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«4 wpe nlawee qrephtt + Graphite of Commun ¥* Drawing ¥ Eryn eos drowsy tiv] er loung < * Rea / Comme of Ergrnerrers Drausteg 2 © rieotton ¢ Hon ene. dow form hamann bry Gam uns oo jeoton & wb “4 Ss o~ ure F cwyine < vo the bjor 87 HONS ony win Cote snd & eomrnay a epfeelt ys hay rv omd coy tp ah amd rhs ¢ ine Unter prelag undo bonding spk 203 due Lops Ow erg inex a ani ll on the autge equine pert! x All ery venrrstnelge eno wledge 7 jwopy weve rgtneowr§ 6 prawstnp oe Ne und tens with sepresentettion gets Y feted Be _mannnod Aen F (mim 2xphnstion) © Derowstog Tnstrumentt (deayteg food) s- L. Drawing Board» - qelo restore th abort AG mm Aber mode of sefeeoed woll Asarovad Aft wood, QL ead ortho boak by bee sattors fo pres ost Ups 2dgs 'o ued onthe workurg, edge, pr srk Mt Te yrs tn in Fe | gs pepe it vad iia nade q 2 Obs hry ~edge. Thong TS1 we comms pho, Weed Dpebiqnaton Spoe(onmann) BO oorlzsd BL 6 50> Br 500 x 65° bD Boro . 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Ande» q- the Figure Enobe tke number WHR @ fro Urule p Fig. Captons must Je wetblen elon ee COAL . - % 8) Moeiny hwo tyr orvepnhve Araustngs Ahonid be — pre-plowwd, Loyowt a drawing Sheet & (LS (0% 5 2o0h) Bordon of fy 'omm Gade Aig be fllnteh On Drow Clsaat. to be vend from Ae printed hamd ont. S Sratrwetien for Drewsing Plnde wo, L t- eS Nole that altkongh Ae hand out ; Aperifies fo uae { dheet ow bok Aides, We Sho Uae 1. doowstnye hone, amd col oom 2 Poe Noda & Plena 14 The aranstg nuk be made Ur ow Claw ory on one Ade Ae hows E Aidt of Tv : Linas, Letewing in Dinanteg : Outing: Lins Avan ty -expresonr visible ele cclges cmd awnprer ounces otyeus i colled ovrll/nss or prineifet dinas, They ant corntirares thin Lines (AD eA THICK Darohed lined! 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Fepjeetly rectangle imneung \ dtlormined by deramsing- te howd Unss, ore Crntinurms thin Unas CD). wt bree Umes:- Phere bine ane nary , in ord doy CE). Thay art drawn free hwnd ard ane ward to Ahow Dkho Aro oo Enginlon- boundandes , Tae Uves one. tin “lh TH CK _ MEDWM =. ow “THIN SECTION Line LEADER Line o HIDDEN Line ouTUNE = - I : ; 7 ‘ ' i + ae I go oe — DIMENSION Ling/_ERTENSION LINE ® © | LOGUS LINE SHORT BREAK LINE Line Them 5— 03 [6-3 0'8| 073/03 on loro p:2 [a2 jo fv jos jojo" They Lin peep a Caen by the ARAN Aine, The Lint Gromp ; Au Ade ond Pie -pontourlan. Aawirg Bs TE ot Bag ca douse Sothes Gord Prints Com do reprinted. Medium Ter (24m) “gadlins, Aiddin Lvs all amb Cuttivy- plane Lives (owbutton Lins Arrnld Ae drain very Brin Pint anh Xxhowd $2 Rardly visite Ah ft ni rhed draws ny. Letherwni sidaibry af Hdl, cimonsiond 5 nee oe Uieqoriorn partunonrs on a Avanstry vs dobleniorg » Birr Aavlering Afoils he appeananen fr gerd Aron ng. speed "fap beruing inpares Ahe wogprlrors of chowiry + , + 'Lotlering mut he dre properly in eb, > Npi ble amd uniform Atyl” Tp shen be tn plain and simple style « te shenld Ae frockomd Arama ebb + Avoid Users Arraustog Coke ments for Lekewy rEficicnry in the arte Cb om ey caryfl and Gntimuona practiia, Sivglt- Starke Actow;- s'Single Abo’ means Ura he thins of daa um op tt elbe Ahad be Ae ar Oblaimid in one tharke (mank) of Ho ponell- + Simplist form of bering ound compleged Un mot of Ane erginocring Anowsirg “The Kedeental Linas of toblesy trond 40- chramn from ft bs righ cond Vontlen! 28 Uinelind | Lin fom top ts 4otlom. Dp Vortet ih Tretined sLnelind dobbs ban 674° fy 75° to tAL ohh fobs los! «The He of & Ahern rented by Uy right : . y Capital btlers or Upp ene Peat Ty nd ere 0+ Lprler OA le yion- came eters ane waually wad in ; Single Sroke Asters —_{” + The Apaeing otwien two Loo Bhowlll wir vewssanily € equal, * The Jobers Xrrwld be Ao Apoeed thos Any cla nor oyptan foo close fogpthor ov boo meh orgertte * Tending by the Oye the nen -prund areas betivwn the Lobens Aranld An. Kopt approdimadly -epual: ‘The Abtener dobwan the Words mut An wifes and ab Boe oat 2yral to Ae height of the titers. » Letbning —rronld bo 40 done a Com be Deood fom tae Powk wshth the main tile Aretzordal? > ML Anb_ didi Shon 2e-placod Aelowd het tut rir too