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Grade 11
Date: March 16, 2023

At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

1. Identify common problems related to scheduling and performing one’s task.
2. Apply the concept of employee scheduling in a workplace in the near future.


II.1 Topic: Common Employee Scheduling Problems and their Solutions
II.2 Source:
II.3 Materials: Video clip, PowerPoint Presentation, Pictures

Preliminary Activity Teacher Activity Learner Activity

1. Prayer Please all stand for a short prayer. A learner will lead the prayer.
Good morning ma’am.
2. Greetings Good morning class. We’re fine ma’am.
How are you today?
3. Classroom Please pick up pieces of papers, and
management None ma’am.
arrange your chairs.
4. Checking of
Attendance Who are absent for this morning?

None? Very good that’s good to hear,

A. Activity Today, we are going to discuss new
lesson, but before that, let us have first
a short game.

Are you ready, class? Yes, ma’am.

Alright, so let’s get it on.

So, this game is “Help Me Solve”.

You need to group yourselves into 6.

Each Group will be given a situation/
scenario to be solve.
You will be given 2 minutes to provide (Students will listen to the
a solution to the scenario and then teacher’s instruction)
present your work in front of the class.

You may now go to your respective

groups. (Students will go to their
respective groups)
Group 1: Orlie needs to be absent from
work, because he got high fever.
Group 2: Zhazhe Hotel doesn’t have
enough employee to cater massive
tourist who came all the way from a
cruise ship.
Group 3: Maezy always have an added
time to her work and it make her
Group 4: Sara always have an
overtime at work. It’s fine with her, but
it felt her uncomfortable
Group 5: Marie didn’t communicate
with her colleague that she swapped her
schedule, and it led to some confusions.

After 2 minutes….

Very good everyone, you really did a

great job in finding better solutions to
each problem that I had given. (Each group presented their
work. They will present the
possible solution about the
scenario given to them.)
Have you learned something from it?
Alright! Yes, ma’am.

B. Analysis So, before we start our new lesson for

today, let us have first this Unlocking
of Difficulties.

So, these are the words that you will

encounter as we go along with our

So, let us try match column A to

column B.
Who can try number 1?
(The students will participate
in unlocking the words.)
Column A Column B
The answers will be:
1. B
1. Shift a. time for rest
2. Shortage b. to change place 2. D
3. Time-off c. time in addition 3. A
4. Availability d. state needing 4. E
something 5. C
5. Overtime e. To be used or obtain

Yes, ma’am.
Did it found it easy to answer class?
Lesson Proper Very good.
So, our lesson for today is all about
Common Employee Scheduling
Problems and Their Solutions and the
game that we had earlier has something
to do with it.
So, let us start.

Class, are you familiar with our topic Yes, ma’am.

this morning?

What is it exactly all about? Ma’am.

It’s about certain problems
and appropriate solution in a
Alright, very good.

Do you have any idea who are the ones

The Manager, Ma’am
that creates employee’s schedule?

Alright, Very Good.

So, most managers struggle to create a

fair and balanced work scheduled for
every employee.

So, to provide you information that will

give you full grasp of the lesson, here
are Common Employee Scheduling
Problems and Their Solutions

Who can read the first one? Ma’am.

Yes, Jeraldine.

1. Shift Swapping
1. Shift Swapping –
Based from the information you have Allowing your team
read, what do you mean by shift member to manage
swapping? their own schedules
(to a certain degree)
can take a huge
weight off your
shoulders, but it can
also lead to chaos
and confusion.

Yes, Kenneth Shift swapping means
exchanging of schedule to
Okay, very good. This is a process of your workmate.
exchanging into someone’s schedule,
but then again it might lead to
So, what do you think is the best (Learner will read the
solution for this? solution provided in their
Yes, Nina. note)

So, meaning, workforce management

app is the solution to avoid confusion,
and also to provide transparency of
shift swapping that every employee
must know.

Example: Diane’s shift is in the

morning, but she has an urgent matter
needs to attend to, so she swapped her
schedule to her colleague that was
assigned in the evening shift.

