can become obsessed with these

games and become disengaged from schools, friends, and life in general.

Table 5. Frequency Distribution of Participants’ Response to Question No. 5


5 13 24 8

Table 5 above shows the frequency distribution of the student’s responses to survey

question number five (5) “I sometimes fail class oral recitation because I am pre-occupied

with the thoughts of playing online games”. Results shows that ten percent (10%) of the

students said they have failed class oral recitation because of having pre-occupied thoughts of

playing online games. Twenty-six percent (26%) of the participants also said that they too

have experienced failing class oral recitations because of they think of online games too

much while forty-eight percent (48%) of them said that playing online games is not the cause

of failing class oral recitation, and sixteen percent (16%) of the student participants said that

they strongly disagree to the notion that playing online games can cause an individual to fail

the class oral recitation.

Online games engagement shows the bad effect among the people nowadays. Addiction

to the internet shares some of negative aspects of substance addiction and has been shown to

lead to consequences such as failing school, family and teacher-relationship problem.

Because like parents, teacher wants to lift students to be more involve in academic matters,
they will not tolerate students who disregard their study (Brian, D. NG, M.S & Peter W. H.


Table 6. Frequency Distribution of the Participants’ Response to Question No. 6


3 16 19 12

The table 4 shows the frequency distribution of the student's responses to survey

question number six (6) "I don't get lessons easily because I get distracted with the thoughts

of online games". Results shows that six percent (6%) of the student participants don’t get the

lessons easily because they are constantly distracted with the thoughts of playing online

games. Thirty-two percent (32%) of the senior high school students agreed to the same idea

that they don't get lessons easily because of the thoughts of online games while thirty-eight

percent (38%) of the participants said that they are not distracted with the thoughts of online

games and it is not the reason for not getting the lessons easily and twenty-four percent (24%)

of the student respondents said that they strongly disagree to the idea that the thoughts of

online games caused them delayed learning.

According to All Academic Research, playing computer games may not be all that bad

for your children. Peng Wei states that educational games can be effective assisting tools in

the educational areas of management, medicine and science. If you choose the right

educational computer games, your child may learn better problem-solving skills and eye-hand

coordination. Your child may also get the ability to think fast and think of multiple things all

at once. Skills obtained from playing computer games may help your child learn quickly

when it comes to his studies. If your child is struggling in one of his school subjects, there are

many educational computer games available for him. There are math and reading related
games that may help boost your child's skills. These games can be both fun and educational

for your children.

Table 7. Frequency Distribution of the Participants Response to Question No. 7


2 11 16 21

The table 7 above shows the frequency distribution of the student's responses to survey

question number seven (7) "I sometimes miss classes because of playing tournaments in

online games”. Results shows that four percent (4%) of the participants said they have missed

classes because of participating in online games tournaments. Twenty-two percent (22%) of

the student respondents agreed and said that they have missed their classes due to playing

online game tournaments while thirty-two percent (32%) of them said that they have not tried

to skip their classes just to play online game tournaments and forty-two percent (42%) of the

participants said they strongly disagree to the idea that playing online games tournaments is

the reason for missing classes.

Austin and Totaro (2011) included video gaming as one of many internet activities that

could affect school attendance, but they reported no correlation between gaming and


Table 8. Frequency Distribution of Participants Response to Question No. 8


8 17 18 7

Table 8 shows the frequency distribution of the student's responses to survey question

number eight (8) "Because of playing online games, I'm having a hard time memorizing topic

during exams" According to the results, sixteen percent (16%) of the students strongly agreed
to the idea that they are having a hard time memorizing topic during exams because of

playing online games. Thirty-four percent (34%) of the participants agreed and said they

cannot memorize the examination topics easily because of playing online games while thirty-

six percent (36%) of them said that playing online games does not affect their memorization

skills during examinations and only fourteen percent (14%) of the participants said that

playing online games is not the reason why they are having hard time memorizing topics

during exam.