elrse fo the yespeetive Views, © lotlering | exeopt the iminsim fi qunros, rowld te underlind fo make thom Wore prominr » © Slams of Mingle store dobbs , Y Guan wore sAhceunns , fosm Whot A0e Known a7 gots Athens. © Thao are mbt ucod for main tlle of Unk Arawing, . © The ontlins of the AHlers one fore Aron with Ahe aud of insdrwmonts and then filed Un with Wc © Tho tArtuners of the Mem may voy fom Lf Mhof the keipht f te AtENS » . Ty A Type of Single shone _lebes:—{ pe. Tee B Type A > The height f Capital ae dividod tab 14 equal porwr . Type 8 > The height Crpilel pier b Aided inte (0 quol ports . Blo wate propwed for ovny and fark -onteuntton 2.6 LINES, LETTERING AND DIMENSIONING 3 DIMENSIONING OF TYPE B_ LETTERS (Refer Fi and Table 1) a D BASELINE 3] —s BASELINE BASELINE FIG. 4) Table 1 Characteristics of Lettering Multiple of Dimensions (mm) Lettering height n [aor [25 [35 [5 7 [10 Height of lower-case letters ey | (T/0)h 17s [25 [35 [3 [7 Tail of lower-case letters 2 | GAA 07s [vos [us [21 [3 Stem of lower-case letters e [Gok ors [tos [rs [21 [3 | Spacing between characters a | (2/10) h os [or |i ta [2 Min, space between baselines” 6, | (15/10) h ose |s2snts 3 | Min. space between baselines” by | (13/10) 325 [455 | 65 13 Spacing between words @ | @/0h ts far [3 6 Line width @ [anon 025 [03s [os 1 1) Lettering style: Upper-case & lower-case leters 2) Lettering style: Upper-case letters only 44 HEIGHT OF LETTERS (h) ht h of Letters / Numerals by BIS Recommended h MAIN TITLE OF DRAWING Smm or Tmm or 10mm _SUB-TITLES (FRONT VIEW, etc.) : 3.3mm or Smm Dimensions, Numerals, Notes, et 2.5mm, 3.5mm or Smm LINES, LETTERING AND DIMENSIORING 2.7 45 VERTICAL CAPITAL & Lower-case LETTERS AND NUMERALS OF TYPE B Use a graph sheet and mark 10 units of vertical spacing for height h of the letters as shown below: VERTICAL CAPITAL & Lower=Case LETTERS AND NUMERALS OF 5 it a Example: Write freehand in single stroke vertical CAPITAL letters of 5 mm (h) size: | es ENGINEERING HICS IS THE VERSAL LANGUAGE Minimum spacing between baselines (Uppercase letters only) = by = (13/10)h = 6.5 Spacing between words (6/10) Exercise: Write freehand the following, in single stroke (CAPITAL and lower-case) letters: 1. Alphabets (Upper-case & Lower-case) and Numerals 0 to 9 (h =3.5,5 and 7mm) 2, SMALL THINGS MAKE PERFECTION, BUT PERFECTION IS NO SMALL THING. (h=S and 7mm) 3. LETTERING IS FREEHAND DRAWING AND NOT WRITING, (h=S mm) Dirnwnetoning t- . " Dymunnens Ahenld to plead enbride the Views 2a40pt AShon Ahy we Ctaror and mice eomly readable wwe Dimension Lines Ahinld ptr enois 204k athe, VAs far 0 porte, dinenytons #rewld het do Jhown Artwan lobed wos , * Dimension Linas vRowd be plaeed at iter 6 mm hom Art outlines amd (fiom one OE * Arron hand vhndd be potried and filled or. W Mold Ae at obont Gim tory amd Us Warimuam wid Amd 40. abont a7 Aevgth» The orum—had Aran frakand With two Ahokx mad th the Areatin of the foie omd Apoee bodwan Ahm yrotly frlbd Wp: °Dimenston figures arr wonally pao4od perpendiuan to the climenmion Lins and WW AUK a nanne, Ahad Ahoy Com te rod from Abe Ayo or right-hand edge of ts rousing hook Thy Arowd plored wor the nvidde and aby, but crane of the Aimnston Anos, 2.8 LINES, LETTERING AND DIMENSIONING 5. DIMENSIONING _ [IS 11669: 1986 and SP 46 : 2003 ] Indicating the sizes of the fearures (In Fig. 5, Circle isa feature; C.L. means Center Line or Axis) of the object and other details essential for its construction and function on a drawing by the use of lines, numerals, symbols, notes, etc., is called Dimensioning. 