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(Prepared to fulfill the assignments of the Pancasila course)

Lecturer : Dr. Irawan, S.Pd.I, M.Pd.I

Compiled By :

Gilang Aldiansah P27907123011

M. Reza Pahlavi Rifansyah P27907123016
Dian Arifah P27907123007
Najwa P27907123017
Cool Wahyudini P27907123022



Praise be to God SWT for giving His mercy and grace, so that we were
given this extraordinary opportunity, namely the opportunity to complete the
paper assignment entitled "Pancasila in the Current History of the Indonesian
Nation" can be completed on time. This paper was prepared to fulfill the duties of
Mr. Dr. Irawan, S.Pd.I, M.Pd.I. in the Pancasila course.
In addition, we also hope that this paper can add insight to readers. We
would like to thank Mr. Dr. Irawan, S.Pd.I, M.Pd.I as a lecturer in Pancasila course.
The tasks given can increase knowledge and insight related to the fields occupied
by the compiler.
We would also like to thank all parties who have helped the process of
preparing this paper. The authors realized that this paper is far from perfect and
there are many errors and flaws in it. For this reason, the author expects criticism
and suggestions from readers for this paper, so that this paper can later become a
better paper. Then, if there are many errors in this paper, the author apologizes
profusely. Hopefully this paper can inspire readers to do even better.

Tangerang, 30 July 2023



TABLE OF CONTENTS......................................................................................ii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION...........................................................................1
A. Background...................................................................................................1
B. Problem Statement........................................................................................1
C. Purpose..........................................................................................................2
CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW.............................................................3
A. Understanding Pancasila...............................................................................3
B. History of Pancasila......................................................................................3
C. The Concept and Urgency of Pancasila in the Current of Indonesian
History The Concept of Pancasila........................................................................5
D. The call for a three-term presidential term shows the decline of
democracy in Indonesia........................................................................................5
E. Pancasila as Identity......................................................................................9
F. Pancasila as the Personality of the Nation...................................................9
G. Definition of Character...............................................................................10
H. The relationship between Pancasila and a character personality..............10
I. Cultivating the Personality of the Nation with Pancasila Character..........12
J. The Personality of the Indonesian Nation...................................................12
CHAPTER III CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS.................................15
A. Conclusion..................................................................................................15
B. Suggestion...................................................................................................16


A. Background
Indonesia is an archipelagic country consisting of various tribes, languages and
rules that govern the order of human life that lives to develop in accordance with
their respective tastes, tastes and charities. This diversity was summarized by Ir.
Soekarno into the term Pancasila. The idea of Pancasila was presented at the First
Session of the Investigating Board for Preparatory Efforts for Independence
(BPUPK) June 1, 1945. However, Ir. Soekarno never claimed to be the inventor of
Pancasila but only as a digger of Pancasila. It is natural that Pancasila was indeed
born from the values that govern the life of Indonesian society and Ir. Soekarno who
became the digger of these values and expressed them with the term Pancasila.
Pancasila today is the basis of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).
In addition, pancasila is also the source of all state laws.3 Pancasila as the mind of
the Republic of Indonesia.
Pancasila must be able as a material that shapes rules relating to social
relations, political power relations, socio-economic situations, traditions (religious
views, decency), international developments, geographical conditions. This becomes
very logical because indeed Pancasila itself was born because of the existence of the
Indonesian nation from time immemorial or since inhabiting the Indonesian islands.
Thus, it can be said that Pancasila is one part of the early history of law in Indonesia
and the source of law in Indonesia.
B. Problem Statement
The formulation of the problem that can be enforced from the background
above, namely:
1. What is the meaning of pancasila?
2. What is the history of pancasila?
3. What is konsep d an urgensi pancasila dalam arus sejarah indonesia?