Chaarani et al (2022) fount that the children who reported playing video games for

three or more hours per day were faster and more accurate on both cognitive tasks than those

who never played. They also observed that the differences in cognitive function observed

between two groups was accompanied by differences in brain activity. Functional MRI brain

imaging analysis found that children who played video games for three or more hours per day

showed higher brain activity in regions of the brain associated with attention and memory

that did those who never played. At the same time, those children who played at least three

hours of video games per day showed more brain activity in frontal brain regions that are

associated with more cognitively demanding tasks and less brain activity in brain regions

related to vision.

Table 9. Frequency Distribution of Participants Response to Question No. 9


5 15 18 12

The table shows the frequency distribution of the student's responses to survey question

number nine (9) "I go to school late because of playing online games" The results show only

ten percent (10%) of the participants strongly agreed to the idea that because of playing

online games, they go to school late. Thirty percent (30%) of the students agreed to the same
idea that they go to school late because of playing online games, while thirty-six (36%)

percent says that playing online games is not the reason for them to go to school late and

twenty-four percent (24%) of the respondents said they strongly disagree to the idea that

playing online games is the cause of going to school late.

Austin and Totaro (2011) included video gaming as one of many internet activities that

could affect school attendance, but they reported no correlation between gaming and


Table 10. Frequency Distribution of Participants Response to Question No. 10


5 16 20 9

Table ten (10) shows the frequency distribution of the student's responses to survey

question number ten (10) " I sometimes fail to pass my class activities because I get

distracted with online games" The results show ten percent (10%) of the participants strongly

agreed to the idea that because of playing online games, they sometimes fail to pass their

class activities. Thirty-two percent (32%) of the students agreed to the same idea that they

sometimes fail to pass their class activities because they get distracted with online games,

while forty percent (40%) of the participants said that the distraction of online games is not

the reason why they fail to pass their class activities. And eighteen percent (18%) of the

respondents said that they strongly disagree to the notion that online games is the reason to

fail in submitting class activities.

Mandanas (2009) conducted a study on the effects of playing computer games and

students' profile in the socialization and academic performance of selected students in

Kapayapaan National High School, Canlubang, Calamba City. The study concluded that 18

most of the students playing computer games and the students' profile both have a significant
effect on the socialization on the students but no significant effect on the academic

performance of the students

Table 11. Frequency Distribution of Participants Response to Question No. 11


7 9 21 13

The table 11 shows the frequency distribution of the student's responses to survey

question number eleven (11) "I have missed school because I played online games too much"

Results shows that fourteen percent (14%) of students strongly agreed to the idea that because

of playing too much online games, they have missed school. Eighteen percent (18%) of the

participants agreed to the same idea that they missed school because they play online games

too much, while forty-two percent (42%) said that playing online games is not the reason why

they missed school and twenty-six percent (26%) of the respondents strongly disagree to the

notion that playing online games is the reason why they missed school.

Austin and Totaro (2011) included video gaming as one of many internet activities

that could affect school attendance, but they reported no correlation between gaming and


Table 12. Frequency Distribution of Participants Response to Question No. 12


1 11 22 16

Table 12 shows the frequency distribution of the student’s responses to survey question

number twelve (12) “I always get reprimanded by my teacher for playing Mobile Legends,

Clash of Clans and Call of Duty. Results shows that two percent (2%) of the student
participants were always reprimanded by their teachers for playing online games. Twenty-

two percent (22%) of them also agreed and said that they have been reprimanded by their

teachers for playing Mobile Legends, Clash of Clans and Call of Duty. Forty-four percent

(44%) of the student participants said that they have not been called out or been reprimanded

for playing online games and thirty-two percent (32%) of the total population of the research

participants said that they have never been reprimanded by their teachers for playing mobile

legends, clash of clans and call of duty.

According to Jennifer (2020) Playing online games do not affect their grades badly for

they know how to limit themselves. They know that they need to control themselves in order

to function well in their class that is why they only play games during vacation and weekends

with a lot of time compared when they have classes.

