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“Working together for a big change”

Glorioso y Sesquicentenario “San Nicolás”

Learning Unit N° 02 Learning Session 03

Making a difference! “Let’s know our school rights and

Exercise 1 Read the text and circle with green the school places you know very well.

How much do you know your school rights and responsibilities?

TOPIC Student’s rights Student Responsibilities
To go to school in a happy and calm To be kind
Safe and
To have teachers and school staff who To tell someone if you need help
are kind and helpful
Educational To feel safe at school To follow school rules and tell an adult when
Environment someone is being mean or when something is
not safe.
To know the rules about being absent To go to class every school day, be on time,
or late and have a note for an absence
To make up work or take tests after To ask to make up missed work and finish it
being absent on time taking accommodations into account
To attend school with staffed To access help from a counselor
School To have a school counselor To ask for help when needed
To have access to school counselors To cooperate with school staff when help is
To have items at school that are Only have things at school that are
respected as private, as long as it is appropriate to be at school
Privacy and appropriate for the items to be at
Property school
Rights To have personal property respected To respect the personal property of others

To share thoughts in a respectful way To respect the rights of others when they
share their thoughts
To choose when to participate in the To behave respectfully during the Pledge of
Pledge of Allegiance and other U.S. Allegiance and other U.S traditions
Free traditions
Speech To have religious beliefs respected To respect the religious beliefs of others
To help make school publications To work with a school staff member to make
school publications that are good for students
To be protected from bullying or To not bully or threaten anyone

Learning Unit N° 02 Learning Session 03

Making a diference! “Let’s know our school rights and
Teacher: Francisco Villanueva Vera
“Working together for a big change”
Glorioso y Sesquicentenario “San Nicolás”


Exercise 1 Read the text and circle with green the school places you know very well.

How much do you know your school rights and responsibilities?

TOPIC Student’s rights Student Responsibilities
To go to school in a happy and calm To be kind
Safe and
To have teachers and school staff who To tell someone if you need help
are kind and helpful
Educational To feel safe at school To follow school rules and tell an adult when
Environment someone is being mean or when something is
not safe.
To know the rules about being absent To go to class every school day, be on time,
or late and have a note for an absence
To make up work or take tests after To ask to make up missed work and finish it
being absent on time taking accommodations into account
To attend school with staffed To access help from a counselor
School To have a school counselor To ask for help when needed
To have access to school counselors To cooperate with school staff when help is
To have items at school that are Only have things at school that are
respected as private, as long as it is appropriate to be at school
Privacy and appropriate for the items to be at
Property school
Rights To have personal property respected To respect the personal property of others

To share thoughts in a respectful way To respect the rights of others when they
share their thoughts
To choose when to participate in the To behave respectfully during the Pledge of
Pledge of Allegiance and other U.S. Allegiance and other U.S traditions
Free traditions
Speech To have religious beliefs respected To respect the religious beliefs of others
To help make school publications To work with a school staff member to make
school publications that are good for students
To be protected from bullying or To not bully or threaten anyone

Teacher: Francisco Villanueva Vera

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