C. Purpose
The purpose of writing this paper, namely:
1. To know apa the definition of pancasila
2. To know how the history of the history of the ancasila
3. To know a pa konsep d an urgensi pancasila dalam arus sejarah


A. Understanding Pancasila
Pancasila is the basis of the Indonesian people's view of life which contains
five principles whose contents are the identity of the Indonesian nation. The precepts
in Pancasila describe the guidelines for national and state life for Indonesian people
as a whole and completely. The entry of Pancasila as an ideology and philosophy of
the Indonesian nation cannot be separated from the role of Karno. According to
Sutrisno (2006), "Pancasila is a philosofiche grounfslag or Weltanschauung proposed
by Karno in front of the BPUPKI session on June 1, 1945 as the basis of the then
independent Indonesian state." A society or nation makes philosophy a view of life,
which is a principle and guideline that underlies all aspects of life and life of the
nation, without exception the aspect of education.(Son, 2019)
Pancasila is a formulation of national educational ideals and a synthesis of
various references including the results of studies in Indonesia and also at the
international level. The Pancasila Student Profile is the answer to the question, what
are the characteristics of Indonesian students, and the answer is summarized in the
statement: "Indonesian students are lifelong learners who are competent, have
character, and behave according to the values of Pancasila.(Irawati Dini, 2022)
(rechtsside) or basis or ideology or staatsfundamentalnorm has experienced a long
journey before being known as 5 (five) precepts, namely: 4 a. The One True
Godhead; b. Just and Civilized Humanity; c. Unity of Indonesia; d. Citizenship led
by Wisdom/Representative; e. Social Justice for All Indonesian People.
B. History of Pancasila
The concept and urgency of Pancasila in the current of national history is
to guide and provide power and effort to the community, nation, and state, to
realize national ideals and goals. However, long before the formulation of
Pancasila was delivered, the forerunner of the emergence of the five
foundations of the Indonesian state was the birth of a sense of nationalism in
every Indonesian society. The seeds of nationalism have actually been firmly
planted in the Indonesian Association movement. The Indonesian Association
appealed to ethnic groups to fight hard against colonialism. After that, the

national movement was followed by the birth of the Youth Pledge on October
28, 1928.
The starting point of the birth of Pancasila was on September 7, 1944,
when Japan promised independence if Indonesia helped them win the Pacific
War. Then, on March 1, 1945, Japan announced that it would form a body as
a follow-up to Japan's promise to Indonesia. On April 29, 1945, Japan then
formed BPUPKI chaired by Ir. KRT Radjiman Wedyodiningrat. BPUPKI
held its first session on May 29-June 1, 1945, which discussed the basic
formulation of the state. The proposer of state policy in the first session of
BPUPKI held on June 1, 1945 was Sukarno. There were five points of
proposals on the basis of the state submitted by Sukarno, as follows:
1. Indonesian nationality
2. International Goods
3. Consensus
4. Social Welfare
5. The Almighty God

This proposal was well received by the participants of the BPUPKI

session. Before the session ended, a small committee was formed to
reformulate Pancasila, which was referred to as the Committee of Nine. The
Committee of Nine then made the basic formulation of the state as a prelude
or preamble to the 1945 Constitution, which was named the Jakarta Charter.
The formulation of the Jakarta Charter was approved on June 22, 1945.
After BPUPKI was dissolved on August 7, 1945, PPKI was formed. The
PPKI held its first session on August 18, 1945. As a result, the PPKI
established the formulation of Pancasila as the national policy, with the
following reading:
1. The Divine of the One.
2. A just and civilized humanity.
3. Unity of Indonesia.
4. Citizenship led by wisdom in representative deliberation.

5. Social justice for all Indonesians.

C. The Concept and Urgency of Pancasila in the Current of Indonesian

History The Concept of Pancasila
Although Pancasila is a guide or guideline for life, there are still problems
that must be faced and resolved, such as disease and corruption in Indonesia.
In this problem-solving process, Pancasila not only acts as a guideline, but
also a protector of the Indonesian nation to remain committed to achieving its
goals and ideals, the urgency of Pancasila as an ideology is:

1. Become a repellent of things that are not in accordance with the

personality of Indonesian society.
2. Become a guide who is able to return the Indonesian nation to its original

The urgency of implementing Pancasila as the basis of the state is to

ensure that officials are not corrupt and every citizen makes Pancasila an
ethical value. The reasons for the need for Pancasila in the current history of
the nation are:

a. Pancasila as the identity of the Indonesian nation.

b. Pancasila as the personality of the Indonesian nation.
c. Pancasila as a view of life of the Indonesian nation.
d. Pancasila as the soul of the Indonesian nation.
e. Pancasila as a noble covenant.

