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357 © IWA Publishing 2016 Water Quality Research Journal of Canada | 51.

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Water reuse through managed aquifer recharge (MAR):

assessment of regulations/guidelines and case studies
Jie Yuan, Michele I. Van Dyke and Peter M. Huck

Jie Yuan (corresponding author)
Managed aquifer recharge (MAR) with reclaimed water is an important water reuse application. As an
Michele I. Van Dyke
intentional way of recharging water into aquifers, MAR can be used to address water shortages and Peter M. Huck
NSERC Chair in Water Treatment, Department of
contribute to sustainable water resources management practices. The establishment of a MAR Civil and Environmental Engineering,
University of Waterloo,
system depends on the source of recharge water, the selection of a recharge method and site, the 200 University Avenue West,
type of water treatment system, and the ultimate purpose of recovered water, and these
components are closely related and integrated. However, at present, detailed regulations or Canada N2L 3G1
guidelines that specifically guide MAR with reclaimed water are unavailable in most countries. The
complexity of MAR systems and the lack of a sophisticated regulatory framework increase the
difficulties of MAR implementation. This review provides an introduction to MAR with reclaimed
water and a comparison of current worldwide water reuse regulations or guidelines, including a
proposed approach for MAR implementation. An analysis of selected MAR with reclaimed water case
studies was also done within the context of this proposed approach. This paper recommends the
development of specific regulatory or design criteria, including a complete quantitative risk
assessment framework for the evaluation and operation of MAR systems.
Key words | groundwater, managed aquifer recharge, potable, recharge, regulation, reuse


Various locations currently or will potentially experience ). This strategy is a promising water resources manage-
the problem of water shortage due to rapid population ment option and has been widely applied around the
growth, water contamination, groundwater exhaustion, and world. The recycling of wastewater can not only provide a
unbalanced allocation of water resources caused by reliable alternative water source but also reduce the environ-
geographical and seasonal variations (Asano & Cotruvo mental pollution caused by the discharge of wastewater.
; Chen et al. ). For this reason, an emerging para- One water reuse application, managed aquifer recharge
digm of sustainable water resources management is (MAR) with reclaimed water (Figure 1), is an intentional
developing. Some strategies, including water conservation process of recharging water into aquifers for further recov-
and water reclamation and reuse, aim to ensure that current ery or environmental uses (Dillon et al. ). Unlike
water demands are met without compromising future needs natural aquifer recharge processes, in which aquifers are
(World Commission on Environment and Development replenished by rain or stream-bank infiltration, MAR is an
; Asano et al. ). Water reclamation and reuse is an artificial means to replenish groundwater. The advantages
integrated process in which different water treatment of MAR are numerous, and include the provision of
technologies are used to treat wastewater. The reclaimed additional natural treatment to enhance water quality,
water can be used for irrigation, urban uses, industrial replenishment of groundwater basins to mitigate subsidence
uses, and supplementing potable water resources (Anderson and to increase water supplies, prevention of salt water or
doi: 10.2166/wqrjc.2016.022

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358 J. Yuan et al. | Water reuse through managed aquifer recharge Water Quality Research Journal of Canada | 51.4 | 2016

reclaimed water. This area will be important as water

reuse continues to be developed and implemented globally.
Therefore, the objectives of this review are to critically sum-
marize and compare worldwide water reuse guidelines or
regulations for MAR with reclaimed water, and to propose
an approach for MAR implementation based on current
guidelines and regulations. Within the context of this
approach, selected MAR case studies that use reclaimed
water were analyzed. To provide background knowledge,
this review also presents the general principles that are
Figure 1 | MAR with reclaimed water schematic. involved in MAR.

seawater intrusion, storage of water underground to buffer

seasonal supply and demand variations and to reduce
water evaporation, maintenance of groundwater-dependent TYPES OF MAR
ecosystems, mitigation of floods and flood damage, and
improvements of urban landscapes (Kazner et al. ; Design of an appropriate MAR system will depend on

USEPA ). In particular, this process shows potential site-specific requirements and conditions. Existing MAR

for well-based potable water supply and stream-based waste- systems can be classified into eight different types, as

water treatment systems, which are common in many areas shown in Figure 2, and described below. Besides these

of Canada. However, implementing a MAR system is quite eight types, the Australian water reuse guidelines for MAR

challenging since multiple aspects of urban planning, (NRMMC-EPHC-NHMRC a) also include sand dams,

storm management, wastewater management, and water underground dams, bank filtration, dune filtration, and

supply must be taken into consideration (NRMMC-EPHC- soil-aquifer treatment (SAT) as additional MAR types;

NHMRC a). In addition, the lack of a mature regulatory however, these types can be included within the categories

framework for MAR system planning increases the difficul- outlined below. Specifically, sand dams and underground

ties (Asano & Cotruvo ; Hochstrat et al. ). dams can both be used to retain floods, and therefore can

Due to a wide range of technical and regulatory chal- be considered as a sub-category of recharge release. Bank

lenges involved with MAR, there is currently a great deal filtration, dune filtration, and SAT are the only infiltration

of research being conducted in various aspects of this processes that can remove contaminants, but can be

area. Most studies have focused on performance monitoring included within other MAR types such as percolation

or operational considerations of specific MAR systems, such tanks, infiltration galleries, or infiltration ponds.

as the removal of pathogenic or chemical contaminants • Aquifer storage and recovery (ASR). ASR is the under-
during MAR processes (Levantesi et al. ; Patterson ground storage of water through injection and recovery
et al. ; Pitoi et al. ; Sidhu & Toze ), the selection from the same well (Pyne ). This type of MAR is a
of appropriate recharge locations (Rahman et al. , ), cost-effective water storage option with a small surface
or MAR design and operational issues (Maliva et al. ; footprint (Maliva et al. ).
Cockett & Pidlisecky ). Other studies have investigated • Aquifer storage, transport, and recovery (ASTR). ASTR
MAR from a more general perspective, by addressing politi- refers to the injection and recovery of water from separ-
cal or legal considerations (Asano & Cotruvo ; ate wells. This method is an upgraded version of ASR
Hochstrat et al. ), the management of MAR (Bouwer and is quite effective for improving stored water quality
), or the economics of MAR systems (Shah ). How- due to a longer residence time (Maliva & Missimer ).
ever, few studies have reviewed and critically assessed the • Vadose zone wells. Also called ‘dry wells’, these are shal-
general worldwide regulatory framework for MAR using low wells where groundwater is deep. Common uses are