Table 13. Frequency Distribution of Participants Response to Question No. 13


3 29 12 6

Table 13 shows the frequency distribution of the student's responses to survey question

number thirteen. (13) "Playing online games helps me become a critical thinker". Results

shows six percent (6%) of the participants said that they have become a critical thinker

because of playing online games. Fifty-eight percent (58%) of the students also said playing

online games helps them to become a critical thinker, while twenty-four percent (24%) said

playing online games does not contribute to their critical thinking skills and only twelve

percent (12%) of the respondents said that playing online games never contribute or adds up

to their critical thinking ability.

According to Adachi & Willoughby (2013) more young people announced playing key

computer games (e.g., roleplaying games), the more upgrades were clear in self-revealed

critical thinking abilities the following year.

Table 14. Frequency Distribution of Participants Response to Question No. 14

5 26 15 4

The table 14 shows the frequency distribution of the student's responses to survey

question number fourteen (14) "Playing online games is one contributing factor for my

school tiredness". Results shows ten percent (10%) of the students strongly agreed to the idea

that playing online games contributes their school tiredness. Fifty-two percent (52%) of the

participants also agreed to the same notion that playing online games is one of the

contributing factors of their school tiredness, while thirty percent (30%) said that playing

online games doesn't contribute to their school tiredness and eight percent (8%) of the

participants said that they strongly disagree to the notion that playing online games

contributes school tiredness.

Based on the research of Valdez, Baylen et al. (2020), demonstrated that playing online

games relieves stress, improves teamwork, and encourages students to actively participate in

class activities. Students can relate to the lesson based on the online games they played in

terms of their academic performance.

(Islam et al., 2020). Some people have said that playing online games has a variety of

reasons to play because it can be a stress reliever, a challenge and competition, relaxation,

fun, social interaction, and even a mental escape from the real world. For most people, online

gaming is one of the best past times that have to gain particularly in teenagers and students.

Table 15. Frequency Distribution of Participants Response to Question No. 15


4 6 27 14
The table shows the frequency distribution of the student's responses to survey question

number fifteen (15) "Playing online games helps me in obtaining high test scores" The results

says that eight percent (8%) of the participants strongly agreed to the idea that one

contributing factor of high-test scores is playing online games. Twelve percent (12%) of the

students agreed to the same idea that playing online games helps them obtain high test scores,

while fifty-four percent (54%) said that playing online games doesn't help them in obtaining

high test scores and twenty-eight percent (28%) of the respondents said that they strongly

disagree to the idea that playing online games can help them obtaining high test scores.

Overall result shows that playing online games is not a contributing factor for obtaining high

test scores.

A new study shows that teenagers who regularly played games online improved their

test scores at school. However, the same study found that social media use was damaging to

exam results. The study was conducted by Professor Alberto Posso at Australia's RMIT

University. Researchers analyzed data on the online activities of more than 12,000 15-year-

olds across the globe. It looked at their maths, reading and science scores. Professor Posso

concluded that: "It is possible that a number of skills associated with online gaming correlate

positively with general knowledge and skills tests in math, reading, and science."

Table 16. Frequency Distribution of Participants Response to Question No. 16


3 12 28 7

Table 16 shows the frequency distribution of the student's responses to survey question

number sixteen (16) "Playing online games makes me motivated to go to school" According

to the results of the survey, only six percent (6%) strongly agreed to the idea that playing

online games motivates them to go to school. Twenty-four percent (24%) of the participants
agreed to the same idea that playing online games makes them feel motivated to go to school,

while fifty-six percent (56%) of the participants said playing online games do not motivate

them to go to school and fourteen percent (14%) of the respondents said they strongly

disagree to the idea that playing online games enhances their motivation for school.

According to Ray (2019) his research found that there is a significant influence of

learning motivation on students' English learning achievement, it shows that students who are

motivated to learn are still interested in learning, concentrate and are diligent in reaching out.

Thus, students have high, medium and low learning motivation can be seen and measured

through learning achievement. Therefore, students playing online video gaming, it does not

guarantee it would decrease students’ English learning achievement, it all depends on the

motivation of each individual student to maintain their achievement. In contrary, students

who do not play online video gaming, does not guarantee their motivation and English

learning achievement would improve such as reading skill and vocabulary mastery.

