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“Working together for a big change”

Glorioso y Sesquicentenario “San Nicolás”

Learning Unit N° 03 Learning Session 01

Exercise 1 Read the texts and complete them using emotios how you would
feel, then match them with an appropiate synonym.

1 2
It’s my birthday today and we will have a My friend had a car accident yesteday. He is
party this evening. in the hospital now.

I feel ______________. I feel ______________.

3 4
My dad was fired from work and we don’t I failed1 my Math test yesterday. We had a lot
have money now. of homework and I didn’t understand the
I feel ______________.
I feel ______________.

1. Sad  Glad
2. Happy  Harassed
3. Stressed  Anxious
4. worried
 unhappy

Teacher: Francisco Villanueva Vera

“Working together for a big change”
Glorioso y Sesquicentenario “San Nicolás”

Exercise 2 Listen and read the texts and identify the feeling of each person.

Joe is not happy today. His bicycle is broken Kyle is feeling stressed today. He needs
and he cannot go cycling with his friends. his trainers, because he wants to go
He doesn’t like staying running, but he
at home on Saturday doesn’t remember
morning, but he has to where they are. He
tidy his bedroom. He’s can’t find them
feeling angry! anywhere!

Rose is watching a comedy on television. Annie has a problem. She has a pet. It’s a
It’s very funny. She’s kitten. This morning, the cat was not at
feeling happy and she home. She can’t find it!
is having a great time! Annie is feeling worried
The comedy makes her and sad because her little
laugh. pet is missing.


Exercise 3 Choose the correct complement for each text.

1. Joe is feeling… 2. Rose is feeling happy, because…

a. happy. a. she can’t find her cat.
b. angry. b. she can’t find her trainers.
c. bored. c. she is having a great time.

3. Kyle is feeling stressed, because… 4. Annie is feeling sad, because…

a. his bicycle is broken. a. she can’t find her cat.
b. he can’t find his trainers. b. She is watching a comedy.
c. he is having a great time. c. she is having a great time.

Exercise 4 Use the emotions below to complete the situations.

afraid – angry – bored – confused – disappointed – embarrassed – excited – happy –

jealous – lonely – nervous – proud – sad – stressed – surprised
Teacher: Francisco Villanueva Vera
“Working together for a big change”
Glorioso y Sesquicentenario “San Nicolás”

1. I feel _______________ when all my friends are busy and I’m alone.
2. I feel _______________ when I don’t understand something.
3. I feel _______________ when something good happens, like when I have a holiday.
4. I feel _______________ when I have nothing to do.
5. I feel _______________ when a friend moves away.
6. I feel _______________ when I watch a scary movie.
7. I feel _______________ when I have too many tests and too much homework.
8. I feel _______________ when I do something really good, like when I win a race.
9. I feel _______________ when somebody does something bad to me, like when he or
she lies to me.
10. I feel _______________ when I make a mistake or do something bad, and other
people know about it.
11. I feel _______________ when I think something bad might happen, like when I
travel by plane.
12. I feel _______________ when something happens that I didn’t know would happen.
13. I feel _______________ when I wanted something good to happen, but then
something bad happens.
14. I feel _______________ when something good will soon happen, like when I get
married next month.
15. I feel _______________ when I see another person with something I want, like lots
of money.

Exercise 5 Write facts or situations that make you feel happy or unhappy.


Teacher: Francisco Villanueva Vera

“Working together for a big change”
Glorioso y Sesquicentenario “San Nicolás”

Exercise 6 Write facts or situations that make you feel this emotions.






Teacher: Francisco Villanueva Vera

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