2. Shortage of Employee
Kindly, read number 2. Ma’am.
Yes. Jhat. 2. Shortage of
Employee- When
your business is
productivity declines.
Ultimately, your
costumers suffer the
most when there
aren’t enough
employees to go
around. And when
your customers aren’t
happy, your bottom
line takes a hit.


That means to say lack of

What do we mean by that? staff/ employees.
Yes, Shello.

Very good.
So, shortage of employee means lack of
manpower in a workplace.

Example: Every summer, Hue Hotel

caters a lot of foreign visitors, due to
the demand of costumer, they
encounter shortage of employee. Ma’am
(Learner will read the
So, what is the solution for this kind of solution provided in their
problem? note)

The best solution would be the

management must interview and hire
for a new employee. 3. Overscheduling -
Such as “Clopen”
Next, number 3. Kindly read James. shift (i.e. close and
3. Overscheduling open) can take a real
toll on your
employees. The
employee was given
an overloaded
That means to say schedule
overload of a certain
What do we mean by this? employee.
Yes. Analiza

Very good.
Overscheduling means a workload
given to an employee, regardless of the
time shift given to an employee.
Example: Anna works for 8 hours a
day, but she has also given another 2
hours duty by her manager. So,
everyday she accumulated 10 hours of
duty. Ma’am
(Learner will read the
In this case what would be the solution? solution provided in their
Kindly, read, anyone? note)
Yes, Kenneth.

So, the best solution too is to use a

scheduling software to monitor
overscheduled employees. None, ma’am.

Any, question regarding with this? Ma’am

Okay, so let us proceed to the number
4, kindly read please. 4. Disorganization-
Yes, Rio. Staying organized is
4. Disorganization a challenge for
everyone, but
especially for busy

What do we mean by this? Ma’am.

Yes. Ericka
This means to say that
someone has lack the ability
in organization.

Very good.
Example: Claire a 2-year employee of
the RR Hotel, still didn’t practice or
apply the organization skills that is
needed in the workplace.
We’ll surely do ma’am.
You must remember that in the future,
when you are already an employee you
need to put everything into practice
most especially the organization skill
that is very much needed in the

So, in this case, what do you think is

the appropriate solution for? Ma’am
(Learner will read the
Yes, Jharine. solution provided in their
So, just like the other problems an
employee management app is very
much needed, so that you will be able
to monitor employee’s progress.
It’s an app ma’am.
In what platform do you think it would
None, ma’am.
Okay very good.
Any question regarding with this,
Let’s proceed to the next number.
Anyone? Please read. 5. No Call, No Show
Yes, Bellie. Employees- When
5. No Call, No Show Employees an employee doesn’t
What do we mean by this? report for a scheduled
Yes. Jhay-Ar shift and doesn’t give
Very good. you advanced
warning (ie., no call,
no show), it can
throw the entire
workday – and the
workday of your
team- into disorder.

This means to say that it’s the
What is meant by that? employee who doesn’t tell
Anyone? Yes, Charlene. the manager in advance that
he/she is going to reschedule
his/her shift, and this affect
the entire schedule.

Okay, exactly. So, you need to tell your

manager in advance, so that he/ she can
determine who will take the shift to
avoid throwing out the entire schedule.

Example: Marie didn’t call her

manager that she will not go to her duty
this morning. Since there is no call
happened, she is expected to come on
her time of duty, but she didn’t make it
to come. It’s the reason why the entire Ma’am
schedule was affected due to sudden (Learner will read the
absences. solution provided in their
What do you think is the appropriate
solution for this?

So, to prevent this to happen, a

software application is of great help in
contacting for back up employees, so
that time will not be wasted in looking
for the scheduled employee. Yes, Ma’am, because it will
make easier for the manager
So, do you think the No Call, No Show to contact backup employees.
will be prevented using the software
Yes, Venz.
Very good.
C. Abstraction To sum up everything that you have
learned from the discussion.