Table 17. Frequency Distribution of Participants Response to Question No. 17


8 18 15 9

The table shows the frequency distribution of the student's responses to survey question

number seventeen (17) "Playing online games enhances my memory, brain speed, and

concentration". According to the results, sixteen percent (16%) of the students strongly

agreed to the idea that playing Clash of Clans, Mobile Legends, and Call of Duty Mobile

enhances their memory, brain speed and concentration. Thirty-four percent (36%) of the

respondents agreed to the same idea that playing online games enhances their memory, brain

speed, and concentration, while thirty-two percent (30%) of the respondents said that playing
Clash of Clans, Mobile Legends and Call of Duty do not help in the increase of their

memory, brain speed and concentration and eighteen percent (18%) of the student

participants claimed that playing online games never helps in the enhancement of their

cognitive processes.

Chaarani et al (2022) found that the children who reported playing video games for

three or more hours per day were faster and more accurate on both cognitive tasks than those

who never played. They also observed that the differences in cognitive function observed

between the two groups was accompanied by differences in brain activity. Functional MRI

brain imaging analyses found that children who played video games for three or more hours

per day showed higher brain activity in regions of the brain associated with attention and

memory than did those who never played. At the same time, those children who played at

least three hours of videogames per day showed more brain activity in frontal brain regions

that are associated with more cognitively demanding tasks and less brain activity in brain

regions related to vision.

Table 18. Frequency Distribution of Participants Response to Question No. 18


9 16 19 6

The table eighteen (18) shows the frequency of the student's responses to survey

question number eighteen (18) "Playing online games increases my attention span". Results

shows that eighteen percent (18%) of the respondents strongly agreed to the idea that their

attention span increases when playing online games. Thirty-two percent (32%) of students
agreed to the same idea that playing online games increases their attention span, while thirty-

eight percent (38%) of the participants said that online games doesn't increase their attention

span and twelve percent (12%) of the respondents said that they strongly disagree to the

notion that playing online games increases the individual’s attention span.

Recent research has suggested a causal relationship between playing action video

games and improvements in a variety of visual and attentional skills (e.g., [Green, C. S., &

Bavelier, D. (2003).

Table 19. Frequency Distribution of Participants Response to Question No. 19


9 19 13 9

The table nineteen (19) shows the frequency distribution of the student's responses to

survey question number nineteen (19) "Playing online games helps me improve my decision

making, and problem solving in competitive environment". Results shows that eighteen

percent (18%) of the students strongly agreed to the idea that decision making and problem-

solving ability increases when playing online games. Thirty-eight percent (38%) of the

respondents agreed to the same idea that playing online games helps them improve their

decision making and problem solving in a competitive environment, while twenty-six percent

(26%) of the respondents said that online games does not improve their problem solving and

decision-making ability and eighteen percent (18%) of the respondents said that they strongly

disagree to the idea that to improve their decision making and problem-solving ability the

must play online games.

Thus, playing online games promotes problem solving, visual motor, and spatial skills

and fosters interaction with friends outside of school. (Boot, Kramer, Simons, Fabiani, &

Gratton, 2008; Phillips, Rolls, Rouse, & Griffiths, 1995).

Table 20. Frequency Distribution of Participants Response to Question No. 20

6 23 14 7

The table shows the frequency distribution of the student's responses to survey question

number twenty (20) "Playing online games enhances my analytic thinking skills" According

to the results, twelve percent (12%) of the senior high school students strongly agreed to the

idea that one contributing factor to enhance analytical thinking is playing online games. forty-

six percent (46%) of the participants agreed to the same idea that playing online games

enhances their analytical thinking, while twenty-eight (28%) percent of them said that

playing online games doesn't help in the enhancement of analytical thinking skills and

fourteen percent (14%) of the respondents says they strongly disagree to the idea that playing

online games enhances my analytic thinking.

(Adachi & Willoughby, 2013) According to them; more young people announced

playing key computer games (e.g., roleplaying games), the more upgrades were clear in self-

revealed critical thinking abilities the following year.