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Figure 2 | Various types of MAR.

for infiltration and disposal of storm runoff where rainfall systems (New Jersey Department of Environmental Pro-
is low and no storm sewers or combined sewers are avail- tection ).
able (Bouwer ). • Recharge releases. In this type of MAR, dams are built
• Percolation tanks and recharge weirs. These are dams on ephemeral streams to detain flood water. Therefore,
constructed in transient streams, to retain stormwater the release rate of the water downstream can be slowed
that can then penetrate through the stream bed to so it can be directly recharged into underlying aquifers
increase the storage in unconfined aquifers (NRMMC- (NRMMC-EPHC-NHMRC a).
EPHC-NHMRC a).
• Rainwater harvesting. In this MAR system, rainwater is
collected and redirected to a deep pit with percolation
and then reused for further purposes. This process is effi- KEY ELEMENTS OF A MAR PROCESS
cient to augment the natural filtration of rainwater to
underground formations, and is beneficial to restore the The six key elements of MAR for reclaimed water include

hydrological cycle in urban areas (Kim et al. ). the sources of recharge water, water treatment, recharge

• Infiltration galleries. Infiltration galleries are percolation method, recharge site, water recovery, and ultimate uses of
recovered water, and each element is further explained as
trenches in which a permeable medium has internal void
spaces to facilitate infiltration (Bekele et al. ). They follows. These elements are based on those defined by the

are among the oldest known ways of harvesting clean USEPA () Guidelines for Water Reuse, but water treat-

water (Kresic ). ment was added as an additional element due to its

• Infiltration ponds. These are large open water ponds that importance in the process, and sub-surface storage was
renamed as recharge site to more accurately reflect the var-
are either excavated or located in an area surrounded by
a bank. This practice has good pollutant-removal efficien- ious factors involved in defining the site characteristics.

cies and is considered to be an effective means to • Sources of recharge water. In terms of water reuse
recharge groundwater and increase base flow to stream through MAR, aquifers can be recharged using reclaimed

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wastewater from municipal wastewater treatment plants. considered. The first criterion is aquifer type; if the aqui-
Other sources of recharge water that are not directly fer is confined, direct injection should be chosen,
related to water reuse can include stormwater, surface otherwise, the second criterion (groundwater depth)
water from rivers or lakes, groundwater drawn from should be considered. For unconfined aquifers, the cost
other aquifers or remotely from the same aquifer, or of direct injection wells will be higher when the depth
drinking water from potable water distribution systems to groundwater increases. Therefore, a critical value of
(NRMMC-EPHC-NHMRC a). Water quality is an groundwater depth, which usually ranges from 100 to
important consideration, and will be guided not only by 201 m (USEPA ), should be determined for each situ-
the end purpose but also by environmental water quality ation. If the depth of groundwater is less than the critical
standards. As such, additional treatment will likely be value, direct injection is preferable. If not, the third cri-
required for reclaimed water. terion (land availability) should be considered. If cost-
• Water treatment. Water treatment refers to artificial puri- effective land is available, surface spreading basins can
fication processes for the recharge water. To achieve the be chosen; if not, vadose zone injection wells are more
required water quality, different engineered technologies suitable. Besides these key factors, other considerations
are combined to pre-treat recharge water or post-treat such as groundwater quality, ultimate uses, and environ-
recovered water in order to remove specific contami- mental impacts on neighboring areas should also be
nants. In addition, the appropriate design of water taken into account.
treatment can alleviate the potential for accumulation • Recharge site. The recharge site will have a great impact
of pollutants in aquifers. on the performance of a MAR system, since this element
• Recharge method. Two recharge methods used in MAR has a close relationship with the methods used for
are direct injection and surface spreading. Selecting a recharge and water recovery. Once the recharge location
recharge method depends on many factors such as aqui- is chosen, the sub-surface characteristics are identified so
fer type, aquifer depth, land availability, groundwater that storage capacity and hydrogeological conditions can
quality, and costs. Figure 3 shows a typical procedure be determined. The selection of recharge sites is a com-
for selecting a suitable aquifer recharge method plex decision-making process. Different levels of factors
(USEPA ), where several levels of criteria are including geological and hydrogeological characteristics,

Figure 3 | Decision tree for the selection of a recharge method.