 Who can identify the common

employee scheduling problems
and their solutions? The 5 common employee
scheduling problems and
Jimlyn, kindly identify. their solutions are:
1. Shift swapping
2. Shortage of
3. Overscheduling
4. Disorganization
5. No Call, No Show

Very good. Please remember those so

that when you are working in an
industry, you already know the Dos and

 If you were to work in an Ma’am.

industry, as an employee how
As an employee in the near
can you prevent yourself from
future, I can prevent myself
these common problems? from these common problems
by informing the manager
Anyone? ahead of time or in advance,
Yes Syren. so that the manager will
know what appropriate
solution to use in order not to
create chaos and confusion.

Very good.
Yes, Ma’am.
Do you think the management software
app will greatly help fixed these Management Software app
employee scheduling problems? Why? will be of great help in
monitoring employees
schedule and will directly
Very good. notify if there’s a problem.
So, since information today are
digitalized, it even makes the work
easier, hustle-free and paperless.

 If you were to be a manager in

the future, how will you handle
these kinds of problems?
Anyone? If I will be a manager, I
would be able to handle these
by, communicating them the
Dos and Don’t of our
department. Most especially
Very good. Good communication if it’s about the schedule g
between the manager and the employee
must be intact so that
miscommunication will be prevented. Yes, ma’am.

So, have you learned something today,

Very good. That’s good to here, class.
Noted ma’am.
Always remember that every problem
whether it is personal or in the industry,
everything has a solution. Everything
happens just for a reason, so, it always
has a solution.

D. Application To assess your learning, get ½ sheet of (Learners will answer the
paper and answer the activity projected activity presented to them by
on the screen. the teacher)

Direction: Read and identify the

common problems in scheduling in a
given situations. Write the letter of the
correct answer in the blank before each

A. Shift Swapping Answers:

B. Lack of Availability 1. C
C. Overloaded Scheduling 2. D
D. Shortage of employee 3. G
E. Disorganization 4. E
F. Overtime 5. H
G. Employee turnover 6. F
H. Vacation and time off 7. I
I. No calls, no show employee 8. A
J. Illness 9. B
10. J

1. An overloaded schedule
2. Understaffed company
3. Disgruntled employee
4. Disorganized system
5. Requested time-off
6. Extra time added to normal
working hours.
7. Unannounced absence
8. Exchanging shifts
9. Unavailable employee
10. Unavoidable situation
IV. Evaluation
Direction: Identify what common employee scheduling problems is present in the following
situations. You can choose your answer among the following Shift Swapping, Lack of
Availability, Overloaded Scheduling, Shortage of employee, Disorganization, Overtime,
Employee turnover, Vacation and time off, No calls, no show employee, Illness.

1. Jose, a laundry attendant is scheduled to work on a day shift on Monday, but a personal
matter comes up.
2. All of a sudden, Cristine and Donna, decided to submit a resignation letter to the manager. A
lot of visitors are coming in, and the hotel has the worst experience that day.
3. Due to shortage of manpower, Mark and Bernie needs to have a 2 hours additional time on
their duties, so as total they need to accumulate 10 hours/per day.
4. On a day shift around 7 o’clock in the morning until 8:30, Sarah will do the MUR service
and around 10 o’clock until 11 o’ clock she needs to do public area cleaning.
5. Vangie’s duty is on the day shift, when she is about to go to the hotel something urgent
happened, and she needs to attend to, but she didn’t call the manger to inform about the
sudden absences.
6. Due to the hectic schedule, Manny the manager didn’t monitor the Employee management
software, so he missed to monitor employee’s progress as well as the assigned jobs, and
7. Sam ‘s three-day vacation was already filed and also sent a notification to the manager about
the it.
8. Devine is not feeling well and cannot perform her day shift duty, so she needs rest in order to
9. Due to workmates attitudes towards each other, Nelly can’t bear the situation anymore, and
left with no choice but to resign from the work she has for a year.
10. Mike always has the attitude of not informing his managers about his sudden absences, so
the manager needs to look for available personnel that could fill in the duty that needs to be

V. Assignment:

For your assignment, research about the benefits of automated scheduling.

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