TK - Archetype Backer

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Backer Archetypes

Name The Psychic Pitfighter Total XP

The Race Cosm Tharkold Unspent
Axioms: Magic Social Spirit Tech Clearance Level

12 25 4 25 Alpha


Charisma Dexterity Mind Spirit Strength Movement Run Toughness Armor DEFENSES

6 7 8 9 10 9 27 14 4 Dodge

Combat Skills Attribute Skill Adds Value
Energy Weapons Dex 7 Melee Defense

Wound Tracker
Fire Combat Dex +1 8
Melee Weapons Dex +2 9 8

Missile Weapons Dex 7
Unarmed Defense
Unarmed Combat Dex +2 9

Interaction Skills Attribute Skill Adds Value 6

Intimidation Spirit 9
Maneuver Dex 7
Taunt Cha 6
Trick Mind 8
Other Attribute Skill Adds Value 3
Dodge Dex +2 9
Kinesis Spirit +3 12
Precognition Mind +2 10
Reality Spirit +2 11
Item Axiom Notes
Stealth Dex +2 9
Ammo Belt 23 50 rounds for Remington 870

Perk Effect
Embracing the Way Gain Awareness, Energize, Pyrokinesis
Occultech Implants Gain Chod Siphoner Cyberarm, Chod
Rabbitjacks Mk II
Armor Axiom Adds Notes
Technodemon Vest 25 +4 Torso

Weapon Axiom Damage Ammo Range Notes
War Mace (melee weapons) 12 Str +4 (14) — — Two handed, Stagger, Unwieldy
Sawn off Remington 870 (fire combat) 22 14 7 5/10/15 Shotgun, Carbine
Combat Knives (melee weapons) 23 Str +1 (11) 2 5/10/15 May be thrown w missile weapons

Bonus Chart
Die 1 2 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 26 31 36 41 46 +5
Roll 4 6 8 10 12 14 25 30 35 40 45 50
Bonus –10 –8 –6 –4 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 +1
By Samuel McClendon
Overview messenger bag which are all the possessions you really
You were raised as a slave, laboring under the rule of a need to motivate you to stop the High Lords.
technodemon. When the maelstrom bridge opened on
Core Earth and was destroyed by a nuclear strike, you Agenda
were in Tharkold near the outskirts of the bridge’s The war is like a bigger version of the arena, and you
anchor point. Exposed to the radiation and atomized intend to survive. Making allies is difficult for you, but
demonic particles you began to exhibit strange powers. crucial to your eventual victory.
Too rebellious to join your master’s forces, he instead
put you into the arena to entertain his minions and Names
other thralls. You made a name for yourself fighting Crazy Eight, Crusher, Gaunt, Pitt, Spider, Studs,
and killing other slaves and monsters. When you Trapper
killed your first technodemon challenger you claimed
his weapon as your own. You hid the extent of your Advancement Track (Optional)
powers as you became more proficient. □ (5 XP) Endurance
An incursion of Storm Knights created the opportunity □ (7 XP) Relentless
you needed. Escaping you confronted your master
□ (9 XP) Whirlwind
and killed him, incinerating him in a storm of psychic
fire. You took his clawed finger as a trophy before □ (4 XP) kinesis +4
leaving with the Storm Knights. □ (5 XP) kinesis +5

Close and brutal is usually what you are known for.
Leaping into the fray with your cybernetic legs and
using your war mace and psychic powers to eliminate
enemies. Your psychic awareness helps keep you and
your companions alive. If you cannot burn it out, then
the Remington shotgun you picked up on Core Earth
does the trick to. When you need to be quiet you can
either use your combat knives or your bare hands to
kill with.

Moment of Crisis
You will never forget the sight of your master holding
your brother by the neck as it eviscerated him slowly.
That was the moment you vowed to escape and
fight back. It was the moment that your first powers
manifested. The power built up inside you and you
became stronger and faster, but at that time you were
not strong enough then.

“Witness Me!”

You are not very social, your history made you hard.
While most people think you are angry all the time,
you just don’t know how to deal with normal people
most of the time. Life in Tharkold made you practical
in your appearance, though not much can hide your
scars and the horrific cybernetics. You carry your
most important possessions and trophies in a leather
Name The Renegade Warthrall Total XP

The Race Cosm Tharkold Unspent
Axioms: Magic Social Spirit Tech Clearance Level

12 25 4 25 Alpha


Charisma Dexterity Mind Spirit Strength Movement Run Toughness Armor DEFENSES

6 9 6 8 11 9 27 15 4 Dodge


Combat Skills Attribute Skill Adds Value
Energy Weapons Dex 9 Melee Defense

Wound Tracker
Fire Combat Dex 9
Melee Weapons Dex +3 12 14

Missile Weapons Dex +1 10
Unarmed Defense
Unarmed Combat Dex 9

Interaction Skills Attribute Skill Adds Value 9

Intimidation Spirit +2 10
Maneuver Dex 9
Taunt Cha 6
Trick Mind 6
Other Attribute Skill Adds Value 3
Dodge Dex +2 11
Find Mind +1 7
Reality Spirit +2 10
Stealth Dex +2 11
Item Axiom Notes
Survival Mind +1 7
Survival Kit 25 Includes Anti-Rad pills
Willpower Spirit +2 10
Slap Patch 25 Recover 1 Wound
Diffrax Shield 25 +2 Defenses (included), additional +2
against energy weapons

Perk Effect
Occultech Implants Gain Digan Cyberarm (+2 Strength on
right arm)
Cyborg Gain Alph Plasma Whip (see back
page), Chod Frenzy Jack (ignore –2
Multi-target on Melee, Friendly Fire
applies), Vav Sensation Suppressor Armor Axiom Adds Notes
(ignore 1 Shock from all sources) Demon-hide Vest 25 +4 Torso, Fatigues
Combat Helmet 23 +4 Head

Weapon Axiom Damage Ammo Range Notes
Plasma Whip (melee weapons) 25 Str+4 (17) — 3 AP 0–4, Grapple, 1 minute duration
Combat Knife (melee or missile weapons) 20 Str+1 (12) — 5/20/40 Small
Unarmed (unarmed combat) — Str+0 (11) — 10/20/30 —

Bonus Chart
Die 1 2 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 26 31 36 41 46 +5
Roll 4 6 8 10 12 14 25 30 35 40 45 50
Bonus –10 –8 –6 –4 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 +1
By Eric Frechette
You were born and raised in a thrall pen in Tharkold. • Tech 25; Cost: 3,000 (19); Deal Strength +4
You had occultech implanted in your body, with damage, AP 0-4, reach 3 meters.
little care for your sanity or your survival. You were The monofilament whip can be deployed as a simple
trained hard and kept obedient through your slave action. Already a deadly weapon, it can be charged
collar, but your master underestimated the strength of with plasma energy provided by the suffering of
your hatred for him. You managed to break free and its wearer. Upon activation (free action), the wearer
now Core Earth has won an ally who knows better chooses how many Shock he suffers (up to 4) and the
than anyone that death is better than living under the Whip gains 1 AP per Shock. The Whip can't remain
domination of Tharkoldu. activated more than 1 minute without damaging the
monofilament. It can be reactivated after a one minute
Tactics cool down. On a Good hit or better, the target may be
Wait to ignite your Plasma Whip until you're close restrained in addition to the normal BD of damage.
enough to engage in melee—it has to cool down after
six rounds of use so make sure those rounds all count! Advancement Track (Optional)
□ (5 XP) Relentless
Moment of Crisis
□ (7 XP) Vengeful
With your squadron, you were sent on the front line
as soon as the first Maelstrom Bridge fell down on □ (9 XP) Hard to Kill
Moscow. Being trained in close combat, you were □ (4 XP) melee weapons +4
expected to suffer heavy casualties. But this time,
□ (5 XP) melee weapons +5
things were different. These Russians had guts and
their president was mad enough to nuke the Maelstrom
Bridge. Being among the first finally saved your life,
unlike all the others who had not yet crossed the
Bridge. When the Maelstrom Bridge was wiped out,
Tharkold axioms started struggling and while many
disconnected and lot of gear stopped functioning, you
managed to get rid of your slave collar. Earning your
freedom, you also got rid of your former master.

