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Exercise 10: Choose the correct answer

1. How often …………….. to the cinema?

A. did you go
B. did you went
C. do you go
2. He ……………….. his best friend last week.
A. meets
B. meet
C. met
3. Sally always …………. her parents.
A. helped
B. helps
C. help
4. They ………….. their room yesterday.
A. didn’t tidy
B. doesn’t tidy
C. don’t tidy
5. I ……… her a question, but she …………..
A. ask, doesn’t reply
B. asked, didn’t reply
C. asks, didn’t reply
6. What time ………… you usually ………………?
A. do, wake up
B. does, wake up
C. did, wake up
7. He ……………. good last week.
A. didn’t felt
B. didn’t feel
C. doesn’t feel
Exercise 11: Choose the correct option
1. She (play/ plays) football every Sunday.
2. You (don’t like/ doesn’t like) milk.
3. The Titanic (sinked/ sunk) in 1912.
4. Where (do/ does) he (spend/ spends) his holiday?
5. When she was young, she (lives/ lived) in Seoul.
6. His brother (visited/ visitted) London last year.
7. We (tidy/ tidied) our rooms everyday.
8. I often (help/ helps) my mum.
Exercise 12: Correct the mistakes where necessary
1. I plays tennis every afternoon
2. My parents live in Paris in 2006
3. Jake listen to the radio in the morning
4. We ate eggs for breakfast yesterday.
5. My dog doesn’t bark at night
6. Vaxilin am a famous goalkeeper in the National Football Team
7. Jeni and Lisa doesn’t go swimming in the lake.
8. How often does he goes shopping in the Vinmark?
9. Mr. Alexander teaching them when they were freshmen in the university.
10. It was day in October, Luca ’s having to take the last exam of his student life.
Bài 12: chia động từ trong nghoặc ( tương lai)

1. I’m afraid I (not/be)______ event tomorrow.

2. Go and tidy your floor.

– Ok. They (do)__________ it.

3. If you busy, we (not/ go)_____

4. They (be) ________able to come to the US. I will be fifteen years old next

5. Ronaldo (play)_________ season.

6. Is Lan hungry? I (make)_____ a sandwich for her.

7. You needn’t wear your cap. It (not/be)______ cold today.

8. I think Lam (win)______the next game.

9. I promise, I (not disappoint)________you ever again.

10. Do you think Hoa (make)_______it on time home for the flight?
11. Hang feels sick. He (stay)________from work tomorrow.

12. The sky is very dark. It (rain)_____

13. That package looks very heavy. I (help)______you carry it.

14. Hung (wear) a black T-shirt to the meeting. What you (wear)________ ?

15. I (help)_______you with your housework tomorrow.

16. -Do you have any trip plans?

-Yes. We (take)_________.a trip to Japan.

17. -Can I please talk to the CEO?

-He (be) ___________ with you in a few minutes.

18. It’s very cold here. I (open)______the windows for you.

19. I (help)_____ Lan with the advertising campaign.

20. I promise you (not/ lose)___ job.

21. The weatherman says it (be)______a to the beautiful day tomorrow. My

family (go)_. beach.

22. I left my wallet at home.

-That’s ok. I (lend)______my friend some money.

23. I’m thirsty. I (get)______you a glass of water.

24. It’s very late. Hurry up or we (miss)______the plane.

25. This homework is very easy. I know Lan (do)______it very quickly.

26. My mom thinks that it (rain)_____tomorrow.

27.I (buy)_______ a new CD player next month.

28. There’s no milk left. Oh. I (get)_______from the market.

29. That bowl is too near the edge. I think it (fall)______

30. “Tomorrow (be)_______sunny everywhere_______in our city”, the

weatherman said.

31. He (be)____________ 20 on his next birthday.

32. I think the conservatives (win)_____________ next election.

33. If she passes the TOEIC test, her parents (be)_____________ proud of her.

34. I’m hot. I (turn)____ off the fire

35. Your mom (be)_______there in a few minutes.

36. She hopes that Mai (come)________to the meeting tonight.

37. I (finish)______my tasks in two days.

38. You look so tired. I (bring)_________ you something to drink.

39. She has planned everything for the trip. She (buy)__________ down snacks
for lunch.

40. What you (become)______ when you grow up?

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