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The presence of antimony and arsenic in many mineral sulfides

leads to a need to understand the way in which both species
react in those processes which have been developed for extracting
valuable elements from those minerals.
This paper deals セョ@ particular with the precipitation reactions
of antimonious, antimonic, arsenious and arsenic species in
sulfuric acid solution in relation to various hydranetàllurgical
The system Sb 20 (x:3,5) - As 2o (y:3,5) - so 3 -H 2 o has been
investigated ッカセイ@ a wide range Óf sulfuric ac1d concentration.
The solubility and stability ranges of Sb20 3 , Sb 2 o 5 , As 2o 3 aad
compounds formed in the system have been deEermineà at 25 C.
Furthermore, the behavior of antimony and arsenic in sulfuric
acid solution is discussed.
Research Institute of Mineral Dressing and Metallurgy (SENKEN)
Tohoku University
Sendai, Japan

by Choko Tereza Ito, Tadahisa Nishimura

and Kazuteru Tozawa

Research Institute of Mineral Dressing

and Metallurgy (SENKEN)

Tohoku University

Sendai, Japan


The presence of antimony and arsenic in many mineral sulfides

leads to a need to understand the way in which both species react

in th o se processes which have been developed for extracting

valuable elements from those minerals.

This paper deals in particular with the precipitation reactions

of antimonious, antimonic, arsenious and arsenic species in

sulfuric acid solution in relation to various hydrometallurgi c al


The system , Sb 2 ox ( x:3, 5 ) - As 2 0y ( y:3, 5 ) - so 3 - H2 0 has

been investigated over a wide ranges of sulfuric acid concentration.

The solubility and stability ranges of Sb 2 o 3 , Sb 2 o 5 , As 2 o 3 and

compounds formed in the system have been determined at 25°C.

Furthermore, the behavior of antimony and arsenic in sulfuric acid

solution is discussed.


ln copper smelters in Japan, various complex sulfide concentrates

are treated. An appreciable quantity of arsenic and antimony is

accompanied in the concentrates. Control of both elements is very

important for producing high grade copper metal. Many new processes

for their treatment have been developed and installed in some

smelters(1),(2), but there are still many problems to be solved.

Onahama 5melter(3) has been produced pure arsenic trioxide by

vacuum-cooling the filtrate of liquor( diluted sulfuric acid satu-

rated with As 2 o 3 ) from plant for washing converter gas. It is very

important for production of pure arsenic trioxide to determine the

solubility of arsenic trioxide in concentrated sulfuric acid and to

examine the contamination with antimony.

Recently, arsenic and antimony contents tend to increase in a

conventional electrolyte for the electrorefining of copper. The

elements form often a floating slime which lowers the quality of

electrolytic copper(4).

To clarify the behavior of antimony and arsenic in sulfuric acid

solution for solving such problems in the hydrometallurgical opera-

tions, it is necessary to know the equilibrium for the following


( 1 ) The system 5b 2 o 3 - 503 - H2 0

(2) The system sb 2 o 5 - 5o 3 - H2 0

(3) The system As 2 o 3 - 5o 3 - H2 o

(4) The system As 2 o 5 - 5o 3 - H2 0

(5) The system 8b20 3 - As 2 o 3 - 503 - H2 o

(6) The system 5b 2 o 3 - As 2 o 5 - 503 - H2o
(7) The system 5b 2 o 5 - As 2 o 3 - so 3 - H2 0

(8) The system sb 2 o 5 - As 2 o 5 - so 3 - H2 o

In this paper, the equilibrium for these systems is investigated.


1. The system Sb20J - S03 - H20

H2 o is of great interest in chemical

analytical procedures and in industry of production of various

antimony compounds. There is several information in the literature

on the system sb 2 o 3 - so 3 - H2 o. A variety of antimony(III) sul-

fates are produced by reacting Sb 2 o 3 and H2 so 4 . The results

reported on the chemical compositinn and solubility of these com-

pounds are inconsistent and contradictory.