(Verelladevanka, 2022)

D. The call for a three-term presidential term shows the decline of

democracy in Indonesia
Indonesia is one of the countries that adheres to the current democratic
system. Democracy is born from the demands of the community for equal
rights and equal standing in the face of the law. Etymologically the word
democracy comes from Greek, namely demos which means people and kratos

which means power. Thus democracy can be interpreted as power that is in
the hands of the people. In realizing this understanding, the general election
system (election) is believed to be a forum that can accommodate the
aspirations of the people , to elevate the existence of the people as the

highest power holders in the state. Elections are a means of exercising

people's sovereignty which is carried out directly, publicly, freely, secretly,
honestly, and fairly based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. Elections
are the driving force of the political system mechanism in Indonesia. One of
the variables in determining the Indonesian Democracy Index is political
rights. The form of fulfilling the political rights of the Indonesian people is by
holding periodic elections and presidential elections in accordance with
applicable laws and regulations.
Ahead of the presidential election to be held in 2024, several Indonesian
political parties and political figures are busy preparing themselves to become
presidential and vice presidential candidates. However, amid the crowded
preparations for the 2024 elections, there were also calls for a postponement
of the election and the proposal for a three-term presidential term. Discourse
on postponing the 2024 elections has emerged in recent years, with the
proposal to extend President Joko Widodo's term of office by adding one
more term. The proposal to postpone the elections and extend the presidential
term has elicited various reactions, both in the form of support and rejection
from the Indonesian people.
Indonesia as a country that adheres to a democratic system should have
sovereignty in the hands of the people. Democracy can also be interpreted as a
system of government in which the people of the state have equal rights and
opportunities in contributing to the taking of libraries that affect the fate of
many people's lives. In carrying out its duties, the government must refer to
the constitutional foundation of the State of Indonesia. The 1945 Constitution
is the constitutional foundation and main source of law in force in the
Republic of Indonesia. One of the articles contained in the 1945 Constitution
is article 7 of the Amendment to the 1945 Constitution which reads "The

President and Vice President hold office for five years, and thereafter may be
re-elected to the same office, only for one term". From this article we can
conclude that the term of office of the President and Vice President is a
maximum of two terms or ten years of office.
The call for postponement of elections and extension of the presidential
term certainly contradicts article 7 of the 1945 Constitution and certainly
causes many polemics in the community. "Postponing the elections will
disrupt economic and political stability. This has an impact on the Rate of
Economic Growth.It will have an impact on job opportunities, poverty, and
income inequality" (Hamid, 2022). Another consequence of the discourse of
postponing elections and extending the presidential term is the actions of civil
society and students who took to the streets to express their rejection of the
discourse. As citizens of Indonesia, we should not voice things that are
contrary to the basis of the constitution that can cause various conflicts and
Elections are also known as democratic parties. General elections in
Indonesia were first held in 1955. Elections are a means of exercising
people's sovereignty which is carried out directly, publicly, freely, secretly,
honestly, and fairly based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. Elections
are the driving force of the political system mechanism in Indonesia. Until
now the election is still considered a very important state event. In a
democratic country, elections are one of the most important elements, because
one of the parameters to measure whether or not a country is democratic is to
see how the electoral system in that country is implemented and how the
people can participate in determining their attitude.
In a country that adheres to a democratic system, elections are a real
manifestation of a form of democracy. When democracy receives
widespread attention from the public, a democratic election system becomes
an important condition in the formation of a country's leadership. Elections
are the most grand means of people's democracy and only occur once every
five years. Of course, the discourse of postponing elections and extending the

presidential term raises various polemics because it is contrary to the
constitution and also because the election of the president and vice president
is a democratic event that is highly anticipated by the public. UGM Political
and Election Observers consider the proposal to postpone the election
unreasonable and counterproductive to the development and democratic
system that has been built so far (Mas'udi, 2022).
In democratic life, elections are an important process in refreshing a
government. The refreshment in question is because elections are held
periodically is a means to regenerate power holders so as to prevent the
emergence of authoritarian leadership. In this article, the author will discuss
the democratic system, the importance of holding elections in accordance with
the 1945 Constitution, the relationship between the proposal to postpone
elections and extend the presidential term of office on the democratic situation
in Indonesia, and what are the impacts of the proposal on democratic life in
The beginning of the establishment of guided democracy as a system of
government in Indonesia was with the enactment of the Presidential Decree of
July 5, 1959 issued by President Soekarno. Guided democracy is a democracy
run by a government that adheres to a democratic system by increasing
autocracy, otherwise known as one-man government. Although Sukarno
claimed that his government adhered to a democratic system, in practice the
life of the nation and state power was still fully centralized in Sukarno. As
President of Indonesia, Karno even practiced dictatorial rule by dissolving the
constituency, PSI, and Masyumi and marginalizing his political opponents
(Purnaweni, 2004).
The Eleven March 1966 Warrant contained a mandate from President
Sukarno to General Suharto to take over the leadership of the State to
overcome unconducive circumstances. Since then the New Order regime led
by President Suharto has come to power in Indonesia. The New Order
government lasted for 32 years from 1966 to 1998. During this period,
Indonesia's economy grew rapidly. However, these developments were also