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social and economic policies, natural conservation, and et al. ). Reactions such as iron precipitation, biological
environmental impacts should be considered (Rahman degradation, oxidation, soil filtration or adsorption can
et al. ). help remove contaminants (Bouwer ; Cha et al. ;
• Water recovery. Water recovery specifically refers to the Essandoh et al. ). However, some processes may
natural purification processes for the recharge water. increase the concentration of certain substances in the
Underground natural purification is considered to water. For example, when water flows along an aquifer,
remove some microbial and chemical contaminants, small quantities of sodium chloride in soil can dissolve
mainly through adsorption or biodegradation (Schmidt into the water, thus increasing the sodium and chloride con-
et al. ; Maeng et al. ). Managing the travel time tent (Fox ). As well, clogging of wells or subsurface
of the recharge water has been the key operational con- pores may occur depending on the quality of recharge
sideration to ensure the recovery of water (USEPA ). water. Typical water quality parameters such as the Lange-
• Ultimate uses of recovered water. The ultimate uses of lier saturation index, silt density index, and membrane
water recovered from aquifers can vary. Normally, aqui- fouling index are defined to characterize the potential of
fer water is used for purposes such as drinking, recharge water to cause well corrosion or fouling (USEPA
agriculture, industry, and environment. Other uses ). For the successful implementation of MAR systems,
include barriers against aquifer salinization, flood mitiga- MAR site hydrogeological and geochemical characteristics
tion, and coastal water quality improvement through the should be suitable to maintain or improve the quality of
reduction of urban discharge (Dillon et al. ). water traveling underground, while good recharge water
quality is important for the maintenance of the aquifer
In terms of water reuse through MAR, water quality and matrix so that further successful infiltration or percolation
treatment processes will be particularly important and need of water can be ensured.
to be considered in various aspects of planning. Water qual- The design and operation of MAR systems are, to a large
ity is an essential consideration in MAR systems since it extent, impacted by water quality. Normally, better recharge
greatly influences the choice of water treatment technol- water quality requires less underground retention time, and
ogies, MAR site selection, and MAR system design and therefore the distance between the discharging water and
operation. The final uses of the recovered water from aqui- the withdrawing water can be shorter (Bouwer ). Poor
fers will guide the design and water quality that is recharge water quality is more inclined to clog recharge
required. Even though water passage through underground areas such as infiltration basins or wells, and can lead to
natural systems, or SAT, can provide some treatment for reduced infiltration rates. To maximize infiltration, oper-
contaminant removal, these processes are quite complex ational strategies such as water pre-treatment, well
and not easily controlled (Asano & Cotruvo ). There- redevelopment, physical removal of the clogging layer, or
fore, additional engineered processes should be used to the use of infiltration basin wetting/drying cycles may be
pre-treat or post-treat the recharge water to guarantee that implemented during the MAR system operation (Bouwer
the pollutants do not contaminate or accumulate in aquifers ).
and the required quality of recovered water is achieved. The
selection of water treatment units or trains is usually based
on the source and quality of water that is used for recharge. GUIDELINES AND REGULATIONS
As an example, if nitrogen is identified as a critical constitu-
ent whose concentration is significantly higher than the A number of water reuse guidelines and regulations have
specified value, de-nitrification should be considered. been developed by specific countries/regions or inter-
The subsurface characteristics of MAR sites also have a national organizations. The World Health Organization
close relationship with water quality. During underground (WHO) has produced three editions of guidelines for
geochemical processes, different physicochemical and bio- water reuse (WHO ). In North America, two provinces
logical reactions can change the water quality (Essandoh in Canada (British Columbia and Alberta) have regulatory

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guidelines for water reuse, while in the USA there is a different states of the USA and even around the world
national water reuse guideline published by the US Environ- (USEPA ). In terms of state-specific regulations, the Cali-
mental Protection Agency (USEPA), 25 state-specific water fornia Department of Public Health updated the Regulations
reuse regulations, and 16 state-specific water reuse guide- Related to Recycled Water in 2014 to clearly define 54 ter-
lines or design standards (Schaefer et al. ; Asano et al. minologies related to water reuse, and contains
). In Europe, there are no European Union level docu- requirements of recycled water sources, uses, distribution,
ments, but seven countries including Belgium, Cyprus, treatment, system design and operational considerations,
France, Greece, Portugal, and autonomous regions in Italy and reliability requirements (California Department of
(Sicily, Emilia Romagna, and Puglia) and in Spain (Andalu- Public Health ). This California regulation is compre-
cía, Balearic Islands, and Catalonia) have released their own hensive and stringent to establish a high level of public
water reuse standards or regulations. Australia has devel- protection. Therefore, the California regulation has been fol-
oped comprehensive national water recycling guidelines lowed by some developed countries, including European
(NRMMC-EPHC-AHMC ; NRMMC-EPHC-NHMRC countries and high-income African countries.
, a, b). In Asia, water reuse regulations have Although many water reuse guidelines or regulations
been established by countries such as China, Singapore, have been established throughout the world, few have
Japan, and Korea, mainly for agriculture, aquaculture, specific requirements regarding MAR with reclaimed
municipal, and industrial water reuse purposes (Jiménez water. The existing regulations or guidelines mainly contain
& Asano ). In other places, including South America MAR regulatory considerations from the following aspects:
and Africa, few water reuse guidelines or regulations have (1) recharge water quality requirements, (2) MAR design,
been published, and instead, most countries are following operation and maintenance, and (3) ultimate uses of recov-
the WHO water reuse guidelines ( Jiménez & Asano ; ered water. To understand the current rules for MAR with
Adewumi et al. ). reclaimed water, three regulatory documents (California,
Among these water reuse guidelines and regulations, the Florida, and Australia) which contain relatively more
most notable and widely used are those developed by the detailed MAR criteria or guidance information in this
WHO, USEPA, and California. The latest edition of the regard will be discussed.
WHO Guidelines for the Safe Use of Wastewater, Excreta
and Greywater, published in 2006, not only illustrates the California groundwater replenishment regulation
assessment of health risks, health-based targets, and health
protection measures in the practice of wastewater reuse in In June 2014, the Groundwater Replenishment with Recycled
agriculture, but also establishes a framework for assessing Water regulation was released by the California Department
the sociocultural, environmental, economic and financial, of Public Health (California Department of Public Health
and policy aspects of water reuse projects (WHO ). ). In this regulation, groundwater replenishment using
The WHO guidelines are generally less stringent than regu- recycled wastewater for indirect potable reuse via surface
lations or guidelines in some US states or European application and subsurface application is addressed. Since
countries (Asano et al. ), but have been broadly adopted the ultimate use of recovered water from aquifers is normally
all over the world, especially in areas that have no water for drinking water, the regulation requires a public hearing
reuse regulations and no capacity to produce higher quality prior to the implementation of such an aquifer recharge pro-
reclaimed water. ject. In addition, the criteria propose a multi-barrier approach
The USEPA () Guidelines for Water Reuse were to ensure the safety of recovered water. Different kinds of
updated in 2012 by the EPA and the Agency for Inter- groundwater replenishment controls are specified, including
national Development. This document covers various those relating to the water source, artificial and natural treat-
types of water reuse purposes, water reclamation technol- ment, dilution control, monitoring, and operations. For each
ogies, water reuse program funding, public involvement, control, the requirements are stringent and comprehensive.
and water reuse regulatory programs or applications in For example, in the control of pathogenic microorganisms,