The equilibrium for the system sb 2 o 3 - so 3 - H2 o was examined by

shaking the mixture of antimony trioxide and sulfuric acid solution

( O - 1820 g/1 H2 so 4 ) at 25°C for one month. The results from

the chemical analysis of solutions and precipitates are plotted

in Figure 1 together with data by Gospodinov et al. (5) at 100°C.

Various compounds are formed in the system Sb 2 o 3 - so 3 - H2 o at

both temperatures.

Figu r e 1(a) shows that the so 3 /sb 2 o 3 molar ratio in the precipi-

tates is either 0.50, 0.66, 1.0, 2.0 or 3 . 0, indicating the

existence of the five compounds. These compounds are represented

without indicating hydration as 2Sb 2 o 3 -so 3 , 3Sb 2 0 3 ·2S03, Sb20 3 •S03,

Sb 2 o 3 ·2so 3 and Sb 2 o 3 ·3S0 3 . At 25°C, Sb 2 o 3 is stable as a solid in

the range of O - 20 g/1 H2 so 4 , 2Sb 2 o 3 ·so 3 in 30 - 360 g/1 H2 so 4 ,

3Sb 2 o 3 ·2S0 3 in 400- 560 g/l H2 so 4 , Sb 2 o 3·so 3 in 590- 880 g/1

H2 so 4 , Sb 2 0 3 ·2S0 3 in 950 - 1280 g/1 H2 so 4 and Sb 2 0 3 ·3S0 3 in 1370 -

1800 g/1 H2 so 4 . Below 800 g/1 H2 so 4 , the results agree well with

those obtained at roem temperature by Hintermann et al.(6).

In Figure 1(b), Sb 2 o 3 -so 3 and sb 2 o 3 ·2S0 3 have the highest so1u-

bi1ity in 880 g/1 and in 1280 g/1 H2 so 4 at 25°C, respective1y.

Furthermore, the solubility of these compounds wi11 increase with

an increase in temperature.

The data of Figure 1 are a1so shown in Figure 2 as a ternary

diagram of the system sb 2 o 3 - so 3 - H2 o at 25°C. The typica1 X-ray

diffraction patterns of their compounds are shown in Figure 3.

2. The system 5b 2 o 5 - 50 3 - H2 o

There is very little data on the system 5b 2 o 5 - 50 3 - H2 o.

The experiment was carried out by shaking the mixture of antimony

pentaoxide ( amorphous ) and sulfuric acid solution ( O - 1540 g/1

H2 5o 4 ) at 25°C for one month. X-ray diffraction confirmed the

nonexistence of antimony(V) sulfate at 25°C. Figure 4 shows that

5b 2 o 5 ( amorphous) is highly soluble at 1100 g/1 H2 5o 4 at 25°C.

3. The system As 2 o 3 - 50 3 - H2 o

The system As 2 o 3 - 50 3 - H2 o is of importance in many hydro-

metallurgical processes for separation and recovery of arsenic as

arsenic trioxide from acidic solutions.

The equilibrium for this system was examined by shaking the mix-

ture of arsenic trioxide ( cubic and sulfuric acid solution ( O -

1770 g/1 H2 5o 4 ) at 25°C for two weeks. X-ray diffraction confirmed

the existence of As 2 o 3 and As 2 o 3 -5o 3 as a solid between O to 1550

g/1 H2 so 4 and above 1340 g/1 H2 so 4 , respectively. X-ray diffraction

pattern of arsenic(III) sulfate, As 2 o 3 -so 3 , agreed with that pub-

lished by JCPDS (Card File No.22-072). The concentration of arsenic

(III) in solutions are plotted in Figure 5 together with data by

Inomata et al.(7) and Zieren Company (7). The solubility of As 2 o 3

decreases significant1y with an increase in concentration of su1fu-

ric acid in the range of 100 to 1080 g/1 H2 so 4 , but increases

s1ight1y in the range of 1080 to 1280 g/1 H2 so 4 . Above 1340 g/1

H2 so 4 in which As 2 o 3 -so 3 is stable, the concentration of arsenic

(III) is very 1ow.