followed by rampant practices of corruption, collusion, and nepotism. In mid-
1997, Indonesia was hit by the Asian financial and economic crisis, the price
of oil, gas, and other export commodities also fell. The Asian financial crisis
hit Indonesia the worst when compared to other Asian countries affected
because in Indonesia there was not only a financial and economic crisis, but
there was also a very bad political and social crisis. Economic stability and
the poor political situation in Indonesia during the New Order government
triggered demonstrations led by students, calling for the resignation of
President Suharto.
Suharto's resignation on May 21, 1998 can be interpreted as a sign of
the end of the New Order, then replaced by the birth of the Reform Era which
lasts until today. During the Reformation Era, B. J. Habibie was chosen by
Suharto to become the third president of Indonesia. The year 1998 was a new
chapter in the dynamics of the political system in Indonesia, in that year the
tradition of democracy in all aspects of politics began. The end of President
Suharto's 32-year reign was a turning point in Indonesia's democratic system.
After the fall of the New Order government due to the 1998 Reformation,
massive changes to the political system in Indonesia occurred. One of these
changes was the amendment to the 1945 Constitution which certainly had a
significant impact on the politics and governance of the Republic of
E. Pancasila as Identity
Pancasila is one of Indonesia's national identities. Pancasila as Indonesia The
nation's identity is a source of motivation, inspiration, behavioral guidelines, and at
the same time a benchmark for its truth. Pancasila is the "rule of life" for the
Indonesian of the people.
F. Pancasila as the Personality of the Nation
The family environment, educational environment and community environment
known as the Tricenter of education where individuals interact greatly affect the
growth of the character of each human being. It is undeniable that there are humans

who tend to have bad character, therefore to become a human being with good
personality, it is necessary to cultivate the values of Pancasila as the education of the
nation's character. So character itself is a habit or character. To grow the character
of the nation is necessary. instilling the value of pancasila, Pancasila itself is the
personality of the nation. Indonesia The personality of the nation will be seen in the
character of the nation which is. the embodiment of the noble values of the nation.
Values.. glorious. The Indonesian nation is contained in Pancasila, which is stated in
the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution which consists of five pancasila precepts. So
to grow the personality of every Indonesian human with pancasila character, it is
necessary to internalize the noble values of the nation through the process of
G. Definition of Character
According to the Big Dictionary Indonesian (2008), Character has the meaning:
1. Psychological, moral or ethical traits that distinguish one person from another.
2. Characters can also mean "letters". There are many circles.experts define
character from different points of view.which in each explanation.
Alwisol (2019) explains" the notion of character as a depiction of behavior
by emphasizing values (right-wrong, good-bad) both explicitly and implicitly.
Character is different from personality because the notion of personality is exempt
from values. However, both personality and character manifest in the form of
behavior aimed at the environment, social, both are relatively permanent and guide,
move and organize the activities of each individual". While according to W.B.
Saunders "character is a real, different and observable trait by individuals, which
means that this character can be shown to each person, because the traits and
characters possessed by each individual are not the same and can be seen so that they
can be said to be different. Meanwhile, according to Wyne, "how does a person
apply the value of kindness in the form of actions or behavior, because if someone
has a good ethical attitude, it means that the person has a noble character.
Conversely, if someone who does not have good ethics means that it can also be
called a person who has bad behavior".
H. The relationship between Pancasila and a character personality
Personality is a human nature that has the potential and grows according to
human education in its environment. The environment that influences personality

