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FGD 1 Facilitator Version

1. Introductions Introduce facilitator, note-taker, participants. Explain that this session will
take around 1.5 hours and participation is optional.
Explain purpose – We’re conducting a research study on behalf of ICCO
Cooperation in order to better understand smallholder farmers’ access to
products, services and markets in order to help them improve their
livelihoods and quality of life. Participants’ names will not be used, and
their responses won’t affect future support or engagement with the
project or organisation. If they want to add anything in private they can
talk to the team at the end and we’ll record that separately.
Gain consent from all participants.
2. Farming and What sources of income do you have?
What are other common income sources for farmers in your community?

Probe to identify as many diverse sources as possible.

Do you see your farm as a business that is worth investing in, so you can
earn more income from it? Why/why not?

3. New Have you made any changes to the way you farm in the past few years?
If yes, what have you done differently?

What inspired/encouraged you to do things differently?

4. Opportunities What are the opportunities for farmers here?

Prompt: Is there a strong market for some crops/livestock? Is the soil fertile? Is
the climate favourable?

What kinds of people are most able to benefit from these opportunities?
Prompt: Gender, age, status, education, etc..

5. Increase yield What are the things you might use to increase your yields and get more
Prompt: products and services like improved seeds, fertilizers and trainings.

Which of these are most important? Identify top 3.

6. Success What are the characteristics of successful farmers?

Prompt: Age, experience, social networks, education, family support,
community support, land, resources, tools, training etc.

Which of these are most important? Identify top 3.

7. Challenges What challenges do people face when they are working in agriculture
Probe to identify as many as possible, e.g. climate, pests and diseases, poor
soil, market price fluctuations, access to products and services, etc.?
FGD 1 Facilitator Version

Ask the group to identify the top 3.

What kinds of people are most affected by these challenges?

Prompt: gender, age, status, education, travel restrictions, time, land, etc.

How could you overcome each of these challenges?

8. Access to How is land allocated between men and women within your household?
land Probe for specific examples and explanations for allocation- how do men and
women use their different size/type of land? Why is it allocated this way?

9. Access to Are quality seeds and other inputs available nearby?

means of Probe: How far away? If not why not? – cost, distance, quality etc.
In the household, if both a man and woman need to use farm tools (hoe,
fork, new seeds etc.) and there are not enough for both, who gets
priority? Why?

10. Access to Do you have access to a mobile phone? Owned or shared?

phones If your household shares a mobile phone, who keeps it? Why?

Are women in your household able to use the mobile phone whenever
they want to? Why?

Does your access to mobile phones affect your farming? Or marketing? In

what ways?
11. Access to What financial services are available here? What are the sources of loans?
services What is good and bad about each one of these options? (e.g. access,
interest rate, timing, flexibility, transparency, trust, etc)

Do many people here take loans? What kinds of people? What do they
use them for?

Do you, or other farmers, ever take multiple loans at the same time?
Why/when would you do this, and what would be the sources?

12. Attitude to If you wanted to find out about loans, who would you ask? Where would
financial you look for information? Do you think they are reliable sources? Why?
What features are most important in a loan?
Prompt if necessary: interest rate, repayment schedule, collateral
requirements, loan amount, etc?

Which are the most important? (top 3)

Would you be more or less likely to apply for finance if a training was
included? What kind(s) of training would interest you?

13. Access and Would you want to learn more about farming or agri-business? What
attitudes to
FGD 1 Facilitator Version

training would you want to learn?

Would you pay for training? Why/why not?

If yes, how much would you pay? (ask for amounts)

If not, what about payment after proven success (like extra yield)?

14. Peer If you wanted to learn about different agricultural techniques and how to
learning increase your yield, how would you find this out? Where would you go,
who would you ask? How do share the information in the community?

Have you ever learned something new about farming from someone in
the community? Any examples?

If someone is trained in agri-skills, do they share those skills with others?

Who would they share with? Why/why not?

Can you give any examples of people sharing their new skills and

15. Scenario 1: Explain to the group that you are going to tell them a story, and then ask
them some questions about the woman in the story.

Joan, a 24 year old woman, lives with her husband and three children. Joan
keeps chickens and grows some vegetables, and her husband grows (key crop)
to sell and earn income. Joan managed to secure a loan with support from an
NGO, and her husband wants to use some of the money to invest in his farm.
The children’s school fees are also due, and there is not enough money to pay
for everything. Joan knows she will have to repay the loan or face

Now ask the group some questions and encourage them to discuss their

 What do you think Joan will do?

 What will Joan prioritise and why?
 How much control does Joan have over the money she
 Who will decide how it’s used?
 Do you think Joan and her husband will make the decision
together what to do with the money?
 What do you think will happen if they disagree?
 What do you think will be the consequences if she can’t repay the

16. Scenario 2 Explain to the group that you are going to tell them a story, and then ask
them some questions about the woman in the story.

Anna’s husband died several years ago, leaving her to raise their 4 children.
She moved back with her mother and began working on her father’s land, and
has been producing (particular crop) for several years. She has access to 2 of
the 7 acres her father owns. She would like to improve her yield and income,
but she is not sure what to do next.
FGD 1 Facilitator Version

Now ask the group some questions and encourage them to discuss their

- What could Anna do?

- What difficulties do you think Anna might face?
- Do you think her household will support her, and why/why not?
- What could help her to access finance?
- What could she change to improve her chances of success?

17. Final Questions, further comments, recommendations, thanks.


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