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Dependant on "good will"

... Although these examples of positive practice are slowly pushing

the boundaries of domestic possibilities of the media, in the words of
Bruno Tot "; in our country it is still very slow and on a small scale",
and that for several reasons. First of all, it is important to draw
attention to the still insufficient familiarity with the very problem of
adjustment, as well as the lack of understanding of "what, how and
then neither why adapt [program] "- problems that are already in
2016 at the round table in as part of the Human Rights Film Festival
mentioned Mirjana Juriša, President of the Society interpreter and
translator of sign language for the deaf and Marica Mirić, activist and
representative Community of the Association of Persons with
Disabilities. Another problem concerns legislation, respectively
defining accessibility standards and law enforcement. Although in the
Republic of Croatia passed a law on mandatory accessibility of media
content on public services, as already the previously mentioned
agreement between HRT and associations of persons with sensory
difficulties, there is also the so - called "Accessibility Statement"
which network content owners publish as would clearly define what
accessibility is about and what is still being worked on. The trap of
the document is that it actually, as Toth explains, “deprives the media
owner of any responsibilities and consequences in case of
inaccessibility of the program under the pretext of being on it yet
works "...... It is important to note that not all guidelines and
directives are strictly binding on individuals, companies and
institutions and they are still being implemented thanks to someone's
"good will" and mostly after and not during content creation which
significantly complicates and slows down the overall program
adjustment process ....... Although we are still far from fully adapting
and making audio-visual accessible content to people with visual
impairments, positive changes are very visible, which we
confirmed by our interlocutors. Thanks to all the previously
mentioned collaborations and approved projects, the media
community began to develop adequate standards for adaptation of
film content, and more importantly, there is a growing awareness of
the need to increase the percentage of inclusive programs on the
public media service. Places for progress is progressing, as
uncoordinated and unequal accessibility to all species media content,
as well as cultural and entertainment, is exceptional discriminatory
practices that have no place in the 21st century, when all possibilities
are adaptable very much made possible by technological advances.

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