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more specific microbial indicators are used including enteric Australian guidelines
viruses, Giardia cysts, and Cryptosporidium oocysts, but not
Escherichia coli or total coliforms. This specific microbial The Australian Guidelines for Water Recycling: MAR is one
requirement will require more sophisticated wastewater rec- of three modules which comprise Phase 2 of the National
lamation and monitoring methods. Moreover, ongoing Water Reuse Guidelines (NRMMC-EPHC-NHMRC a).
monitoring is required, as well as remediation methods to This document includes a framework for hazard identifi-
deal with problems in a timely way so as to achieve microbial cation and risk assessment of MAR projects, MAR
reduction targets. The most innovative part of the Californian operational management, as well as monitoring issues. To
code is the concept of reclaimed water dilution, which can be applicable for a variety of MAR projects, this document
reduce the concentration of contaminants in reclaimed covers different types of aquifers, reuse purposes, and
water without the need to upgrade the wastewater recla- source water including both wastewater and stormwater.
mation processes. Since the main purpose of this guideline is to provide gen-
eral principles for the implementation of MAR projects, it
Florida administrative code does not specify recommended water quality parameters,
operational factors, or monitoring frequencies. The guide-
Chapter 62–610 of the Florida Administrative Code, entitled lines’ major characteristic is the establishment of a logical,
Reuse of Reclaimed Water and Land Application, describes staged process for risk assessment and management in
groundwater recharge with treated wastewater via rapid MAR projects. The procedure consists of four stages: (1) col-
infiltration basins or injection wells (Florida Department lection of the available information and entry-level
of Environmental Protection ). For surface spreading, assessment; (2) risk assessment and preventive measures
secondary treatment and disinfection are the minimum identification; (3) project construction and residual risk
reapplication treatment requirements for the recharge assessment; and (4) project operation and verification.
water. Based on different subsurface characteristics and Two types of qualitative risk assessment are described in
neighboring potable water sources, additional levels of reap- the document; the first is a broad assessment for general
plication treatment, setback distances (distance between the projects, and the second is a simplified assessment for
recharge site and nearby protection zones), and hydraulic specific projects in defined conditions.
loading rates are set. For direct injection, the receiving
groundwater quality will set the recharge water quality Other guidelines or regulations
limits and required pre-treatment levels. When the total dis-
solved solids (TDS) level in the groundwater is less than Several other water reuse directives are available; however,
3,000 mg/L, wastewater is required to receive full treatment unlike the guidelines or regulations discussed above, these
and disinfection (secondary treatment, filtration, disinfec- documents either do not include MAR as an end-use
tion, and multiple barriers for control of pathogens and option for reclaimed water or do not provide information
organics) to meet drinking water quality requirements. on all aspects of MAR planning, design and operation.
When TDS level of the groundwater is more than Instead, these directives only specify general requirements
3,000 mg/L, principal treatment and disinfection (secondary of MAR in terms of water quality or setback distances. For
treatment, filtration, and disinfection) of the wastewater are example, the USEPA () Guidelines for Water Reuse regu-
required. Water quality requirements in the code not only lates groundwater recharge for non-potable or indirect
specify typical wastewater quality parameters but also potable use, and includes the required reclaimed water qual-
include total organic halogen (TOX) as a surrogate par- ity and setback distances. To ensure the required water
ameter, to measure the concentration of halogenated quality, reclaimed water monitoring frequencies are also
organics that may be toxic to humans (Glaze et al. ; specified. Idaho’s Recycled Water Rules state that recycled
Williams ). Pilot testing is also required before the reclaimed water quality should follow the Idaho Ground
implementation of full-scale projects. Water Quality Rule (Idaho Department of Environmental

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Quality ), and the determination of a system’s design or MAR with reclaimed water. Secondary treatment is the
operation parameters should be site-specific (Idaho Depart- basic treatment requirement for recharge water. To ensure
ment of Environmental Quality ). In Pennsylvania, the the quality of recharge water and groundwater, additional
Reuse of Treated Wastewater Guidance Manual specifies treatment such as filtration, disinfection, and advanced
that groundwater recharge by directly injecting reused treatment processes are also required to treat reclaimed
water requires Class Aþ water quality and a minimum reten- water. Additionally, SAT serves as a natural treatment
tion time of 12 months for potable uses, while groundwater barrier for the removal of contaminants, and therefore
recharge by infiltration basins requires Class A or better and MAR via direct injection requires a higher level of pre-treat-
a nine-month retention time for drinking purposes (Pennsyl- ment than MAR via surface spreading. The performance of
vania Department of Environmental Protection ). The SAT depends on the underground traveling time or distance
Chinese Standards of Reclaimed Water Quality set limits of water. Normally, a longer traveling time or distance will
on 21 water quality parameters for reclaimed water to be result in better water quality. To ensure the quality of recov-
used for recharging aquifers (Ministry of Water Resources ered water and the safety of neighboring areas, the setback
). distances between recharge site and water withdrawal site,
The water quality needed for MAR is an important con- or neighboring sensitive areas such as water bodies, are
sideration, as treatment and monitoring requirements will specified in some regulations/guidelines. When no specific
play a large role in the design and operation of the system. numbers are specified for the setback distance in the docu-
Therefore, the guidelines or regulations discussed above ments, methods to calculate or determine these values are
were compared to determine the required quality of the provided. Normally, determination of the setback distance
recharge water for MAR, and the results are summarized is based on experimental tracer studies or numerical
in Table 1. In terms of microbial limits, it can be seen that modeling.
most documents include limits for fecal coliforms or total
coliforms, but only the latest California regulation specifies
the treatment targets for other groups of pathogen indicators PROPOSED REGULATORY APPROACH
including enteric viruses, Giardia cysts, and Cryptospori-
dium oocysts. As discussed above, Australia uses Building on the currently available worldwide water reuse
quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA) to establish regulations and guidelines for MAR with reclaimed water,
acceptable microbial water quality limits. Since the water an approach for MAR implementation can be developed.
recovered from aquifers is often used for potable purposes, Because many countries do not currently have MAR gui-
inorganic or organic contaminants that are regulated in dance documents, a standardized approach can be used by
the drinking water standards have been taken into consider- regulatory agencies, municipalities, and other water provi-
ation. In some cases, limits have been set for specific ders with long-term planning of water and wastewater
chemical and physical parameters, including those that options to ensure sustainable development. Figure 4 shows
measure typical wastewater monitoring parameters (e.g., an overview of a scheme for MAR with reclaimed water.
total suspended solids, biological oxygen demand, and The approach comprises three steps that include planning,
total nitrogen). However, in many cases, and in particular, design, and operation.
for inorganic and organic chemicals, the guidelines state In the first planning stage, existing problems should be
that values must meet environmental or drinking water stan- thoroughly analyzed to determine whether there is a need
dards. The only regulations to set specific levels for chemical to establish a MAR project. This step identifies the sources
parameters are the California and China regulations. of recharge water and ultimate purposes of recovered
The treatment and setback requirements for MAR in the water. The amount of recharge water and recovered water
various guidelines or regulations were also surveyed and are should be evaluated together with current water sources to
summarized in Table 2. Overall results show that different ensure that the required water demand can be met. In
levels of water treatment apply for various categories of using reclaimed water as a source of recharge water, the

