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LET Review Material 26

1.       Jesus and Lily differed by 10 raw scores points in both a spelling test and
an arithmetic test. Knowing that the standard deviation for the spelling test
was 5 and for the arithmetic test was 10, one can say that Jesus and Lily:
A.      Have the same relative ranks on both tests.
B.      Are more alike in spelling than in arithmetic.
C.      Are more alike in arithmetic than in spelling.
D.      Are alike in spelling than in arithmetic.
E.       Cannot be compared in the two tests.
Answer: E

2.       The basic difference between educational aims and educational objectives

lies in:
A.      How they are used.
B.      Their breadth and scope.
C.      The type of curriculum adopted.
D.      The opinions of curriculum experts.
E.       The degree of emphasis given to each.
Answer: B

3.       The primary factor to consider in evaluating educational  outcome is

A.      The needs of the learners.
B.      The school’s resources.
C.      The curriculum program.
D.      The objective of education.
E.       The learner’s ability to transfer learning.
Answer: D

4.       The teacher says, “This written composition is not well organized.” The
verbal behavior of this teacher can be classified under:
A.      Handling of information.
B.      Helping students express themselves.
C.      Imposing a standard of performance.
D.      Helping students develop a plan.
E.       Imposing a style of writing.
Answer: C

5.       In evaluating the student’s work, no teacher should allow himself or herself
to be influenced by any consideration other than:
A.      Merit

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B.      Personal equation
C.      Compassion
D.      Power and prestige
E.       Friendship
Answer: A

6.       Which of the following objectives can be classified under evaluation?

A.      To differentiate between fact and theory.
B.      To arrange events in order of occurrence.
C.      To determine the main events of person’s life as given in a biography.
D.      To name the parts of a butterfly.
E.       To select adverbs from a list of words.
Answer: C

7.       To determine through a study the effectiveness of a new method of

teaching a certain course, the teacher must obtain which of the following?
A.      Data before using the new method.
B.      Data after using the new method.
C.      Data during the application of the method.
D.      A and B above.
E.       A, B and C above.
Answer: E

8.       You are assigned three sections of fourth year students in composition and
literature. If you would like to know where to begin the course, it would be
helpful if you give.
A.      An achievement test.
B.      A diagnostic test.
C.      An aptitude test
D.      An intelligence test
E.       A performance test.
Answer: B

9.       The pretesting of instructional materials is a functional of

A.      Summative evaluation
B.      Program evaluation
C.      Secondary evaluation
D.      Formative evaluation
E.       Staff evaluation
Answer: B

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10.   The use of projective techniques is not generally recommended for

evaluation purpose because:
A.      The administration, scoring and interpretation of these tests require special
training and skill.
B.      These tests are difficult to procure.
C.      These have low reliability coefficients.
D.      Available tests do not report validity and reliability studies.
E.       Results are confidential and only a few have access to them.
Answer: A

11.   Micro testing is a modern approach in teacher training chiefly characterized

A.      The use of sophisticated laboratory equipment to teach minute objects.
B.      Actual teaching of a real lesson to a large group.
C.      Teaching a hypothetical lesson to a small group.
D.      Actual teaching of a real lesson to a small group.
E.       The use of a tape recorder in teaching.
Answer: C

12.   In evaluating a finish project in home economics or in a shop work, which of

the following would be most useful:
A.      Completion-type test.
B.      Score card
C.      Recognition-type test
D.      Oral test
E.       Check list.
Answer: E

13.   The best indication of the effectiveness of an educational program would be:

A.      The degree of success in one’s occupation.
B.      The rich and varied curricular offerings.
C.      The school’s annual increase in enrollment.
D.      The sound objectives based on a sound educational philosophy.
E.       The desired change manifested in learner’s behavior.
Answer: E

14.   For which type of learning outcomes would be the easy test be least useful?
A.      Application of principles.
B.      Organization of ideas
C.      Thinking skills
D.      Understanding of principles

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E.       Knowledge of facts
Answer: E

15.   The primary aim of education research is:

A.      To contribute to the existing research literature.
B.      To collect empirical data on problems related to teaching and learning.
C.      To provide practical and workable solution to man’s problem.
D.      To evaluate the educational system.
E.       To gather scientific data upon which educational innovations may be
Answer: C

16.   A study was planned to see if it would be possible to identify teachers who
were consistent (across different groups of students) and relatively effective or
ineffective in terms of students’ performance on the basic skills of
mathematics. In a research like this, which aims to identify patterns of
behavior that make a difference in student learning, it is important to focus all
observations at least initially on:
A.      The teacher’s activity while teaching the subject.
B.      Students’ participation in the lesson.
C.      Student and teacher interaction.
D.      Classroom activity during the teaching of the subject.
E.       Teaching strategies and teaching devices used.
Answer: D

17.   The most essential characteristics of a psychological test is:

A.      Objectively of scoring.
B.      Accuracy of measurement
C.      The adequacy with which it serves its purposes.
D.      Comprehensiveness in sampling of items.
E.       Its acceptability to the subjects as valid test.
Answer: C

18.   The experimental approach type of research offers one distinct advantage

over types in that t affords:
A.      Repeatability for verification of results.
B.      Economy of time and effort.
C.      Absolute control of all related variables.
D.      An opportunity to build up a new theory.
E.       All of the above.
Answer: C

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19.   The first step in the research process is a precise formulation of the

question to be investigated. The statement of the problem used should also
A.      Statement of sub-problems.
B.      Hypotheses of the study.
C.      A brief summary of researches relevant to the problem.
D.      Definitions of major subject employed.
E.       All of het above.
Answer: A

20.   The determine the effectiveness of instruction in art education and the

development of the child’s potentialities, the child should be evaluated:
A.      On the basis of adult “tests”.
B.      In relation to the creative expression of children his age.
C.      On the basis of his intellectual maturity.
D.      On the basis of his creative intelligence.
E.       In all the aspects of growth and development.
Answer: D

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