The survey says that the negative impacts of online gaming are; it can distract from

school works (50% agreed/25 students), it is the source of having pre-occupied thoughts of

online games even at the school (52% agreed/26 participants), and Mobile Legends, Clash of

Clans, and Call of Duty Mobile keeps away from doing class works (48% agreed/24


The survey says that the positive impacts of online gaming are; it enhances memory,

brain speed, and concentration, (36% agreed/ 18 students) environment (38% agreed/19

students), it enhances analytical thinking (46% agreed/23 students), and it is one of the

contributing factors for school tiredness (52% agreed/26 students).

Table 21. Calculation of Percentage of Negative Research Result
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree
Questions Disagree
(Percentage (Percentage (Percentage
1. 36% 50% 14% 2%
2. 12% 30% 46% 12%
3. 6% 52% 32% 10%
4. 16% 48% 28% 8%
5. 10% 26% 48% 16%
6. 32% 32% 38% 24%
7. 22% 22% 32% 42%
8. 24% 24% 36% 14%
9. 30% 30% 36% 24%
10. 32% 32% 40% 18%
11. 18% 18% 42% 16%
12. 2% 22% 44% 32%
11.83% 33.16% 36.33% 18.16%

Table 21 shows the calculations of the percentage of the negative side of the research

questions number one (2) to twelve (12). The results say that eleven-point eighty-three

percent (11.83%) of the participants strongly agreed that online gaming has a negative impact

on their academic performance. Thirty-three-point sixteen percent (33.16%) agreed to the

same idea that online gaming badly impacted their academic performance while thirty-six-

point thirty-three percent (36.33%) of the students disagreed, while eighteen-point sixteen

percent (18.16%) strongly disagreed.

Strongly Agree Agree Disagree
Questions Disagree
(Percentage) (Percentage) (Percentage)
13. 6% 58% 24% 12%

14. 10% 52% 30% 8%

15. 8% 12% 54% 26%

16. 6% 24% 56% 14%

17. 16% 38% 30% 18%

18. 18% 32% 38% 12%

19. 18% 38% 26% 18%

20. 6% 46% 28% 14%

11% 37.5% 35.75% 15.25%
Table 22. Calculation of Percentage of Positive Research Result

The table 22 shows the calculations of the percentage of the positive side of the

research questions number thirteen (13) to twenty (20). The results say that only eleven

percent (11%) of the senior high students strongly agreed to the idea that online games have a

positive impact on the academic performance of senior high school students. Thirty-seven-

point five percent (37.5%) of them agreed to the same idea that online gaming impacted their

academic performance positively, while thirty-five-point seventy-five percent (35.75%) of

them disagreed, and fifteen-point twenty-five percent (15.25%) strongly disagreed.


This chapter talks about the summary, findings, conclusion and recommendation of

this undertaking.


A quantitative research study was formed to determine the positive and negative

impacts of online gaming. The research study included 50 senior high school from grades 11
and 12 that were currently studying in San Isidro Academy of Tudela Incorporated academic

year 2022-2023.

A twenty (20) item survey questionnaire was used by the researchers to determine the

positive and negative impacts of online gaming. After the survey, the researchers used

frequency distribution as tool to analyze the data gathered.

Results shows three negative impact and four positive impacts of playing online



As the researchers calculated the responses expressed by the participants about the

impacts of online gaming on their academic performance, the results show that there were

four negative and four positive impacts of online gaming.

Negative Impacts:

 Playing online games can distract students from school works

 Playing online games can lead to having pervasive thoughts even when at school.

 Mobile legends, Clash of Clans, and Call of Duty Mobile, keeps students away from

doing class works.

 Playing online games is one contributing factor for school tardiness.

Positive Impacts:

 Playing online games helps students become critical thinker.

 Playing online games helps improve decision making and problem solving in a

competitive environment.

 Playing online games enhances analytical thinking.

 Online gaming enhances memory, brain speed, and concentration.

Overall percentage of the negative impacts of online games

The results show that only eleven percent (11%) of the senior high students strongly

agree to the idea that online games have a positive impact on the academic performance of

senior high school students. Thirty-three-point sixteen percent (33.16%) of them agreed to the

same idea that online gaming impacted their academic performance positively, while thirty-

six-point thirty-three percent (36.33%) of them disagreed, and fifteen-point twenty-five

percent (15.25%) strongly disagreed.