5.1 ELEMENTS OF DIMENSIONING OMNES 1. DIMENSION LINE (D.L.) Lo See Fig. 5. Dimension Line (D1) is a continuous narrow line, (4 Grawn parallel to the edge or surface whose measurement should be shown, It should be placed outside the view. Sometimes it may be placed inside the view, if the drawing = [pr [eu ‘becomes very clear by doing so. eae Dimension fine is placed at least 6 t0 10 mm away from the fics outline of the drawing. Its terminated by arrowheads at its ends. 2, EXTENSION LINE (E.L.) or PROJECTION LINE (P.L.) See Fig. 5. Extension Line (E.L.) or Projection Line (P-L.) is a continuous narrow line drawn perpendicular to the outline to be dimensioned and without leaving a gap from the outline. It is drawn extending slightly beyond the dimension line by about 2 mm. 3. LEADER LINE (L.L.) See Fig. 5. Leader Line (L:L.) is a continuows, narrow line, connecting a dimensional value formation relating to a feature, e.g, 15 in Fig. 5] with the 1g. Itis drawn at 30° or 45° or 60° to the horizontal or to the line it touches. When pointing to a circle or an arc, leader line is drawn radially. If the leader line ends on the outline of a drawing, it shall eo a have an arrowhead [Fig. 6(i)). If it ends within the outline of the drawing, it shall have a dot atthe end (Fig. 6/)} : © aes 4. ARROWHEADS See Fig. 7. An arrowhead is placed at each end of a Protea dimension line. The arrowhead may be open, closed of =a closed and filled in. Open type arrowhead is preferable ‘or fast execution. a In a drawing, only one style of arrowhead termination FIG.7 should be used. Shape of the arrowhead See Fig. 8. Length 1 of an arrowhead is about three times the width w. The size of the arrowheads should be proportionate to the size of the drawing. FiG.8 > LINES, LETTERING AND DIMENSIONING 2.9 See Fig. 9. Place the dimensional value parallel to and at the middle of Dimension Line. When the length of the dimension line is not sufficient, place arrowheads ou the Extension Line (e.g., dimensional value 5) or place the dimensional value (¢.g., 3) above the extended portion of the dimension line beyond the arrowhead. Oblique stroke See Fig. 10. Where space is too small for an arrowhead, the obligue stroke (drawn as a short line inclined at an angle of 45°) or a dot may be substituted as shown. §.2_ METHODS OF DIMENSIONING Method I: Aligned Method © See Fig. 1]. Dimensional value is placed above the dimension line without breaking it. It is placed parallel to and at the middle of the dimension line without touching it. Dimensional values are marked so that they can be read either from the bottom ‘or from the right hand side of the drawing. + Fig. 12 shows the method of placing dimensional values at different positions (on the dimension lines. © Angular dimensions Angular dimensions are oriented either asin Fig. 13 or Fig. 14 and Fig. 15. aye Method Il: Unidirectional Method: Fig. 16 70 ‘+ Dimensional values are indicated so that they may be read from the bottom of the drawing. Non-horizontal dimension lines are interrupted near the middle and the dimensional values are 4p inserted. This method is used on large drawings of automobiles, aircrafts, etc., where it may not be convenient to ean read the dimensions from right side. a Note: Method I is preferable. Only one method should be used on a drawing. 2.10. LINES, LETTERING AND DIMENSIONING 5.3_UNIT OF DIMENSIONING All dimensions in one particular drawing should be expressed in one unit only. BLS. recommended unit is millimeter. Abbreviation mm for millimeter need not be shown on each dimension of the drawing. Example: A dimension 25 means 25 mm. A foot note stating ‘ALL DIMENSIONS IN mm’ is written in a prominent place near Title Block. Ifany other unit like m or em is used, even then only the value is written as dimension. But, a foot-note like ‘ALL DIMENSIONS IN em” i inserted in a prominent place near Title Block. Note: i.__If the dimension is less than 1, a zero is placed before the decimal point. Example: 0.5 and not .5 Decimal point in a dimension should be written in line with the bottom line of the dimension value. Example: 0.5 and not 0S iii. Abbreviation for millimeters is not mms, but mm only. (s denotes seconds). In other words, s is not added for the plural of any units. S.4_ ARRANGEMENT OF DIMENSIONS 5.4.1 Chain Dimensioning See Fig. 17. When successive dimensions are arranged in a straight line, the method is known as Chain Dimensioning. Note that the chain of dimensions shall be arranged in a toae continuous straight line as shown. 5.4.2 Parallel Dimensioning See Fig. 18 Ce] Parallel Dimensioning is the placement of a number ‘os of single dimension lines parallel to one another from a 4 common origin. It is used where a number of dimensions oo have a common origin. FIG. 18 5.4.3 Combined Dimensioning See Fig. 19 When chain dimensioning and parallel dimensioning are used in a single drawing, it is called Combined Dimensioning. 