“Pain is a cost I'm willing to pay...”

War isn't pretty, you don't have to be either. You
choose your stuff according to their efficiency,
taking what is best from home and adopting
what's best from your new one.

When you first broke free, you joined the russian
resistance, fighting side by side with those you
were slashing just before. Later, you felt betrayed
by the president Volkov and knew it was time for
you to find a better place to continue the fight.

You were given serial numbers, but you had names
between you: Daghen, Dran, Kriegan, Raoni-Ler,
Rhadric, Slayvin, Stirnat.
Name The Mystic Mutant Total XP

Human Cosm Tharkold Unspent
Axioms: Magic Social Spirit Tech Clearance Level

12 25 4 25 Alpha


Charisma Dexterity Mind Spirit Strength Movement Run Toughness Armor DEFENSES

6 8 8 8 10 8 24 14 4 Dodge

Combat Skills Attribute Skill Adds Value
Energy Weapons Dex 8 Melee Defense

Wound Tracker
Fire Combat Dex +2 10
Melee Weapons Dex +3 11 11

Missile Weapons Dex 8
Unarmed Defense
Unarmed Combat Dex 8

Interaction Skills Attribute Skill Adds Value 8

Intimidation Spirit +2 10
Maneuver Dex +1 9
Taunt Cha 6
Trick Mind 8
Other Attribute Skill Adds Value 3
Alteration Mind +3 11
Dodge Dex +1 9
Reality Spirit +2 10
Stealth Dex +1 9
Item Axiom Notes
Survival Mind +1 9
Compass 23
Flashlight 23
Ration Packs 23
Canteen 23

Perk Effect
Mutation Immune to radiation, heal 1 Wound on
a Radiation card, Mutations count as
Tech 25 Occultech, –4 to persuasion vs
non-mutants, After each scene make a
Favored Strength test, recover 1 Wound ARMOR
per success level Armor Axiom Adds Notes
Physical Adept Gain disguise and enhance, minimum Demon Hide Vest 25 +4 Torso, Fatigues
skill requirement –4

Weapon Axiom Damage Ammo Range Notes
Metal War Club (melee weapons) 23 Str +3 (13) — — 2 Handed, Stagger
Thav-9 (fire combat) 25 13 60 20/40/80 Short Burst
Survival Knife (melee weapons) 23 Str+1 (11) — — Small

Bonus Chart
Die 1 2 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 26 31 36 41 46 +5
Roll 4 6 8 10 12 14 25 30 35 40 45 50
Bonus –10 –8 –6 –4 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 +1
By Dave Haynes
Overview pain on Tharkoldu. The Delphi Council has promised
Life is not easy for the Abominations of the Wastelands. to help you fulfill your Code if you help them.
Tharkold is a brutal place and many mutations are
unforgiving. But some mutants are born with the
ability to channel magic that enhances their physical
Wiki, Marzanna, Jiutian, Zuya, Jari, Haikili, Karel,
abilities. The really lucky ones are found by the
Stannes, Wuxia.
Unwanted before the Tharkoldu.
The Unwanted are a sect of mystic mutants whose New Perk: Physical Adept
mutations give them a knack for Physical Adept • Spellcraft, Prerequisite: Mutation
spells. They travel alone on the lookout for Mutants The skill requirements for the spells, armor, disguise,
who develop the same abilities to keep them out of enhance, and haste are reduced by 4 points, but may
Tharkoldu claws. Along the way they do what they only target you. Start with 2 of those 4 spells.
can to help others and liberate those they can while
maintaining secrecy. Advancement Track (Optional)
□ (5 XP) Spellcaster (armor, haste, scrambler)
Your Enhance spell is your go to at the start of battle. □ (7 XP) Masochist
Enhance your Dexterity if you are engaged in a □ (9 XP) Mutation—Dead to Pain
gunfight or your Strength if you are going into Melee. □ (4 XP) alteration +4
Your Disguise spell is useful for getting in and out of
places. You can also use it to hide your Debilitating □ (5 XP) alteration +5
Mutation . Maneuver and Intimidation are your best
interaction attacks. Your Regenerative Blood will
heal you after the battle so you can use your
Possibilities for doing serious damage, instead
of for Soaking.

Moment of Crisis
You would have died if your Mystic Mentor hadn't
found you and helped you hone your magic gifts.
But no one is perfect, one day your Mentor mishaped
a spell and you returned the favor by slaying the
Tharkoldu he summoned. Or maybe you used your
disguise spell to help some Mutants escape slavery.

“I am of the Unwanted. You do not want us, for we
will destroy you.”

Life in the wastelands has made your outfit one of
necessity rather than aesthetics. The intermittent
pain from the Occultech nanites in your Regenerative
Blood make you a bit antisocial. So along with your
imposing build, this makes you seem dangerous
and mysterious. But you have a soft spot for the
downtrodden and children can often make you smile
when no one is looking.

The Unwanted Code has three directives: find and
train Physical Adepts, help the downtrodden, and visit
Name The Aspirant Dragonframe Total XP

Aspirant Cosm Tharkold Unspent
Axioms: Magic Social Spirit Tech Clearance Level

12 25 4 25 Alpha


Charisma Dexterity Mind Spirit Strength Movement Run Toughness Armor DEFENSES

5 8 6 9 12 8 24 16 4 Dodge


Combat Skills Attribute Skill Adds Value
Energy Weapons Dex +3 11 Melee Defense

Wound Tracker
Fire Combat Dex 8
Melee Weapons Dex 8 8

Missile Weapons Dex 8
Unarmed Defense
Unarmed Combat Dex +3 11

Interaction Skills Attribute Skill Adds Value 11

Intimidation Spirit +3 12
Maneuver Dex 8
Taunt Cha 5
Trick Mind 6
Other Attribute Skill Adds Value 3
Conjuration Spirit +1 10
Find Mind +1 7
Dodge Dex +2 10
Reality Spirit +1 10
Item Axiom Notes
Science Mind +1 7
Aestetic Mods 25 Dragon Design
Willpoewer Spirit +1 10
Alph Weapon Dock 25 Alph Integration/reload for 2 Shock
Digan Darksight M3 25 Eliminate –6 darkness penalty
Vav Razor Wings 25 Damage +3 AP 2 when Rushing

Perk Effect
Occultech See Equipment for installed Occultech
Cyborg See Equipment for installed Occultech
Creature of Magic Suffer 1 extra Shock below Magic 12
Wings Immune to Falling, Move 10 in air ARMOR
Rejected Destiny Destiny hand size is base 3 cards, count Armor Axiom Adds Notes
as Supernatural Evil Zan Endoskeleton M3 25 +4 Full Body
Outsider/Cyborg Persuasion suffer –4 penalty

Weapon Axiom Damage Ammo Range Notes
Alph Pulverizer "Breath" (energy weapons) 25 17 3 20/40/80 Painful (Shock +1), Bulky
Zan Slasher "Claws" (unarmed combat) 25 Str+2 (14) — — AP 2

Pain Gauntlet "Tail" (unarmed combat) 25 Str+1 (11) — — Painful (Shock +1)

Bonus Chart
Die 1 2 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 26 31 36 41 46 +5
Roll 4 6 8 10 12 14 25 30 35 40 45 50
Bonus –10 –8 –6 –4 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 +1
By Andrew and Vilkas Warren
Overview Advancement Track (Optional)
Tharkhold is a brutal, vicious world of kill or be killed. □ (5 XP) Flight
Rarely, in these apocalyptic wastes, enterprising □ (7 XP) Large
scavengers will come face to face with the Tharkholdu
□ (9 XP) Relentless
themselves—terrifying demons that have replaced
themselves with demonic technology. You are one of □ (1 XP) persuasion +1
them. □ (2 XP) reality +2
□ (4 XP) unarmed combat +4
When combat starts, you like to test you enemy's □ (5 XP) unarmed combat +5
strength with a blast from your trusty laser beam.
Assuming they survive that, which is rare, you deem
them a worthy opponent and like to fight personally
with all the strength and force behind your
claws. Opponents who are intimidated
by your ferocity are cowards o n l y
worthy of being swatted b y
your electric tail.