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Table 1 | Required recharge water quality parameters for MAR with reclaimed water

Typical reclaimed water quality parameters

Additional parameters and/or

Regulation or guideline Category FC TC BOD TOC NTU TSS TDS TN NO3 TOX Metals requirements

Groundwater Surface or √ √ √ √ Enteric viruses, Giardia,

Replenishment with subsurface Cryptosporidium,
Recycled Watera application for radionuclides, organics,
(California, USA) indirect potable inorganics, disinfection
reuse by-products
Reuse of Reclaimed Rapid infiltration √ √ √ √ Comply with drinking water
Water and Land basins, standards
Application b absorption fields
(Florida, USA) Injection √ √ √ √ √ Comply with drinking water
(groundwater standards
with TDS
<3,000 mg/L)
Injection √ √ Comply with drinking water
(groundwater standards
with TDS
>3,000 mg/L)
Australian Guidelines 13 types of MAR √ √ Pathogen removal (QMRA),
for Water Recycling: inorganic/organic
MAR c (Australia) chemicals (environmental
standards), radionuclides
USEPA () Non-potable uses Site and use specific
Guidelines for Surface spreading √ √ √ Comply with drinking water
Water Reuse d to potable standards (after SAT),
(USA) aquifers requires Cl2 residual
Direct injection to √ √ √ Comply with drinking water
potable aquifers standards, requires Cl2
Recycled water rules e Not specified Comply with Ground Water
(Idaho, USA) Quality Rulef
Reuse of Treated Infiltration basins √ √ √ √ √ √ Comply with drinking water
Wastewater standards
Guidance Manual g Direct injection √ √ √ √ √ √ Comply with drinking water
(Pennsylvania, standards
Standards of Not specified √ √ √ √ √ √ Color, odor, dissolved
Reclaimed Water oxygen, hardness,
Quality h (China) chemical oxygen demand,
fluoride, cyanide

FC, fecal coliforms; TC, total coliforms; BOD, biochemical oxygen demand; TOC, total organic carbon; NTU, turbidity; TSS, total suspended solids; TDS, total dissolved solids; TN, total nitro-
gen; TOX, total organic halogen.
California Department of Public Health (2014).
Florida Department of Environment Protection (1999).
USEPA (2012).
Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (2009).
Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (2001).
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (2012).
Ministry of Water Resources (2006).

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Table 2 | Treatment requirements and setback distances for MAR with reclaimed water

Treatment process

J. Yuan et al.
Secondary Advanced Nitrification/
Regulation or guideline Category treatment Filtration Disinfection SAT oxidation Denitrification Coagulation RO Setback distance Other

Groundwater Surface √ √ 0.25 to 1 month  3 treatment

Water reuse through managed aquifer recharge

Replenishment application, (based on units and
with Recycled indirect potable tracer study or wastewater
Watera (California, reuse numerical dilution
USA) Subsurface √ √ √ modeling) required
indirect potable
Reuse of Reclaimed Rapid infiltration √ √ √ √ 7.62 to 152.4 m
Water and Land basins, (based on
Application b absorption sensitive areas
(Florida, USA) fields and system
Injection √ √ √ 304.8 m from Multiple
(groundwater potable water barriers for
with TDS supply wells pathogens
<3,000 mg/L) and organics
Injection √ √ √ 304.8 m from
(groundwater potable water
with TDS supply wells
>3,000 mg/L)
Australian 13 types of MAR √ Not specified
Guidelines for
Water Recycling:

Water Quality Research Journal of Canada

MAR c (Australia)
USEPA () Non-potable uses √ Site and use Site and use
Guidelines for specific specific
Water Reuse d Surface spreading √ √ √ √ 2 months to
(USA) to potable potable water
aquifers extraction
Direct injection √ √ √ 2 months to Advanced
to potable potable water treatment
aquifers extraction required

Recycled water rules e Not specified Not specified

(Idaho, USA)


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J. Yuan et al.
Water reuse through managed aquifer recharge
Table 2 | continued

Treatment process

Secondary Advanced Nitrification/

Regulation or guideline Category treatment Filtration Disinfection SAT oxidation Denitrification Coagulation RO Setback distance Other

Reuse of Treated Infiltration basins √ √ √ √ 12 months to

Wastewater potable water
Guidance Manual f extraction
(Pennsylvania, wells
USA) Direct injection √ √ √ √ √ √ 12 months to
potable water
Standards of Not specified Not specified
Reclaimed Water
Quality g (China)
California Department of Public Health (2014).
Florida Department of Environment Protection (1999).