On the basis of the chemica1 ana1ysis of so1utions and precipi-

tates a ternary diagram of the system As 2 o 3 - 50 3 - H2o at 25°C was

constructed as shown in Figure 6.

4. The system As 2 o 5 - so 3 - H2 o

There is very litt1e data on the systern As 2 o 5 - so 3 - H2 o.

Menzies et al.(8) reported that arsenic pentaoxide is stable in

water as As 2 o 5 ·4H 2 o below 20°C and as 3As 2 o 5 ·5H 2 o above 40°C.

Arsenic pentaoxide is highly soluble in water ( dissolved in water

up to 570 g/1 As(V) at 25°C )(9). It can therefore be presumed that

arsenic pentaoxide is highly soluble in sulfuric acid solution.

5. The system Sb 2 o 3 - As203 - S03 - H20

Very little is known about the system Sb- As- S0 3 - H20•

The equilibrium for the system Sb 2 o 3 - As 2 o 3 - so 3 - H2 o was

examined by shaking the mixture of antimony trioxide(orthorhombic),

arsenic trioxide(cubic)( with Sb 2 o 3 /As 2 o 3 molar ratio : 0.10/0.10 )

and · sulfuric acid solution ( O - 1690 g/ 1 H2 so 4 ) at 25°C for one


X-ray diffraction confirmed that sb 2 o 3 or 2Sb 2 o 3 -so 3 and As 2 o 3

monoclinic ) exist as a solid in the range of O - 450 g/1 H2 so 4 ,

while antimony(III) sulfates and As 2 o 3 (cubic) exist in the range

of 500 - 1600 g/1 H2 so 4 at 25°C.

The results from the 」ィ・ュゥセャ@ analysis of solutions and precipi-

tates are plotted in Figure 7. The stability range and solubility

of antimony(III) sulfates in sulfuric acid solution are invariable

in the presence of As 2 o 3 ( monoclinic or cubic ). The solubility of

As 2 o 3 lowers in the range of O - 450 g/ 1 H2 so 4 in which the crystal

form of As 2 o 3 is changed from cubic to monoclinic by the presence

of Sb 2 o 3 or 2Sb 2 o 3 ·so 3 • But the solubility of As 2 o 3 is invariable

in the range of 500 - 1600 g/1 H2 so 4 in which As 2 o 3 (cubic)is stable

even in the presence of antimony(III) sulfates.

The results described above suggest that in the presence of large

amount of antimony(III) in sulfuric acid solution, arsenic trioxide

will be contaminated with antimony (III) because of the very low

solubility of antimony(III) sulfates.

6. The system Sb 2 o 3 - As 2 o 5 - so 3 - H20

1) The system sb 2 o 3 - As 2 o 5 - H2 o

The equi1ibrium for the system Sb 2 o 3 - As 2 o 5 - H2 o was examined

by shaking the mixture of antimony trioxide ( orthorhombic ) and

arsenic acid solution ( with Sb 2 o 3 /As 2 o 5 molar ratio : 0.25/0.10 -

0.10/0.10 ) at 25°C for three months. THe results are plotted in

Figure 8 as a function of pH.

Figure 8(a) shows the existence of antimony(III) arsenate having

Sb 2 o 3 /As 2 o 5 molar ratio of 1.0 in the pH range of 1.6 - 2.3. The

formula of the compound will be represented as SbAs0 4 without

hydrate by the chemical analysis and by the thermoanalysis shown

in Figure 9. The X-ray diffraction pattern of SbAs0 4 shown in

Figure 10 is in disagreement with that published by JCPDS ( Card

File No.1-728 ).

The solubility of SbAs0 4 can be characterized by the reaction

SbAs0 4 (s) + 2H 2 o = HSb0 2 + H3 As0 4 (1 )

The solubility product for SbAs0 4 is given by


By calculating from date of Figure 8(b), the value of Kso is

10- 6 • 67 and the value of the standard free energy for formation of

SbAso 4 is - 176.2 kcal/mol.