Moment of Crisis
You have been reality-Rated for as long as
you can remember: a Stormer, a ravager of
worlds. But on Core Earth and Aysle you saw
something different, something beautiful,
and felt yourself change. You crafted special
modifications to make your outside reflect
the changes happening inside.

“I am so much more than a mere

Your painstaking cybernetic conversion
chosen with the aesthetic of dragons in mind. You
like that people look at you differently than they do
other technodemons, and you strive for the kind
of strength and majesty those creatures display.

You are different and so hated by your own kind,
but still learning how to cooperate with humans.

Archon, Djall, Maxim, Rak, Vermillion, Zagros


• Tech 25; Cost: 2,000 (17); Reduce penalties to
Persuasion from any source by 2 points.
Aesthetics are not usually considered by Occultech,
but with effort very pleasing effects are possible.
Name The Pack Mistress Total XP

Human Cosm Tharkold Unspent
Axioms: Magic Social Spirit Tech Clearance Level

12 25 4 25 Alpha


Charisma Dexterity Mind Spirit Strength Movement Run Toughness Armor DEFENSES

9 8 7 9 7 8 24 9 1 Dodge


Combat Skills Attribute Skill Adds Value
Energy Weapons Dex 8 Melee Defense

Wound Tracker
Fire Combat Dex +1 9
Melee Weapons Dex 8 8

Missile Weapons Dex 8
Unarmed Defense
Unarmed Combat Dex 8

Interaction Skills Attribute Skill Adds Value 9

Intimidation Spirit +3 12
Maneuver Dex 8
Taunt Cha +1 10
Trick Mind 7
Other Attribute Skill Adds Value 3
Dodge Dex +2 10
Find Mind +1 8
Persuasion Cha +1 10
Reality Spirit +1 10
Item Axiom Notes
Streetwise Cha +1 10
Slaver Collar 25 x3, may detonate for 24+2BD to wearer
Telepathy Cha +3 12
Whistle 12
Tracking Mind +1 8
Willpower Spirit +1 10

Perk Effect
Psionic Gain Powers (Clairvoyance, Hounds,
Intimidating Presence When Intimidate is Approved,
Intimidation may act as a Defense
against any attack or interaction.
Armor Axiom Adds Notes
Demonhide Vest 25 +4 Torso, Fatigues

Weapon Axiom Damage Ammo Range Notes
Thav-9 (fire combat) 25 13 60 20/40/80 Short Burst
Unarmed (unarmed combat) — Str+0 (7) — — —

Bonus Chart
Die 1 2 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 26 31 36 41 46 +5
Roll 4 6 8 10 12 14 25 30 35 40 45 50
Bonus –10 –8 –6 –4 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 +1
By Jessica Frost
Overview Hounds
Tharkold can break the minds of the weak. You take These broken humans can still wear armor, wield sim-
those poor, feral wretches and give them a purpose: ple weapons, and operate devices like doors so—long
a mistress to serve. Some consider you evil and as a strong leader like the Pack Mistress compels it.
exploitive, but that just marks them as too soft for the Attributes: Charisma 4, Dexterity 8, Mind 4, Spirit 6,
realities of the new world. Strength 8
Skills: Dodge 9, find 7, melee weapons 9, maneuver 9,
Tactics tracking 7, unarmed combat 9
Intimidate to make a foe Vulnerable and then let your Move: 8; Tough: 8; Shock: 6; Wounds: 1
pack do most of the work. Your Hounds are techically Equipment: —
expendable, but they take time and luck to replace so Possibilities: Never
don't put them at unnecessary risk. Special Abilities:
• Horde: Apply any bonus from a Combined
Moment of Crisis Action to damage as well as the attack itself when
You were used to getting your own way even before the multiple Hounds attack a single target.
axiom wash, and your latent mental abilities helped
you subtly push people. In the Tharkold axiom wash Names
you immediately took charge, which in turn unlocked Baba Yaga, Lady Fang, Morgan,
powers you had only dreamed of before. Rachel, Sylvia

Quote Advancement Track

“Sit. Stay. Now play dead.” (Optional)
□ (5 XP) Bolster
Description □ (7 XP) Fierce
You have a swagger and presence that's hard to
□ (9 XP) Helper
ignore. There's a dark gleam in your eye when
you tell people the coat and vest you wear are □ (4 XP) telepathy +4
made from the flayed skin of the last technodemon □ (5 XP) telepathy +5
who crossed you.

Where do you see yourself in five years?
Running Tharkold. But first you need to get the
technodemons and wannabe High Lords out
of your way.

New Psionic Power: Hound

• Axiom: Social 23, Skill: Telepathy
12, Casting Time: 10 minutes, DN :
Hard (14), Range: Touch, Duration:
This power targets feral humanoids reduced to
Mind 4 through torture or other psionic powers. Once
cast the "Hound" counts as within Touch for powers
regardless of its actual range, and acts on the psionic's
Turn as she orders. A psionic may only have as many
Hounds as her total skill adds in Telepathy. A killed
Hound isn't automatically replaced—candidates are
only found at the GM's inclination.
Name The Disturbed Psychic Total XP

Human Cosm Tharkold Unspent
Axioms: Magic Social Spirit Tech Clearance Level

12 25 4 25 Alpha


Charisma Dexterity Mind Spirit Strength Movement Run Toughness Armor DEFENSES

11 7 7 9 6 7 21 9 3 Dodge

Combat Skills Attribute Skill Adds Value
Energy Weapons Dex 7 Melee Defense

Wound Tracker
Fire Combat Dex 7
Melee Weapons Dex 7 7

Missile Weapons Dex 7
Unarmed Defense
Unarmed Combat Dex +1 8

Interaction Skills Attribute Skill Adds Value 8

Intimidation Spirit +1 10
Maneuver Dex 7
Taunt Cha +1 12
Trick Mind +1 8
Other Attribute Skill Adds Value 3
Kinesis Spirit +3 12
Telepathy Cha +3 14
Dodge Dex +1 8
Persuasion Cha +1 12
Item Axiom Notes
Willpower Spirit +1 10
Backpack 8 Filled with junk
Reality Spirit +2 11
Cellphone 23
Streetwise Cha +1 12
Flashlight 23
Multi-tool 22
Slap Patch 25 Recover 1 Wound
Perk Effect
Psionic Gain Mind Blast, Pyrokinesis, and
Telekinesis powers.
Psychic Disturbance Spend 1 Possibility to gain one Psionic
Power for Concentration. The scene
counts as Dramatic while the power is
active. Armor Axiom Adds Notes
Plexiflex Armor 24 +3 —

Weapon Axiom Damage Ammo Range Notes
Unarmed (unarmed combat) — Str+0 (6) — — —
Mind Blast (telepathy) So25 10 — 50 Non-lethal, no armor, vs Mind
Pyrokinesis (kinesis) So22 14 — 25 Fire

