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The first classification of law that is relevant to this situation is criminal law. Criminal law is a law that
deals with crimes and punishments. It regards to public rights and remedies for the crimes that are
committed against society. The first legal issue in this situation is assault. Assault is defined as
intentionally putting another person in reasonable apprehension of an imminent harmful or offensive
contact. Along has committed assault when he punched and kicked Alang until he was unconscious. In
this case, the criminal court has to punish Along so he does not repeat the same action again, and to
protect the society’s safety. The remedy available for this situation would be damages, Alang can claim
the cost of treatment for his injuries from the court.

The next classification is written law. Written law is a law that was enacted by Parliament. The Penal
Code used in this case is enacted by Parliament.

The next classification of law is Public Law.

The next classification of law is Procedural Law. Since this is a case of crime, therefore the procedure
that will be used is criminal procedural.

The next classification of law is National Law. This is because this is a case between the citizens of
Malaysia, and the issue happened in Malaysia, therefore national law will be used.

The next classification of law is Substantive Law. Under the law, It’s Alang’s right to seek legal actions
after getting hurt.

The second classification of law that is relevant to this situation is civil law. Civil law is a law that handles
the disputes between individuals, or between the sovereign and citizens. Whilst the third classification
of law is private law. Private law is a part of civil law legal system which is part of the jus commune that
involves relationships between individuals, such as the law of contracts and torts. The legal issue here is
breach of contract. There is a dispute between Alang and Along while conducting Alang’s business. Their
contract was breached when Alang decided to fire Along’s daughter from his business, when the
contract already implied that Along can let Alang borrow Rm10,000 for his business, provided that he
employs Along’s daughter. In this case, contract law and remedies are used to handle the dispute
between the two individuals.

In conclusion, the classifications of laws that are relevant is Criminal Law, Civil Law, and Private Law. All
of the classification of law is able to determine the type of procedure involved, determine the remedies
available and lastly explain our rights and obligations.
MARCH 2018 (PART C, Q1)

The first legal issue is breach of contract. Therefore the first classification of law is civil law. This is
because Shanty breached the contract between her and the Malaysian government where she failed to
study under a full scholarship by the Malaysian government.

Since Shanty a Malaysian citizen and the case happened in Australia, so the Australian criminal law will
be used. Therefore this can be classified as international law. (national law, because Shanty was taken
back to Malaysia & Shanty is a Malaysian citizen)

The next classification of law is substantive law. This is because Malaysian government has the right to
seek legal actions towards Shanty after she breached their contract. Shanty had the liability and
responsibility to study with a full scholarship under the Malaysian government.

This case affected the rights and duties of Shanty and the Malaysian government, this can be classified
as private law. (public law, because this case governs the relationship between Shanty and the
Malaysian government)

The next classification of law is procedural law. Since the issue is breach of contract, the procedure that
will be used is contract procedural.

The Contracts Act 1950 was enacted by the parliament, and will be used for this case. So, this will be
classified as written law.
The second legal issue is negligence. Hence, this can be classified as criminal law. This is because
Shanty’s action was categorized as causing harm, according to the Penal Code.

(Common law, judicial precedent is used in this case.)

The Penal Code used in this case is enacted by the Parliament, hence the classification of law that will be
used is written law. (Unwritten law, because there was no act to cover this case.)

The next classification of law is public law. This is because Shanty’s negligence when she ran the red light
and hit someone was threatening the public’s rights. Private law, this case includes two individuals
which are Shanty and the pedestrian.

The procedure that will be used is civil procedural. So, this can be classified as procedural law.

The next classification of law is national law. This is because Shanty and the injured person are both
Malaysian citizens, and this case happened in Malaysia.

The pedestrian has the right to seek legal actions towards Shanty that caused her injuries. And Shanty
has the liability and responsibility as a driver to abide the traffic rules. Therefore this can be classified as
substantive law.

Civil law, this because of tort of negligence.

The last legal issue is theft. Therefore the classification of law is criminal law. This is because Shanty’s
action is categorized as shoplifting according to the Penal Code (Penal Code Section 379).

The Penal Code used in this case is enacted by the Parliament, hence the classification of law that will be
used is written law.

The next classification of law is public law. This is because the crime Shanty committed was threatening
the public rights. (because this case governs the relationship between Shanty and the Malaysian

Since this is a case of crime, therefore the procedure that will be used is criminal procedural. So, the
classification of law is procedural law.

Since Shanty is a Malaysian citizen, and this crime happened in Malaysia, therefore the Malaysian
criminal law will be used. This is classified as national law.

The next classification of law is substantive law. The supermarket Shanty tried to steal from has the
rights to report to the state and seek legal actions towards Shanty. And Shanty as a worker has the
liability and responsibility to pay for the items she took from the supermarket. (Not to take anything
from the supermarket she works for)
Conclusion: list down all the laws relevant

 Classification of law
 Definition of the law
 Reasons

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