Overall percentage of the positive impacts of online games

Results show that only eleven percent (11%) of the senior high students strongly

agreed to the idea that online games have a positive impact on the academic performance of

senior high school students. Thirty-seven-point five percent (37.5%) of them agreed to the

same idea that online gaming impacted their academic performance positively, while thirty-

five-point seventy-five percent (35.75%) of them disagreed, and fifteen-point twenty-five

percent (15.25%) strongly disagreed.


With today's technology, it is simple to imagine that today's society has evolved into a

populace of individuals who rely on the demands and fulfillment provided by technology.

Individuals, particularly young people, use this technology for amusement, relaxation, and

cognitive development. Along with this, internet gaming is a technology item that students

and the general youth cling to. In this regard, the study's goal is to determine whether the

online games had an impact on the student's academic performance. Based on the given

findings from 50 senior high school students who played the three online games 2-3 hours a

day, the study shows not only the negative impacts of playing online games, but also their

good counteractions, which have helped students’ progress in some areas. With that being
said, the results show that one of the negative impacts of playing online games is being

distracted from schoolwork. On the contrary, there are beneficial effects where students'

standing is improved by playing games. Cognitive aptitude, analytical thinking, and critical

thinking are all examples of different components. It can also help them enhance their

memory, decision-making and problem-solving abilities in a competitive setting.


Educational Institution may develop various programs and conduct seminars that

raise awareness to the engagement of online games.

Students may use the outcome of this study as a guide to know what the bad and good

impacts of online gaming are.

Parents may use the outcome of this research study to educate their children about the

positive and negative impacts of playing online games.

Upon reading the outcome of this study, the teachers can acquire information’s about

the impacts of online gaming on the academic performance of senior high school students,

and make realizations to create different methods of teaching regarding to the results

The outcome of this study may serve as a guide for the future researchers to have more

knowledge about the research study.


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Instruction/Direction: Indicate your level of agreement or disagreement with each of the

following statements in relation to The Impact of Playing Online Games on the Academic

Performance of Senior High School Students at San Isidro Academy of Tudela Inc. Put a

check mark (/) in the space provided for your honest experience answer.


1. Playing online games distracts me from school works

and studies.

2. I often get low test scores because of online games.

3. I get pre-occupied with the thoughts of online games

even when I am in school.

4. Mobile Legends, Clash of Clans, and Call of Duty

Mobile keeps me away from doing class works.

5. I sometimes fail my class oral recitation because I am

pre-occupied with playing online games.

6. I don’t get lessons easily because I get distracted with

the thoughts of online games.

7. I sometimes miss classes because of playing

tournaments in online games.

8. Because of playing online games, I’m having a hard

time memorizing topics during exams

9. I go to school late because of playing online games.

10. I sometimes fail to pass my class activities because I get

distracted with online games.

11. I have missed school because I play online games too


12. I always get reprimanded by my teachers for playing

Mobile Legends, Clash of Clans, and Call of Duty
during class.
13. Playing online games helps me become a critical

14. Playing online games is one contributing factor for my

school tiredness

15. Playing online games helps me in obtaining high test


16. Playing online games makes me motivated to go to


17. Playing online games enhances my memory, brain

speed, and concentration.

