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PGT105 – Electrical Engineering Technology

Assignment 2
What to do?
1. In your RY Programme, please set up a group of THREE(3) students and select ONE(1)
title from the below list. Make sure the title is different from other group within your
RY Programme.
a) Bullet train
b) Hydro power plant
c) Maximum power point tracking (MPPT)
d) Synchronous generator
e) Nuclear power plant
f) Electric car
g) Thin film solar cell
h) Coal power plant
i) Capacitor banks
j) Smart power monitoring
k) Biomass power generation
l) Industrial 4.0
m) Autonomous car
n) Transformer Open circuit & Short circuit test
o) Wind power generation
p) Wireless charging

2. Your assignment must contains: - Introduction, How it works?, Future trends,

Conclusion and References. Submission due date: Wed. 22 May 2019 (2359hrs)
3. Format: Font Size: Title=14 (bold), Normal Text=12, Spacing=1.15 and max number
of pages=10 pages (except Cover page). Copy, edit and attach the given cover page.

How to submit?
1. Students are required to submit their online copy of assignment in a *.DOC, *.DOCX
and *.PDF only to the Turnitin Software for plagiarism checking. Please enter Class ID
and Enrollment key as attached. Click to this link to join :

CLASS ID : 21241407

2. Division of marks is based on your contents and similarity index in Turnitin.

Similarity index in Turnitin Marks allocated Level
0 – 20% 11-15 Good
21 – 50% 6-10 Moderate
51% and above 1-5 Weak
Late 0 Pitiful




Student’s name

Programme (RY)

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