Water Quality Research Journal of Canada

USEPA (2012).
Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (2009).
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (2012).
Ministry of Water Resources (2006).

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368 J. Yuan et al. | Water reuse through managed aquifer recharge Water Quality Research Journal of Canada | 51.4 | 2016

Figure 4 | A proposed approach for MAR implementation.

ultimate purposes, such as potable, agricultural, or rec- pilot-scale testing should be conducted to assess the
reational uses may cause concerns, and therefore public system performance. The efficiency of artificial pre-treat-
involvement is important in the whole project implemen- ment or post-treatment units and MAR simulation bottles
tation process. or columns to remove contaminants can be tested in a lab-
After the project goal and scope have been determined, oratory. Design alternations such as specific treatment
essential components in the MAR project design should be optimization or recharge rate adjustments can then be
done. The selection of recharge sites and recharge methods made based on the test results, and a testing report should
mainly depends on local geological and hydrogeological be available to the public. After the establishment of a full-
characteristics. A suitable recharge aquifer can ensure ade- scale MAR system, routine monitoring and system mainten-
quate recharge rates, storage and recovery, but also ance should be performed to mitigate certain operating
provide additional natural water treatment. To control con- issues such as clogging or adverse monitoring results, and
taminants, the water treatment system is an essential design operation reports can be produced and assessed by the
component in MAR. Water pre-treatment processes and public.
underground retention distance/time are normally specified Since the source of recharge water is reclaimed water,
in the regulations/guidelines to ensure that natural ground- which may contain some residual contaminants, health
water quality is protected and recovered water quality and esthetic issues associated with the recovered water
requirements are met. In addition, the public should be have been the focus of MAR projects. Several controls
kept informed in the decision-making process of the MAR including the choice of source water, the degree of water
system design to ensure that there is no risk to public pre-treatment and post-treatment, the selection of recharge
health or the environment. sites and methods, retention distance and time, and oper-
The final operation stage includes construction, main- ational details of the MAR system should be addressed
tenance, and monitoring. Normally, before the when implementing MAR with reclaimed water. To obtain
construction of full-scale MAR systems, bench-scale and social acceptance, which is an essential part of water reuse

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369 J. Yuan et al. | Water reuse through managed aquifer recharge Water Quality Research Journal of Canada | 51.4 | 2016

projects, the whole process of establishing MAR should water to the Central Groundwater Basin, in order to provide
involve public consultation. a new potable water supply for Los Angeles County (USEPA


A number of MAR projects using reclaimed wastewater or In the 1950s, rapid population growth in Los Angeles
stormwater have been established. Most of them focus on County, whose water supply was well-based, led to increased
solving a water shortage problem, but address different pumping from the Central Groundwater Basin, resulting in a
specific issues. The projects involve a wide range of recharge declining groundwater table and seawater intrusion. To
water sources, treatment methods, recharge methods, and solve this problem, treated wastewater, surface water
ultimate uses of recovered water. Various types of MAR imported from the Colorado River and the State Project
have been applied, including: ASR in Salisbury, Australia; Water, and stormwater were planned as the sources of
vadose zone wells in Phoenix, USA; bank filtration in recharge water to replenish groundwater basins. Mixing
Berlin, Germany; dune filtration in Amsterdam, The Nether- three types of water can dilute the concentrations of residual
lands; and infiltration ponds in the Burdekin Delta, contaminants in the treated wastewater, thus increasing the
Australia. safety and reliability of water supply.
Although many MAR projects have been established,
sophisticated MAR guidelines or standards are still unavail- Design
able (Asano & Cotruvo ; Kazner et al. ). Therefore,
reviewing previous MAR planning, design, and operational Since recycled water accounted for 26% of the recharge
experiences is of crucial importance for the success of water, the initial stage of the project used conventional ter-
future MAR projects. Since MAR with reclaimed water tiary treatment including filtration and chorine disinfection
can effectively mitigate both water shortages and environ- to purify the water (Water Replenishment District of
mental pollution, this type of MAR project has attracted Southern California ). Later, to further improve water
growing interest. To learn from existing practices, three quality, nitrification/denitrification and ultraviolet (UV)
case studies that have used MAR with reclaimed water are light disinfection were added as additional barriers for
discussed in detail in this section, within the context of the residual contaminants. Due to the effectiveness of water treat-
proposed approach for MAR implementation as outlined ment, the amount of recycled water was increased to up to
earlier. The first case study was selected to show the typical 40% of recharge water (Johnson ). In addition to artifi-
structure of a MAR project. The significance of artificial pre- cial water treatments, natural treatments are used. Two sets
treatment for recharge water is described in the second, of spreading grounds, the Rio Hondo Coastal spreading
while the final case study discusses the role of natural treat- grounds with 20 individual basins and the San Gabriel
ment in MAR. These case studies show the interdependence Coastal spreading grounds with three individual basins, are
among MAR components, advanced water treatment, and used to percolate recharge water into aquifers (USEPA
natural treatment for MAR implementation. ). The selection of surface spreading sites can provide
an additional natural treatment for the recharge water, and
Montebello Forebay groundwater recharge project therefore obviate the need for advanced water pre-treatment.
The Montebello Forebay groundwater recharge project is
the oldest system planned for indirect potable reuse in During operation, individual spreading basins are operated
California. Since 1962, this project has been recharging under wetting/drying cycles (USEPA. ). This operation
over 1.6 million acre-feet (1,974 million m3) of recycled mode optimizes the infiltration of water and prevents the