will grow into character and beyond. Character will underlie human thinking,
attitudes and behavior. Therefore, our task is to prepare an environment that can
influence personality into a good character, so that. The resulting behavior is
alsogood. The personality of the nation is manifested from the noble values of the
nation Values.-.values.sublime .nation. exist. in the basics. The country is
Pancasila, which is listed. deep. Preamble of the 1945 Constitution Cultivating the
personality of the Indonesian nation means forming a human personality with
pancasila character in every individual of Indonesian society. Accumulated.
become. people's personality with character. Nationality. therefore ita for. Progress.
Republican State. Indonesia, requires a character that is five precepts
of Pancasila integrally and comprehensively. which can be explained as follows:
1) The one and only divine nation is consciousness. will be the behavior of faith
and piety and noble morals as personal characteristics. the nation of Indonesia.
Character. Which is reflected. that is, respect. and. cooperation between
religious believers and adherents. trust, mutual respect. freedom to practice
worship accordingly. with. religion. and his trust. with no. Impose. his religion
and beliefs. to. other people.
2) Nation. that. Carry on head. Humanity. that. Fair. and. Civilized. that is. attitudes
and behaviors uphold the value of just and civilized humanity manifested in
behavior. respect. Respect. Between citizens. state as a distinctive feature. the
person of the Indonesian nation. One of the reflected characteristics of humanity
is recognition. above. equation. degrees, rights, and obligations with each other.
love; tolerant and not arbitrary towards others.
3) Nation. that. Put. Union. and. Unity. Nation, that is, nationyang. have.
commitment. and. attitude. that. always. prioritize. union. and unity.
Indonesian. above. Interests. Individuals, groups and groups, which are the
characteristics of the Indonesian people. Character. Nationality is reflected.
Willingly. sacrificing for the interests of the nation and state, proud as an
Indonesian nation with the homeland of Indonesia.
4) Nation. that. democratic. who Upholds. Tall. Law. and. Rights. Principle.
Humans, namely democratic attitudes and behaviors based on popular values and
spirit. that. Led. by. wisdom. wisdom. in consultation / representation. be.
Personal characteristics. citizen. country. Indonesian. One of the characters

reflected prioritizes. the interests of society. and. countries with no. Impose.
will. in people. other.
A Nation that Prioritizes Justice and Welfare, namely a nation that has a
commitment and attitude to realize justice and welfare which is the personal
characteristic of the Indonesian nation. One of the characters that is reflected is
by maintaining harmony between rights and obligations, respect for the rights of
others, like to help others, avoid blackmail attitudes towards others; Not
extravagant, and not a luxurious lifestyle. So, it cannot be separated.personality.
A nation with values that exist within. Pancasila. And those values must be person of Indonesian society that is implemented in everyday life.
As a guideline for every citizen.negara.Indonesia, who must. Obeyed. and
avoided conflicting values. Pancasila.

I. Cultivating the Personality of the Nation with Pancasila Character

Indonesia has a national ethic formulated in pancasila. Pancasila is a philosophy
of life, the basis of the state, and the unifier of a plural Indonesian nation. Therefore
Pancasila is referred to as the personality of the Indonesian nation, as a philosophy,
ideology, and a means of unifying the Indonesian nation.Cultivating the personality
of the nation with Pancasila character is an effort to realize the message of Pancasila
and the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution which is motivated by the reality of
national problems that are developing today, with the unlived and disorientation of
Pancasila values, limitations of integration policy tools in realizing the values of
Pancasila, shifting ethical values in the life of the nation and state, fading awareness
of the nation's cultural values, the threat of national disintegration; and the
weakening of the nation's independence.
J. The Personality of the Indonesian Nation
In the past, the Indonesian nation was known as a friendly, polite and moral
nation, but today the Indonesian nation has become a nation that has lost its
personality with pancasila character due to the influence of globalization and the
rapid development of science and technology which has changed so quickly.
Pancasila, when viewed in its substance, contains high moral elements and reflects
the noble personality of the Indonesian nation. The points of practice of Pancasila
that reflect the personality of the Indonesian nation briefly consist of the one and