Bonus Chart
Die 1 2 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 26 31 36 41 46 +5
Roll 4 6 8 10 12 14 25 30 35 40 45 50
Bonus –10 –8 –6 –4 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 +1
By Tia Stenson
Overview Agenda
You grew up on a rural American farm. You were So far the Dephi Council has been good to work with,
always quirky, and pull objects closer to you when but you're just waiting for them to betray you. Until
you wanted them and force the chickens and even then you have a lot of scores to settle, especially with
cattle to do your bidding. When you told your family the School for Disturbed Teens, and someday your
they thought you were crazy. When you showed family in America.
them, they became frightened.
When you were in High School your anger began to Names
start fires without your conscious control. One bout Andie, Dorothy, Drew, Faye, Ruth, Valeria
burned down the chicken coop, and your parents
sought a place that could deal with your "special" New Perk: Psychic Distubance
needs. The solution they found was the School for • Psionic, Prerequisite: 5+ adds across Psionic skills
Distrubed Teens—in Russia. Spend 1 Possibility to temporarly gain any single
Your time there was not pleasant. They housed people Psionic Power. Keeping the power requires
people like you, each one of them “counseled” and Concentration. The psi does not
medicated. You learned to persuade the staff that you need to meet the prerequisites
weren't dangerous tricked them into believing you of this power, but any failure
were taking your medication, which saved you from to Activate the power counts
being drawn into the program's later stages. as breaking Concentration.
While the power is active,
Tactics the Scene counts as
You lean heavily on your psychic powers. You can Dramatic.
use telekinesis for quiet effects, or pyrokinesis once
the time for subltety is over. Your witty taunts are Advancement
absolutely devastating. You aren't very tough, so stay Track
behind more defensive characters if you can. (Optional)
□ (5 XP) Famous
Moment of Crisis □ (7 XP) Psionic (New
After the Tharkoldu invaded the School for Disturbed Power: Telepathy)
Teens dropped all pretense it wasn't a testing and
training facility for teens with special "talents." They □ (1 XP) missile weapons +1
began to torture and prod your brain hoping to unlock □ (2 XP) missile weapons +2
the abilities hinted at in your files. During one of these □ (2 XP) willpower +2
sessions you snapped and mind-exploded everyone
in the room. You escaped, along with a fellow psionic □ (4 XP) kenisis +4
prisoner. □ (4 XP) telepathy +4
□ (5 XP) telepathy +5
“You wouldn't like me when I'm angry, but I don't
care if you like me or not.”

You distrust people, especially authority figures,
after everything that's happened to you. You dress
in a combination of different layers and styles based
on the different realities you've visited. You carry
a cellphone—a gift—and use it to post the truth
and images of your battles to a growing number of
Name The Wild Psychic Total XP

Human Cosm Tharkold Unspent
Axioms: Magic Social Spirit Tech Clearance Level

12 25 4 25 Alpha


Charisma Dexterity Mind Spirit Strength Movement Run Toughness Armor DEFENSES

7 7 9 10 7 7 21 11 4 Dodge

Combat Skills Attribute Skill Adds Value
Energy Weapons Dex 7 Melee Defense

Wound Tracker
Fire Combat Dex 7
Melee Weapons Dex +1 8 8

Missile Weapons Dex 7
Unarmed Defense
Unarmed Combat Dex 7

Interaction Skills Attribute Skill Adds Value 7

Intimidation Spirit +2 12
Maneuver Dex 7
Taunt Cha 7
Trick Mind +1 10
Other Attribute Skill Adds Value 3
Dodge Dex +2 9
Find Mind +1 10
Kinesis Spirit +3 13
Precognition Mind +2 11
Item Axiom Notes
Reality Spirit +1 11
Backpack 8 Filled with junk
Stealth Dex +1 8
Tharkold Survival Kit 23 Includes anti-Rad pills
Willpower Spirit +2 12

Perk Effect
Embracing The Way Gain pyrokenisis, telekinetic barrier,
thicken air
Wild Mind Using Powers costs 2 Shock but is
Favored, re-roll 1s on power Damage ARMOR
Armor Axiom Adds Notes
Technodemon Hide 25 +4 Torso

Weapon Axiom Damage Ammo Range Notes
Combat Knife (melee weapons) 23 Str +1 (8) — — Small
Unarmed (unarmed combat) — Str+0 (7) — — —

Bonus Chart
Die 1 2 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 26 31 36 41 46 +5
Roll 4 6 8 10 12 14 25 30 35 40 45 50
Bonus –10 –8 –6 –4 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 +1
By Michael Weber
Overview Names
You were never one to stand out—standing out Ozerov, Pashin, Natalya, Georgiy, Leonid, Nadya,
meant getting squashed down. Then the bomb fell on Dmitry, Tomas, Sergei
Moscow. The wave visibly rolled over you along with
the rest of your town. When it reached you, the raw New Perk: Wild Mind
power of the storm changed you. Pain and humiliation, • Psionic, Prerequisite: may not have Iron Will
suffering at the hands of others, all these memories The psychic is untrained and raw. He has a natural
rose up and physically burst into your conscious talent for psychic abilities, but can’t protect his mind
mind. The emotions had to go somewhere, and with from overloads. Whenever testing for a psychic skill
a wild stare, they poured out of you into the nearest he takes 2 Shock but the roll is Favored. Reroll 1s on
building, setting it on fire. Since then, you pull upon any bonus dice applied to psychic powers.
your memories to cause as much pain to your enemies
as they did you—you just need more enemies. Advancement Track (Optional)
□ (5 XP) Psionic (telekinetic blast, clairsentience,
Tactics environmental adaption)
Your offensive power lies in your pyrokinesis, but find
□ (7 XP) Endurance
protection in cover or raise your barrier to help shield
yourself. You are not designed to slug it out, so stay □ (2 XP) trick +2
away from your enemies. In a pinch use Thicken Air □ (3 XP) dodge +3
to get away from them. Remember to use Intimidation
□ (3 XP) precognition +3
to effect your enemies, but remember you are highly
vulnerable to taunts. The past still haunts you! □ (4 XP) kinesis +4
□ (5 XP) kinesis +5
Moment of Crisis
As you first wandered about this new world, you
spotted raiders attacking so helpless civilians. You let
the rage boil over you and within a matter of seconds,
the raiders were reduced to ash. The civilians were
less than thankful, however, and you continue to
wander, looking for someone who might accept you
for what you have become.

“Burn! Just…Burn!”

Small in statue and covered in ripped clothing and a
battered hide vest, you could be confused as a refugee
at first glance. The mismatched bags you carry your
earthly possessions in do little to dissuade from
that. However, the wild depths in your eyes makes
anyone who stares into them nervous. You ricochet
from emotion to emotion, changing without warning.
From quiet slinking to wild aggression, you can flip
the switch, catching many off guard.

Retribution. Justice for those who have been wronged.
Punishment for the unjust. These goals are what drives
you on. While there are always people to seek out,
the High Lords did this to you, and thus they have a
special place in your list, the top.
Name The Heavymetal Liberator Total XP

The Race Cosm Tharkold Unspent
Axioms: Magic Social Spirit Tech Clearance Level

12 25 4 25 Alpha


Charisma Dexterity Mind Spirit Strength Movement Run Toughness Armor DEFENSES

10 7 8 9 6 7 21 9 3 Dodge

Combat Skills Attribute Skill Adds Value
Energy Weapons Dex 7 Melee Defense

Wound Tracker
Fire Combat Dex 7
Melee Weapons Dex +1 8 8

Missile Weapons Dex 7
Unarmed Defense
Unarmed Combat Dex 7

Interaction Skills Attribute Skill Adds Value 7

Intimidation Spirit +1 10
Maneuver Dex 7
Taunt Cha +1 11
Trick Mind 8
Other Attribute Skill Adds Value 3
Dodge Dex +1 8
Kinesis Spirit +3 12
Persuasion Cha +1 11
Profession (Music) Mind +2 10
Item Axiom Notes
Reality Spirit +2 11
Amplifier 23
Streetwise Cha +1 11
Backpack 8 Filled with junk
Telepathy Cha +3 13
Battery 25
Flashlight 23
Multi-tool 22
Perk Effect
Psionic Gain Cloud Minds, Confusion, Relieve
Embracing the Way Gain Telepathy, Telekinesis, Eidolon
(Liberator) ARMOR
Armor Axiom Adds Notes
Plexiflex Chain 24 +3

Weapon Axiom Damage Ammo Range Notes
Axe/Guitar (melee combat) 25 Str+3 (9) — — Noisy
Unarmed (unarmed combat) — Str+0 (6) — — —

Bonus Chart
Die 1 2 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 26 31 36 41 46 +5
Roll 4 6 8 10 12 14 25 30 35 40 45 50
Bonus –10 –8 –6 –4 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 +1
By Michael Kanaris
Overview The telepath concentrates on the Eidolon of Liberation.
A hunger for freedom burns through all of the Race, Attempts to dominate them (including Intimidation
but in you it blazes like the Sun. When you came to and Mind Control) are Disfavored. Activating this
Earth, you found a kindred people who had suffered power ends any such effects already on the telepath.
under centuries of tyrants and oppressors. But in this Success Levels:
wondrous new world you found a thing your people
•Good: The effect extends to one target touched or
had not seen in centuries, even millenia—hope. You
connected via Telepathy.
have also fallen in love with something that barely
exists on war-ravaged Tharkold: pop culture, and •Outstanding: The effect extends to all targets touched
especially heavy metal music. or connected via Telepathy.