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development of vectors, thus ensuring continuous and effec- the aquifer to replenish groundwater basins and prevent sea-
tive performance. Extensive monitoring is conducted, from water intrusion. Since the groundwater replenishment
the sources of recharge water to the final groundwater aqui- system depends solely on wastewater as the source water,
fers (USEPA ). Therefore, the quality of groundwater can gaining social acceptance was significant. To get approvals,
be protected and instant responses can be made to deal with an outreach program was established through media and
adverse monitoring results. other activities to broadcast the concept of purifying waste-
water to drinking water (USEPA ).
Successes and lessons learned
The Montebello Forebay Groundwater Recharge Project is a
typical MAR project, and thus, was used as an example to The most innovative part of this case study is its design for
show the key components in the MAR system. Through water treatment. In order to produce high-quality recharge
analysis under the proposed approach for MAR implemen- water, a state-of-the-art wastewater purification plant was
tation, it can be seen that each element plays an important constructed. The plant uses a three-step treatment process
role for the success of a MAR project. In the planning consisting of microfiltration (MF), reverse osmosis (RO),
stage, the identified water shortage problem was helpful to and UV with hydrogen peroxide to treat secondary effluent
determine the ultimate uses of the recovered water. The from a wastewater treatment plant (Patel ). This stan-
selection of source water was consistent with the local avail- dard treatment train for potable reuse can remove different
able water sources. In the design stage, the combination of types of residual contaminants in treated wastewater. MF
natural and artificial treatment provided multi-barrier pro- and RO remove suspended or colloidal contaminants and
tection against contaminants in the water. In the operation dissolved contaminants, respectively. The final UV and per-
stage, routine monitoring and maintenance was shown to oxide treatment can disinfect microorganisms and oxidize
be essential for the management of MAR. organic compounds. Through the treatment, the quality of
the reclaimed water exceeds all state and federal drinking
Orange County groundwater replenishment system water standards (USEPA ).
The groundwater replenishment system in Orange County,
California, is another groundwater recharge project using Water quality monitoring is essential in the groundwater
recycled water. As the world’s largest wastewater purifi- replenishment system operation. Regulated water quality par-
cation system for indirect potable reuse, this system has ameters including metals, organics, nutrients, and microbial
provided a large amount of high quality water for around indicators are tested to ensure that the drinking water stan-
600,000 residents in north and central Orange County dards can be achieved. Unregulated water quality
since its initial operation in 2008 (USEPA ). parameters, including pharmaceuticals, personal care pro-
ducts, and endocrine disruptors are also monitored to reduce
Planning the health risks. In addition, to secure support from the
public, a comprehensive outreach program was established
As a semi-arid county in southern California, Orange and is still active. Until now, no significant or organized
County’s water supply had relied on imported water from public opposition has been reported (USEPA ).
northern California and the Colorado River for decades.
However, with population growth and environment con- Successes and lessons learned
straints, imported water was less available. To provide a
reliable water supply, highly treated wastewater was recog- The Orange County groundwater replenishment system is a
nized as an alternative water source and recharged into good example to illustrate the effectiveness of how advanced

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water treatment can be applied for MAR to achieve potable to ensure the production of higher quality recovered water
water quality. From this case study, it can be seen that mem- for irrigation (Kazner et al. ).
brane filtration and advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) are
the future of water reuse. Getting social acceptance is always Operation
a difficult step for water reuse. The success of the outreach pro-
gram used in this project can serve as guidance for the Since the stormwater harvesting and ASTR are all passive treat-
communication between the public and future MAR with ments, their performance cannot be easily controlled. To ensure
reclaimed water project planners, designers, and operators. the water quality, frequent sampling and monitoring are con-
ducted (Kazner et al. ). Currently, this site is used as a full-
Salisbury ASTR project (Australia) scale trial to evaluate the feasibility of potential drinking water
production. Post-treatment, which may include UV and chlor-
Started in 2003, the ASTR project in Salisbury (a northern ine disinfection, are still under investigation (Page et al. c).
suburb of Adelaide), Australia, is a demonstration MAR
system for stormwater harvesting. Since the project was Successes and lessons learned
established, Adelaide and regional towns have had the abil-
ity to store runoff from the short and intense precipitation The Salisbury ASTR project demonstrates the importance of
events that occur from May to September, and therefore natural systems in MAR. Since natural treatments are green
have a reliable alternative water source (Kazner et al. ). technologies, which can reduce operational costs and
environmental impacts, these processes will be widely
Planning applied in future systems.
In addition to the case studies presented, several other
Due to the low average annual rainfall, Adelaide is regarded notable MAR with reclaimed water projects have been estab-
as the driest capital city in Australia. Although the monthly lished in different parts of the world, including the USA,
rainfall is higher during May to September, the local high Australia, Belgium, Italy, Spain, China, and Israel (Table 3).
summer evaporation rates make the catchment of storm- It can be seen that the USA and Australia play the leading
water difficult. Therefore, the ASTR project was roles in MAR with reclaimed water. Due to environmental
established to capture stormwater and provide additional pollution and water shortages, treated wastewater is becom-
drinking water. ing more important as a source of recharge water. To
reduce the concentrations of contaminants in wastewater
Design and increase the water supply, other types of water, such as
stormwater or surface water, are often mixed with wastewater
The system encompasses the Parafield Stormwater Harvest- as the source of recharge water. In terms of water treatment,
ing Facility, which is used to collect and pre-treat additional advanced water treatment technologies, including
stormwater, and the ASTR well field, which is used to high-pressure membrane filtration and AOPs, are included in
inject and abstract water. In the harvesting system, storm- pre- or post-recovery to ensure the required level of contami-
water from a 16.2 km mixed industrial and residential nant removal is achieved or surpassed due to their excellent
catchment is collected and then diverted through two storm- ability to remove different types of contaminants. When the
water settling basins into a constructed wetland with a recharge method is surface spreading, SAT normally serves
capacity of 25,000 m3 (Page et al. a, b). The appli- as an additional natural treatment to purify water. As for all
cation of constructed wetlands provides a cost-effective MAR systems, recharge methods, sources of recharge water,
and robust natural way to pre-treat stormwater. In the well water treatments, and ultimate uses of recovered water have
field, four wells are used for injection and two wells are a close relationship. In all cases, communication and
used for abstraction. The separation of these injection acceptance by the public are needed to ensure that environ-
wells and abstraction wells gives a longer residence time mental and public health concerns are addressed.