18. Playing online games increase my attention span.

19. Playing online games helps me improve my decision

making and problem solving in competitive

20. Playing online games enhances my analytic thinking


List of Tables

Table 1. Frequency Distribution of Participants’ Response to Question No. 1


18 25 7 1

Table 2. Frequency Distribution of Participants’ Response to Question No. 2


6 15 23 6

Table 3. Frequency Distribution of Participants’ Response to Question No. 3


3 26 16 5

Table 4. Frequency Distribution of the Participants’ Response to Question No. 4


8 24 14 4

Table 5. Frequency Distribution of Participants’ Response to Question No. 5


5 13 24 8

Table 6. Frequency Distribution of the Participants’ Response to Question No. 6

3 16 19 12

Table 7. Frequency Distribution of the Participants Response to Question No. 7


2 11 16 21

Table 8. Frequency Distribution of Participants Response to Question No. 8


8 17 18 7

Table 9. Frequency Distribution of Participants Response to Question No. 9


5 15 18 12

Table 10. Frequency Distribution of Participants Response to Question No. 10


5 16 20 9

Table 11. Frequency Distribution of Participants Response to Question No. 11


7 9 21 13

Table 12. Frequency Distribution of Participants Response to Question No. 12

1 11 22 16

Table 13. Frequency Distribution of Participants Response to Question No. 13


3 29 12 6

Table 14. Frequency Distribution of Participants Response to Question No. 14


5 26 15 4

Table 15. Frequency Distribution of Participants Response to Question No. 15


4 6 27 14

Table 16. Frequency Distribution of Participants Response to Question No. 16


3 12 28 7

Table 17. Frequency Distribution of Participants Response to Question No. 17


8 18 15 9

Table 18. Frequency Distribution of Participants Response to Question No. 18


9 16 19 6
Table 19. Frequency Distribution of Participants Response to Question No. 19

9 19 13 9

Table 20. Frequency Distribution of Participants Response to Question No. 20


6 23 14 7

Table 21. Calculation of Percentage of Negative Research Result

Strongly Agree Agree Disagree
Questions Disagree
(Percentage (Percentage (Percentage
1. 36% 50% 14% 2%
2. 12% 30% 46% 12%
3. 6% 52% 32% 10%
4. 16% 48% 28% 8%
5. 10% 26% 48% 16%
6. 32% 32% 38% 24%
7. 22% 22% 32% 42%
8. 24% 24% 36% 14%
9. 30% 30% 36% 24%
10. 32% 32% 40% 18%
11. 18% 18% 42% 16%
12. 2% 22% 44% 32%
11.83% 33.16% 36.33% 18.16%
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree
Questions Disagree
(Percentage) (Percentage) (Percentage)
13. 6% 58% 24% 12%
14. 10% 52% 30% 8%

15. 8% 12% 54% 26%

16. 6% 24% 56% 14%

17. 16% 38% 30% 18%

18. 18% 32% 38% 12%

19. 18% 38% 26% 18%

20. 6% 46% 28% 14%

11% 37.5% 35.75% 15.25%
Table 22. Calculation of Percentage of Positive Research Result

Researcher’s Profile

Name: Althea Claire T. Diongzon

Status: Single

Birthdate: February 28, 2005

Place of Birth:

Home Address: P-3 Centro Upper, Tudela, Misamis Occidental

Email Address:

Contact Number: +639754983857


Secondary Level: San Isidro Academy

Primary Level: Tudela Central School

Researcher’s Profile

Name: Jimboy B. Tag-ulo

Status: Single

Birthdate: July 14, 2004

Place of Birth: Tudela

Home Address: Canibungan Proper, Tudela, Misamis Occidental

Email Address:

Contact Number: +639203862750


Secondary Level: San Isidro Academy

Primary Level: Canibungan Proper Elementary School

Researcher’s Profile

Name: Mico G. Obut

Status: Single

Birthdate: October 14, 2003

Place of Birth: Tudela

Home Address: P-3 Sebac, Tudela, Misamis Occidental

Email Address:

Contact Number: +639481157432


Secondary Level: San Isidro Academy

Primary Level: Sebac Elementary School

Researcher’s Profile

Name: Joseph B. Namilit

Status: Single

Birthdate: March 19, 2005

Place of Birth: Tudela

Home Address: P-3 Gumbil, Tudela, Misamis Occidental

Email Address:

Contact Number: +639972375378


Secondary Level: San Isidro Academy

Primary Level: Tudela Central School

Researcher’s Profile

Name: Zoe Matthew S. Lagas

Status: Single

Birthdate: July 23, 2004

Place of Birth: Valencia

Home Address: P-1 Centro Upper, Tudela, Misamis Occidental

Email Address:

Contact Number: +639196432582


Secondary Level: San Isidro Academy

Primary Level: Tudela Central School

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