By using this free energy data, the equilibrium log [As(V)] - pH

diagram was calculated and i1lustrated in Figure 11. An increase in

concentration of total antimony(III) in acidic solution leads to

further stabilization of SbAso 4 •

2) The system sb 2 o 3 - As 2 o 5 - so 3 - H2 o

The equilibrium for the system Sb 2 o 3 - As 2 o 5 - so 3 - H2 o was

examined by shaking the mixture of antimony trioxide(orthorhombic),

arsenic acid solution ( with Sb 2 o 3 /As 2 o 5 molar ratio : 0.10/0.10 )

and sulfuric acid solution ( O - 141 O g/1 H2 so 4 ) at 25°C for one

month. The results are plotted in Figure 12.

Figure 12(a) shows the existence of three compounds having the

5b 2 o 3 1As 2 o 5 molar ratio of 1.0, 1.5 or 2.0. From the results of

the chemical analysis, the formula of these compounds will be

represented as 5bAso 4 formed in the range of O - 930 gll H2 5o 4 ,

SU「 R PセᄋRaウ R P U ᄋTUP S@ in 1020 - 1100 gll H2 5o 4 and 25b 2 o 3 ·As 2 o 5 ·450 3

in 1150 - 1370 gll H2 5o 4 • X-ray diffraction patterns of these two

antimony(III) arsenate sulfates are shown in Figure 13.

Figure 12(b) shows that the level of antimony(III) in sulfuric

acid solution was reduced by the precipitation of 5bAso 4 • Further-

more, the solubility behavior of 5bAs0 4 in sulfuric acid solution

( 200 gll H2 5o 4 ) is studied at 25°C. The results are shown in

Figure 14. X-ray diffraction confirmed that only 5bAs0 4 is formed

at initial 5b 2 o 3 I As 2 o 5 molar ratio in the mixture below 1.0,

while 25b 2 o 3 ·50 3 is formed together with 5bAso 4 at initial 5b 2 o 3 I

As 2 o 5 molar ratio above 1.5.

Figure 14(b) shows that antimony(III) concentration equilibrated

with the mixture of 5bAso 4 and 25b 2 o 3 ·5o 3 become equal to the solu-

bility of 25b 2 o 3 ·5o 3 • Corresponding to エィゥセ@ antimony(III) concent-

ration, arsenic(V) concentration trends toward a minimum value

which is controlled by the solubility product of 5bAs0 4 •

Therefore, 5bAs0 4 will be one of. the constitutive compounds in

the floating slime formed during the electrorefining of copper.

7. The systems 5b 2 o 5 - As 2 o 3 - 50 3 - H2 o and

5b 2 o 5 - As 2 o 5 - 50 3 - H2 0

The experiments were carried out by varying the 5b 2 o 5 1As 2 o 3 or

As 2 o 5 molar ratio in the mixture of 5b 2 o 5 ·2H 2 0 and arsenious or

arsenic acid solution and sulfuric acid solution ( 200 gll H2 5o 4

at 25°C. The results proved the nonexistence of compounds of 5b 2 o 5

with As 2 o 3 or As 2 o 5 in sulfuric acid solution.


In arder to clarify the behavior of antimony and arsenie in

sulfurie aeid solution, the system sb 2 ox( x:3,5 )- As 2 oy( y:3,5 )-

so 3 - H2 o át 25°C was investigated by mixing method. Six antimony

one arsenie sulfate in

the system As 2 o 3 - so 3 - H2 o and one antimony arsenate and two

antimony arsenate sulfates in the system sb 2 o 3 - As 2 o 5 - S03 - H20

were identified. The solubility and stability ranges of those

eornpounds, Sb 2 o 3 , Sb 2 o 5 and As 2 o 3 were determined.

In production of arsenie trioxide from sulfurie aeid solution

eontaining a large amount of antirnony(III) by erystallization, the

produeed arsenie trioxide will be eontarninated with antimony(III)

beeause of very low solubility of antirnony(III) sulfates formed.

