Unit 4 - Session 4

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“Working together for a big change”

Glorioso y Sesquicentenario “San Nicolás”

Learning Unit N° 04 Learning Session 04


Exercise 1 UNSCRAMBLE the words.

some _________________ a _________________ some ____________ flour

some _________________ an _________________ a _________________

Exercise 2 Listen to Julio Garay’s interview and write T (true) or F (false).

Julio is an international winner. ( )

Peruvian people didn’t support Julio’s idea on the web. ( )

Nutri H are cookies made of superfoods. ( )

Nutri H fights anemia. ( )

Quinoa, Garay
wheat is achocolate and sugar are some ingredients for the cookies.
Peruvian ( )
is the most important ingredient for the cookies.
engineer who
Juliocreated Nutrianemia.
didn’t suffer H, ( )
anti-anemia- ( )
Julio thinks healthy eating is important.
( )

Teacher: Francisco Villanueva Vera

“Working together for a big change”
Glorioso y Sesquicentenario “San Nicolás”

Exercise 3 Complete with “some”, “a” or “an”.

At home, we usually eat healthy food to prevent diseases. I’m in charge of buying groceries,
for this reason I looked for some information about healthy food.
Last time I went to the market, I bought __________ carrots, tomatoes, onions and
__________ head of lettuce. About fruit, I got __________ bananas, oranges and apples. I
usually eat __________ apple every morning.
Tubers and grains are also important, so I bought __________ kilo of potatoes, sweet potatoes
and __________ quinoa and wheat flour.

Exercise 4 Look at the pictures and tick “☑” healthy products or cross “❎”
unhealthy products.


Teacher: Francisco Villanueva Vera

“Working together for a big change”
Glorioso y Sesquicentenario “San Nicolás”

Exercise 5 Match the pictures and phrases.


( ) cook the fish in the lime juice ( ) dice the fish into small pieces/squares

( ) wash the fish ( ) cut the limes in half

( ) squeeze the limes ( ) boil the sweet potatoes


Exercise 6 Listen to and complete the recipe.

Hello, people! Today, in our blog we are going to make a delicious and nutritious dish.
Ceviche is healthy, juicy, delicious, and nutritious. It’s one of the most popular dishes in
Peru. In fact, to eat this unique dish you can go to an exclusive restaurant or enjoy it at
home by making your own ceviche. Today we will show you how to prepare this
delightful dish. These are the ingredients:

Teacher: Francisco Villanueva Vera

“Working together for a big change”
Glorioso y Sesquicentenario “San Nicolás”

Are you ready? Let's cook our delicious

First, (1) _______ the fish and (2)_____ it into
small squares. After that, (3) _______ the fish in a
glass bowl.
Then, (4)______ the lemons, (5)_____ them and
pour the juice in a cup.
CEVICHE Next, cut the onions and chili pepper. (6) _______
- One kilo of fish the fish, onions and hot pepper in a glass bowl, and
- One red onion then, pour the lime juice in the bowl and (7)
- ½ kilo of lemon _______ in the lime juice for 20 minutes. While the
- One chili pepper
- One kilo of sweet potatoes fish is cooking, (8) _______ the sweet potatoes until
- Salt to taste they are soft.
Finally, remove the fish from the bowl and add
some salt. Slice the sweet potatoes and serve with
the fish.

Exercise 7 Complete the steps of a recipe.

Teacher: Francisco Villanueva Vera

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