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Student Name: Phan Thị Phương Thảo

Class: EBDB 4
Order in the list: 52
ID: 11225967

X31 -- Ad Recall
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Do Not Recall Ads 201 67.0 67.0 67.0
Recall Ads 99 33.0 33.0 100.0
Total 300 100.0 100.0

There are 300 people fillded the form in total

The majority of respondents do not recall ads, accounting for 67% (201 people).
The number of respondents who recall ads accounted for 33% (99 people).

Reliability Statistics
Alpha Based
Cronbach's Standardized
Alpha Items N of Items
.928 .928 3

Item-Total Statistics
Corrected Squared Cronbach's
Scale Mean if Scale Variance Item-Total Multiple Alpha if Item
Item Deleted if Item Deleted Correlation Correlation Deleted
X22 -- Satisfaction 8.18 4.692 .834 .701 .909
X23 -- Likely to Return 8.56 4.636 .877 .769 .876
X24 -- Likely to
9.25 4.364 .848 .728 .900
Looking at the data table – Reliability Statistics – the Cronbach’s Alpha is 0.928 > 0.9, so that the
reliability of the variable group is very good.
Looking at the data table – Item-Total Statistics – the Corrected Item – Total Correlation of 3 variables
x22, x23, x24 is 0.834, 0.877, 0.848 respectively, they are all greater than 0.3, so that the confidence level
of each varibale is usable.

Descriptive Statistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
X22 -- Satisfaction 300 3 7 4.81 1.106
X23 -- Likely to Return 300 2 7 4.44 1.085
X24 -- Likely to
300 2 7 3.74 1.176
Valid N (listwise) 300

The lowest rating from the respondents is 3, the highest is 7, and the mean value from the customer
responses is 4.81 on a scale of 7. - In the satisfaction variable, we have N=300 in all variables. I therefore
draw the conclusion that patrons are generally satisfied with the restaurant.
In the variable likely to return, the highest from the respondenst is 7 and the lowest is 2. The mean value
from the customer responses is 4.44 on a scale of 7. As a result, I conclude that customers are somewhat
more likely to visit the restaurant again.
In the variable "likely to recommend," respondents gave it a mean score of 3.74 on a scale of 7, with 2
being the lowest and 7 being the highest. Therefore, I believe that respondents frequently refer friends and
acquaintances to restaurants.

Group Statistics
Std. Error
X31 -- Ad Recall N Mean Std. Deviation Mean
X24 -- Likely to Do Not Recall Ads 201 3.40 1.073 .076
Recommend Recall Ads 99 4.43 1.071 .108
Independent Samples Test
Levene's Test
for Equality of
Variances t-test for Equality of Means
Std. Confidence
Sig. Mean Error Interval of the
(2- Differen Differen Difference
F Sig. t df tailed) ce ce Lower Upper
X24 -- Equal
Likely to variances .070 .791 -7.833 298 .000 -1.031 .132 -1.290 -.772
Recommend assumed
variances -7.840 .000 -1.031 .132 -1.291 -.772
not assumed

We see that sig Levene’s Test = 0,791 > 0,05 so we use T-Test in the row Equal variances assumed. Sig T-
Test = 0,000 < 0,05, so in conclusion, respondents recall ads are more likely to recommend the restaurant
than the respondents do not recall

X27 -- Food X28 --
X26 -- Price Quality Atmosphere X29 -- Service
N Valid 300 300 300 300
Missing 0 0 0 0
Median 2.00 1.00 3.00 2.00
Mode 1 1 3 2

- Looking at the data table, we can see that N=300 for all variables, with the food quality and pricing
showing the highest levels of customer satisfaction most frequently, with a mode value of 1. The highest
frequency of discontent is present at a mode value of 3. The average level of satisfaction is a result of the
- At the same time, we can observe that the price has a value of 2, while the food quality has a value of 1
in the middle of the series (median). Because of this, consumers regard food quality more highly than
they do price.
In conclusion, the best aspect of a meal is its quality, which is then followed by its cost, its level of
service, and finally the restaurant's atmosphere quality than on pricing.

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