5.5 SYMBOLS FOR SHAPE INDICATION Symbol for shape dimension value. Symbols used are: @- Diameter; R-Radius; C1) —- Square; S@- Spherical Diameter; SR - Spherical Radius. FIG. 19 LINES, LETTERING AND DIMENSIONING 2.11 ow 55.1 Circle NI See Fig. 20. A circle is y dimensioned using the symbol ©, by any one of the ways shown. & precedes the dimension value. ‘Always mark the diameter of a circle pate and not its radius. - a See Fig. 21. Cylindrical Diameter 1 ”) 8 . R10 Ra See Fig. 22, Anarc is dimensioned by its Radius R by any one of the ways shown. Only one arrowhead ith its point on the are end of the dimension line is used. Dimension line of a radius y L) 7 is é 7 cross. Fic. 22 oe should pass through the center of the arc. Mark the center with a small | Note: (i) Dimensions of small radii are shown preferably outside the view, due to want of space inside the view. Examples: R10 and R4 (ii) When the arc center falls outside the limits of space available, dimension line of radius is broken or interrupted according to whether or not itis necessary 0 locate the center. eg, RISO 5.54 Sphere soz sav See Fig. 23. VN Ci Use symbol S@ to represent Spherical LA Diameter and SR for Spherical Radius. The symbols «50 a shld pce denon va Cry Here, S stands for Sphere and R stands for © “= Radius, * FIG. 23 55.5 Square “ See Fig. 24 M4 Jas ‘Symbol C1 is used to represent a square and it should V\ precede the dimensional value. Square ends may also be indicated by diagonals drawn as thin lines. FIG. 24 2.12 LINES, LETTERING AND DIMENSIONING RULES FOR DI IONING ‘Mark the dimensions outside the view. (However, Diameter of circle / Radius of are may be shown inside.) Do not repeat the same dimension in different views. Note that every dimension must be “shown, but-none should be shown more than once. ‘Also, dimensions should not be placed very near to the parts being dimensioned. A. circle shall be dimensioned by its diameter symbol @ (and an arc by its radius symbol R) Convention @ or R. shall be placed before the dimensional value. Also, Center Lines (Axes) should extend approximately 3 mm beyond the outline of the part whose symmetry they indicate. Center line (axis) itself shall not be used as‘a dimension line with arrowheads at its ends. Dimensioning from a center line is incorrect, ‘except when the center line passes through the center of a hole. Also, center line may be extended to serve as an Extension Line as shown. Location of holes (i.e., distance between the centers of the holes) shall be dimensioned in the ‘view in which holes are visible. Also, Extension Line starts from the view and extend 2 mm beyond the dimension line. INCORRECT I FRONT view 20 CORRECT Li ‘30 EW - a é és Oo LINES, LETTERING AND DIMENSIONING 2.13 INCORRECT CORRECT 7. Dimensions shall be given to visible lines and not to hidden (invisible) ines, Also, dimension value should be placed little (approximately 2 mm) above the dimension line and not on the dimension line. . TAPER 1IN19 8. Taper on diameter shall be dimensioned as shown, Example: Taper = 2 9. If dimensioning inside a hatched portion of a drawing is unavoidable, the hatching lines should not cut the dimensional text. 10. Repeated Features: Repeated features of 2 os the same size are marked to avoid ant rn ae repeating the same dimensional value. Notes should always be written horizontally. Leader line shall be inclined Q at an angle of 30°, 45° or 60° to the horizontal as shown, 11. Overall Dimensioning: Overall dimension shall be placed outside the intermediate dimensions. ie., smaller dimensions shall be placed nearer the view and the larger farther away 50 that extension lines do not cross dimension lines. _( Extension lines may cross each other or the outlines of the drawing, such as the case of leader lines. ) * When an overall dimension is showa, one of the intermediate dimensions should not be marked, See Fig. 25, INCORRECT correct

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