Only antimony(III) arsenates are formed as antirnony arsenie

eornpound in sulfurie aeid solution. Therefore, SbAs0 4 whieh is

stable below 900 g/1 H2 so 4 , is one of the eonstitutive eompounds

in the floating slirne during the eleetrorefining of eopper. To

further know distinetly the meehanism of formation of the floating

slirne, more detailed studies will also be neeessary in the presence

of bisrnuth and copper at higher temperature.


(1) Mohri, E. : J. Min. Met. Inst. Japan, 94 451-456 (1978).

(2) Yashuda, M. : J. Min. Met. Inst. Japan, W 555-560 (1984).
(3) Kono, H., Sugawara, Y. and Hashimoto, M. : Paper presented at
112 th AIME Annual Meeting, Atlanta USA, Mareh 1983.
(4) Lindsfrom, N.F.R. : Urlited States Patent, 3,753,877 (1973).
(5) Gospodinov, G. and Ojkova, T. : z. anorg. allg. Chem., 472
233-240 (1981 ).
(6) Hinterrnann, Jf.E. and Venuto, C.J.: J. Eleetroehern. Soe., 115
10-12 (1968). A -

(7) Menzies, A.W.C. and Potter, P.D. : J. Am. Chern. Soe., 34 1452
( 1912). -
(8) Broul, M. et al. : Physieal Seiences Data 6, Solubility in
Inorganie Two-Component Systems, Elsevier Seientific Publish-
irig Company (1981).
(9) Inornata, I. et al. : J. Sulphurie Aeid Soe., 9 127-133, 169-
175 (1956). -

! 4


10 イMセNL⦅@

- ,,..•• wort, n•c L ャセᄋ |@ ft

•••• lospodt- t i e1, IOO'C
II Gゥセ@ -.,_. セG@
Nセ@ '
,.-4 ' '\
s. I "
=4 l

.............. ...
, I
Pセ G G G NG@ ,,,,,,!
o 600 1000 1500
H1SO, I t/1 l

Fig. 1 (a) The so3 /sb 2o 3 molar ratio in precipitates

(b) The antimony(III) concentration in solution after
equilibrating various mixtures of antimony trioxide and
sulfuric acid solution at 25 and 100°C,

lltO 11 21 11 41 IG 10 1t 10 U so,

Fig. 2 The system sb 2 o 3 - so 3 - H2 o at 25°C.


........... ...•"
(E) "'f»·t!l>(>,•"'f' •• • Ulo

,5uc 5u•

..... .."'


l.d l セ@
.. J J.L.
.. ... I
H 4 20 g11
H2 so4 956 g/1

..............'·"'•• ••.
III, - .............. • ...._ •• "'·•
..... "...

" .......
(f)"'f'>' ..., ....1
(l) """'' "" >o

..... "•
......... .... ..
..." ................. ....•• •..
1 ••
:.- 1-
• I .III
l .m '
1.. .

Iセ@ I
... ..
i ol

H2 so4 38 g/1 H
so4 1279 911

セGB G NL@ ......••.. "'•...'

10.101 1
<•> '"t'>'"">·'ll
............ •". '·"'



. (<)

..... ••
....... "••' ......:t.m

1-·· "'• .....

1.t01 J:.Jtt
...... ••
2. 1..
セオ」@ 1••
1 ."

III ..
1 ....

•• I ...
., I J ·.1.11
... ..
H2 so4 l97g/1 so
H2 4 1463 9 11

(D) '"f'>' ...
................. ........
•l lllo

..'·"·...••....... •..".• ................... .."•••


fi· III,

s-- ..... "..

..... セ|u@
·-... "•• ............. •

... .. I
..セゥ@ utd .. .. .. . ..
H2 so4 797 911 so
H2 4 1714 g/1

Fig. 3 X-ray d,iffraction patterns of compounds in the systern

Sb20 3 -so3 - H20.