Tactics Advancement Track (Optional)

Your strong personality and refusal to admit defeat □ (5 XP) Hardened Mind
makes you a natural leader. Although you fight □ (7 XP) Awakened to the Way (Gain: Clairvoyance,
with your mind more than with weapons, you use Mind Blast, Strangle)
your abilities to divide and befuddle your foes while
□ (9 XP) Bolster
inspiring and co-ordinating your allies.
□ (1 XP) find +1
Moment of Crisis □ (2 XP) taunt +2
You came across in a resistance cell of the Race. Unlike
□ (4 XP) telepathy +4
most of your paranoid and aloof cellmates, you saw
in the local population a people yearning to breathe □ (4 XP) kinesis +4
free. In a battle to save the statue of Alexander II, the □ (5 XP) kinesis +5
"Tsar Liberator", who freed the serfs of the Russian
Empire, you received a vision of ruler who, though an
autocrat, freed his people from bondage.

“Rise, my brothers and sisters, and throw off your

Still a teenager in Core Earth years, you have
adopted the dress of a post-apocalyptic heavy
metal musician, to inspire the youth of eastern
Europe—and to rock!

You carry the Eidolon of Liberation—you wish to free
the thralls of the Tharkoldu on Earth. Other known
Eidolons include the Deliverer, the Redeemer, the
Avenger, the Protector and the Healer.

Cheyenne, Diamond, Hind, Ms. Mayhem, Stringer

New Power: Summon Eidolon

Axiom Level: 25, Skill: Telepathy 12+, Casting
Time: 1 Action, DN: Standard (10), Range:
Self, Duration: Concentration
Name The Rogue Psihunter Total XP

Human Cosm Tharkold Unspent
Axioms: Magic Social Spirit Tech Clearance Level

12 25 4 25 Alpha


Charisma Dexterity Mind Spirit Strength Movement Run Toughness Armor DEFENSES

7 10 8 7 8 10 30 11 3 Dodge


Combat Skills Attribute Skill Adds Value
Energy Weapons Dex 10 Melee Defense

Wound Tracker
Fire Combat Dex +2 12
Melee Weapons Dex +2 12 12

Missile Weapons Dex 10
Unarmed Defense
Unarmed Combat Dex +1 11

Interaction Skills Attribute Skill Adds Value 11

Intimidation Spirit +1 8
Maneuver Dex +1 11
Taunt Cha 7
Trick Mind 8
Other Attribute Skill Adds Value 3
Dodge Dex +2 12
Find Mind +1 9
First Aid Mind +1 9
Reality Spirit +1 8
Item Axiom Notes
Stealth Dex +2 12
Cold weather gear 23
Survival Mind +1 9
Ammo belt 22 5 magazines for Mim-8
Willpower Spirit +1 8
Multi-tool 22
Anti-radation pills 25
Silencer 25 For Mim-8
Perk Effect
Occultech Implants Gain Zan Slashers Mk II, Digan
Psionic Disruption Psionic powers targeting within 30
meters suffer a –6 penalty ARMOR
Armor Axiom Adds Notes
Stab Vest 23 +3 Torso

Weapon Axiom Damage Ammo Range Notes
Mim-8 (fire combat) 25 14 20 50/100/200 AP 2 at Short Range
Zan Slashers (melee weapons) 25 Str + 3 (13) — — AP 2, Cyberarm Strength included
Flash-bang Grenades (missile weapons) 23 8 2 10/20/30 Med Blast, Vulnerable on Good+

Bonus Chart
Die 1 2 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 26 31 36 41 46 +5
Roll 4 6 8 10 12 14 25 30 35 40 45 50
Bonus –10 –8 –6 –4 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 +1
By Cedric Chausson
Overview teammates. You favor tactical clothing and gear to
President Volkov has actively promoted psychic help you survive Russian weather.
powers but he also realizes that they could be used
against him. The discovery of your unique psionic Agenda
disruption ability thus earned you a special training Having seen first hand the damage psis can do,
at the Psychic Research Institute as a psi-hunter: a toolespecially the mutant ones, you actively seek to
destined to take down psionic threats to President suppress them as much as possible. You try to limit
Volkov. yourself to those fighting for the invaders but it is
Technically not a psi, your power made you an outcast hard for you to tolerate those working for the Delphi
among the psis at the Institute. This made your Council.
experience at the Institute even more stressful than for
others and left you with mental and physical scars. Names
Katya, Natacha, Mila, Anastasia, Kira, Karina, Tatiana.
Before going rogue, you became a treasured asset
of Volkov’s forces, proving your worth on many
missions and earning a fearsome reputation along the
New Perk: Psionic Disruption
way. • Psionic, Prerequisite: No other Psionic Perks
Psionic powers are dampened within
30 meters of the character, suffering
Tactics a –6 penalty. Powers from a greater
You were trained to be a deadly ghost,
distance targeting the character
especially for psis. You prefer to put
suffer the same –6, essentially
down those without close combat skills/
rendering the psi invisible to
powers in silence with your slashers. In
telepathy. This
coordination with your cyberarm, they
applies to friendly
deal out serious damage!
as well as enemy
For those you cannot approach, your firearm powers.
markmanship is considerable while your high
Dodge makes you a difficult target. In both
cases, you have found a stun grenade is helpful Advancement
to complement the effect of your psi disruption Track (Optional)
ability. □ (5 XP) Survivor
□ (7 XP) Trademark
Moment of Crisis Weapon: Zan Slashers
When you got assigned a mission to handle a □ (1 XP) trick +1
former Psychic Research Institute psi gone rogue,
it was just another mission for you. But what your □ (2 XP) find +2
target said to you as he lay dying, from the wounds □ (3 XP) dodge +3
your slashers inflicted, completely shook your faith □ (3 XP) find +3
in President Volkov. Or maybe you were abandoned
for dead, like a disposable object, as a mission went □ (3 XP) fire combat +3
bad. □ (3 XP) melee weapons +3
□ (3 XP) stealth +3
“A good psi is a dead psi.”