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Table 3 | Examples of MAR with reclaimed water

Ultimate use of recovered

Name Recharge method Recharge water source Water treatment water

Alamitos saltwater barrier Direct injection Surface water, treated Microfiltration, RO, UV light Prevent seawater
(California, USA) wastewater disinfection intrusion
Chino Basin groundwater Surface spreading Surface water, treated Tertiary treatment, SAT Potable water
recharge (California, USA) wastewater,
Dominguez Gap barrier Direct injection Surface water, treated Microfiltration, RO, UV Prevent seawater
(California, USA) wastewater disinfection intrusion
Montebello Forebay Surface spreading Surface water, treated Tertiary treatment, SAT Potable water
groundwater recharge wastewater,
(California, USA) stormwater
Orange County groundwater Surface Treated wastewater Microfiltration, RO, UV/ Potable water, prevent
replenishment system spreading, hydrogen peroxide, SAT seawater intrusion
(California, USA) direct injection
West Coast Basin barrier Direct injection Potable water, treated Microfiltration, RO, UV Prevent seawater
(California, USA) wastewater disinfection intrusion
City of Desin ASR (Florida, Direct injection Treated wastewater Flocculation, filtration, Landscape irrigation
USA) disinfection
Winter Garden Water Conserv Surface spreading Treated wastewater Ozonation, RO, SAT Agricultural irrigation
II (Florida, USA)
Northern Adelaide Plains Direct injection Treated wastewater Tertiary treatment Irrigation
aquifer recharge (South
Salisbury aquifer recharge Direct injection Stormwater Wetland treatment Irrigation, industrial
(South Australia) uses, potentially
Perth aquifer recharge (Western Surface spreading Treated wastewater Microfiltration, RO, SAT Potable water
Sydney aquifer recharge (New Surface spreading Treated wastewater, Tertiary treatment, SAT Prevent seawater
South Wales, Australia) stormwater intrusion
St-André aquifer recharge Surface spreading Treated wastewater Ultrafiltration, RO, UV Potable water
(Flanders, Belgium) disinfection, SAT
Nardó karstic aquifer recharge Direct injection Treated wastewater Conventional activated sludge Irrigation, prevent
(Apulia, Italy) process seawater intrusion
Sabadell aquifer recharge Surface spreading Treated wastewater Conventional activated sludge Non-potable
(Catalonia, Spain) process, SAT (irrigation, street
Zhengzhou groundwater Surface spreading Treated wastewater Coagulation, filtration, Fishery, agriculture,
recharge (Henan, China) adsorption, disinfection, industry
artificial wetland, SAT
Gaobeidian aquifer recharge Direct injection Treated wastewater Coagulation, sedimentation, Under investigation
(Beijing, China) rapid sand filtration,
Shafdan aquifer recharge Surface spreading Treated wastewater Conventional activated sludge Irrigation
(Israel) process, ultrafiltration, SAT

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KNOWLEDGE GAPS beneficial water reuse application but has a wide range of
challenges for its implementation. Within a MAR system,
There is currently a knowledge gap with regards to the diverse aspects including planning, technical design or oper-
inadequate regulatory systems for MAR with reclaimed ational considerations, and political issues should be
water, and this creates a challenge for the implementation considered. To date, a number of water reuse regulations
of MAR projects. Although some water reuse regulations or guidelines have been established worldwide and some
or guidelines have included requirements for MAR (Florida of them include requirements to govern the implementation
Department of Environmental Protection ; Ministry of of MAR projects. Suggestions or lessons learned from cur-
Water Resources ; Idaho Department of Environmental rent water reuse regulations/guidelines and MAR case
Quality ; NRMMC-EPHC-NHMRC a; Pennsylva- studies are as follows:
nia Department of Environmental Protection ; USEPA
• Six components (sources of recharge water, water treat-
; California Department of Public Health ), limited ment, recharge method, recharge site, water recovery,
specified planning procedures or requirements are available and ultimate uses of recovered water) can be used to
in the documents. Therefore, the establishment of specific assess MAR systems. Water quality is an essential con-
criteria and standards governing MAR with reclaimed sideration and influences the key factors for MAR
water is encouraged. systems.
In addition, an inadequate understanding and control of
• A review of the available water reuse guidelines or regu-
underground processes hampers MAR design and oper- lations identified that a framework for MAR
ation. Although many studies have investigated the implementation should be based on planning, design
removal of contaminants during recharge processes (e.g., and operational requirements for MAR with reclaimed
Montgomery-Brown et al. ; Quanrud et al. ; water.
Zhang et al. ) and recharge operation or design issues
• Established MAR with reclaimed water projects can serve
(e.g., Bouwer , ; Vanderzalm et al. ), system per- as a reference for the future implementation of MAR pro-
formance can be site specific and this can be a problem jects. All components in the system are important for the
when standards for MAR are unavailable. Thus, more establishment of MAR with reclaimed water projects.
work should be conducted in order to establish clear Artificial and natural treatments should be properly
design and operational criteria for MAR. designed and operated to ensure the safety of recovered
Finally, a complete quantitative risk assessment of MAR water.
should be developed for each project. Although Australian
• Gaining social acceptance is of great importance for the
water reuse guidelines have established a risk assessment success of MAR with reclaimed water projects.
framework, and previous studies have taken qualitative
• Specific regulatory or design criteria for the establish-
and preliminary quantitative approaches to assess the risks ment of MAR systems and a complete quantitative risk
associated with MAR projects (Page et al. ; NRMMC- assessment framework for the evaluation and operation
EPHC-NHMRC a), mature quantitative risk assess- of MAR systems should be established.
ments are still not available to support the feasibility
assessment of new MAR projects. Future studies should
focus on developing a quantitative risk assessment approach

Funding for this project was provided by the Natural

CONCLUSIONS Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
(NSERC) in the form of an Industrial Research Chair in
The problem of water shortages places great value on water Water Treatment at the University of Waterloo. The
reclamation and reuse. MAR with reclaimed water is a current Chair partners include: Associated Engineering

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374 J. Yuan et al. | Water reuse through managed aquifer recharge Water Quality Research Journal of Canada | 51.4 | 2016

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