セ@ 2

500 1000 1500

H2so. <em
Fig. 4 The solubility of Sb2o5 (amorphous) in sulfuric aci d
solution at 25°C.


-o- pruentwork.25t.2wuh
•._. Zitttl Co.. 25t
·-<>· 1•••11..111, 40t. 2HtL
·•· • • 2ot • •


1. ;: Z セLエイェ@
o 500 1000 1500
HtSO, I g/ 1I

Fig. 5 The arsenic1III) concentration in solution after

equilibrating various mixtures of arsenic trioxide and
sulfuric acid solution at 25°C.


I..O.·Ift. ·•-..-1
••'- ' IA.O.· liO.
I MセRNッ e ᄋ@

:? 10 \
| M」セ@
,,.,,,.. ....,,'
P G BG ᄋ M ᄋ セ@
ッ Mセ Uセッ セ LッセU@
H,so, <1/ll

Fig. 7 (a) The Sb2o 3 /As 2o3 molar ratio in the precipitates
(b) The antimony(III) and arsenic (III) concentrations in
solution after equilibrating mixture 'of antimony trioxide and
arsenic trioxide at various sulfuric acid concentrations at 25°C.

セ@ 1.5 イMNLセ

I ' SbAsO, I イMセ@
;Ã til. ;Á

uoe 11 2• •

'·"' ••
1 ••••

Ult 11 .l.tll
11 1.13f . 12

Sa• ,un
1.111 •


.! -2

\ 40
. . ..
> Fig. 9 X-ray diffraction pattern
i -3
of SbAs0 4 •
... &o-o- SbUIIl
セ@ -5

-· D

Fig. 8 Relationship between pH and (a) . the Sb 2o 3 /As 2o 5 molar

ratio in the precipitates and (b) the antimony(III) and
arsenic(V) concentrations in solution after equilibrating
various mixtures of antimony trioxide and arsenic acid solution
at 25°C.

SbAo01 1lo セ@ T6



200 coo soo soo 1000 ·c

Fig. 10 Thermoanalytical curves of SbAso •


セ@ -1

g -2

Fig. 11 Equilibrium log [As(V)] - pH diagram for the system

Sb(III) - As(V)- H20 at 25°C.


i セ@ ャMBZNFQAセ]Gッ@

j: L
. セ⦅NL@

ッセMt セ Mイセ@

--- 111(111) h Sb20,. so,. y Qセ@

M ᄋセ⦅N@
o 600 1000 1500
H,so, lo/ll

Fig. 12 (a) The Sb2o3 /As 2o5 molar ratio in precipitates

(b) The antimony(III) and arsenic(V) concentrations in
solution after equilibrating mixture of antimony trioxide and arse-
nic acid solution at various sulfuric acid concentrations at 25°C.


•• •• ,,,,14 .. .... ••
.,.•1 . 11
... .. ......
lllt III, lllt

•••• ' ....

tllozO,· Aoz01· 4S0,
e.m •••
..... •
.. .... ••••'
l.l41 J,41f

'•11 J,... ••' .........'••••··· '• ...,.

J• •

.. •
Ult 13 セN@

Su} I .... • •••
UM J...
J •••

• .··=
•••• ••
. . . IOJ '' 4

.. .. ... ..
H2so4 1095 g/1 tt2so4 t254 g/1

Fig. 13 X-ray diffraction patterns of antimony arsenate


-1 セ@ Ao!VI
: -2
セ@ c
& -3
; -4 セ@ DセHQ@
--- SoMIItllof nbz0l·S03

o 0.5 I.O 1.5 2.0 l5
lnitiat セPN@ lfttlar rttit in fllxt•re

Fig. 14 The Sb 2o3 /As 2o5 molar ratio in precipitates


The antimony(III) and arsenic(V) concentrations in


solution after equil i brating va.rious mixtures of antimony

trioxide. and arsenic acid solution in sulfuric acid solution,
200 g/ 1 'H2 so 4 , at RUセc N@

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