A person of few words, you prefer action over
talking or negociation. Swift violence is your way
of settling problems as your training did not
include social skills. You fail to understand
why this is frowned upon by most of your
Name The Former Gymnast Total XP

Human Cosm Core Earth Unspent
Axioms: Magic Social Spirit Tech Clearance Level

9 23 10 23 Alpha


Charisma Dexterity Mind Spirit Strength Movement Run Toughness Armor DEFENSES

7 11 8 7 7 11 33 8 1 Dodge


Combat Skills Attribute Skill Adds Value
Energy Weapons Dex 11 Melee Defense

Wound Tracker
Fire Combat Dex +1 12
Melee Weapons Dex 11 11

Missile Weapons Dex 11
Unarmed Defense
Unarmed Combat Dex +1 12

Interaction Skills Attribute Skill Adds Value 12

Intimidation Spirit +1 8
Maneuver Dex +3 14
Taunt Cha 7
Trick Mind 8
Other Attribute Skill Adds Value 3
Air Vehicles Dex +1 12
Dodge Dex +2 13
Find Mind +1 9
First Aid Mind +1 9
Item Axiom Notes
Land Vehicles Dex +1 12
Survival Kit 23 Includes anti-Rad pills
Heavy Weapons Dex +1 12
Ammo Belt 23 5 magazines
Reality Spirit +1 8
Binoculars 23
Scholar Mind +2 10
First Aid Kit 23 First Aid Favored
Multi-Tool 23
Perk Effect
Indomitable Active Defense Tests are Favored
Always Underestimated Once per scene add +3 to a single
instance of a test, defense, or damage.
Armor Axiom Adds Notes
Bomber Jacket 22 +1 Torso

Weapon Axiom Damage Ammo Range Notes
AK-47 (fire combat) 22 14 30 20/40/160 Long Burst
C-4 (heavy weapons) 8 16 1 — AP 10, Small Blast
Unarmed (unarmed combat) — Str+0 (7) — — —

Bonus Chart
Die 1 2 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 26 31 36 41 46 +5
Roll 4 6 8 10 12 14 25 30 35 40 45 50
Bonus –10 –8 –6 –4 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 +1
By John Omar Ellison
Overview Names
Your balancing act between getting an education and Ayta, Michiye, Namiya, Senta, Polina, Khalipova,
competing in gymnastics not only meant you were at Bessonova, Inessa, Katenka, Yankova
least half a decade older than most of the competition,
but also that this trip to Moscow for Olympic trials New Perk: Always Underestimated
would be your only one. Your hopes of dominating • Prowess, Prerequisites: Scholar +2, no Cyberware,
the sport were dashed when the technodemons and Occultech, Spells, Miracles, Psionics, Ki, or Pulp.
their thralls invaded. You don’t talk about the things Once per scene, add a +3 bonus to a single action total,
you witnessed in Moscow, but your experiences left a damage total, or defense against a single attack or
you with a fierce desire to fight the Tharkoldu. interaction. This bonus only applies to the character,
only on one action or target, and can be selected after
Tactics determining the success level. The benefit is lost if
You are adroit at skills involving motion and balance. the character gains any prohibited abilities—no one
You prefer to keep your adversaries at range using understimates her anymore!
an AK-47 or—even better—a 30mm Auto-Cannon to
cut them down, assuming a stealthily placed block of Advancement Track (Optional)
C-4 can’t be used to deal with them. When things do □ (5 XP) Hard to Kill
get close and personal you’re almost always on the □ (7 XP) Negation
defensive and hoping your opponent underestimates
you. □ (2 XP) fire combat +2
□ (2 XP) reality +2
Moment of Crisis □ (3 XP) fire combat +3
You were at your apartment in southern Moscow when
□ (4 XP) maneuver +4
the fighting broke out. You fled, but your group found
itself pinned down while a unit of soldiers fought the □ (5 XP) maneuver +5
invading creatures. When the soldier manning the
auto-cannon was distracted and killed your resolve
kicked in—someone had to fire that cannon! You
were still firing it as a red and blue mushroom cloud
consumed part of Moscow and the invaders’ bridge.

“The biggest threat is the one you underestimate.”

You appreciate being lithe and graceful but have
always wished you had a bit more stature. At only
4’11” you often find those around you place you in the
“needs protecting” category. You are pragmatic and
independent. Your father, a cargo pilot, even ensured
you could fly a plane since gymnasts seldom compete
beyond their mid-twenties.

You still have nightmares about the atrocities you
witnessed in the first weeks of the war—atrocities
committed by technodemons, the Race, and even
members of the Russian government willing to ally
with the invaders. You aren’t bloodthirsty but you
understand that Russia may need to meet force with
Name The Bratva Fixer Total XP

Human Cosm Tharkold Unspent
Axioms: Magic Social Spirit Tech Clearance Level

12 25 4 25 Alpha


Charisma Dexterity Mind Spirit Strength Movement Run Toughness Armor DEFENSES

10 7 9 8 6 7 21 9 3 Dodge

Combat Skills Attribute Skill Adds Value
Energy Weapons Dex 7 Melee Defense

Wound Tracker
Fire Combat Dex +2 9
Melee Weapons Dex 7 7

Missile Weapons Dex 7
Unarmed Defense
Unarmed Combat Dex 7

Interaction Skills Attribute Skill Adds Value 7

Intimidation Spirit +3 11
Maneuver Dex 7
Taunt Cha 10
Trick Mind 9
Other Attribute Skill Adds Value 3
Evidence Analysis Mind +2 11
Persuasion Cha +3 13
Profession: Forger Mind +1 10
Reality Spirit +1 9
Item Axiom Notes
Stealth Dex +1 8
Tailored Suit 18 Name brand, hand made
Streetwise Cha +3 13

Perk Effect
Famous Persuasion tests are Favored, gain a free
use of Connection once per Act
Read the Room Roll Streetwise to understand the
motivations and behavior of a group,
any roll to interact with them becomes
Favored Armor Axiom Adds Notes
Plexiflex Sheathing 24 +3 Concealed

Weapon Axiom Damage Ammo Range Notes
Thav-9 (fire combat) 25 13 60 25/50/100 Short Burst
Unarmed (unarmed combat) — Str+0 (6) — — —

Bonus Chart
Die 1 2 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 26 31 36 41 46 +5
Roll 4 6 8 10 12 14 25 30 35 40 45 50
Bonus –10 –8 –6 –4 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 +1
By PK Levine
Overview New Perk: Read the Room
You managed Bratva business around the world — • Social, Prerequisite: 1+ add in evidence anlysis, 2+
negotiating with a Chinese governor on Monday, adds in streetwise
then ordering a gang hit in New York on Tuesday. The When you encounter a group of people, test streetwise
invasion should have changed everything (it certainly as a free action to intuit their power dynamics and
changed you), but once Volkov brokered a truce your social intricacies. On a success, you know who leads
organization went right back to business as usual. You whom, how members are expected to act, social mores
got yourself “lost” in the chaos and set out to use yourand taboos, etc.; any test to fit into that group dynamic
special skills where they’re really needed: to wreck theis Favored for the duration of this interaction (e.g.,
High Lords’ plans. persuasion to seem relatable, find to spot odd behavior,
trick to impersonate). On a Good success, all social tests
Tactics (including intimidation, taunt, and verbal trick attacks)
In a fight, you alternate between intimidation, taunt, are also Favored against rank-and-file members; on an
and gunfire. But you can avoid most fights via Outstanding success that expands to the leader(s).
persuasion, streetwise, and using profession: forger to Using this Perk is a
craft fake IDs, badges, mission items, and so on. Your contradiction below Social
Famous Perk is less “celebrity” and more “has worked Axiom 25.
with almost every group imaginable”; use that free
Connection card! Advancement Track
Moment of Crisis □ (5 XP) Glib Tongue
When low-income families were under attack by
technodemons, you dominated Bratva enforcers into □ (7 XP) Intimidating
rescuing them and led from the front. Or you saved Presence
a young mother’s life by confronting a gang outside □ (9 XP) Linguist
her house, convincing them that a dozen armed goons □ (1 XP) find +1
waited inside.
□ (1 XP) computers +1
Quote □ (2 XP) profession:
“Lower your gun, tovarisch. You and I are about to forger +2
become friends.” □ (4 XP) intimidation +4

You wear an impeccably tailored suit with a silver
chain – a bit of “flash” to let others know you’re no
politician or corporate executive. Your upper body is
heavily tattooed, telling the story of your rise through
your former Bratva “family.”

You’re no noble hero, but you know that cooperating
with demonic invaders is madness. They took your
beloved country from you, and the Law of Ferocity
demands payback.