only God, belief and piety to the one and only God in accordance with religion and
belief. each according to the basis of just and civilized humanity. Love the
homeland and the nation is proud as an Indonesian nation and an Indonesian
homeland. Social justice for all Indonesians. By developing noble deeds that reflect
the attitude and atmosphere of mutual cooperation and kinship by being fair
Maintaining a balance between rights and obligations together trying to realize
progress that is equitable and just, high social and reflective. personality. nation.
Ironically, today we can still find the behavior of our nation's generation that is no
longer relevant to the Pancasila value item. For example, in the first precept, there
are details that affirm belief in True Source in accordance with their respective
Beliefs and Religions. But in the industrial revolution 4.0 this is just the opposite.
Atheism that rejects the idea of the existence of God has spread to all corners of the
world, including Indonesia. The targets of atheism are mostly young people with a
superficial understanding of religion. With the label of science they carry, they say
that there are no research results that prove the existence of God, making the
superficiality of the younger generation's understanding of religion even more lost.
Finally, we find some generations of our nation who have atheism. even though
atheism has no place in the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia
because it is not in accordance with the first precept. Whereas in the second precept,
the first four points of the second precept teach us to acknowledge equality. rights
and duties among human beings. Develop. tolerance, and not arbitrary. Towards
others and love each other. But in reality, conflicts between ethnicities and groups
often occur. People begin to lose faith in humanity because in them there is hatred
for other groups who feel their class is the most right compared to others. Uniquely,
in everyday life, we still find such things. In the third precept, the first point
mentions to place the unity, unity, interests, and safety of the nation and state above
personal or group interests. As mentioned in the second precept earlier, sentiment
between groups still occurs a lot. Primordialism and ethnocentrism are relatively
high, making this nation divided and only concerned with their respective groups. In
the second point it is stated that
Wemust be willing to sacrifice for the benefit of the nation and country, but what
happens is that our young generation prefers to complain and make fun of their own
personalities on social media without providing concrete solutions to fix the things
they complain about. In the fourth precept, it is stated that we must not impose our

will on others, prioritize deliberation in making decisions for the common interest,
deliberation to reach consensus is filled with a family spirit, and in good faith and a
sense of responsibility accept and implement the results of deliberation. Again in
reality we do not see so. We more often than not impose our will on others and
demand that they follow what we want. The fifth precept is not much different. In the
points of practice of the fifth precept we are encouraged to respect the rights of
others and to be fair, maintaining a balance between rights and obligations. In fact,
we can also find out for ourselves. Justice in institutions that are supposed to be
enforcers of justice is also shaky with the presence of irresponsible and corrupt law
enforcement individuals and officials. In terms of rights and obligations, we are
more often to demand our rights and ignore what should be basic obligations for all
of us. Then the question is how to respect the rights of others, while Intolerance is
still rife and rampant violations of health protocols, destruction of public facilities
and places of worship that undermine the principle of religious freedom in
Indonesia.However, not all generations of our nation are like that even there are still
many of our nation's generations whose daily lives are in harmony with the practice
of Pancasila. And it should be a homework for all of us as a generation of the nation
to care and grow the personality of the nation with Pancasila character by practicing
the values of Pancasila in everyday life. ConclusionThus, it can be concluded that to
restore the polite and moral personality of the nation, it is necessary to cultivate the
personality of the nation with Pancasila character by practicing the values of
Pancasila in a better direction in the tricenter of education where individuals interact
through a process of patience, repetition and habituation from an early age(Awin,
2020) .


A. Conclusion
Democracy in general is a system of government in which all people
participate in governing with the intermediary of people's representatives.
Democracy can be a very tempting slogan because it seems to promise an
ideal, harmonious form of government and uphold freedom of opinion.
However, in reality the principle of democracy still cannot be implemented
properly. General elections are a form of political activity either to elect or
determine people who will become legislative or executive councils. The
existence of an election system (election) is believed to be a forum that can
accommodate the aspirations of the people, to elevate the existence of the
people as the highest power holders in the state. One of the variables of the
Central Statistics Agency (BPS) in determining the Indonesian Democracy
Index is political rights. The form of fulfilling the political rights of the
Indonesian people is by holding periodic elections and presidential elections
in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. If there is a delay in the
implementation of elections and there is an extension of the presidential term,
it means that the Indonesian people do not get their political rights. The
existence of demonstrations carried out by students and the public to reject
proposals for postponing elections and extending the presidential term is an
expression of freedom of opinion, expressing aspirations, and criticism of

these proposals. As a democratic country, the Indonesian government should
be concerned with the aspirations conveyed by its people. Also, Indonesia,
which is a state of law, should run its system of government in accordance
with the basis of the state and constitution, namely Pancasila and the 1945

B. Suggestion
In the preparation of this paper is very far from perfect, because of the lack of
references we get. So, suggestions and criticisms from students and lecturers who
have a constructive attitude towards us. Thus, it can be input so that in the future
there will be better changes in the preparation of this paper.


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