Anna, Dmitri, Elena, Georges, Natasha, Serghei,
Vasili, Vitaly
Name The Magiya Keeper Total XP

Human Cosm Tharkold Unspent
Axioms: Magic Social Spirit Tech Clearance Level

12 25 4 25 Alpha


Charisma Dexterity Mind Spirit Strength Movement Run Toughness Armor DEFENSES

5 8 6 9 12 8 24 16 4 Dodge


Combat Skills Attribute Skill Adds Value
Energy Weapons Dex 8 Melee Defense

Wound Tracker
Fire Combat Dex 8
Melee Weapons Dex +2 10 10

Missile Weapons Dex 8
Unarmed Defense
Unarmed Combat Dex +1 9

Interaction Skills Attribute Skill Adds Value 8

Intimidation Spirit +2 11
Maneuver Dex +2 10
Taunt Cha 5
Trick Mind 6
Other Attribute Skill Adds Value 3
Apportation Spi +3 12
Dodge Dex +2 10
Find Mind +1 7
Land Vehicles Dex +1 10
Item Axiom Notes
Reality Spirit +1 10
Willpower Spirit +1 10

Perk Effect
Bodyguard Once per turn redirect a successful
attack against an ally to yourself
Spellcaster Gain bullet, mage Hands, open Lock ARMOR
Armor Axiom Adds Notes
Tactical Armor 23 +4 Max Dex 8, Full Body

Weapon Axiom Damage Ammo Range Notes
Hockey Stick (melee weapons) 20 Str+2 (14) — — —
Bullet (apportation) MA8 13 — 100 Lucky Hockey Puck

Bonus Chart
Die 1 2 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 26 31 36 41 46 +5
Roll 4 6 8 10 12 14 25 30 35 40 45 50
Bonus –10 –8 –6 –4 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 +1
By Robert Quillen

Overview Names
When you led your team to victory against Canada Alexander, The Beast, Evgeny, Igor, Oleg, Pavel,
at the Olympics they called you "magic" and it stuck. Semyon, Sergie, The Wall
You always seemed to be in the right place at the right
time to protect your team's goal. Its much the same Advancement Track (Optional)
now that reality itself is under fire. Magic is going to □ (5 XP) Endurance
protect the goal no matter the cost.
□ (7 XP) Relentless
Before all this people speculated that you were an
□ (9 XP) Trademark Spell: Bullet
enforcer for organized crime off-season, and all the
players (and even fans) feared you. That gave you an □ (2 XP) reality +2
edge when it came to victory—and you liked it! □ (3 XP) melee weapons +3
□ (4 XP) apportation +4
You're huge, tough, and wearing heavy armor so □ (5 XP) apportation +5
can hang out on the front lines. Used Bodyguard to
protect someone who got stuck in the middle of things
or hits hard but can't take damage as well as you. Use
your Puck (bullet spell) against foes out of reach, and
check closer enemies with your stick. Intimidation and
maneuver (you move quickly for a big guy) are your
strong suits, play to them when they are Approved
actions. Be careful using your magic in your home
cosm, accidentally summoning demons is no joke!

Moment of Crisis
You were geared up for practice when the invaders
first came, and took on a horde of ghoulish
cybernetic beasts with your bare hands.

“Nothing gets past me.”

You are huge, and its hard to tell where
you end and the bulky protective gear
you wear under your outfit begins. Every
part of your visage is crafted to make you
more imposing—that's just part of the game.
You don't say much when you don't have to.
Partially that's to play to your image as a strong
silent type, but it's also because your voice is easily
the least frightening thing about your physicality.

You made a career out of being a goon, frightening
your foes and taking advantage of their hesitation.
You want to make these invaders afraid—if they
fear then they can be defeated.
Name The Heavymetal Tech-knight Total XP

Human Cosm Tharkold Unspent
Axioms: Magic 12 Social 25 Spirit 4 Tech 25 Clearance Level Alpha



Charisma Dexterity Mind Spirit Strength Movement Run Toughness Armor

6 8 6 10 10 8 24 13 3 Dodge


Combat Skills Attribute Skill Adds Value
Energy Weapons Dex 8 Melee Defense

Wound Tracker
Fire Combat Dex 8
Melee Weapons Dex +3 11 11

Missile Weapons Dex 8
Unarmed Defense
Unarmed Combat Dex +1 9

Interaction Skills Attribute Skill Adds Value 9

Intimidation Spirit +2 12
Maneuver Dex +1 9
Taunt Cha 6 10
Trick Mind 6
Other Attribute Skill Adds Value
Apportation Spirit +2 12
Dodge Dex +2 10
Faith Spirit +1 11
Kinesis Spirit +1 11
Item Axiom Notes
Reality Spirit +1 11
Diffrax Shield 25 +2 Defense, additional +2 Defense vs
Willpower Spirit +2 12 Energy Weapons

Alternative Armor (if 12 Plate Mail (Toughness +3, Full Body,

Aysle or Core Earth) Fatigues), Medium Shield (+2 Defense)
Perk Effect
Spellcaster Gain bullet, magehand, open locks
Dabbler Gain curse, telekinesis ARMOR
Armor Axiom Adds Notes
Diffrax Plate 25 +3 Full Body, +3 Defense vs
Energy Weapons

Weapon Axiom Damage Ammo Range Notes
Bullet (apportation) MA8 13 — 100
Heavy Sword (melee weapons) 20 Str+4 (14) — — —
Unarmed (unarmed combat) — Str +0 (10) — — —

Bonus Chart
Die 1 2 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 26 31 36 41 46 +5
Roll 4 6 8 10 12 14 25 30 35 40 45 50
Bonus –10 –8 –6 –4 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 +1
By Scott Darley

Overview the benefits of this perk, any adds in those three skill
In the mixed Aysle-Tharkold region of the Baltics, you sets must always be within one of each other—unless
transformed into a Bogatyr, one of the magical knights the skill has zero adds.
of Slavic folklore. You joined other newly-transformed
Bogatyrs to create the knightly Orders of Light
Advancement Track (Optional)
□ (5 XP) Fierce
(Ayslish), Hope (Core Earth), and Metal (Tharkold).
□ (7 XP) Relentless
Tactics □ (9 XP) Trademark Weapon (Heavy Sword)
You prefer melee, but have spells and psionics when
□ (4 XP) melee weapons +4
range is needed. Use Mage Hands in high-magic
cosms, Telekinesis in low ones, and Bullet for long- □ (5 XP) melee weapons +5
range targets. Or just TK yourself into a flying-leap
attack, if some fool's trying to play keep-away.

Moment of Crisis
You transformed when you saw innocents caught in
a crossfire, and charged the attackers. A childhood
love of bogatyr stories, teenage appreciation of hard-
driving heavy metal, and your adult sense of self all
bled into the change. For Ayslish bogatyrs, the fairy
tales "won"; for Tharkold, the music did; and Core
Earthers saw how to embody the old legends without
losing sense of self.

“Time to thrash!”

Visually? Straight off a heavy metal album cover.
Mentally? Fresh from the mosh pits, with a seething
intensity few can match.

Rage against the machine. Never bow to oppression.
Oh, and teach the Race how to rock. They're decent
allies, but their music's awful and they've got no style.
Show 'em how it's really done.

Nastasya, Dobrynya, Mikula, Alyosha, Evpaty, Vasily,
Anika, Nikita

New Perk: Dabbler

• Prowess, Prerequisite: +1 add in any two of the
following: a magic skill, a psionic skill, or faith.
Learn any two of the following: a magic spell, a
psionic power, or a miracle. Items must still comply
with cosm, race, or religion appropriate lists. To keep
Name The Bratva Dealer Total XP

Human Cosm Core Earth Unspent
Axioms: Magic 9 Social 23 Spirit 10 Tech 23 Clearance Level Alpha



Charisma Dexterity Mind Spirit Strength Movement Run Toughness Armor

8 7 9 8 8 7 21 11 3 Dodge

Combat Skills Attribute Skill Adds Value
Energy Weapons Dex +1 8 Melee Defense

Wound Tracker
Fire Combat Dex +3 10
Melee Weapons Dex 7 7

Missile Weapons Dex +1 8
Unarmed Defense
Unarmed Combat Dex 7

Interaction Skills Attribute Skill Adds Value 7

Intimidation Spirit +1 9
Maneuver Dex 7
Taunt Cha 8 8
Trick Mind +1 10
Other Attribute Skill Adds Value 3
Air Vehicles Dex +1 8
Dodge Dex +1 8
First Aid Mind +1 10
Heavy Weapons Dex +1 8
Item Axiom Notes
Land Vehicles Dex +1 8
Armored Briefcase 23 Modded for lower axiom
Persuasion Cha +2 10 AP Rounds 23 For your weapons and others!
Reality Spirit +1 9 C-9 22 900 grams, for special occasions
Streetwise Cha +2 10 Extra Magazines 23 For your weapons and others!
First Aid Kit 23 First aid Favored
PERKS Hands-free Comms 23 Bluetooth
Perk Effect Mobile Phone 23 Includes Flashlight app
Arms Dealer Choose weapons after testing for Tailored Suit 23 Looking good has no quitting time
Requisitions and ignore rarity. May take
2 items at +2 Value or 10 items at +5 ARMOR
Value (must be same item).
Armor Axiom Adds Notes
Wealthy Persuasion and streetwise are Favored
for acquiring items, including Tailored Stab Vest 23 +3 Torso

Weapon Axiom Damage Ammo Range Notes
AK-47 (fire combat) 22 14 30 40/80/160 Long Burst
Glock 9mm (fire combat) 23 13 15 10/25/40 Pistol
LAW rockets (heavy weapons) x3 22 25 1 100/250/500 HEAT (AP 4)

Bonus Chart
Die 1 2 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 26 31 36 41 46 +5
Roll 4 6 8 10 12 14 25 30 35 40 45 50
Bonus –10 –8 –6 –4 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 +1
By Joe Hamai and Brian Rothfuss
Overview on military weapons. The dealer may choose to take
You provide weapons and expertise to those who two identical weapons at Value +2 or ten identical
need it—and can pay. The Delphi Council meets both weapons at Value +5.
Advancement Track (Optional)
□ (5 XP) Negation
The most important thing you can do is Requisition □ (7 XP) Sniper
some serious hardware at the beginning of a mission. □ (2 XP) reality +2
Bring grenades, rocket launchers, or anything you
□ (3 XP) persuasion +3
can and make sure your team has it when needed. Of
course, you're no slouch with such weapons yoursef. □ (4 XP) fire combat +4
Stay towards the back and use your wits to Trick and □ (4 XP) persuasion +4
your weapons as props for Intimidation.
□ (5 XP) persuasion +5
Moment of Crisis
It seemed like such a strange thing to trigger a
transfomation. The invaders were coming and you
distributed weapons to those trying to fight without
negotiating the price first. You weren't giving them
away—honest—but there was no point discussing
terms if everyone was going to die anyway. Somehow
that one act changed you.

“Weapons are just tools. Always choose the correct
tool for the current job.”

You try to play into people's preconceived notions of
what you are. It makes everyone's life easier. You dress
in tailored suits, have a great manicure, and wear a
tie even on a pitched battlefield. Like your favorite
weapons, you prefer to be effective rather than showy.
There are a few signs of your meager beginnings: the
rough scar across your eye and the Bratva prison
tattoo on the back of your hand. You don't try to hide
either—they are part of who you are.

You want to make a profit, but there needs to be a
world left to make that profit within At least that's
what you tell people.

Boris, Cyclops, Hamm, Nikolay, The Provider, Terek,
Yorgi, Viktor

New Perk: Arms Dealer

• Social, Prerequisite: Streetwise 2+
When Requisitioning items test first and then choose a
weapon within the Value. Ignore rarity and restrictions
Name The Demon Sargent Total XP

Aspirant Cosm Tharkold Unspent
Axioms: Magic Social Spirit Tech Clearance Level

12 25 4 25 Alpha


Charisma Dexterity Mind Spirit Strength Movement Run Toughness Armor DEFENSES

6 8 8 8 10 8 24 14 4 Dodge

Combat Skills Attribute Skill Adds Value
Energy Weapons Dex +3 11 Melee Defense

Wound Tracker
Fire Combat Dex +1 9
Melee Weapons Dex 8 8

Missile Weapons Dex 8
Unarmed Defense
Unarmed Combat Dex +1 9

Interaction Skills Attribute Skill Adds Value 9

Intimidation Spirit +3 11
Maneuver Dex 8
Taunt Cha 6
Trick Mind 8
Other Attribute Skill Adds Value 3
Find Mind +1 9
Dodge Dex +1 9
Reality Spirit +1 9
Heavy Weapons Dex +1 9
Item Axiom Notes
Land Vehicles Dex +1 9
Alph Weapon Dock 25 Alph Integration/reload for 2 Shock
Scholar Mind +2 10
Digan Banded Arms 25 Strength +1 for lifting and damage
Willpower Spirit +1 9

Perk Effect
Demonbane Reroll 1s on BD vs demonic foes
Sniper Extra BD when Aim a ranged weapon
Enhanced See Equipment for installed Occultech
Wings Immune to Falling, Move 10 in air ARMOR
Creature of Magic Suffer 1 extra Shock below Magic 12 Armor Axiom Adds Notes
Rejected Destiny Destiny hand 3 cards, Supernatural Evil Tactical Armor 23 +4 Max Dex 8
Outsider Persuasion suffer –4 penalty

Weapon Axiom Damage Ammo Range Notes
Alph Sprayer (energy weapons) 25 14 30 40/80/160 Long Burst, Bulky
Alph Heavy Blaster (energy weapons) 25 15 15 10/25/40 Pistol

Bite/Claws (unarmed combat) — Str+2 (12) — — —

Bonus Chart
Die 1 2 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 26 31 36 41 46 +5
Roll 4 6 8 10 12 14 25 30 35 40 45 50
Bonus –10 –8 –6 –4 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 +1
By Yase Shigeyuki
Overview Advancement Track (Optional)
Everyone just calls you the Sarge. Many of the Aspirant □ (5 XP) Fierce
Technodemons are scholars and diplomats, but not □ (7 XP) Intimidating Presence
you. You were a warrior for a long time before you
□ (9 XP) Situationl Awareness
saw the light, and you're still a warrior now that you
aspire to fight for something better. □ (1 XP) Missile Weapons +1
□ (2 XP) Dodge +2
Tactics □ (4 XP) Energy Weapons +4
You can take some serious abuse, but fight smart and
take cover anyway. Take your time and Aim with your □ (5 XP) Energy Weapons +5
energy weapons for the extra damage. If someone
gets too close to use the Sprayer switch to your
experimental Heavy Blaster. If you run out of ammo
your own Shock can refill a clip. Your weakness is
Destiny Cards, so Intimidate whenever it is Approved
to get more!

Moment of Crisis
You were a reality-rated servant of Kranod for
centuries, but something about awakened you and
inspired you to change for the better.

“Listen to me, I've been doing this a long time.”

You are ashamed of the damage your people have
done, and the delight they seem to take in evil acts.
You fold your wings and hide them under your armor,
and file your horns and wear a beret to disguise them.
You wear human fatigues and tactical gear. It just feels
right somehow.

You want to help the people you once harmed. Your
own redemption isn't even a consideration for you,
just the mission.

The Sarge. You gave up any other name when you
became an Aspirant.


• Tech 25; Cost: 3,000 (19); Strength +1 for lifting
and damage only.
Banded arms are an older, obsolete version of the much
stronger Digan arms many modern technodemons
sport. The main drawback to these arms is they are
not compatable with Zan Endoskeleton armor.

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